Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad

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Ruiz Gallego-Largo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del Comportamiento
Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento
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Search Results

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  • Publication
    Communications and Driver Monitoring Aids for Fostering SAE Level-4 Road Vehicles Automation
    (MDPI, 2018) Jiménez, Felipe; Naranjo, José; Sánchez, Sofía; Serradilla, Francisco; Pérez Moreno, Elisa; Hernández Lloreda, María José; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad
    Road vehicles include more and more assistance systems that perform tasks to facilitate driving and make it safer and more efficient. However, the automated vehicles currently on the market do not exceed SAE level 2 and only in some cases reach level 3. Nevertheless, the qualitative and technological leap needed to reach level 4 is significant and numerous uncertainties remain. In this sense, a greater knowledge of the environment is needed for better decision making and the role of the driver changes substantially. This paper proposes the combination of cooperative systems with automated driving to offer a wider range of information to the vehicle than on-board sensors currently provide. This includes the actual deployment of a cooperative corridor on a highway. It also takes into account that in some circumstances or scenarios, pre-set or detected by on-board sensors or previous communications, the vehicle must hand back control to the driver, who may have been performing other tasks completely unrelated to supervising the driving. It is thus necessary to assess the driver’s condition as regards retaking control and to provide assistance for a safe transition.
  • Publication
    Does Education about Death and Dying decrease stress generated in the dissection room?
    (Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2020) González Pinilla, Juan Ambrosio; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad; Barrio Asensio, María del Carmen; Catón Vázquez, Javier; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    Positive effects on reducing students’ stress have been reported across numerous university settings when anatomy preparatory seminars have been provided. To date, this type of preparation for coping with cadaver dissection has not been studied in Spanish universities. The aim of this study is to evaluate how first-year Spanish medical students face the dissecting room and whether previous preparation about death and dying reduces the stress generated. We performed an interventional study with students who received preparatory classes before the dissection practices (Experimental Group, EG) and with students who did not (Control Group, CG). Sociodemographic data and a self-assessment on stress symptoms were collected through a questionnaire completed before and after the dissection practices. No differences were found in the self-report of symptoms of stress among students who consider themselves religious or not, or between students who had a family member in the healthcare environment or not. However, in the EG, the students who had ample experience with terminally ill patients or death reported fewer stress symptoms. Unexpectedly, the number of self- reported stress symptoms after the dissection practice was higher in EG students. In conclusion the stress levels of first-year Spanish medical students not only did not improve after receiving preparatory classes about death and dying and discussion groups, but it gets worse. We found a relationship between student stress measured and experience with terminally ill patients or death. Additional studies are needed to identify the most suitable preparation for Spanish medical students.
  • Publication
    Intravehicular, Short- and Long-Range Communication Information Fusion for Providing Safe Speed Warnings
    (MDPI, 2016) Jiménez, Felipe; Naranjo, Jose; Serradilla, Francisco; Pérez Moreno, Elisa; Hernández Lloreda, María; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad; Anaya, José; Díaz, Alberto
    Inappropriate speed is a relevant concurrent factor in many traffic accidents. Moreover, in recent years, traffic accidents numbers in Spain have fallen sharply, but this reduction has not been so significant on single carriageway roads. These infrastructures have less equipment than high-capacity roads, therefore measures to reduce accidents on them should be implemented in vehicles. This article describes the development and analysis of the impact on the driver of a warning system for the safe speed on each road section in terms of geometry, the presence of traffic jams, weather conditions, type of vehicle and actual driving conditions. This system is based on an application for smartphones and includes knowledge of the vehicle position via Ground Positioning System (GPS), access to intravehicular information from onboard sensors through the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, vehicle data entry by the driver, access to roadside information (short-range communications) and access to a centralized server with information about the road in the current and following sections of the route (long-range communications). Using this information, the system calculates the safe speed, recommends the appropriate speed in advance in the following sections and provides warnings to the driver. Finally, data are sent from vehicles to a server to generate new information to disseminate to other users or to supervise drivers’ behaviour. Tests in a driving simulator have been used to define the system warnings and Human Machine Interface (HMI) and final tests have been performed on real roads in order to analyze the effect of the system on driver behavior.
  • Publication
    Adquisición y evaluación de competencias transversales y específicas en el Máster Universitario de Intervención Logopédica desde un enfoque interdisciplinar
    (2020-06-30) Pérez Moreno, Elisa María; Lázaro López-Villaseñor, Miguel; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad; Hernández Lloreda, María José; Simón López, Teresa; Chacón Gómez, José Carlos; Castellanos López, Miguel Ángel; García Mínguez, Lorena
    El objetivo del proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un programa destinado a la adquisición y evaluación de competencias transversales y específicas mediante la realización de prácticas conjuntas de asignaturas impartidas por distintos departamentos.
  • Publication
    Relación entre conciencia morfológica y destreza lectora: un estudio con niños hispanohablantes
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2021-03-08) Lázaro López-Villaseñor, Miguel; Ruiz Gallego-Largo, Trinidad; Escalonilla, Ainoa; Simón López, Teresa
    En este trabajo se indaga en la relación entre conciencia morfológica y destreza lectora en niños hablantes nativos de español de tercero y cuarto de primaria. A los participantes se les administraron pruebas de: conciencia fonológica, nivel de vocabulario, cociente intelectual, velocidad lectora, destreza lectora y una prueba diseñada ad hoc de conciencia morfológica. Esta tarea consta de 8 subtareas que comprenden tanto la morfología derivativa como la flexiva. Los resultados muestran que para la flexión no existe un efecto evolutivo y sí un efecto techo, mientras que para la derivación sí se observa un efecto evolutivo. Por otro lado los resultados de la prueba de conciencia morfológica correlacionan significativamente con los de comprensión lectora, lo que avala la relevancia de esta variable en la comprensión de textos. Igualmente los resultados en conciencia morfológica correlacionan con el nivel de vocabulario, lo que demuestra la naturaleza léxica de esta variable. Estos resultados son explicados a la luz de las investigaciones previas realizadas en diversas lenguas, haciendo hincapié en las obtenidas en español.