López Suárez, María Mercedes

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First Name
María Mercedes
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López Suárez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias de la Informacion
Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía
Literatura Española
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    Multidisciplinary Higher Education Strategies in Small Groups of Health and Social Sciences
    (International Journal of Higher Education, 2021) Lobato Rincón, Luis Lucio; Bernárdez Vilaboa, Ricardo; Santander Del Amo, Fernando; Cuevas Lanchares, Juan Carlos; Corres Illera, María; López Suárez, María Mercedes; Illera Del Portal, Josefina María
    The Small Group Learning (SGL) permeates throughout higher education fields of study. Thus, our aim is to assess the influence of a planned activity of SGL on a variety of competences appraisals through a multidisciplinary perspective. To that end, cooperative learning activities implemented under the SGL approach were programmed for six different degrees. For each activity, students were provided with instructions about what the activity was about and how to make it. Two surveys were scheduled before and after the completion of the SGL. Our findings are presented in a descriptive and quantitative analysis, using surveys with which we examine the pre and post differences in students’ self-reports. As a result, self-perceptions on oral and written expression and bibliography competence increased after the practice of the Small Group Learning (SGL) strategy in students from Social Science degrees as well as in students from Psychology degree. In addition, receiving feedback showed an improvement for the whole sample after doing SGL. Our results confirm that, in order to achieve an excellent quality education, SGL could be applied equally in different fields of study: both Health and Social Sciences. The novelty of this study is that it has been conducted in six different academic degrees and has focused on higher education skills in order to improve future undergraduate’s employability.
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    Project number: 234
    Nuevas herramientas docentes en el espacio universitario multidisciplinar.
    (2020) Lobato Rincón, Luís Lucio; Illera Del Portal, Josefina María; López Suárez, María Mercedes; Millán Pastor, María Pilar; Pérez Bascuas, Mercedes; Corres Illera, María; Gómez Moreno, María Luisa; Cuevas Lanchares, Juan Carlos
    Nuestro proyecto se fundamenta en la evaluación de 3 competencias que se consideran claves en la enseñanza Universitaria. Se ha seguido como paradigma el planteamiento de Morin (2001), quien señalaba que una de las tendencias esenciales de la educación del futuro, del presente diríamos ya hoy, será el examen y el estudio de la complejidad humana (homo complexus). El objetivo de nuestro Proyecto ya iniciado es desarrollar un análisis de tres competencias consideradas como claves en el ámbito educativo: i. La expresión oral y escrita: saber escribir y expresarse ii. La capacidad para organizar la información: análisis y síntesis y iii. La capacidad para buscar información y utilizar bibliografía. Estas competencias se han aplicado a través de la Estrategia en Pequeños Grupos (EPG) en seis Grados de diferentes Facultades de la UCM: Veterinaria, Ciencias de la Información, Psicología y Ciencias Políticas y Sociología a lo largo de tres cursos académicos el 2017/ 2018, 2018/2019 y parte del curso 2019-2020.