Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen

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First Name
Almudena Carmen
Last Name
Barrientos Báez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias de la Informacion
Teorías y Análisis de la Comunicación
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
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  • Item
    La convergencia de redacciones online y de papel desde el pensamiento de McLuhan
    (Visual Review: International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 2022) Barceló Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Gamonal Arroyo, Roberto; Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen
    The Internet convulsed journalism and created new press models based on budgets radically different from those that traditionally shaped the performance of the profession. Although at first the newspapers created different work structures for paper and web media, the final decision of the journalistic companies was to create a single newsroom for paper and web media. This article investigates if from the theory of Communication, and especially from the works of McLuhan, this decision is or is not justified in a correct way.
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    Mcluhan’s theories and convergence of online and paper`s newsrooms
    (Visual Review, 2022) Barceló Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen; Gamonal Arroyo, Roberto
    The Internet convulsed journalism and created new press models based on budgets radically different from those that traditionally shaped the performance of the profession. Although at first the newspapers created different work structures for paper and web media, the final decision of the journalistic companies was to create a single newsroom for paper and web media. This article investigates if from the theory of Communication, and especially from the works of McLuhan, this decision is or is not justified in a correct way.
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    Model for the identification of key elements in the management of labor relations and conflict: impact on the internal customer of hotel organizations and on Sustainable Development Goals 8
    (Administrative Sciences, 2023) Vicente Pascual, José Antonio; Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen; Paradinas Márquez, María del Carmen
    The object of the study is to examine conflicts that occur in hotel companies, how they affect their structure, the quality of the work environment, the well-being of their workers, and their perception of the management of labor relations and conflict. For any company that wants to orient its efforts towards the fulfillment of the SDGs established in the 2030 Agenda, in this case, SDG 8 on decent work for all, it is key to understand which variables have the greatest influence on the management of labor relations and conflict. The aim is to identify those areas where they should focus their efforts to avoid organizational malaise that leads to economic and emotional costs derived from lower productivity and increased absenteeism, thus affecting their competitiveness. Information was collected to validate the objectives using a questionnaire with 57 items completed by workers with at least 5 years of experience in the sector. Using a simple linear regression, 10 key variables have been identified to explain the global satisfaction of employees, such as treatment, respect for company values, and the existence of defined processes and responsibilities.
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    Estrategias para favorecer la comunicación Universidad-Empresa y fomentar la inserción laboral de los estudiantes a lo largo de su trayectoria formativa
    (2023) Fuente González, Elena De La; Alache Manchado, Beatriz; Ayllon Salazar, Joaquin; Balea Martín, Ana; Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen; Blanco Suárez, María Ángeles; Comin Barrio, Jorge; Corpa Garcia, Elena; Corpa Santos, Cristina; Dieguez Molina, Xena Teresa; Finkel Morgenstern, Lucila; Gallego Ferrández, Alicia; Gómez Sierra, María Eugenia; Martín Hernández, Mª Isabel; Martínez Lezon, Leila; Monte Lara, María Concepción; Negro Álvarez, Carlos Manuel; Ojembarrena Jiménez, Francisco De Borja; Parra Contreras, María Pilar; Sánchez Salvador, José Luis; Sanz González, Javier; Souto Casas, Alberto; Tijero Cruz, Antonio; Valdés Antón, Pablo; Vergara Ortega, Sandra; Xu, Hongyu
    El objetivo general de este proyecto de innovación docente titulado “Estrategias para favorecer la comunicación Universidad-Empresa y fomentar la inserción laboral de los estudiantes a lo largo de su trayectoria formativa” fue desarrollar estrategias para potenciar la comunicación directa y transversal Universidad-Empresa con el fin de mejorar el conocimiento y estimular la formación de los estudiantes (ES) del grado en Ingeniería Química (GIQ), grado en Química (GQ) y grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (GCyTA), y facilitar la adquisición, por parte del estudiante, de una visión propia del mercado laboral que le permita establecer una meta o visión personal que aumente su motivación durante su trayectoria formativa. Adicionalmente, el docente podrá incrementar la motivación de sus alumnos y mejorar su rendimiento académico. Asimismo, será posible conocer el interés de los estudiantes por la carrera investigadora y docente, y mantener una conexión actualizada con el ámbito laboral, estableciendo contactos que faciliten la integración de los estudiantes en el mundo laboral.
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    Project number: PIMCD198/23-24
    Universidad y sociedad: comunicación, integración y colaboración con empresas e instituciones públicas y organizaciones no lucrativas. Hacia la excelencia del aprendizaje en la innovación responsable
    (2024) García Nieto, María Teresa; Armirola Garcés, Ledy; Barberá González, Rafael; Barrientos Báez, Almudena Carmen; Cabrera Fernández, María; Caldevilla Domínguez, David; Carbonell Curralo, Emma Gabriela; Casas Mas, Belén; Davara Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Almeida Maia e Carmo, María Teresa de; Monte Mediavilla, Julia del; Díaz Oliver Fernández Hijicos, Ana María; Elena Rodríguez, Aránzazu; Gárate Armijo, Sebastián; García García, Javier; García García, David; Gonzálvez Vallés, Juan Enrique; López Gimeno, María Teresa; Martínez Fernández, Jaime; Mas García, María; Ortega Carreño, Andrea; Ortiz Otero, María Mercedes; Ortiz Sobrino, Miguel Ángel; Presencio Herrero, Alicia; Quirós Fernández, Fernando José; Ramón Cortasa, María del Pilar; Salazar de la Guerra Otro, Rosa María; Sánchez-Celaya del Pozo, Marta; Soriano López, Ildefonso; Sotelo González, Joaquín; Vélez Méndez, Carmen; García Nieto, María Teresa