López Fernández, María Ángeles

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First Name
María Ángeles
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López Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Didáctica de Lenguas, Artes y Educación Física
Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 29
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    PROJECTA: an art-based tool in trauma treatment
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Camilli Trujillo, Celia Rosa; Fernández Escudero, Laura
    Artistic images, of a universal nature and validated by global culture, are carriers of an emotional potential that can be used for therapeutic purposes in cultural centers as well as in clinical spaces. Esthetic studies reveal the mobilizing power in their contemplation and the capacity to bring out personal stories with healing potential. The general objective of this paper is to design and validate the PROJECTA instrument, consisting of the therapeutic use of artistic images to approach trauma or difficult conditions in therapy, by means of the association between art images and emotions, feelings or states of mind related with a traumatic experience. A mixed approach of investigation with a concurrent triangulation design has been used for the integration of qualitative and quantitative results, where qualitative research outweighs quantitative, but both have been QUAL → quan sequentially developed. The study was carried out in two phases. The first was a systematic review of the literature. The second, divided into five steps, consisted of the validation of artworks and the associated emotions with the participation of students, experts in art therapy, psychologists and educators through focus groups, interviews and an online questionnaire. The analysis techniques were qualitative and quantitative. A set of 220 artistic images linked to emotional states were proposed by experts in education, psychology and art therapy, and validated through an online questionnaire. The respondents included 228 students and professionals and for 64.55% of these images a consensus of over 80% was obtained. These images and their associated emotions were again reviewed by a confirmatory focus group. Finally, 92 artistic works were linked to primary, secondary and tertiary emotions such as love, joy, victory, surprise, balance, sense of humor, anger, sadness, fear, and emptiness. In addition, there are mobilizing images that have not been related to any emotion because of the polysemy of their meanings. It concludes that PROJECTA is a visual art therapy tool that provides professionals with a resource that helps facilitate the identification, expression or demonstration of emotions or feelings related with trauma, and in challenging situations of vulnerability, psychological discomfort or post-traumatic stress.
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    Syllabus: STROLL, European virtual mobility through researching cities
    (2022) Ávila Valdés, Noemí; Benítez Sastre, Laura; Torres Vega, Sara; Martinez Hernández, Carlos; Alonso García, David; López Medina, Esteban Francisco; Camilli Trujillo, Celia; López Fernández, María Ángeles
    Outcome IO2 STROLL Walking the City - Streets Online ERASMUS+ KA2. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. KA226. Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. ID: 2020-1-HU01-KA226-HE-094111 The outcome of this work package is a curriculum in which we maximize the benefit of the diversity of the partnership so that each partner can contribute to the teaching program with their special competences. The program is planned as a one-semester long special course, with frontal lectures, seminar-type discussions and plenty time for independent, collective fieldwork-based research conducted in small groups. The curriculum should be as detailed as possible. It will also describe the methodology we use for the student exchange and will explain the method of online teaching. As the program offers the possibility for students to discover a foreign city by exploring virtual spaces created for that purpose, the curriculum also should describe all the material made available for the students by the professional staff, as well as the method for the validation of the experience for the students.
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    The artist as aedo: memory, absence and materiality
    (Memory. Shaping connections in the Arts Therapies, 2024) López Fernández, María Ángeles; López Fernández, María Ángeles; Hougham, Richard; Scoble, Sara
    Tzvetan Todorov (2000) distinguishes two types of memory, a literal and an exemplary one. As opposed to a way of interpreting the past as unique and unrepeatable – literal memory – Todorov proposes an exemplary memory, which recalls that past and turns it into a principle of action for the present. Memory, the present of the past, sets the debate on the future in tension. At the same time, trauma, as a memory where the past does not move forwards, remains stuck in a frozen time where forgiveness becomes impossible. This chapter aims to address how art, through its materiality and processes, activates exemplary memory, mobilises the void on the one hand, and matter, the material redoubt of the world, as a metaphor for transformation, on the other hand. The artist then recovers the function of the Greek aedo. Aedos (from the Greek ἀοιδός, aoidós, singer) were, in Ancient Greece, artists who sang epics collected from the population and shaped into lyrics. These artists, whose process we present and analyse in this chapter, aedos of the memory of the vanquished, collect the strands of the memory of pain, recompose them, giving them materiality and exhibiting them so that they can be shared. They are thus necessary vehicles of social mourning. I have chosen three artists: Gustavo Germano or showing absence; Art al Quadrat, or hair as a vestige of the body and stigma; Doris Salcedo, or steel as a symbol of transformation and water as (dis)appearance. Through the absence of material transformation, the three artists bring together the action of the community, uniting the intimate and the common, facilitating a social elaboration and grief, which, as a form of community art therapy, demands social recognition and contributes to the construction of an exemplary memory that affects the present.
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    The museum as a potential space: an approach to trauma and emotional memory in the museum
    (Socializing Art Museums. Rethinking the Publics' Experience, 2020) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Alonso Tak, Alejandra; Pazos-López, Ángel
    In this paper, part of a vast research project that links the creative process with the expression and development of traumatic processes, the museum is put forward as a potential transitional space, where the community and the individual, by means of their unique characteristics, can legitimize and portray their pain, giving their personal, private suffering, as well as the resources used to create it, a social, public, shared and political dimension.
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    Project number: 2020-2-FR02-KA205-017944
    Cartas: Material educativo sobre género, poder y empoderamiento
    (2021) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Peral Jiménez, Carolina; Cebrián Martínez, Ana; Dominguez Rigo, Miguel; Castellarin, Milena Juliana; Ávila Valdés, Noemí; Lage de la Rosa, Marta; García Cano, Marta; Romero Rodríguez, Julio; Galdeano Tostado, José Luis
    Conjunto de 25 fichas pedagógicas con definiciones de conceptos clave relacionados con el género e ilustraciones a través de historias personales acompañadas de una descripción de actividades que conducen a la construcción de las “fichas” y una actividad de uso de las fichas para el aprendizaje.
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    Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres Vol IV: el control de la libertad femenina. Guía educativa del proyecto "Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres" para Educación Primaria y Secundaria
    (2021) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Fernández Valencia, Antonia
    Las propuestas didácticas que componen la Guía Educativa de “Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres” están articuladas para hacer pensar, en términos urbanísticos e históricos, sobre las huellas que las personas han impreso en la ciudad, han ayudado a conformarla como es hoy y tienen como objetivo actualizar nuestra vinculación con esos espacios, para suscitar el recuerdo personal, social y el cuestionamiento sobre las presencias y las ausencias. Intentan que cada ciudadano, cada ciudadana, pequeña, adulta o anciana, recién llegada o con raíces autóctonas, se de voz para hablar de su propia ciudad, pensando en un colectivo, el de las mujeres, que permanece en la dermis y en su riego sanguíneo, si hacemos un ejercicio de democracia. Las guías proponen ejes de reflexión que hablan de tesoros que la ciudad esconde: las mujeres que lavaban en el río Manzanares, la importancia de la salud y los cuidados de una ciudad que crece; el protagonismo de ciudadanas en el acceso al trabajo fabril, sus reivindicaciones laborales; el papel de las mujeres en la cultura, el empeño político contra el veto a la participación política y la educación, a la par de la lucha por conseguirlo;… todos estos hechos nos hablan de una ciudadanía que se construye, donde las individualidades sólo son la punta de un movimiento social.
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    Museos en femenino: un proyecto sobre igualdad, empoderamiento femenino y educación
    (Storia Delle Donne, 2018) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Fernández Valencia, Antonia
    The project titled Museums and Gender, Protagonism of Women in Museums, developed between 2009 and 2016, and supported until 2011 by the Ministry of Culture of Spain, involved an analysis and museographic proposal from a gender point of view, with the aim of returning the protagonism of History to Women, as builders of culture and civilization. Within it, Didáctica 2.0 Museos en Femenino involves the virtualization of a part of the project, with the aim of incorporating a gender perspective in museums as well as favouring equal education through itin-eraries, which have been pioneers in Spain. The article, will show the results of the research in the main museums -the Prado Museum, the National Art Center Reina Sofia Museum, the National Museum of Archaeology, the Costume Museum-, the rec-ommendations for improvement arising from the research, as well as the designed itineraries and their educational applications.
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    Project number: 2020-2-FR02-KA205-017944
    Arte a debate, arte en cuestión: Sobre género, poder y empoderamiento a través del arte. Una herramienta educativa para jóvenes
    (2021) López Fernández, María Ángeles; Peral Jiménez, Carolina; Cebrián Martínez, Ana; Ávila Valdés, Noemí; Dominguez Rigo, Miguel; Ollero Alameda, Mª José; Lage de la Rosa, Marta; García Cano, Marta
    Libro de obras de arte y preguntas: una colección de obras de arte con preguntas para desencadenar el debate e identificar los principales problemas de género y poder.
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    Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres Vol. 2: Trabajadoras. Guía educativa del proyecto "Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres" para Educación Primaria y Secundaria
    () López Fernández, María Ángeles; Fernández Valencia, Antonia
    Las propuestas didácticas que componen la Guía Educativa de “Madrid, ciudad de las mujeres” están articuladas para hacer pensar, en términos urbanísticos e históricos, sobre las huellas que las personas han impreso en la ciudad, han ayudado a conformarla como es hoy y tienen como objetivo actualizar nuestra vinculación con esos espacios, para suscitar el recuerdo personal, social y el cuestionamiento sobre las presencias y las ausencias. Intentan que cada ciudadano, cada ciudadana, pequeña, adulta o anciana, recién llegada o con raíces autóctonas, se de voz para hablar de su propia ciudad, pensando en un colectivo, el de las mujeres, que permanece en la dermis y en su riego sanguíneo, si hacemos un ejercicio de democracia. Las guías proponen ejes de reflexión que hablan de tesoros que la ciudad esconde: las mujeres que lavaban en el río Manzanares, la importancia de la salud y los cuidados de una ciudad que crece; el protagonismo de ciudadanas en el acceso al trabajo fabril, sus reivindicaciones laborales; el papel de las mujeres en la cultura, el empeño político contra el veto a la participación política y la educación, a la par de la lucha por conseguirlo;… todos estos hechos nos hablan de una ciudadanía que se construye, donde las individualidades sólo son la punta de un movimiento social.
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    Dibujar en tiempos de pandemia: un diálogo a dos voces acompañado de Jean-Luc Nancy
    (2021) López Fernández, María Ángeles
    El texto aborda una reflexión sobre el acto de dibujar en relación al proceso creador ocurrido durante el confinamiento derivado de la COVID19, entre abril y junio de 2020. Elementos como atención, mirada, cuidado, sostenimiento, vínculo y placer surgen en el acto creador, máxime cuando la vulnerabilidad y la impredecibilidad surge alrededor. A partir de referentes teóricos como Jean-Luc Nancy se aborda una reflexión sobre la potencialidad creadora en tiempos de incertidumbre.