Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José

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Juan José
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Rodríguez Bencomo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Químicas
Química Analítica
Química Analítica
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 26
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    Project number: 172
    Mentoría pedagógica como método de formación del profesorado universitario. Experiencia en la asignatura "Química Analítica I" del grado en Química
    (2023) Sánchez Sánchez, Alfredo; Villalonga Santana, Reynaldo; Urraca Ruiz, Javier; Gracia Lor, Emma; Vilela García, Diana; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Molla Escudero, David; Mayol Hornero, Beatriz; Villalonga Chico, Anabel
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    Project number: PIMCD175/23-24
    Tutoriales y videotutoriales de software de utilidad para Informática Aplicada a la Química
    (2024) González Prieto, Rodrigo; Caceres Gianni, Jorge Omar; Cembellín Santos, Sara; Fernández López, Israel; García Baonza, Valentín; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José
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    Improved method to quantitatively determine powerful odorant volatile thiols in wine by headspace solid-phase microextraction after derivatization
    (Journal of Chromatography A, 2009) Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Schneider, Rémi; Lepoutre, Jean-Paul; Rigou, Peggy
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    First approach to the use of wood from Mediterranean species for the accelerated aging of alcoholic beverages
    (Wood Science and Technology, 2023) Bargalló‑Guinjoan, Carles; Matias‑Guiu, Pau; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; López, Francisco
    The aging of alcoholic beverages in wood barrels is a very common practice that allows the improvement of the organoleptic characteristics of the products. Although oak wood is most sually used for manufacturing barrels, the new trends based on accelerated aging processes by using wood chips have encouraged the study of other wood species that could confer its specifc characteristics for obtaining diferentiated beverages. In this work, three Mediterranean wood species, olive tree (Olea europaea L.), almond tree (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb) and common grape vine (Vitis vinífera L. (White Grenache)), as well as the usual French oak (Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl.) were macerated in alcohol–water solution to determine optimal extraction conditions, evaluating the polyphenol extraction, color parameters and organoleptic characteristics. To do that, a central composite design was applied to each wood species considering the toasting level, the dose of chips and alcoholic strength of the extracting solution. In addition, a kinetics study was carried out. From the results, it can be suggested that the optimum conditions for the accelerated aging (based on polyphenol extraction) are a high toasting level of chips, a dose of 18 g/L and macerating in an alcoholic solution of 60% v/v, for a minimum period of 70 days. Sensory analysis showed that the organoleptic characteristics of almond and vine wood are similar to those of French oak, except for the vanilla parameter (higher in both wood species compared to oak), and that the vine wood also pre sents a more smoky character. Olive wood difers from other wood species due to a greater fruit and foral character, and organoleptic characteristics less associated with oak wood.
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    Improved mineralization by combined advanced oxidation processes
    (Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011) Rey Muñoz, Ana Isabel; Carbajo Olleros, Jaime; Adán, Cristina; Faraldos, Marisol; Bahamonde, Ana; Casas De Pedro, José Antonio; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José
    Different single treatments and a combined process based on two advanced oxidation processes, catalytic wet peroxide oxidation and photocatalysis, have been tested for the purpose of achieving complete mineralization using phenol as target compound at medium-range concentration (200 mg L−1). The heterogenous catalysts that were used were a home-made activated carbon-supported iron catalyst (FeCN), and the commercial Aeroxide titania P25. An important improvement in the rate and percentage of TOC removal was achieved by combining both catalysts in a hybrid process based on a mixture of FeCN and TiO2 P25 (50:50 wt.%) in the same photoassisted reactor in ambient conditions. TOC evolution has been modelled for all the treatments for comparative purposes. The hybrid process allowed a highly efficient use of hydrogen peroxide with the almost complete oxidation of phenol to CO2 and H2O by using the theoretical stoichiometric amount of H2O2. Among the different advantages of this hybrid process is the rapid and effective degradation of the aromatic compounds adsorbed onto the Fe/CN catalyst surface as a consequence of synergistic effect of the two catalysts in the presence of irradiation light in ambient conditions, achieving a higher degree of mineralization of short-chain organic acids that are resistant and refractory to CWPO treatment. Finally, the stability and durability of this catalytic mixture (FeCN + titania P25) in hybrid mode have been examined through four consecutive cycles. A constant organic matter removal was observed during the last three consecutive cycles in which 90% of total organic carbon conversion was achieved.
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    Removal of biogenic amines from hydroalcoholic solutions by functionalized silica
    (Food Chemistry, 2019) Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Mehdi, Ahmad
    The structure and the cation-exchange functional groups of hybrid silica materials were evaluated for the effective detoxification of hydroalcoholic solutions containing eight toxic biogenic amines (BA) usually found in fermented beverages. Results show the effectiveness of the removal is related to the number of amino functions in the extracted molecule, retention by the solid being more effective in the case of multiple amino groups, since retention is stabilized through interaction with the material surface at several points. BA with one amino function (isoamylamine, tyramine, β-phenylethylamine), in general, showed a weak retention by the solids. For BA with more than two amine groups (spermine, spermidine), the removal rate was close to 100% for all studied materials. For histamine, cadaverine and putrescine, the removal percentages were higher with a lamellar structured sulfonic acid functionalized material and with bifunctional materials (SBA-15 type and macroporous) containing sulfonic/phosphonic acid groups obtained by co-condensation sol-gel route.
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    The potential of plum seed residue: unraveling the effect of processing on phytochemical composition and bioactive properties
    (International Journal of Molecular Science, 2024) Rodríguez-Blázquez, Sandra; Pedrera-Cajas, Laura; Gómez Mejía, Esther; Vicente Zurdo, David; Rosales Conrado, Noelia; León González, María Eugenia De; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Miranda Carreño, Rubén
    Bioactive compounds extracted from plum seeds were identified and quantified, aiming to establish how the brandy manufacturing process affects the properties and possible cascade valorization of seed residues. Extraction with n-hexane using Soxhlet has provided oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids (92.24–92.51%), mainly oleic acid (72–75.56%), which is characterized by its heart-healthy properties. The fat extracts also contain tocopherols with antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. All the ethanol–water extracts of the defatted seeds contain neochlorogenic acid (90–368 µg·g−1), chlorogenic acid (36.1–117 µg·g −1), and protocatechuate (31.8–100 µg·g−1) that have an impact on bioactive properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidant. Anti-amyloidogenic activity (25 mg·mL−1) was observed in the after both fermentation and distillation extract, which may be related to high levels of caffeic acid (64 ± 10 µg·g −1m). The principal component analysis showed that all plum seed oils could have potential applications in the food industry as edible oils or in the cosmetic industry as an active ingredient in anti-aging and anti-stain cosmetics, among others. Furthermore, defatted seeds, after both fermentation and distillation, showed the greatest applicability in the food and nutraceutical industry as a food supplement or as an additive in the design of active packaging.
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    Application of glycosidic aroma precursors to enhance the aroma and sensory profile of dealcoholised wines
    (Food Research International, 2013) Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Selli, Serkan; Muñoz-González, Carolina; Martín-Álvarez, Pedrp; Pozo-Bayón, Maria Angeles
    The addition of glycosidic aroma precursors isolated from grapes to reinforce the aroma profile of a dealcoholised white wine has been investigated. Moreover, the use of oenological glycosidases and the effect of storage (30. days) on the evolution of the released aglycones were evaluated. Four types of dealcoholised wines: control (CTR), control with enzyme addition (CTR-E), wine with added aroma precursors (PREC) and wine with enzyme and aroma precursors (PREC-E) were prepared. The analysis of free volatile compounds by HS-SPME-GC-MS and the application of multivariate statistical analysis confirmed differences in the volatile profile between CTR and PREC wines. By applying aroma dilution and olfactometry analysis (AEDA-GC-O), 20 odour notes were detected. The highest dilution factors eliciting floral like odour were found in PREC wines and identified as linalool, geraniol and β-phenylethyl alcohol. Sensory descriptive analysis confirmed higher intensity in Muscat and floral attributes in these wines, which open the possibility to new technological application based on using aroma precursors to enhance the aroma characteristics of wines with low aroma intensity.
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    Determination of esters in dry and sweet white wines by headspace solid-phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography.
    (Journal of Chromatography A., 2002) Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; Conde, Jose Elias; Rodríguez-Delgado, Maria Angeles; García-Montelongo, Francisco; Pérez Trujillo, Francisco Javier
    Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) was studied for the high-resolution gas chromatographic (HRGC) analysis of esters in wines. Five different SPME fibers were tested and the influence of different factors such as temperature and time of desorption, extraction time, extraction technique, stirring, sample and vial volume, sugar and ethanol content were studied and optimised using model solutions. The proposed HS-SPME–GC method is an appropriate technique for the quantitative analysis of esters in dry and sweet white wines
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    A winery-scale trial of the use of antimicrobial plant phenolic extracts as preservatives during wine ageing in barrels
    (Food Control, 2013) González-Rompinelli, Eva; Rodríguez Bencomo, Juan José; García-Ruiz, Almudena; Sánchez-Patán, Fernando; Martín-Álvarez, Pedro; Bartolomé, Begoña; Moreno-Arribas, Victoria
    Antimicrobial plant extracts rich in polyphenols have recently been proposed as a total or partial alternative to sulfites during winemaking. This paper reports a first winery-scale trial of the addition of antimicrobial plant extracts during wine ageing in wood. Before being distributed in oak barrels, a Verdejo wine was treated with either a SO2 regular dose (160mg/L) or with a SO2 half-dose (80mg/L), together with two phenolic-rich extracts from eucalyptus leaves and almond skins (100mg/L). Some of the wine was also stored in a stainless steel tank for comparison. After 6 months of ageing, the wine treated with the phenolic extracts remained microbiologically stable and showed correct enological parameters. Also, the volatile and phenolic composition of the wine was specifically determined to ascertain whether the addition of these phenolic extracts would affect the organoleptic properties of the wine.