Moreno González, Enrique

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Moreno González
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Trasplante hepático como tratamiento de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar en pacientes mayores de 60 años
    (Medicina Clínica, 2015) Marcacuzco Quinto, Alberto Alejandro; Manrique Municio, Alejandro; Jiménez Romero, Luis Carlos; Loinaz Segurola, Carmelo; Calvo Pulido, Jorge; Justo Alonso, Iago; García-Sesma Pérez-Fuentes, Álvaro; Abradelo De Usera, Manuel; Cambra Molero, Félix; Caso Maestro, Óscar; Moreno González, Enrique
    Background and objective: Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is the most prevalent type of hereditary systemic amyloidosis. It is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by the deposition of an abnormal variant transthyretin. It has a worldwide distribution, with localized endemic areas in Portugal, Sweden and Japan. In Spain there is an endemic focus, located in Mallorca. Liver transplantation is the only curative option for patients with FAP. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients transplanted with a diagnosis of PAF. Material and method: Six patients with PAF underwent liver transplantation between April 1986 and December 2012. Results: The mean age was 57.7+16 years, patients of Spanish origin were older than 60 years. All patients had progressive symptoms as mixed polyneuropathy. In 2 patients, combined heart-liver transplants sequentially were performed. Patient survival and graft was 80% at one, 3 and 5 years. Conclusions: The only effective treatment for etiologic PAF is liver transplantation. Early detection is the key to the treatment and control, avoiding the irreversible organ damage.
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    Trasplante hepático como tratamiento de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar en pacientes mayores de 60 años.
    (Medicina Clínica, 2015) Marcacuzco Quinto, Alberto Alejandro; Manrique Municio, Alejandro; Jiménez Romero, Luis Carlos; Loinaz Segurola, Carmelo; Calvo Pulido, Jorge; Justo Alonso, Iago; García-Sesma Pérez-Fuentes, Álvaro; Abradelo De Usera, Manuel; Cambra Molero, Félix; Caso Maestro, Óscar; Moreno González, Enrique
    Fundamento y objetivo La polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar (PAF) constituye el tipo más prevalente de amiloidosis sistémica hereditaria. Es una enfermedad autosómica dominante que se caracteriza por el depósito de una variante anómala de la transtiretina. Tiene una distribución mundial, con zonas endémicas localizadas en Portugal, Suecia y Japón. En España hay un foco endémico, localizado en Mallorca. El trasplante hepático es la única opción curativa para los pacientes con PAF. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características clínicas y demográficas de los pacientes trasplantados con diagnóstico de PAF. Material y método Se evaluaron 6 pacientes trasplantados por PAF entre abril de 1986 y diciembre de 2012. Resultados La edad media fue de 57,7+16 años, los pacientes de origen español eran mayores de 60 años. Todos los pacientes presentaban síntomas progresivos en forma de polineuropatía mixta. En 2 pacientes se realizó un doble trasplante hepatocardiaco secuencial, efectuándose en primer lugar el trasplante hepático. La supervivencia del paciente y del injerto fue del 80% a los uno, 3 y 5 años. Conclusiones El único tratamiento etiológico eficaz para la PAF es el trasplante hepático. Una detección temprana es la clave para el tratamiento y el control, evitándose el daño orgánico irreversible.
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    Complement C3F allotype synthesized by liver recipient modifies transplantation outcome independently from donor hepatic C3.
    (Clinical Transplantation, 2016) Valero Hervás, Diana María; Sánchez Zapardiel, Elena; Castro Panete, María José; Gallego Bustos, Fernando; Cambra Molero, Félix; Justo Alonso, Iago; Laguna Goya, Rocío; Jiménez Romero, Luis Carlos; Moreno González, Enrique; López Medrano, Francisco; San Juan Garrido, Rafael; Fernández Ruiz, Mario; Aguado García, José María; Paz Artal, Estela Natividad
    Complement component 3 (C3) presents both slow (C3S) and fast (C3F) variants, which can be locally produced and activated by immune system cells. We studied C3 recipient variants in 483 liver transplant patients by RT-PCR-HRM to determine their effect on graft outcome during the first year post-transplantation. Allograft survival was significantly decreased in C3FF recipients (C3SS 95% vs C3FS 91% vs C3FF 83%; P=.01) or C3F allele carriers (C3F absence 95% vs C3F presence 90%, P=.02). C3FF genotype or presence of C3F allele independently increased risk for allograft loss (OR: 2.38, P=.005 and OR: 2.66, P=.02, respectively). C3FF genotype was more frequent among patients whose first infection was of viral etiology (C3SS 13% vs C3FS 18% vs C3FF 32%; P=.04) and independently increased risk for post-transplant viral infections (OR: 3.60, P=.008). On the other hand, C3FF and C3F protected from rejection events (OR: 0.54, P=.03 and OR: 0.63, P=.047, respectively). Differences were not observed in hepatitis C virus recurrence or patient survival. In conclusion, we show that, independently from C3 variants produced by donor liver, C3F variant from recipient diminishes allograft survival, increases susceptibility to viral infections, and protects from rejection after transplantation. C3 genotyping of liver recipients may be useful to stratify risk.