Aracil Ávila, Enrique

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Aracil Ávila
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Prospección geofísica por tomografía eléctrica en el abrigo de Sopeña (Asturias, N de España)
    (Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 2021) Pinto Llona, Ana Cristina; Aracil Ávila, Enrique
    Se realiza un análisis por prospección geofísica mediante tomografía eléctrica (ERT, electrical resistivity tomography) en el abrigo de Sopeña (Asturias) y su zona inmediata. El abrigo contiene un interesante yacimiento del Paleolítico Medio superior y Paleolítico Superior inicial, desvelado en un sondeo arqueológico de hasta 3 metros de profundidad sin haber alcanzado la base rocosa. Su entrada actual está protegida por grandes bloques caídos de la cornisa, recubiertos por gruesas coladas estalagmíticas. Esta disposición posiblemente atestigua una posición original de la zona de ocupación humana más interna, dentro de una cueva de mayores dimensiones. Mediante este análisis hemos localizado varios posibles rellenos sedimentarios a cierta profundidad en el exterior del abrigo. Se abre así la posibilidad de muestrear en un futuro esos rellenos, en busca de posibles niveles de ocupación más antiguos.
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    El Muschelkalk en el SW de la provincia de Soria.
    (Geogaceta, 1988) Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Hernando, S.
    Muschelkalk facies in the studied area are anomalus inside the Iberian Ranges. Reduced thickness, continental influence and the different age (Karnian) are the three main aspects. The basin margin for this area has been caused in the above described criteria.
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    Influencia de la variación litológica y textural en la verticalidad de sondeos
    (Geotemas, 2000) Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Lillo Ramos, F.J.; López Mendieta, F.J.
    Lithology contrast texture change, fracturation or lack of consistence in drilled materials, cause variations in vertical direction of holes during drilling operations. This paper shows some examples about the correlation between well deviation and alternance of layers, clay content and altered layers.
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    Estructuración del basamento mesozoico en Los Llanos de Albacete
    (Geogaceta, 1987) Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Vilas Minondo, Lorenzo
    The Mesozoic basement of Los llanos de Albacete Tertiary Basin shows a fracture grid with two main orientations, almost orthogonal: NE-SW orientation is preferential, causing the basement to be divided in severa/ blocks, limited by lystric faults and divided in smaller structures tilted to the NE. The Neogene filling of the basin is not affected by these faults. The results have been obtained during the study of several wells. Aracil, E. y Vilas, L. (1987): Estructuración del basamento mesozoico en Los Llanos de Albacete. Geogaceta, 3, 19-22.
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    Identificación de unidades litoestratigráficas del Cretácico en diagrafías
    (Geogaceta, 1988) Aracil Ávila, Enrique
    An approach to the establishment of different early Upper Cretaceous Lithostratigraphic Units caracteristics in the diagraphies of a log drilled in the lberian Ranges.
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    Geophysical Exploration of Mining Ponds – An Effective Tool for Their Geochemical Characterization
    (2007) Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Martínez-Pagán, Pedro; Faz, Ángel
    In the Murcia Province, there are eighty five mining silt ponds resulting from the treatment and exploitation of ancient metallic sulphur mines. These silt ponds are the potential focus of environmental pollution. The Technical University of Cartagena (Murcia, Spain) and Análisis y Gestión del Subsuelo Company (for geophysics) have been carrying out an integral study of these structures from the year 2003 to the present. In this work, studies from the Brunita and El Lirio mining silt ponds (La Union, Murcia) are described. These have allowed the characterization of different horizons, combining the results obtained through geochemical analysis with data derived from electrical tomography (2D and 3D) techniques. Geochemistry has demonstrated that oxidation and salinization processes are more active in the sediment surface layers than in deeper layers. Acidification has also been found to be more active in upper layers, with analyses showing pH values slightly less acidic, combined with high concentrations of Zn. The results were analyzed with the different electrical profiles, and correlated and corroborated with the geochemical sampling analysis.
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    Las facies de transición del Buntsandstein al Muschelkalk entre Cuevas de Ayllón y Termancia (provincia de Soria)
    (Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 1988) Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Hernando Costa, Santiago
    En el presente trabajo se analizan, desde un punto de vista sedimentológicq, unos materiales correspondientes a la Unidad T-2 definida por Remando (1977a) y cuya edad no se puede precisar por falta ddósiles con valor cronoestratigráfico. Primeramente se realiza un análisis de facies y posteriormente se agrupan en tres asociaciones de facies representativas: dos corresponden al Sector de Cuevas de Ayllón y la tercera al Vértice Corralejos. Finalmente, un estudio de estas secuencias permite a los autores atribuir estos depósitos como producto de la sedimentación en un complejo costero de llanura mareal-estuario.
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    Nitric Oxide Induces the Progression of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms through the Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer EMMPRIN
    (The American Journal of Pathology, 2009) Lizarbe, Tania ; Tarín, Carlos; Gómez, Mónica; Lavín Plaza, Begoña; Aracil Ávila, Enrique; Orte, Luis ; Zaragoza, Carlos
    Nitric Oxide (NO) is involved in the development and progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). We found that inhibition of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) protects mice in an elastase-induced AAA model, significantly inhibiting the production of matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13). The extracellular MMP inducer (EMMPRIN; CD147) was increased in human AAA biopsies and in wild-type murine AAA but not in AAA from iNOS null mice. In cells overexpressing ectopic EMMPRIN, MMP-13 secretion was stimulated, whereas silencing of EMMPRIN by RNA interference led to significant inhibition of MMP-13 expression. In addition, elastase infusion of MMP-13 null mouse aortas induced a significant increase of EMMPRIN but reduced aortic dilatation when compared with wild-type mice, suggesting that NO-mediated AAA may be mediated through EMMPRIN induction of MMP-13. These findings were further verified in elastase-infused iNOS null mice, in which daily administration of NO caused a significant aortic dilatation and the expression of EMMPRIN and MMP-13. By contrast, in iNOS wild-type mice, pharmacological inhibition of iNOS by administration of 1400 W induced a reduction of aortic diameter and inhibition of MMP-13 and EMMPRIN expression when compared with control mice. Our results suggest that NO may regulate the development of AAA in part by inducing the expression of EMMPRIN and modulating the activity of MMP-13 in murine and human aneurysms.