Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel

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First Name
Miguel Ángel
Last Name
Sastre Castillo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Comercio y Turismo
Organización de Empresas
Organización de Empresas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Creating Financial and Social Value by Improving Employee Well-Being: A PLS-SEM Application in SMEs
    (Mathematics, 2022) Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Ramos González, María Del Mar; Gutiérrez Broncano, Santiago; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
    In the business world, the improvement of employee well-being in organizations is important, as there is empirical evidence that it brings social value and economic benefits to organizations. To advance in this line of research, we considered SMEs as the object of study due to their importance in Spanish businesses and the scarcity of empirical studies on the subject. We use the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyse the measurement models and the structural model. Our research focuses on the importance of influential variables on well-being, but also considers how they affect financial performance. In the model that we present, there is a direct effect between the latent variables HPWS, well-being, reputation and financial performance, which represents how human resource management based on good practice in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) positively affects well-being by creating a good reputation and generating more business wealth. Our findings confirm the direct relationships proposed in the model, as well as the relevance of well-being and reputation as mediating variables.
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    Gender Diversity in Spanish Banks: Trickle-Down and Productivity Effects
    (Sustainability, 2020) Delgado Piña, María Isabel; Rodríguez Ruiz, Óscar; Rodríguez Duarte, Antonio; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
    The study of the gender composition of top management and its impact for organizations has received increasing attention during recent decades. Despite this, findings have been conflicting and few consistent conclusions have been reached. This paper uses panel data methods to study how the presence of women at the board of governance impacts gender diversity at different organizational levels in the Spanish banking sector. In addition, we explore the influence of female representation on employee productivity. Our findings show that the presence of one or two women at the board of directors benefits the advancement of women to managerial positions. We also identify a positive significant relationship between gender diversity at different organizational strata and productivity. The main conclusion of this research is that female representation at the board has relevant implications in terms of women being promoted and organizational outcomes. This contribution is relevant for both scholars and practitioners, as it explores the business case for gender diversity going beyond the upper echelons of organizations.
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    Exploring sustainability, good governance, and social responsibility in small and medium enterprises
    (Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2019) Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Ramos González, María Del Mar; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio
    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to create shared value in order to compete in a global environment. Reputation is the result of the good work carried out by SMEs with regard to their main stakeholders, given their condition as a small‐ or medium‐sized enterprise. Rather than drawing on conventional financial performance, we propose an innovative sustainability model using shared value creation as the main endogenous variable. The results obtained are based on the opinions of the 261 owners–managers consulted. The method used is partial least squares, and conclusions show that good governance in SMEs must be reflected in good responsibility practices so as to generate reputation, which in turn has a positive effect on shared value. This leads to an effective level of commitment for SMEs, such that their codes of good governance and reports must be consistent with their responsibility towards stakeholders in order to achieve shared value.
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    Family firm CEOs: human capital and career success
    (Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2021) Blanco, María Rita; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
    This article explores the influence of education and experience on the time to the top in family and non-family CEOs who work for Latin American family firms. In order to achieve these objectives, this study draws upon human capital theory as well as career and family firm literature. The careers of 129 CEOs of family firms who form part of the América Economía ranking were analyzed and quantitative methods were used. In Latin American family firms, family CEOs reach the top faster than their non-family counterparts. In addition, the influence of human capital variables on the way to the top differs between the two groups. For family CEOs, obtaining a graduate degree delays the way to the top, while for non-family ones, it reduces the time to the top. As regards experience, for promoted family CEOs, the greater the percentage of the career spent in the organization they lead, the shorter the time to the top. No support was found for either the influence of having worked for just one firm or having had elite graduate education abroad, in multilatina CEOs. Individual career management suggestions for future CEOs as well as specific guidelines for talent managers are proposed. This is the first study to explore the influence of human capital indicators on the time to the top in Latin American family firm CEOs.
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    Project number: 283
    Aprendizaje Servicio e Innovación Social desde la Universidad
    (2018) Carabantes Alarcón, David; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio; Arias Astray, Andrés; Dupont Sfez, Samuelle; Iglesias Recuero, Silvia; Manjón-Cabeza Olmeda, Araceli; Martín Martín, Óliver; Montero, Javier; Romero Ruiz del Portal, Francisco; San Andrés Moya, Margarita; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Tirado Fernández, José Francisco
    El Aprendizaje Servicio es una estrategia docente necesaria para el desarrollo de iniciativas de emprendimiento e innovación social, que partan desde la Universidad, y que se puedan incorporar en las diferentes áreas de conocimiento de la UCM
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    Project number: 58
    Variables psicológicas implicadas en la actitud e iniciativa emprendedora
    (2017) López Núñez, María Inmaculada; Rubio Valdehita, Susana; Díaz Ramiro, Eva María; Lejarriaga Pérez De Las Vacas, Gustavo Raúl; López Sánchez, Ramón; Miguel Tobal, Juan José; Sanz Blasco, Rubén; García De Madariaga Miranda, Jesús; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar; Pascual Ezama, David; Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas, Gustavo; Bel Durán, Paloma; Cubo Trenado, María Esther; Casado Pérez, Josefa; Sempere Blesa, Carlos José; Torrents Margalef, Jorge; Gago García, María Lourdes; Díaz Matey, Gustavo; Arquero Avilés, María Del Rosario; Marco Cuenca, Gonzalo; Suárez Ojeda, Magdalena; Garcerán Piqueras, Rosa María; Pérez-Urría Carril, Elena; Gómez Garay, María Aranzazu; Miguel Vicente, Carmen; Crespo Garrido, María; Velasco Retamosa, José Manuel; Fajardo Peña, Pablo; García Cid, Sophie; López Romero, Mª Isabel; Luque Caballero, Lydia; Vallellano Pérez, María Dolores
    Identificar variables individuales relacionadas con la iniciativa emprendedora y el fomento de competencias transversales relacionadas con la misma, supone un desafío en la investigación actual sobre emprendimiento. El proyecto titulado Variables psicológicas implicadas en la actitud e iniciativa emprendedora, realizado bajo el programa Innova Docencia promovido por el Vicerrectorado de Calidad de la UCM en la convocatoria 2016-2017, ha tenido por objetivo analizar y evaluar variables psicológicas relacionadas con emprendimiento que presentan una muestra de estudiantes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En dicho estudio han participado 1222 estudiantes de la UCM correspondientes a 27 titulaciones: 14 de Grado, 2 de Dobles Grados, y 11 de Máster. El 28,6% de la muestra fueron hombres y el 71% fueron mujeres. La media de edad fue de 20,43 años. El equipo investigador estuvo compuesto por 40 personas: 25 PDI de la UCM, 2 PAS, 8 alumnos y alumnas, 1 técnico, y 4 PDI de las universidades de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), UNED, Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), y Alcalá de Henares (UAH). El PDI de la UCM correspondía a las siguientes facultades: Psicología (7), Ciencias de la Documentación (3), Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (6), Ciencias Políticas y Sociología (3), Comercio (1), Trabajo Social (1), Ciencias Biológicas (2), Informática (1), y Bellas Artes (1). Un equipo UCM perteneciente a 9 facultades, que representó a 13 departamentos y a todas las áreas de conocimiento. La metodología empleada consistió en un cuestionario que evaluaba los siguientes aspectos: datos sociodemográficos, actitud emprendedora, y las variables psicológicas: personalidad, inteligencia emocional, resolución de problemas y tolerancia a la ambigüedad. Se optó por instrumentos estandarizados, con buenas características psicométricas de fiabilidad y validez que permitieran obtener resultados robustos, con amplia evidencia empírica y que evaluaban adecuadamente variables que la literatura ha relacionado con la actitud e iniciativa emprendedora. Además todos ellos se han utilizado en investigaciones relacionadas con emprendimiento, lo que aumentó la validez externa. Se ha analizado la iniciativa emprendedora desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes y también teniendo en cuenta variables del entorno familiar y personal. Los resultados nos muestran que son las variables psicológicas de extraversión, reparación emocional y estrategias de resolución de problemas las que predicen la iniciativa emprendedora. Los estudiante que compaginan estudios y trabajo tienen una mayor iniciativa emprendedora, y aquellos cuyos padres y/o pareja desarrollan su actividad laboral como autónomos. Se presentan datos por titulación académica, sexo, actividad laboral de los padres y compaginar estudios y trabajo. Se muestran datos de todas las variables psicológicas por titulación académica, y una comparativa de dichas variables entre los universitarios, un grupo de estudiantes de Formación Profesional (FP) y una muestra de emprendedores reales. Los resultados obtenidos son relevantes para tomar decisiones orientadas a la mejora de la actitud, iniciativa y comportamiento emprendedor. Permitirán el diseño y ejecución de actividades académicas para sensibilizar a los estudiantes en la cultura emprendedora, y formar en competencias transversales, cada vez más demandadas, para mejorar la empleabilidad y competitividad como claves para el crecimiento de nuestra sociedad.
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    Driving innovation management to create shared value and sustainable growth
    (Review of Managerial Science, 2022) Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Ramos González, María Del Mar; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
    Creating shared value (CSV) is an opportunity for sustainable growth for small and medium-sized enterprises that entails jointly achieving both social and business value. Currently there are few practical approaches that underpin the importance of CSV and that explore which variables have a positive impact on SMEs. Our paper seeks to shed light on this issue by proposing a measuring and governance model to assess the benefts of CSV in SMEs, using a sample of Spanish SMEs for the empirical analysis, and PLS-SEM as the analysis technique. We frst highlight innovation management as a key variable for CSV. It is essential to take innovative strategic decisions to identify which initiatives generate shared value. Our fndings confrm that innovative business management helps cultural transformation processes to be implemented with high shared value, which is a source of opportunities in a global economy and, consequently, lead to sustainable growth. Secondly, we aim to highlight how innovative frms enhance their reputation, which in turn has an impact on the creation of social and business value. We also fnd that if SMEs emphasise social value, they boost the creation of business value, with their role as mediators proving to be vital. We present a strategic management model based on variables such as innovation management, social value and reputation, due to their impact on business value.
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    Effects of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) on innovation and reputation in entrepreneurial SMEs
    (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2021) Ramos González, María Del Mar; Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
    This work focuses on the importance of responsible human resource management, and its link to innovation and reputation, which are deemed to be relevant intangible assets for all firms, although particularly for entrepreneurial SMEs, and which are of particular interest since they have remained relatively unexplored despite their key role in the business fabric. Specifically, we present an explanatory model comprising three variables; the latent independent variable is socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM), and the corresponding endogenous variables are reputation and innovation. In order to empirically validate the conceptual model developed, we design a survey which has been answered by a representative sample of entrepreneurs of their own firms. Using partial least squares (PLS), we analyse both the measuring model as well as the structural model. Results prove satisfactory and allow us to confirm the direct positive and significant relation between socially responsible human resource management and reputation, as well as the causal relation when innovation acts as a mediating variable.
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    Building Corporate Reputation through Sustainable Entrepreneurship: The Mediating Effect of Ethical Behavior
    (Sustainability, 2017) Ramos González, María Del Mar; Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
    This article investigates how a management approach based on sustainable entrepreneurship can positively affect corporate reputation. The analysis showed that this effect is enhanced by the mediating effect of good governance based on ethical behavior. The empirical study was conducted using data for 104 large Spanish firms defined as sustainable by the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (MERCO) ranking.
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    Stakeholder pressure and innovation capacity of SMEs in the COVID-19 pandemic: Mediating and multigroup analysis
    (Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2023) Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes; Ramos González, María Del Mar; Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel; Gutiérrez Broncano, Santiago
    During environmental crises, it has always been particularly interesting to investigate how companies, specifically small- and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs), find solutions to survive and learn how to act in adverse situations. We conducted our study during the current coronavirus pandemic to analyse how stakeholder pressure affects both the innovation capabilities of SMEs and their firm performance. On the one hand, we examine whether the market and financial performance are better in the presence of less stakeholder pressure. On the other hand, we analyse whether SMEs implement internal mechanisms that enhance their innovation capacity to solve external problems caused by greater stakeholder pressure, which in turn affects firm performance. Our main findings show that during the pandemic, stakeholder pressure is related to the innovative capacity of SMEs; therefore, the higher the pressure, the more important the innovative response of SMEs. However, with higher pressure, the company's performance would be directly reduced in the short term, as the conditions set would be more unfavourable. Innovation capacity also plays a mediating role in preventing poor business performance because of increased stakeholder pressure. Owing to the importance of the chief executive officer (CEO) in SMEs, we test, through multigroup analysis, the differences based on the CEO's educational level. For example, commitment to innovation in SMEs may be more important for managers with higher education. Finally, our findings show how managers can learn to face new challenges in unfavourable environments.