Druet Vélez, María

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Druet Vélez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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  • Publication
    Cartografía de dominios litosféricos y estilo de deformación en el margen continental de Galicia (margen noroeste de la Península Ibérica)
    (Sociedad Geológica de España, 2016) Druet Vélez, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Acosta, Juan; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Ercilla, Gemma
    El margen continental de Galicia presenta una estructura muy compleja, debido a dos efectos principales. Por un lado, se trata de un margen de rift pobre en magma, generado en las proximidades del punto triple R-R-R que dio lugar a la apertura simultánea del Océano Atlántico y el golfo de Vizcaya durante el Cretácico. Por otra parte, el régimen de esfuerzos compresivo Cenozoico generó la inversión parcial del margen continental hacia el norte y el noroeste, aportando una mayor complejidad estructural. En este trabajo hemos realizado un análisis detallado de la nueva información gravimétrica y batimétrica obtenida durante las campañas del Proyecto ZEE, así como de nuevos perfiles de sísmica de reflexión multicanal procedentes del Proyecto ERGAP. Presentamos aquí parte de los resultados de este análisis conjunto de toda la información geofísica y geológica disponible, consistentes en una cartografía continua de los diferentes dominios litosféricos y del tipo de deformación que los afectan, desde el margen oeste de la Península Ibérica hasta el margen norte.
  • Publication
    Bouguer anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019-08-12) Druet Vélez, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Catalán, Manuel
    The NW Iberian continental margin has a complex structure, resulting from the succession of several rifting episodes close to a ridge triple junction, and a superimposed partial tectonic inversion stage. The wide-ranging physiography matches the diverse tectonic deformation domains related to its evolution. Each deformation domain has a distinctive gravity signal, so the detailed Bouguer anomaly map presented here is a good first approach to the regional study of the whole margin. Moreover, as the presented chart is a complete Bouguer anomaly map (including terrain corrections), its analysis and interpretation can be done in terms of density, geometry and depth variations below the seafloor. This map is mainly based on the dataset obtained during seven one-month surveys carried out in the frame of the Spanish Economic Exclusive Zone project, and also includes two 2 + 3/4D density models illustrating the deep structure of the margin.
  • Publication
    Bouguer anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains
    (Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019-07-12) Druet Vélez, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, ALFONSO; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Maestro, Adolfo; Bohoyo, Fernando; Martín Dávila, José
    The NW Iberian continental margin has a complex structure, resulting from the succession of several rifting episodes close to a ridge triple junction, and a superimposed partial tectonic inversion stage. The wide-ranging physiography matches the diverse tectonic deformation domains related to its evolution. Each deformation domain has a distinctive gravity signal, so the detailed Bouguer anomaly map presented here is a good first approach to the regional study of the whole margin. Moreover, as the presented chart is a complete Bouguer anomaly map (including terrain corrections), its analysis and interpretation can be done in terms of density, geometry and depth variations below the seafloor. This map is mainly based on the dataset obtained during seven one-month surveys carried out in the frame of the Spanish Economic Exclusive Zone project, and also includes two 2 + 3/4D density models illustrating the deep structure of the margin.
  • Publication
    Modelización gravimétrica de la transición entre corteza continental y oceánica en el margen oeste de Galicia
    (Sociedad Geológica de España., 2004) Druet Vélez, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Álvarez García, Juan; Llanes Estrada, Pilar
    Since 2001 marine gravity data have been collected on the North Atlantic Ocean around Galicia Mar,-,in. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the Bouguer anomaly map of the west margin of Galicia and the modelling of the ocean-continent boundary in this area. Very high Bouguer anomaly values have been obtained for this region, specially in the oceanic trust of the Iberian Abyssal Plain. A gravity low is related to the Galicia Bank continental block, and relative positive elongate highs correspond with the Peridotite Ridge and the Galicia Interior Basin. The two gravity models presented here, based on seismic refraction and reflection profiles, have allowed the characterization of the gravity limit between oceanic and continental trust in this margin. This limit is located 15 km eastwards in the northern profile 1, from the previous proposed limit based on sedimentary criteria.
  • Publication
    Crustal structure and continent?ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia): insights from combined gravity and seismic interpretation
    (AGU, 2018-03-27) Druet Vélez, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Acosta, Juan; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Ercilla, Gemma
    The magma?poor rifted continental margin of Galicia has an extremely complex structure. Its formation involved several rifting episodes that occurred ultimately during the early Cretaceous near a ridge triple junction, which produced a change in the orientation of the main structures in its transition to the north Iberia margin. In addition, there is a superimposed partial tectonic inversion along its northwest and northern border which developed from the Late Cretaceous to at least Oligocene times. The present study integrates a large volume of new geophysical information (mainly marine gravity data and 2D seismic reflection profiles) to provide insights on the formation of this rift system and on the development of its later inversion. The combined interpretation and modeling of this data enable the presentation of a new crustal and structural domains map for the whole Galicia margin. This includes the rift domains related to the extreme thinning of the crust and the lithospheric mantle (stretched, necking, and hyperextension and mantle exhumation (HME) domains), as well as a domain of intense compressional deformation. New constraints arise on the origin, the deep structure, and the characterization of the along? and across?strike variation of the continent?ocean transition of the margin, where a progressive change from hyperextension to partial inversion is observed. The development of both rifting and later partial tectonic inversion is influenced by the existence of former first?order tectonic features. Most of the tectonic inversion is focused on the HME domain, which in some areas of the northwestern margin is completely overprinted by compressional deformation.
  • Publication
    Maribno Amphibious Project: Role of the Inherited Tectonics in the Structure of the Northwestern Iberian Margin
    (EAGE, 2022-06-01) Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis; De La Fuente Oliver, Miguel Ángel; Druet Vélez, María; De Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo; Gallastegui, Jorge; Maestro, Adolfo
    New energy demand linked to world population growth and awareness about climate change have brought out the need to develop new forms of energy guided by the urgency of an ecological transition. In this context geothermal resources have the potential of contributing significantly to sustainable use in many parts of the world. In Spain, during the 80´s, oil and gas explorations carried out in the Madrid Basin confirmed the existence of two geothermal reservoirs. Here we present diverse geological features of the basin essential in geothermal exploration. We use airborne radiogenic and magnetic data to characterize the basement. Detailed ground concentration estimates of the heat producing elements are used to calculate the heat production and heat flow in the near surface. The distribution pattern of both parameters is heterogeneous with two main areas separated by southward prolongation of the Berzosa Fault. The eastern sector is characterized by both low heat production and heat flow rates while the western area is distinguished by high values as a response of the exposed granites. In addition, we build one 3D geological model and one 3D isothermal model with Leapfrog Geothermal from seismic, well data and mapping information.
  • Publication
    Geofísica-SMART: Simples experiMentos de enseñanza apRendizaje en entoRnos digiTales
    (2022-12-31) Martín Hernández, Fátima; Ledo Fernandez, Juan José; Negredo Moreno, Ana María; Pavón Carrasco, Francisco Javier; Fullea Urchulutegui, Javier; Osete López, María Luisa; Ruíz Martínez, Vicente Carlos; Arquero Campuzano, Saioa; Llanes Estrada, Pilar; Druet Vélez, María; Valles-Iriso, Javier; Gómez-Paccard, Miriam; Bonilla Alba, Raquel; Rivera Pérez, Pablo; López Sánchez, Carolina
    La Geofísica es una disciplina asociada a la Física experimental con gran desarrollo en multitud de ámbitos que van desde la arqueología a diferentes areas de la ingeniería como la geotécnia, ingeniería de minas o ingeniería geológica o bien el ámbito académico. Precisa de un conocimiento Físico de las leyes de la naturaleza pero también una destreza asociada a la Física más aplicada con multitud de experimentos en campo. Éstos son a veces difíciles de encontrar en libros de texto que se centran en los aspectos teóricos de la disciplina. Por eso, este proyecto pretende hacer ver a los estudiantes el diseño, desarrollo y procesado de experiencias de Geofísica Aplicada o prospectiva dentro de su desarrollo curricular.
  • Publication
    Nueva interpretación del relleno sedimentario de la Cuenca de San Pedro (Offshore de la República Dominicana) en base a nuevos datos sísmicos
    (Sociedad Geológica de España, 2016) Gorosabel Araus, J.M.; Granja Bruña, José Luis; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Gómez de la Peña, Laura; Rodríguez Zurrunero, Álvaro; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Pazos, Antonio; Gómez Ballesteros, María; Druet Vélez, María; Llanes Estrada, Pilar
    Los nuevos datos de sísmica de reflexión multicanal 2D adquiridos en la Cuenca de San Pedro (margen sudeste de la República Dominicana), junto con antiguos perfiles sísmicos reprocesados, han permitido llevar a cabo un detallado análisis y revisión de la estratigrafía sísmica. Los nuevos datos sísmicos aportan nuevas precisiones sobre la evolución de la cuenca sugiriendo un origen de al menos Eoceno Superior, en lugar de Mioceno. La nueva interpretación se basa en la correlación onshore-offshore de un nivel guía de abanicos bien desarrollado, con los eventos tectónicos constreñidos tierra y asociados a la colisión con los Bancos de las Bahamas con el arco isla el Eoceno Medio.
  • Publication
    Cartografía del ecocarácter del Margen Continental de Galicia y de las llanuras abisales adyacentes
    (Sociedad Geológica de España., 2021) Maestro, Adolfo; Jane, G.; Fernández Saéz, F.; Llave, E.; Bohoyo, Fernando; Navas, Javier; Mink, Sandra; Druet Vélez, María; Gómez Ballesteros, María; Martín Dávila, José; Catalán, Manuel; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis
    La cartografía y análisis de las facies acústicas que se determinan a partir de la interpretación y correlación de los perfiles sísmicos de muy alta resolución, es una herramienta muy útil para la caracterización de los procesos sedimentarios recientes y su distribución en ambientes marinos profundos. Este trabajo presenta el primer mapa de ecocarácter del Margen Continental de Galicia y las llanuras abisales adyacentes. El mapa se realizó sobre la base del análisis e interpretación de los datos de batimetría y reflectividad de las ecosondas multihaz SIMRAD EM12, EM120 y EM1002, y los perfiles sísmicos de muy alta resolución de la ecosonda paramétrica SIMRAD TOPAS PS18. Sobre la base de la morfología del fondo marino, la reflectividad y los caracteres del eco acústico, se identificaron 26 tipos de ecos en la secuencia sedimentaria más superficial. Estos tipos de eco se han clasificado en cuatro grupos principales: bien definidos, irregulares, hiperbólicos y ondulados. Esta información ha sido adquirida en el marco del ‘Programa de Investigación Científica de la Zona Económica Exclusiva Española’, coordinado por el Ministerio de Defensa, durante las campañas oceanográficas que se han realizado a bordo del BIO Hespérides del 2001 a 2003 y del 2006 a 2009.
  • Publication
    Echo-character distribution in the Cantabrian Margin and the Biscay Abyssal Plain
    (Taylor and Francis Inc., 2021) Maestro, Adolfo; Gallastegui, Alba; Moreta, Mercedes; Llave, Estefanía; Bohoyo, Fernando; Druet Vélez, María; Navas, Javier; Mink, Sandra; Fernández Sáenz, Fernando; Catalán, Manuel; Gómez Ballesteros, María; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso; Granja Bruña, José Luis
    In 2003, 2006–2009, 2014 and 2015, seven oceanographic cruises were carried out onboard the Spanish R/V Hespérides in the Cantabrian Margin and the adjacent abyssal plains, covering anarea of 219,124 km2. Based on the combined analysis and interpretation of the bathymetric and reflectivity data obtained with multibeam echosounders (SIMRADEM12, EM120 and EM1002), and ultra-high-resolution reflection seismic records acquired with the SIMRAD TOPASPS18 parametric sounder, the mapping of the acoustic facies or echo-character at a scale of 1:1,200,000 has been carried out. Thirty types of echoes have been differentiated and gather into four main groups: Distinct, Irregular, Hyperbolic and Undulated. The echo-character depends on the acoustic response of the shallow sediment and these a bed morphology. Therefore, its analysis and characterization are basic for understanding recent and present-day sedimentary processes.