Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa

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First Name
María Teresa
Last Name
Ortega Hernández-Agero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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Search Results

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    Project number: 167
    Diseño, elaboración y difusión de una campaña de concienciación ciudadana sobre fármacos que afectan a la conducción de vehículos
    (2020) Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; De las Heras Polo, Beatriz; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Gonzalez Cofrade, Laura
    Proyecto Aprendizaje Servicio para el diseño, elaboración y difusión de una campaña de sensibilización ciudadana, realizada por estudiantes de Farmacia, sobre el uso de fármacos y la conducción de vehículos, basada en las necesidades de la sociedad.
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    Influence of processing in the phenolic composition and health-promoting properties of lentils (Lens culinaris L.)
    (Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017) López Pérez, Ana Esther; El-Naggar, Tarek; Dueñas Patón, Montserrat; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Hernández Fernández, María Teresa; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Carretero Accame, María Emilia
    'Lentils (Lens culinaris L.) are a source of polyphenolic compounds with health-promoting properties, but cooking processes before consumption cause hydrolytic reactions, endogenous enzymes and biochemical metabolism activation which could interfere with their positive physiological effects. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of boiling and germination in the phenolic content and composition of marketed lentils by liquid chromatography analysis and thus, to evaluate its impact on the neuroprotective and anticancer properties through cell culture assays. The protective effect toward astrocyte culture when submitted to an oxidant injury remained after processing while a decrease in the antioxidant activity by oxygen radical absorbing capacity assay and DPPH methods was detected. Every sample was cytotoxic on the assayed cancer cell lines, the strongest antiproliferative activity being for germinated lentils on melanoma cell line. In conclusion, processing of lentils led to significant chemical modifications in the polyphenolic content without significant influence on its healthy properties’
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    Medicinal plants and natural products as neuroprotective agents in age-related macular degeneration
    (Neural Regeneration Research, 2020) Bosch-Morell, Francisco; Villagrasa Sebastián, Victoria; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Acero De Mesa, Nuria; Muñoz-Mingarro, María Dolores; González Rosende, Eugenia; Castillo García, Encarna; Sanhauja Santafé, María Amparo; Soriano Guarinos, Pilar; Martínez-Solís, Isabel
    The retina may suffer neurodegenerative damages, as other tissues of the central nervous system do, and serious eye diseases may develop. One of them is age-related macular degeneration, which causes progressive loss of vision due to retina degeneration. Treatment of age-related macular degeneration focuses on antioxidant agents and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor compounds, among others, that prevent/diminish oxidative stress and reduce neovascularisation respectively. The phytochemicals, medicinal plants and/or plant-diet supplements might be a useful adjunct in prevention or treatment of age-related macular degeneration owing to their antioxidant and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor properties. This review article presents the most investigated plants and natural products in relation to age-related macular degeneration, such as saffron, ginkgo, bilberry and blueberry, curcuma or turmeric, carotenoids, polyphenols, and vitamins C and E. This study provides up-to-date information on the effects, treatments, safety and efficiency of these phytotherapy products.
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    Study of red wine neuroprotection on astrocytes
    (Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2009) Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Martín, Sara; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Prodanov, Marín; Vacas, Visitación; Hernández, Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Carretero Accame, María Emilia
    Phenolic composition of wine depends not only on the grape variety from which it is made, but on some external factors such as winemaking technology. Red wine possesses the most antioxidant effect because of its high polyphenolic content. The aim of this work is to study for the first time, the neuroprotective activity of four monovarietal Spanish red wines (Merlot (ME), Tempranillo (T), Garnacha (G) and Cabernet-Sauvignon (CS)) through its antioxidant ability, and to relate this neuroprotection to its polyphenolic composition, if possible. The wine effect on neuroprotection was studied through its effect as free radical scavenger against FeSO4, H2O2 and FeSO4 + H2O2. Effect on cell survival was determined by 3(4,5-dimethyltiazol-2-il)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium reduction assay (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay on astrocytes cultures. Results showed that most of the studied wine varieties induced neuroprotection through their antioxidant ability in astrocytes, Merlot being the most active; this variety is especially rich in phenolic compounds, mainly catechins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Our results show that red wine exerts a protection against oxidative stress generated by different toxic agents and that the observed neuroprotective activity is related to their polyphenolic content.
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    Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: Scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal
    (Phytotherapy Research, 2023) Acero, Nuria; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Villagrasa, Victoria; León, Gemma; Muñoz Mingarro, Dolores; Castillo, Encarna; González-Rosende, María Victoria; Borrás, Silvia; Ríos, Jose Luis; Bosch-Morell, Francisco; Martínez-Solis, Isabel
    The incidence and prevalence of age-related neurodegenerative dementias have been increasing. There is no curative therapy and conventional drug treatment can cause problems for patients. Medicinal plants traditionally used for problems associated with ageing are emerging as a therapeutic resource. The main aim is to give a proposal for use and future research based on scientific knowledge and tradition. A literature search was conducted in several searchable databases. The keywords used were related to neurodegenerative dementias, ageing and medicinal plants. Boolean operators and filters were used to focus the search. As a result, there is current clinical and preclinical scientific information on 49 species used in traditional medicine for ageing-related problems, including neurodegenerative dementias. There are preclinical and clinical scientific evidences on their properties against protein aggregates in the central nervous system and their effects on neuroinflammation, apoptosis dysregulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, gabaergic, glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems alterations, monoamine oxidase alterations, serotonin depletion and oestrogenic protection. In conclusion, the potential therapeutic effect of the different medicinal plants depends on the type of neurodegenerative dementia and its stage of development, but more clinical and preclinical research is needed to find better, safer and more effective treatments.
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    Campaña de concienciación para el uso racional de fármacos ansiolíticos e hipnóticos
    (2023) Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; Prieto Chinchilla, Patricia; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Heras Polo, Beatriz De Las; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; González Cofrade, Laura
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    Project number: 212
    Diseño, planificación y desarrollo de herramientas digitales y multimedia para la virtualización de clases prácticas de Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia del Grado en Farmacia y Doble Grado en Farmacia y Nutrición Humana y Dietética
    (2021) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Acero Mesa, Nuria; De las Heras Polo, Beatriz; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Martínez Solis, María Isabel; Muñoz Mingarro, Dolores; Cuadrado Berrocal, Irene; Prieto Chinchilla, Patricia; Gonzalez Cofrade, Laura; Estrada San Antolín, Pablo
    Mediante este proyecto se ha diseñado y creado un espacio de aprendizaje virtual soportado por recursos digitales y multimedia que simulan prácticas reales, presenciales, de Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia. Contiene un amplio banco de imágenes micrográficas de drogas vegetales, estructuradas en forma de presentaciones interactivas powerpoint y videos H5P. También ofrece microvideos interactivos que simulan prácticas presenciales de fitoquímica. Los materiales elaborados, fácilmente portables mediante copias de seguridad adaptadas a diferentes plataformas virtuales, pueden se utilizados en casos de emergencias sanitarias que limiten la presencialidad y, además, constituir herramientas complementarias para facilitar y completar la adquisición de los conocimientos teórico-prácticos propuestos en la asignatura, en situaciones de normalidad. Asimismo, puede ser una herramienta para la formación continuada de profesionales del ámbito farmacéutico.
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    Neuroprotective potential of Ginkgo biloba in retinal diseases
    (Planta Medica, 2021) Martínez-Solís, Isabel; Acero, Nuria; Bosch-Morell, Francisco; Castillo, Encarna; González-Rosende, María Eugenia; Muñoz-Mingarro, Dolores; Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Sanahuja, María Amparo; Villagrasa, Victoria
    Like other tissues of the central nervous system, the retina is susceptible to damage by oxidative processes that result in several neurodegenerative disease such as age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, ischaemic retinal disease, retinal disease produced by light oxidation, and detached retina, among other diseases. The use of antioxidant substances is a solution to some health problems caused by oxidative stress, because they regulate redox homeostasis and reduce oxidative stress. This is important for neurodegeneration linked to oxidation processes. In line with this, Ginkgo biloba is a medicinal plant with excellent antioxidant properties whose effects have been demonstrated in several degenerative processes, including retinal diseases associated with neurodegeneration. This review describes the current literature on the role of ginkgo in retinal diseases associated with neurodegeneration. The information leads to the conclusion that G. biloba extracts might be a good option to improve certain neurodegenerative retinal diseases, but more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of G. biloba in these retinal degenerative processes.
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    Influence of grape variety and their phenolic composition on vasorelaxing activity of young red wines
    (European Food Research and Technology, 2008) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; De la Hera, Elena; Carretero Accame, María Emilia; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Naval López, María Victoria; Villar Del Fresno, Angel María; Prodánov Prodánov, Marín; Vacas, Visitación; Arroyo Casado, Teresa; Hernández García, María Teresa; Estrella Pedrola, María Isabel
    Red wine has been reported to exert beneficial effects in preventing cardiovascular diseases probably due to their polyphenols constituents. The vasorelaxant capacity and phenolic composition of four monovarietal young red wines Merlot, Tempranillo, Garnacha and Cabernet-Sauvignon obtained from grapes from 2004 vintage, cultivated under the same climatic and agricultural conditions, wine-making technology and storage conditions, were determined using vascular reactivity assay in rat aortic and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. Primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells from Wistar rats were also used to evaluate their survival prevention activity as well. Every studied wine present vasorelaxation effect, but the higher value corresponds to the analyzed Merlot wine, especially rich in phenolic compounds, mainly catechins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin glycosides. This study further demonstrated previous investigations about the phenolic composition of wines relation with their vasorelaxation activity
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    Project number: 145
    UCMspace-comunica)))), un espacio web como herramienta de aprendizaje de carácter multidisciplinar para la mejora de la comunicación científica
    (2017) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Torres Muñoz, Margarita; Benedí González, Juana María; Raposo González, Rafaela; Heras Polo, Beatriz De Las; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Martín Gómez, María Soledad; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Sánchez de Rojas Fernández-Cabrera, Ramón; Castilla Rodriguez, Carlos María; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba
    Diseño, ejecución y evaluación de un espacio web (UCMspace-comunica)))), que pueda ser utilizado como herramienta de aprendizaje eficaz, de carácter multidisciplinar, para la correcta comunicación de los contenidos específicos adquiridos por los alumnos en las diferentes materias que integran los grados universitarios, incluyendo el Trabajo Fin de Grado. Esta herramienta puede ser útil para optimizar la labor tutorial del profesor y el desarrollo profesional de los futuros farmacéuticos.