Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas

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First Name
Antonio Lucas
Last Name
Manzanero Puebla
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
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    Trauma, reparation and quality of life in victims of armed conflict after peace agreements
    (Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 2022) Simancas-Fernández, Marlene R.; Celedón-Rivero, José Carlos; Salas-Picón, Wilson M.; Salgado-Ruiz, Diana E.; Echeverry-Londoño, María C.; Vásquez-Campos, John H.; Guarch-Rubio, Marta; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas
    The present study evaluates the quality of life of 1,139 surviving victims of the Colombian armed conflict benefited from some actions of reparation, through a brief sociodemographic and victimological survey and the WHO quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire, which takes into account perceived physical and mental health, social relations, and environmental factors. The results show that the quality of life of the victims of the armed conflict, once peace agreements had been reached, remained low or medium-low. The number of victimizing events suffered and the time elapsed have little effect on the quality of life, with type of trauma being more relevant. Land-related experiences, such as expropriation, had fundamentally an influence on environmental factors. Kidnappings, sexual assaults, and events where minors were involved affected mental health. Victims of sexual assault were those whose quality of life was most affected and torture victims were those with a lower index of global quality of life. Simple passing of time did not mean quality of life increase with specific interventions being needed to repair damage. To repair the damage caused, special attention should be paid to the sociodemographic characteristics of each victim, the type of aggression suffered, and their needs in the areas of physical and mental health, and economic resources.
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    Memory wars: A solution to the conflict.
    (Papeles del Psicólogo/Psychologist Papers, 2024) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Morales Valiente, Claudia
    The validity of dissociative memory in forensic contexts and the causes of the so-called “memory wars” are discussed. Misconceptions between clinical and forensic psychology, a deficient definition of amnesia, and the difficulties inherent in studying traumatic memories contribute to the persistence of this controversy. Particularly in the field of forensic psychology, the debate could be attributed to the lack of consensus on scientific evidence. Psychologists need to establish an empirical foundation to understand better the mechanisms of memory involved in remembering and forgetting traumatic memories. The Continuous Accessibility Model of Memory is outlined to explain the retrieval of the different degrees of accessibility to autobiographical memories based on different factors.
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    Descriptive analysis of the characteristics of proven cases of sexual abuse in victims with intellectual disabilities and children with typical development in Spain.
    (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2021) Vara, Alba; Quintana, José Manuel; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Escorial Martín, Sergio
    Children and people with intellectual disability (ID) are considered to be highly vulnerable and in need of special protection against sexual abuse (SA). The objective of this work was to analyze the characteristics of cases of SA in children with typical development and in people with ID in Spain. To do so, 25 cases of each type that had been investigated by specialized groups of the Judicial Police of the Spanish Civil Guard and that had been classified as proven and confirmed by police and forensic-medical evidence were analyzed. The results allowed the establishment of the typical minor victim profile as Spanish female (76%), with an average age of 8.64 years. Typical victim with ID was characterized as being of Spanish, aged 20.28 years on average, without prior sexual experience, and similar percentages of males (40%) and females (60%). In both cases, the aggressor usually acted alone, was known to the victim, had an average age of 42 years, and without a history of sexual offenses. The most common child sexual crime was SA with penetration, practiced repeatedly, using strategies such as the use of force, authority, rewards, or secrecy. Victims with ID suffered sexual abuse with penetration, using force, authority, threats or blackmail. Finally, 36% of minors not disclose the events by only 8% of victims with ID. Spontaneity was found in the 40% first disclosure in both victims, with greater police evidence and greater recognition of guilt on behalf of the aggressors against victims without disabilities. Minors took an average of 26.26 days to report the facts, and victims with ID of 64.94. It is necessary to know more about these types of offenses to design appropriate prevention and detection programs.
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    Optimizing CBCA and RM research: Recommendations for analyzing and reporting data on content cues to deception
    (Psychology, Crime, & Law, 2021) Sporer, Sigfried L.; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Masip, Jaume
    For more than a century, verbal content cues to deception have been investigated to assess the credibility of statements in judicial contexts. Among the many cues investigated, Criteria-based Content Analysis (CBCA) and criteria based on the reality monitoring (RM) approach have been most prominent. However, research with these cues used as ‘tools’ has not fully exploited their potential. We critically discuss statistical approaches used in past research and recommend a series of 12 principles or guidelines researchers should follow to design, analyze and report future studies on detecting deception with verbal content cues. To illustrate some of these points, we present analyses from two separate studies: A quasi-experiment in a field setting conducted with adults with intellectual disabilities who truthfully or deceptively described a negative autobiographical event to an interviewer, and a large-scale simulation study where adults wrote an account of either an experienced or an invented significant life event. Accounts in both studies were rated with CBCA and RM criteria, as well as by ‘naive’ raters.
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    Dissociative Amnesia beyond the Evidence about the Functioning of Memory
    (Anuario de Psicología, 2019) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Palomo Seldas, Rubén
    Se ha debatido largamente sobre la realidad de las amnesias disociativas. Desde perspectivas clínicas se ha apoyado la existencia de este fenómeno que se ha intentado extrapolar a contextos legales. Sin embargo, existe poca evidencia para poder confirmarlo, al tiempo que las amnesias disociativas o memorias reprimidas irían en contra de las evidencias sobre el funcionamiento de la memoria. La confusión entre psicología clínica y psicología forense, una inadecuada definición de amnesia, el desconocimiento de muchos de los mecanismos de la memoria y los problemas inherentes a la investigación sobre las memorias traumáticas explicarían la falta de acuerdo.
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    From victims to survivors: Resilience in the Sahrawi refugee camps
    (Revista de Victimología/Journal of Victimology, 2023) Guarch-Rubio, Marta; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Byrne, Steven
    Being a long-term refugee undermines the confidence to overcome this legal status. As time passes people might feel trapped in time and in space and both factors contribute to their learned helplessness. What can they do to be relieved from it? Resilience elements might be buffers to deal with it. This exploratory study focuses on the evaluation of the degree of resilience in a sample of people residing in the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria). Twenty-nine women and thirteen men, with an average age of 34.50 years were assessed. At the time they were evaluated, they had been living in a protracted refugee condition for a mean of 30.71 years. They were interviewed using a specific designed clinical questionnaire and the Resilience Scale by Wagnild and Young (1993). According to the data, 38.09% of the refugees scored a low level of resilience; 33.33% a medium level; and 28.57% a high level. Being born in a refugee camp and having little hope for the future depicted a negative correlation with coping strategies. Moreover, 50% of the participants cited fears and insecurities associated with the political situation that keeps them as refugees whereas 54.8% of them expressed hope for a positive future. No gender and age differences were found in the resilience capacity. This research contributes to the literature and shines a light on the emotional well-being of those most marginalised populations
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    Amnesia disociativa más allá de las evidencias sobre el funcionamiento de la memoria
    (Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 2020) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Palomo Seldas, Rubén
    Se ha debatido largamente sobre la realidad de las memorias disociativas. Desde perspectivas clínicas se ha apoyado la existencia de este fenómeno que se ha intentado extrapolar a contextos legales. Sin embargo, existe poca evidencia para poder confirmarlo, al tiempo que las memorias disociativas o reprimidas irían en contra del funcionamiento normal de la memoria. La confusión entre psicología clínica y psicología forense, una inadecuada definición de amnesia, la carencia de un completo conocimiento de los mecanismos de la memoria, y los problemas inherentes a la investigación sobre las memorias traumáticas explicarían la falta de acuerdo.
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    Remembering terrorist attacks: evolution over time
    (Memory Studies, 2021) Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Vallet, Rocio; Escorial Martín, Sergio; Fernández Sánchez, Juan; Vicente Pérez, Francisco De; Guarch-Rubio, Marta; Vara, Alba
    The present study aims to analyse the effect of the passage of time on the phenomenological characteristics of the memory of a traumatic event of social relevance. The terrorist attack that took place in Barcelona (Spain) in August 2017 was taken as the traumatic event. A priori, this event meets the criteria to produce a flashbulb memory (level of surprise, consequentiality and emotional activation). A total of 364 memories from different individuals (78% women and a mean age of 20 years) were studied at five different time points, between September 2017 and December 2018, using the CCFRA/PQAM questionnaire. The results show that the memories only comply with the characteristics usually associated with flashbulb memories in the medium term (about 7 months after the events). These characteristics do not appear in a clear way immediately and are lost just over a year after the event. Therefore, the passage of time seems to have a great influence on the characteristics of memories of violent events, such as terrorist attacks. However, this influence may depend more on the relevance given to the event than on the elapsed time, as it is the relevance that determines the number of subsequent recalls, influencing the maintenance of the memory.
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    Guía de intervención policial con personas con discapacidad intelectual. Adaptada al Cuerpo Nacional de Policía
    (2014) Alemany, Alberto; Quintana, José Manuel; Recio Hoyas, María José; Silva, Eva A.; Martorell, Almudena; González, José Luis; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas; Cendra, Jacobo; Potes, Beatriz
    Guía de intervención policial con personas con discapacidad intelectual. Esta guía permitirá a las Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado adaptar el procedimiento cuando una persona con discapacidad participe en una investigación policial. Ofrece un marco conceptual para comprender mejor la discapacidad mental, pero también herramientas específicas para mejorar la comunicación al proporcionar los medios necesarios. De esta manera, propone un ajuste específico, ya sea durante las audiencias o durante la presentación de los sospechosos a los testigos. Su implementación asegurará la ejecución de la investigación de conformidad con la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad.
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    Assessment of testifying ability in preschool children: CAPALIST.
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2021) Contreras, María José; Prieto, Gerardo; Silva, Eva A.; González, José Luis; Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas
    Purpose: Interviews to obtain statements in judicial procedures need to be adapted to the witnesses’ abilities to testify. Moreover, knowing the cognitive abilities involved in testifying provides relevant criteria to assess statement credibility. As age or intelligence quotient is not enough to estimate these capabilities, an instrument to evaluate witnesses’ specific abilities to testify is needed. The present paper validates CAPALIST, a procedure that considers relevant capabilities when assessing the testimony given by children. Methods: This study analyzed, by means of an invariant measurement approach (Rasch model), four scales included in CAPALIST: language, memory, contextual information, and social thinking. In addition, gender and age differences were analyzed in 83 children [45 males and 38 females; Mage = 4.3 years, SD = 0.74, range (3.06–5.11)] from three courses in early childhood education. Results: The four scales do not severely violate the requirements of the model. The principal component analysis of the residuals indicates that the four scales are one dimensional and that the assumption of local independence was not violated. Differential item functioning of the scales associated with gender was not detected. A significant effect of the school year was obtained, with an increase in ability in successive courses. The percentage of children who presented severe misfit responses with the model was low. In addition, the number of items with a severe misfit was also low. Conclusion: An acceptable performance of CAPALIST is demonstrated for most of the scales, although items with a severe misfit must be replaced, and more difficult items have to be included in some scales of the revised version of the instrument. CAPALIST is a promising procedure to assess the abilities of children to testify in order to adapt interviews and to evaluate their statements correctly.