Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel

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First Name
José Manuel
Last Name
Gamboa Mutuberria
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Álgebra, Geometría y Topología
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 85
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    On the problem of finding the full automorphism group of a compact Klein surface
    (Contribuciones Matemáticas. Homenaje al Prof. D. Joaquín Arregui Fernández, 2000) Cirre, F.J.; Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
    The paper under review surveys most known results about the following problem: let $X$ be a compact topological surface of algebraic genus $p>1$, with or without boundary, orientable or not. How to calculate all groups acting as the full automorphism group of some structure of Klein surface having $X$ as underlying topological surface? It must be remarked that from Riemann's uniformization theorem, and since $\Aut(X)$ has no more than 168 $(p-1)$ automorphisms (including the orientation-reversing ones), this problem is of a finite nature. In practice this is an unaccessible task except for low values of $p$ or some extra conditions on the surfaces one is dealing with.
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    An Algorithm To Compute Odd Orders And Ramification Indexes Of Cyclic Actions On Compact Surfaces
    (Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1994) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel; Bujalance, E.; Costa Gonzalez, A.F.; Lafuente López, Javier
    In this paper we get an effective algorithm to compute all odd orders and ramification indices of homeomorphisms
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    Those fascinating numbers [book review]
    (2011) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
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    On Prime Ideals In Rings Of Semialgebraic Functions
    (Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1993) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
    It is proved that if p is a prime ideal in the ring S{M) of semialgebraic functions on a semialgebraic set M, the quotient field of S(M)/p is real closed. We also prove that in the case where M is locally closed, the rings S(M) and P(M)—polynomial functions on M—have the same Krull dimension. The proofs do not use the theory of real spectra.
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    Subfields of a real closed field of countable codimension
    (Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
    Let R be a real closed field and let K be a subfield of R such that R/K is a proper algebraic extension. The main result of this paper (Theorem 2.6) states that there exists {Kn:n∈N} a countable family of countable codimension subfields of R containing K such that Ks⊆Kt if s∣t and R=⋃n∈NKn. Among other consequences of this result, it is shown that (Corollary 3.1) every real closed field contains a countable family of countable codimension subfields and (Proposition 3.7) if F is the family of all countable codimension subfields of a real closed field, then ⋂E∈FE=Q.
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    On the semialgebraic Stone-Čech compactification of a semialgebraic set
    (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2012) Fernando Galván, José Francisco; Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
    In the same vein as the classical Stone–ˇCech compactification, we prove in this work that the maximal spectra of the rings of semialgebraic and bounded semialgebraic functions on a semialgebraic set M ⊂ Rn, which are homeomorphic topological spaces, provide the smallest Hausdorff compactification of M such that each bounded R-valued semialgebraic function on M extends continuously to it. Such compactification β∗sM, which can be characterized as the smallest compactification that dominates all semialgebraic compactifications of M, is called the semialgebraic Stone– ˇ Cech compactification of M, although it is very rarely a semialgebraic set. We are also interested in determining the main topological properties of the remainder ∂M = β∗sM \M and we prove that it has finitely many connected components and that this number equals the number of connected components of the remainder of a suitable semialgebraic compactification of M. Moreover, ∂M is locally connected and its local compactness can be characterized just in terms of the topology of M.
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    On Lojasiewicz's inequality and the Nullstellensatz for rings of semialgebraic functions
    (Journal of algebra, 2014) Fernando Galván, José Francisco; Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel
    In this article we present versions of Lojasiewicz's inequality and the Nullstellensatz for the ring of bounded semialgebraic functions on an arbitrary semialgebraic set M. We also prove that the classical Lojasiewicz inequality and Nullstellensatz for the ring of semialgebraic functions on a semialgebraic set M work if and only if M is locally compact.
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    Problemas de oposiciones : Matemáticas. Tomo 4, Preparación del ejercicio práctico de las oposiciones al cuerpo de profesores de enseñanza secundaria (1996 a 2005): 378 problemas
    (2005) Diego Martín, Braulio de; Llerena, Agustín; Baena, Francisco; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Mª Belén; Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel; Lorenzo, José M.
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    Desarrollo del temario de las oposiciones de secundaria (Matematicas) (2ª ed.)
    (2008) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Mª Belén
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    Symmetries of Riemann surfaces on which PSL(2,q) acts as a Hurwitz automorphism group
    (Journal Of Pure And Applied Algebra, 1996) Gamboa Mutuberria, José Manuel; Broughton, SA; Bujalance, E.; Costa, F.A.; Gromadzki, G.
    Let X be a compact Riemann surface and Aut(X) be its automorphism group. An automorphism of order 2 reversing the orientation is called a symmetry. The authors together with D. Singerman have been working on symmetries of Riemann surfaces in the last decade. In this paper, the symmetry type St(X) of X is defined as an unordered list of species of conjugacy classes of symmetries of X, and for a class of particular surfaces, St(X) is found. This class consists of Riemann surfaces on which PSL(2, q) acts as a Hurwitz group. An algorithm to calculate the symmetry type of this class is provided.