Pérez Díaz, Carmen

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Pérez Díaz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
Medicina y Cirugía Animal
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Efficacy of Medical Ozone as an Adjuvant Treatment in Dogs with Intervertebral Disc Protusions: A Retrospective Study
    (Animals, 2023) Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Villalonga Rodríguez, Luis; Hernández, Mercedes; Pérez Díaz, Carmen
    Ozone-therapy is used in humans as a coadjutant treatment in intervertebral disc diseases due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. References in dogs are scarce and limited to clinical cases (intradiscal/paravertebral infiltrations). The aim of this study was to assess the use of medical ozone (MO) as an adjunctive treatment in dogs with intervertebral disc protrusions (Hansen Type II/Chronic). A retrospective study was conducted in dogs diagnosed with intervertebral disc protrusions by MRI/CT in which MO was used as an adjuvant therapy to conventional medical treatment. Neurological examination and quality of life (QL) at the beginning and end of study were recorded, as well as posology and possible side effects. A total of 21 patients of different breeds and sex with a mean age of 12 years were included in this study. Results showed pain relief (7 ± 3 days) and improvement of neurologic signs (11 ± 9 days) with a consequent increasement in QL (13 ± 9 days). Thirteen out of the twenty-one patients (62%) showed a complete remission of the clinical signs. No serious adverse effects were observed. Medical ozone could be a potential complementary therapy to medical treatment in dogs with intervertebral disc protrusions. Prospective studies are necessary.
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    Pharmacokinetics of Sativex® in Dogs: Towards a Potential Cannabinoid-Based Therapy for Canine Disorders
    (Biomolecules, 2020) Fernández Trapero, María; Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Espejo Porras, Francisco; Lago Femia, Eva de; Fernández Ruiz, Javier
    The phytocannabinoid-based medicine Sativex® is currently marketed for the treatment of spasticity and pain in multiple sclerosis patients and is being investigated for other central and peripheral pathological conditions. It may also serve in Veterinary Medicine for the treatment of domestic animals, in particular for dogs affected by different pathologies, including human-like pathological conditions. With the purpose of assessing different dosing paradigms for using Sativex in Veterinary Medicine, we investigated its pharmacokinetics when administered to naïve dogs via sublingual delivery. In the single dose arm of the study, adult Beagle dogs were treated with 3 consecutive sprays of Sativex, and blood samples were collected at 12 intervals up to 24 h later. In the multiple dose arm of the study, Beagle dogs received 3 sprays daily for 14 days, and blood samples were collected for 24 h post final dose. Blood was used to obtain plasma samples and to determine the levels of cannabidiol (CBD), ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9-THC) and its metabolite 11-hydroxy-∆9-THC. Maximal plasma concentrations of both ∆9-THC (Cmax = 18.5 ng/mL) and CBD (Cmax = 10.5 ng/mL) were achieved 2 h after administration in the single dose condition and at 1 h in the multiple dose treatment (∆9-THC: Cmax = 24.5 ng/mL; CBD: Cmax = 15.2 ng/mL). 11-hydroxy-∆9-THC, which is mainly formed in the liver from ∆9-THC, was almost undetected, which is consistent with the use of sublingual delivery. A potential progressive accumulation of both CBD and ∆9-THC was detected following repeated exposure, with maximum plasma concentrations for both cannabinoids being achieved following multiple dose. Neurological status, body temperature, respiratory rate and some hemodynamic parameters were also recorded in both conditions, but in general, no changes were observed. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that single or multiple dose sublingual administration of Sativex to naïve dogs results in the expected pharmacokinetic profile, with maximal levels of phytocannabinoids detected at 1–2 h and suggested progressive accumulation after the multiple dose treatment.
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    Up-regulation of CB2 receptors in reactive astrocytes in canine degenerative myelopathy, a disease model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    (Disease Models Mechanisms, 2017) Fernández-Trapero, María; Coates, Joan R.; Rodríguez Cueto, Carmen Aurora; Lago Femia, Eva De; Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Fernández Ruiz, José Javier; Espejo Porras, Francisco
    Targeting of the CB2 receptor results in neuroprotection in the SOD1G93A mutant mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The neuroprotective effects of CB2 receptors are facilitated by their upregulation in the spinal cord of the mutant mice. Here, we investigated whether similar CB2 receptor upregulation, as well as parallel changes in other endocannabinoid elements, is evident in the spinal cord of dogs with degenerative myelopathy (DM), caused by mutations in the superoxide dismutase 1 gene (SOD1). We used well-characterized post-mortem spinal cords from unaffected and DM-affected dogs. Tissues were used first to confirm the loss of motor neurons using Nissl staining, which was accompanied by glial reactivity (elevated GFAP and Iba-1 immunoreactivity). Next, we investigated possible differences in the expression of endocannabinoid genes measured by qPCR between DM-affected and control dogs. We found no changes in expression of the CB1 receptor (confirmed with CB1 receptor immunostaining) or NAPE-PLD, DAGL, FAAH and MAGL enzymes. In contrast, CB2 receptor levels were significantly elevated in DM-affected dogs determined by qPCR and western blotting, which was confirmed in the grey matter using CB2 receptor immunostaining. Using double-labelling immunofluorescence, CB2 receptor immunolabelling colocalized with GFAP but not Iba-1, indicating upregulation of CB2 receptors on astrocytes in DM-affected dogs. Our results demonstrate a marked upregulation of CB2 receptors in the spinal cord in canine DM, which is concentrated in activated astrocytes. Such receptors could be used as a potential target to enhance the neuroprotective effects exerted by these glial cells.
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    Project number: 289
    Virtualización e impresión 3D de modelos anatómicos aplicados a la docencia y planificación quirúrgica IV
    (2021) Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Rodríguez Quirós, Jesús; De La Morena García, Eva; Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Gaspar Simón, Ignacio de; Villar de Gracia, Ana; Taberneiro Auiget, Daniel; Aranzana Enriquez, Daniel; Bernardi Villavicencio, Cristina
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    Project number: 119
    Virtualización e impresión 3D de modelos anatómicos aplicados a la docencia y planificación quirúrgica
    (2017) Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Rojo Salvador, Concepción; Gaspar Simón, Ignacio de; Sanz Dueñas, Javier; Rodríguez Quirós, Jesús; López Rodriguez, Juan; Barroso Santos-Carvalho, Paulo; Llorca Martín, Celia; Crenes Vazquez, Maria Eugenia; Perianes Rodriguez, Iñigo; Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Paton Rubio, David
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    Neurodevelopmental alterations and seizures developed by mouse model of infantile hypophosphatasia are associated with purinergic signalling deregulation
    (Human Molecular Genetics, 2016) Sebastián Serrano, Álvaro; Engel, Tobias; De Diego García, Laura; Olivos Ore, Luis Alcides; Arribas Blázquez, Marina; Martínez-Frailes, Carlos; Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Millán, José Luis ; Miras Portugal, María Teresa; Rodríguez Artalejo, Antonio; Henshall, David; Díaz Hernández, Miguel
    Hypomorphic mutations in the gene encoding the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) enzyme, ALPL in human or Akp2 in mice, cause hypophosphatasia (HPP), an inherited metabolic bone disease also characterized by spontaneous seizures. Initially, these seizures were attributed to the impairment of GABAergic neurotransmission caused by altered vitamin B6 (vit-B6) metabolism. However, clinical cases in human newborns and adults whose convulsions are refractory to pro-GABAergic drugs but controlled by the vit-B6 administration, suggest that other factors are involved. Here, to evaluate whether neurodevelopmental alterations are underlying the seizures associated to HPP, we performed morphological and functional characterization of postnatal homozygous TNAP null mice, a model of HPP. These analyses revealed that TNAP deficient mice present an increased proliferation of neural precursors, an altered neuronal morphology, and an augmented neuronal activity. We found that these alterations were associated with a partial downregulation of the purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R). Even though deficient P2X7R mice present similar neurodevelopmental alterations, they do not develop neonatal seizures. Accordingly, we found that the additional blockage of P2X7R prevent convulsions and extend the lifespan of mice lacking TNAP. In agreement with these findings, we also found that exogenous administration of ATP or TNAP antagonists induced seizures in adult wild-type mice by activating P2X7R. Finally, our results also indicate that the anticonvulsive effects attributed to vit-B6 may be due to its capacity to block P2X7R. Altogether, these findings suggest that the purinergic signalling regulates the neurodevelopmental alteration and the neonatal seizures associated to HPP.
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    Clinical signs, diagnostic imaging and histopathology in a dog with granulomatous meningoencephalitis manifested as a polyneuropathy
    (Veterinary Record Case Reports, 2022) Benito Benito, Miguel; Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Manso Díaz, Gabriel; Sánchez Madonado, Belén; Pérez Díaz, Carmen
    An 11-year-old, female, neutered labrador retriever with a history of chronic and progressive right hindlimb lameness and facial asymmetry was referred for brain and lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Multifocal non-enhancing T2-weighted images of hyperintense lesions were observed in the caudate nuclei and medulla oblongata. The right oculomotor nerve was markedly enlarged and showed marked enhancement on T1-weighted images after contrast injection, and there was diffuse enlargement of the sciatic and femoral nerves in the right hindlimb. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed a mixed pleocytosis. Histopathology revealed granulomatous inflammation affecting the brain, oculomotor and pelvic limb nerves, consistent with a diagnosis of granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis.
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    Project number: 282
    Virtualización e impresión 3D de modelos anatómicos aplicados a la docencia en Anatomía y Cirugía Veterinaria III
    (2020) Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Gaspar Simón, Ignacio de; Rodríguez Quirós, Jesús; Villalonga Rodríguez, Luis; Portero Fuentes, Miriam; Bernardi Villavicencio, Cristina; Morena García, Eva de la; Hernández De Frutos, Sandra; Labrador Pérez, Ángela; García Pérez, Enrique
    Creación y aplicación de modelos anatómicos en 3D en la docencia de asignaturas de anatomía y cirugía en el grado de veterinaria
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    Project number: 123
    Virtualización e impresión 3D de modelos anatómicos aplicados a la docencia en anatomia y cirugía veterinaria II
    (2018) De Gaspar Simón, Ignacio; Rojo Salvador, Concepción; Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Sanz Dueñas, Javier; Sánchez González, Paula; Llorca Martín, Celia; Crenes Vázquez, María Eugenia; Pintado Laguna, Carlota Soledad; Labrador Pérez, Ángela; Rodríguez Quirós, Jesús; De La Morena García, Eva; Villalonga Rodríguez, Luis; Barroso Santos-Carvalho, Paulo; Portero Fuentes, Miriam
    Este proyecto aplica las técnicas de virtualización de imágenes de piezas anatómicas normales y patológicas con fines de creación de modelos digitales y con impresión 3D para docencia en Anatomía y Cirugía Veterinarias.
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    Project number: 46
    Creación de un modelo anatómico 3D y de realidad virtual para el aprendizaje de la anatomía veterinaria, la endoscopia digestiva alta y la planificación quirúrgica en el perro
    (2021) Rojo Salvador, Concepción; Corral Pumarega, Jose Luis; Sainz Rodríguez, Ángel; González Martínez, María Encina; Rodríguez Franco, Fernando; Gaspar Simón, Ignacio de; García-Sancho Téllez, Mercedes Guadalupe; Díaz-Regañón Fernández, David Rafael; Rodríguez Quirós, Jesús; Pérez Díaz, Carmen; Jiménez Socorro, Antonio Nicolás; Mateos Sanz, María Aranzazu; Mendaza De Cal, Rosa María; de la Morena García, Eva
    Se diseña y reconstruye en 3D un modelo anatómico del complejo esófago-estómago-duodeno del perro. El objetivo es disponer de un modelo impreso en 3D, así como de materiales interactivos para el aprendizaje y la evaluación del aparato digestivo en las asignaturas de anatomía, medicina interna y cirugía. Se logra disponer de un prototipo flexible y bastante realista en cuanto a forma, textura y color. El modelo impreso se utiliza en docencia: en las clases de anatomía para el estudio de las morfologías externa e interna y la topografía, comparando con el modelo natural; en endoscopia digestiva como modelo para el desarrollo de habilidades manuales en la práctica con estudiantes; en cirugía para la planificación y los abordajes quirúrgicos. El modelo de aprendizaje virtual aún no está a disposición de los estudiantes, se encuentra actualmente en realización. Contamos con un pdf interactivo y se está desarrollando un vídeo virtual simulando el recorrido del endoscopio a través del segmento digestivo de interés.