Ruiz Contreras, Jesús

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Ruiz Contreras
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Salud Pública y Materno-Infantil
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    Project number: 332
    Diseño de un examen de competencias objetivo y estructurado (ECOE) pediátrico basado en la simulación avanzada
    (2020) López-Herce Cid, Jesús; Mencía Bartolomé, Santiago; Urbano Villaescusa, Javier; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Ramos Amador, José Tomás; Santiago Lozano, María José; Carrillo Álvarez, Ángel
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    Phenotypic and functional evaluation of CD3+CD4-CD8- T cells in human CD8 immunodeficiency
    (Haematologica, 2011) Bernardo, Iván; Mancebo Sierra, María Esther; Aguiló, Ignacio; Anel, Alberto; Allende Martínez, Luis Miguel; Guerra Vales, Juan Manuel; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Serrano, Antonio; Talayero, Paloma; de la Calle, Óscar; Gonzalez-Santesteban, Cecilia; Paz Artal, Estela Natividad
    Background: Human CD8 immunodeficiency is characterized by undetectable CD8(+) lymphocytes and an increased population of CD4(-)CD8(-) (double negative) T lymphocytes. Design and methods: We hypothesized that the double negative subset corresponds to the cellular population that should express CD8 and is committed to the cytotoxic T lymphocyte lineage. To assess this, we determined the phenotype and function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and/or magnetically isolated double negative T lymphocytes from two CD8-deficient patients. To analyze the expression and co-localization with different organelles, 293T cells were transfected with plasmids bearing wild-type or mutated CD8α. Results: CD8α mutated protein was retained in the cytoplasm of transfected cells. The percentages of double negative cells in patients were lower than the percentages of CD8(+) T cells in healthy controls. Double negative cells mostly had an effector or effector memory phenotype whereas naïve T cells were under-represented. A low concentration of T-cell receptor excision circles together with a skewed T-cell receptor-V repertoire were observed in the double negative population. These data suggest that, in the absence of CD8 co-receptor, the thymic positive selection functions suboptimally and a limited number of mature T-cell clones would emerge from the thymus. In vitro, the double negative cells showed a mild defect in cytotoxic function and decreased proliferative capacity. Conclusions: It is possible that the double negative cells are major histocompatibility complex class-I restricted T cells with cytolytic function. These results show for the first time in humans that the presence of the CD8 co-receptor is dispensable for cytotoxic ability, but that it affects the generation of thymic precursors committed to the cytotoxic T lymphocyte lineage and the proliferation of mature cytotoxic T cells.
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    A homozygous Fas ligand gene mutation in a patient causes a new type of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
    (Blood, 2006) Del-Rey, Manuel; Bosque, Alberto; Calleja, Sara; Gomez-Rial, Jose; Roldan, Ernesto; Morales, Pablo; Serrano, Antonio; Anel, Alberto; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Paz Artal, Estela Natividad; Allende Martínez, Luis Miguel
    Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) is characterized by lymphoproliferation and autoimmune clinical manifestations and is generally caused by defective Fas-mediated apoptosis. This report describes the first homozygous FASL gene mutation in a woman with clinical and immunologic features of ALPS. T-cell blasts from the patient did not induce FasL-mediated apoptosis on Fas-transfected murine L1210 or on Jurkat cells, and activation-induced cell death was impaired. Furthermore, Fas-dependent cytotoxicity was drastically reduced in COS cells transfected with the mutant FasL. In addition, FasL expression on T-cell blasts from the patient was similar to that observed in a healthy control, despite its bearing the high-producer genotype -844C/C in the FASL promoter. Sequencing of the patient's FASL gene revealed a new mutation in exon 4 (A247E). The location of A247E in the FasL extracellular domain and the conservation of the protein sequence of that region recorded in 8 species different from humans support the essential role of FasL COOH terminal domain in Fas/FasL binding. These findings provide evidence that inherited nonlethal FASL abnormalities cause an uncommon apoptosis defect producing lymphoproliferative disease, and they highlight the need for a review of the current ALPS classification to include a new ALPS type Ic subgroup.
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    Longitudinal analysis of immune function in the first 3 years of life in thymectomized neonates during cardiac surgery
    (Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2008) Mancebo Sierra, María Esther; J Clemente; J Sanchez; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; P De Pablos; S Cortezon; E Romo; Paz Artal, Estela Natividad; Allende Martínez, Luis Miguel
    Summary The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of neonatal thymectomy in the functional capacity of the immune system. We selected a group of 23 subjects, who had undergone thymectomy in their first 30 days of life, during an intervention for congenital heart disease. Several parameters of the immune system were evaluated during their first 3 years of life. Lymphocyte populations and subpopulations (including naive, memory and effector subpopulations), T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ repertoire, response of T cells following in vitro stimulation by mitogen, quantification of immunoglobulins, TCR excision circles (TRECS) and interleukin (IL)-7 were measured. We found that neonatal thymectomy produces long-term diminution in total lymphocyte counts, especially in naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Additionally, TRECS were decreased, and plasma IL-7 levels increased. A statistically significant negative correlation was found between absolute CD4+ T cells and IL-7 (r = −0·470, P = 0·02). The patients did not suffer more infectious events than healthy control children, but thymectomy in neonates resulted in a significant decrease in T lymphocyte levels and TRECS, consistent with cessation of thymopoiesis. This could produce a compromise in immune function later in life, especially if the patients suffer T cell depletion and need a reconstitution of immune function.
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    Project number: 171
    Adaptación de la asignatura Alimentación y Nutrición pediátrica al espacio Virtual
    (2021) Bodas Pinedo, Andrés; Alvarez Calatayud, Guillermo; González Estecha, María Montserrat; Morillas Alonso, Marta; Mures Mielgo, Silvia; Ramos Amador, José Tomás; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Sánchez Sánchez, César
    En este proyecto se pretende adaptar los contenidos existentes y crear contenidos nuevos para un entorno virtual, crear presentaciones PowerPoint con locución y vídeo y crear una autoevaluación aplicable a través del Campus Virtual.
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    Project number: 159
    Adaptación de las prácticas de la asignatura Alimentación y Nutrición Pediátrica al espacio virtual
    (2022) Bodas Pinedo, Andrés; Alvarez Calatayud, Guillermo; Álvarez Sala-Walther, Luis Antonio; González Estecha, María Montserrat; Morillas Alonso, Marta; Mures Mielgo, Silvia; Ramos Amador, José Tomás; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús; Sánchez Sánchez, César
    Este Proyecto de Innovación se ha elaborado para generar productos de innovación docente relacionados con la virtualización de una asignatura, como consecuencia de: 1.-Adaptar los contenidos existentes relativos a la docencia práctica y crear contenidos nuevos para un entorno virtual. 2.-Crear nuevas presentaciones Power Point de los seminarios que se imparten en la asignatura, locutándolos y añadiendo vídeo, para su manejo virtual. 3.-Crear un sistema de docencia práctica de casos clínicos adaptado a un entorno virtual. 4.- Realización de trabajos individuales: el alumno elegirá un tema relacionado con la docencia que se imparte, que le resulte interesante y que le estimule para desarrollar un trabajo que le permita profundizar en el conocimiento del mismo. Podrá usar tanto el material que él considere oportuno como los recursos bibliográficos o de otro tipo que le recomiende el profesor. El profesor estará, a disposición del alumno para todo aquello que éste pudiera necesitar, y cualquier duda que pudiera surgir en torno al tema elegido. 5.- Tutorías personalizadas: el alumno podrá plantear sus dudas al profesor comunicándose con él a través del Campus Virtual. Así existirá una interacción entre profesor y alumno cuyo resultado será resolver cuantas dudas surjan al alumno por un lado y por otro evaluar los progresos prácticos del alumno. 6.-Crear un sistema de autoevaluación aplicable a través del Campus Virtual, de manera que los alumnos puedan ir de forma continúa comprobando cómo evolucionan sus conocimiento sobre la asignatura. 7.-Crear una base de preguntas y un sistema de calificación a través del Campus Virtual.
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    Project number: 212
    Simulación avanzada en la docencia práctica de la signatura Pediatría
    (2018) López-Herce Cid, Jesús; Mencía Bartolomé, Santiago; Aleo Luján, Esther; Ramos Amador, José Tomás; Vázquez López, Paula; Belda Hofheinz, Sylvia María; Joyanes Abancens, Belén; Ordoñez Saez, Olga; González Sánchez, Araceli; Ruiz Contreras, Jesús