Nieva Ramos, Silvia

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Nieva Ramos
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicología Experimental, Procesos Cognitivos y Logopedia
Psicología Básica
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    The role of spontaneous verbal repetition sequences as shared discourse in early linguistic development
    (Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 2021) Casla, Marta; Moreno, Rebeca; Rodríguez, Jessica; Méndez-Cabezas, Celia; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Murillo Sanz, Eva
    Spontaneous verbal repetition is part of early adult–child conversational interchanges. However, most of the studies devoted to verbal repetition analyse child-produced and adult-produced repetition independently. The aim of this study is to analyse verbal repetition sequences that are extended by children and adults participating in turns. We carried out a longitudinal study of 17 parent–child dyads, which included children from the ages of 21 to 30 months. Results show that the frequency of these sequences decreases in the older age range, while the frequency of simple verbal repetitions increases. Participation in repetition sequences is related to the lexical and grammatical development that occurs within the younger ages. Verbal repetition sequences are discussed in terms of their role in early interactions, since they promote attention to the interlocutor and the co-construction of linguistic structures.
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    Verbal and More: Multimodality in Adults’ and Toddlers’ Spontaneous Repetitions
    (Verbal and More: Multimodality in Adults’ and Toddlers’ Spontaneous Repetitions, 2021) Casla Soler, Marta; Rodríguez, Jessica; Mendez-Cabezas, Celia; Murillo Sanz, Eva; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Rujas Pascual, Irene
    This study investigated verbal imitation from a multimodal point of view, considering the mutual influence of children’s and adults’ participation. Sixteen Spanish-speaking children were observed longitudinally at 21, 24, and 30 months of age in natural settings. We analyzed the multimodal characteristics of children’s and adults’ repetitions, considering whether they were verbal, verbal-gestural, or gestural. In addition, we also analyzed the multi-modal characteristics of the utterances that were repeated (source). Measures of vocabulary and grammatical levels were also taken into account at the three points in development. Results showed that verbal-gestural repetitions were frequent in the speech of children and adults, although not as frequent as verbal repetitions. Nevertheless, verbal-gestural speech was reproduced more frequently than verbal speech. Adults were more likely to reproduce children’s speech when it included gestures, which was also related to children’s linguistic level. Furthermore, children and adults synchronize their multimodal communicative behaviors, coordinating the modality of their repetitions with the modality of the source speech. The results are discussed taking into account the need to study the multimodal characteristics of child-directed speech, as well as the need to study verbal repetition and multimodal communicative behaviors simultaneously, as forms of interaction that are essential to language development.
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    Project number: 267
    Un asistente pedagógico digital para la reflexión, toma de decisiones y evaluación de la práctica docente
    (2023) Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María; Gràcia Garcia, Marta ; Aguayo Estremera, Raimundo; Aparicio García, Marta Evelia; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Onde Pérez, Daniel; Ovejero Bruna, María De Las Mercedes; Alvarez Atencio, Erika ; Ballesteros De La Vega, Jaime ; Bellón Vázquez, Paula ; Lancheros Florián, Lady Catheyne; González Gómez, María Mercedes
    Desarrollo e Implementación de un Sistema de Soporte a la toma de Decisiones orientado a evaluar y fortalecer las competencias comunicativas de docentes y estudiantes con el objetivo de mejorar la motivación, la calidad y el rendimiento académico.
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    Assessment of Oral Skills in Adolescents
    (Children, 2021) Gràcia, Marta; Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Muratori, Pietro
    There is broad consensus on the need to foster oral skills in middle school due to their inherent importance and because they serve as a tool for learning and acquiring other competences. In order to facilitate the assessment of communicative competence, we hereby propose a model which establishes five key dimensions for effective oral communication: interaction management; multimodality and prosody; textual coherence and cohesion; argumentative strategies; and lexicon and terminology. Based on this model, we developed indicators to measure the proposed dimensions, thus generating a self-report tool to assess oral communication in middle school. Following an initial study conducted with 168 students (mean age = 12.47 years, SD = 0.41), we selected 22 items with the highest discriminant power, while in a second study carried out with a sample of 960 students (mean age 14.11 years, SD = 0.97), we obtained evidence concerning factorial validity and the relationships between oral skills, emotional intelligence and metacognitive strategies related to metacomprehension. We concluded that the proposed model and its derived measure constitute an instrument with good psychometric properties for a reliable and valid assessment of students’ oral competence in middle school.
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    Anticipatory coarticulation of the Spanish alveolar fricative /s/ in adults with apraxia versus dysarthria
    (Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, 2024) Melle Hernández, Natalia; Lahoz Bengoechea, José María; Gallego López, Carlos; Nieva Ramos, Silvia
    This acoustic study compares anticipatory coarticulation characteristics of the Spanish alveolar sibilant fricative /s/ when in utterance-initial position followed by a vowel in adults with dysarthria and apraxia of speech. Three groups of participants (28 individuals with no speech disorder, 20 with dysarthria, and 8 with apraxia of speech) produced 12 monosyllabic words that included the five vowel sounds of Central-Peninsular Spanish. The acoustic measurements compared within and between groups were frequency of the spectral intensity peak (FreqMid) in different zones of fricative execution, magnitude of the change in frequency of the spectral intensity peak (ΔFreq) in the end zone compared to the average of the initial and middle zones, first three spectral moments, and the difference in spectral center of gravity between the middle and end zones (DiffM-E CoG). Several of these measures were able to differentiate between dysarthric and healthy speech, especially when /s/ was followed by an unrounded vowel, and the same occurred for apraxia, but this time when the adjacent vowel was rounded. While both disorders showed similar spectral patterns, the two motor speech disorders differed in terms of the measures FreqMid and DiffM-E CoG. Possible explanations for these differences are here discussed within the framework of motor control models.
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    Descriptive discourse in fluent aphasia: The predictive role of attention, phonology, lexical retrieval and semantics
    (Journal of Communication Disorders, 2023) Pérez Naranjo, Narcisa; Del Río Grande, David Pedro; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; González Alted, Carlos
    Aims: To study the relationship between cognitive and linguistic skills (as measured through standardized tasks) over spontaneous speech elicited during a picture description task. Methods & procedures: 21 controls and 19 people with fluent aphasia matched by age and sex were evaluated using transcripts made from a picture description task coded using the CHAT format and analyzed using Computerized Language Analysis (CLAN). Indices obtained from the speech samples contained measures of lexical quantity and diversity, morphosyntactic complexity, informativeness, and speech fluency, along with different kinds of speech errors. We studied their correlations with attentional measures from Conners’ Continuous Performance Test and with standardized measures of naming, pseudoword repetition and semantic non-verbal association. We further used stepwise linear regression to analyze the predictive value of standardized linguistic and cognitive skills over discursive indices. Outcomes & results: Contrary to our initial hypothesis, there were no significant correlations between attentional scores and discourse variables in aphasic participants. Moreover, semantic association, along with naming, was the measure more related with discourse performance in people with fluent aphasia, but cognitive and linguistic standardized measures had overall little predictive power on most discourse indices. In the control group, there was a certain association of naming skills and attentional reaction time with discourse variables, but their predictive power was also low. Conclusions & implications: The current results do not support a strong relationship between basic attentional skills and performance in descriptive discourse in fluent aphasia. Although some of the standardized tasks seem to bear some relationship with spontaneous speech, there is a high amount of interindividual variability in discourse that is not captured by classical cognitive tasks routinely used in assessment. Further work on the determinants of discourse performance in aphasia and on the clinical application of discourse analysis is warranted.
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    Autoevaluación y toma de decisiones para mejorar la competencia oral en educación secundaria
    (Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliação Psicológica, 2021) Gràcia, Marta; Alvarado Izquierdo, Jesús María; Nieva Ramos, Silvia
    La incorporación en los centros educativos de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) supone una gran oportunidad para la formación de los docentes, así como para el desarrollo de competencias por parte del lumnado. En la presente investigación se utiliza un Sistema Inteligente de Asistencia Pedagógica (SIAP) diseñado para formar al docente, ayudándole a diseñar sus clases, autoevaluando el progreso respecto a distintos hitos para lograr clases más participativas que fomenten la competencia oral del alumnado. El SIAP fue utilizado durante diez semanas en un diseño experimental con grupo control: 188 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria, 84 grupo ntervención y 104 grupo comparación. Los indicadores que incluye mostraron cómo, a medida que se lograban los hitos docentes, mejoraba la competencia oral del alumnado. Complementariamente, en un cuestionario se observó un cambio positivo en el grupo de intervención en el autoconcepto del alumnado sobre distintas habilidades comunicativas.
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    Project number: 65
    Coordinación interuniversitaria para la realización virtual de prácticas sanitarias a través de videoconferencias
    (2021) Lázaro López-Villaseñor, Miguel; Simón López, Teresa; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Bartuilli Pérez, Mónica; Pérez Naranjo, Narcisa; Schüller Moreno, Maria Teresa; Melle Hernández, Natalia; Terradillos Azpiroz, María Estíbaliz; Pisón del Real, Guzmán; Castejón Fernández, Luis Andrés; Martínez López, María Verónica; Aparici Aznar, Melina; Resina Curado, Paula
    El Proyecto de Innovación presente tuvo como objetivo fundamental continuar con la experiencia de la I Jornada Interuniversitaria online de Práctica Logopédica adecuándola al sentido de un proyecto de innovación docente propiamente. Para ello, no se trataba únicamente de ofrecer conferencias a estudiantes con necesidades de formación práctica, sino dotar de una estructura y sentido formativo a los documentos audiovisuales. El objetivo general fue entonces el dotar de estructura tanto a nivel teórico como a nivel aplicado a un banco de vídeos destinados a la formación práctica de estudiantes del Grado de Logopedia.
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    Competencias profesionales para el trabajo con población multilingüe y multicultural en España: creencias, prácticas y necesidades de los/las logopedas
    (Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 2020) Aguilar-Mediavilla, Eva; Rodríguez, Lidia; Conboy, Barbara T.; Nieva Ramos, Silvia
    Antecedentes y objetivos: El aumento del número de personas que precisan intervención logopédica bilingüe y multilingüe justifica que las actuales prácticas logopédicas sean revisadas. Los/as logopedas son éticamente responsables de proporcionar la mejor intervención posible, basada en la evidencia, a las familias con las que trabajan. Existe, por tanto, una clara demanda de logopedas competentes para atender a población de origen lingüístico y culturalmente diverso. El objetivo de este trabajo es documentar las creencias, necesidades y prácticas desarrolladas en Espana˜ y profundizar en las competencias lingüísticas, culturales y profesionales desde la perspectiva de los/as logopedas. Método: A partir de trabajos previos en otros países, se disena˜ un cuestionario adaptado a la cultura y lengua espanola ˜ para estudiar la situación de la intervención logopédica multilingüe y multicultural. La muestra está conformada por 208 logopedas de todas las comunidades autónomas que trabajan con población diversa. Resultados: El 84% de los encuestados/as declara hablar más de una lengua, pero solo el 56% se considera bilingüe. El 77% ha trabajado con personas multilingües. El 86% declara no haber recibido formación inicial con este enfoque. El 92% declara carecer de recursos para la evaluación logopédica en diferentes lenguas. Sin embargo, aparecen diferencias significativas en las prácticas y las creencias cuando se compara a los profesionales que se consideran bilingües con los monolingües.
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    Allocation and funding of Speech and Language Therapy for children with Developmental Language Disorders across Europe and beyond
    (Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2022) Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen; Niloufar Jalali-Moghadam; Nieva Ramos, Silvia; Ewa Czaplewska; Marja Laasonen; Ellen Gerrits; Cristina McKean; James Law
    Background: Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) have a significant deficit in spoken language ability which affects their communication skills, education, mental health, employment and social inclusion. Aim: The present study reports findings from a survey by EU network COST ACTION 1406 and aims to explore differences in service delivery and funding of SLT services for children with DLD across Europe and beyond. Methods and procedures: The survey was completed by 5024 European professionals. COST countries were grouped into Nordic, Anglo-Saxon, Continental, Mediterranean, Central/Eastern and Non-European categories. The use of direct, indirect and mixed interventions, and their relationship to funding available (public, private or mixed) were considered for further analysis. Outcomes and results: The results revealed that for direct therapy, there were more cases than expected receiving private funding. For indirect therapy, fewer than expected received private and more than expected public funding. For mixed therapy, fewer cases than expected received private funding. Conclusions and implications: The results implies that other factors than evidence-based practices, practitioners experience, and patient preferences, drive choices in therapy. More research is needed to gain a better understanding of factors affecting the choice of therapy.