Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel

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Goñi Cambrodón
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Nutrición y Bromatología
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    Nori seaweed consumption modifies glycemic response in healthy volunteers
    (Nutrition Research, 2000) Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Valdivieso, Laura ; García Alonso, María Alejandra
    Seaweeds constitute sources of a great diversity in dietary fiber (DF). They contain a high proportion of soluble DF, which may be a barrier to starch digestion, and as a consequence seaweeds may modify glycemic response and may be beneficial in human health. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of Nori alga on postprandial glycemic response in healthy volunteers. This could offer a potential use of algae not only as a food but also as an ingredient rich in soluble dietary fiber. The effect of 3g Nori alga on the postprandial glycemic response to white bread was measured. Capillary blood samples were taken in the fasting state and then at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min. after each meal. Plasma glucose concentrations were analyzed and incremental areas under plasma glucose curves were calculated to determine the glycemic index (GI) of Nori + white bread with respect to white bread alone. Glycemic response to white bread was used as reference. In vitro kinetics of starch digestion were determined to estimate GI. In vitro and in vivo results were compared. Nori alga slowed down the degree of in vitro starch hydrolysis. Nori taken along with bread decreased the sharp glucose peacks found for bread at 30–60 min. After its ingestion, glucose levels until 120 min. were moderate. The intake of Nori alga decreased the glycemic response to white bread in healthy volunteers, from 100 to 68%. In vitro kinetic results provided an idea of in vivo behavior therefore preliminary in vitro assays are recommended before initiating in vivo experiments.
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    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern, cognitive status and depressive symptoms in an elderly non-institutionalized population
    (Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2017) Hernandez-Galiot, Ana; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel
    Introduction: Scientific evidence indicates that adherence to the Mediterranean diet protects against the deterioration of cognitive status and depressive symptoms during aging. However, few studies have been conducted in elderly non-institutionalized subjects. Objective: This study evaluated the relation between the adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern and cognitive status and depressive symptoms in an elderly population over 75 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Mediterranean city (Garrucha, Spain) in 79 elderly people over 75 (36 men and 41 women). Adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern was determined using the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS). Cognitive function was determined by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), and depressive symptoms were assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Results: Most of population showed a very high adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern and optimal cognitive and affective status. They consumed olive oil as their main source of fat, high levels of fish and fruit, low levels of foods with added sugars, and a low consumption of red meat. A significant relation between the MEDAS and MMSE scores was found. However, no relationship was observed between the MEDAS and GDS. Conclusions: The Mediterranean diet pattern was positively related with the cognitive function, although the influence of a healthy dietary pattern on the symptomatology of depression was unclear. However, an effective strategy against cognitive function and depression would be to improve physical activity rates, establish lifelong healthy eating habits, and consume a nutritionally-rich diet in order to enhance quality of life of the elderly.
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    Project number: 189
    Absentismo en las aulas universitarias: investigación y propuesta de nuevas metodologías docentes
    (2023) Redondo Cuenca, Araceli; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; García Mata, Mercedes; Mesías García, Marta; Alonso Esteban, José Ignacio; Estevez Santiago, Rocio; Alonso García, Miguel Aurelio; Davó Mogica, María; Durán Guio, José Fernando
    En los últimos años se ha observado una disminución importante de la asistencia del alumnado universitario a las clases presenciales. Este problema es un fenómeno complejo que debe ser analizado desde enfoques multifactoriales. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido conocer las causas específicas por las que los alumnos universitarios no asisten a las clases presenciales, identificando las metodologías docentes más atractivas y eficaces para evitarlo. El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en dos universidades de Madrid, una pública, Universidad Complutense (UCM), y otra privada, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV), desarrollándose en 7 asignaturas de 4 Grados Universitarios. Inicialmente, los profesores implicados realizaron una encuesta a los alumnos para conocer su opinión en cuanto al absentismo, qué aspectos lo promueven y cómo se podría evitar. A continuación, se aplicaron 5 metodologías docentes diferentes: (1) clase magistral, donde el profesor proporciona el tema a los alumnos tras impartir la clase, (2) clase magistral, donde el tema se pone a disposición de los alumnos previamente, (3) examen tipo test al finalizar un tema determinado, (4) realización por parte de los alumnos de infografías, y (5) gamificación. Al finalizar el curso se realizó una encuesta tanto a los alumnos como a los profesores para conocer su opinión sobre las metodologías aplicadas y la posible relación con el absentismo en el aula. En el caso de la encuesta a los profesores, se llevó a cabo no sólo a los implicados en el proyecto, sino además a otros docentes pertenecientes a 7 universidades de la Comunidad de Madrid recibiéndose un total de 105 respuestas. Un total de 172 alumnos completaron la encuesta inicial y su opinión fue que la metodología aplicada en clase es el aspecto que más puede afectar a la falta de asistencia (66%). Tener clases más dinámicas en las que interactúen con el profesor motivaría su asistencia (74%). De la encuesta final realizada a los estudiantes de la UCM destaca que la clase magistral con y sin apuntes previos no es la que alcanza una puntuación máxima en ningún aspecto. El examen y la infografía fueron las metodologías que mayor puntuación obtuvieron desde el punto de vista de la adecuación al aprendizaje. Para los alumnos de las asignaturas seleccionadas de la UFV, la lección magistral sin apuntes previos y la realización del examen tipo test fueron las metodologías peor puntuadas en la encuesta final, en cambio destacaron la realización de infografías y la gamificación. Los profesores que han aplicado las metodologías docentes seleccionadas consideran que los exámenes tipo test, la realización de infografías y la gamificación son las técnicas que más estimulan al alumno. Finalmente, los docentes consultados de las 7 universidades citadas anteriormente opinan que los exámenes tipo test y la gamificación son las metodologías que consideran estimulan más la asistencia a clase. Sin embargo, en la práctica, la más aplicada con diferencia es la impartición de lección magistral habiendo suministrado previamente el tema.
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    Nutritional composition of green asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), edible part and by-products, and assessment of their effect on the growth of human gut-associated bacteria
    (Food Research International, 2022) Redondo Cuenca, Araceli; García Alonso, María Alejandra; Rodríguez Arcos, Rocio; Castro Navarro, Irma; Alba Rubio, Claudio; Rodríguez Gómez, Juan Miguel; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel
    Asparagus is considered a healthy food with a high content of bioactive compounds. In this study, the proximate and mineral composition, non-digestible carbohydrates and bioactive compounds of edible spear, spear by-product and root have been evaluated. Their activity on the growth of human gut-associated bacteria has been studied. The results support the high nutritional and functional value of the asparagus, including its by-products, highlighting the potential of the non-edible parts to be used as prebiotics. A remarkable content in xylose, inulin, flavonoids and saponins has been found. It has been shown that the spear by-product can be selectively used to promote the growth of commensal or probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains. It has been confirmed that any part of the asparagus has a potential future as a healthy food or as health-promoting ingredients, however more work is required to identify the compounds able to modulate the human gut microbiota
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    Effect of processing on potato starch: In vitro availability and glycaemic index
    (Starch, 2000) García Alonso, María Alejandra; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel
    The content of digestible starch (DS) and resistant starch (RS) in processed potatoes was assessed. In addition, the effect of domestic cooking on the in vitro digestibility of starch in this tuber, which may influence the glycaemic response, was studied. Resistant starch in raw potato is high, however different RS values were obtained when processed, ranging from 1.18% in boiled potatoes to 10.38% in retrograded flour. In general, cooked potatoes have high levels of DS. Starch digestibility is improved after processing and it is affected by the cooking methods. Boiled and mashed potatoes showed the highest rate of digestion, on the contrary raw potato was hardly digested. The estimated Glycaemic Index (GI) from the degree of starch hydrolysis within 90 min was in accordance with the reported GI values, for potatoes processed in the same way.
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    Chemical Composition, Starch Digestibility and Antioxidant Capacity of Tortilla Made with a Blend of Quality Protein Maize and Black Bean
    (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2011) Grajales-García, Eva M.; Osorio-Díaz, Perla; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Hervert Hernández, Deisy; Guzmán-Maldonado, Salvador H.; Bello-Pérez, Luis A.
    Tortilla and beans are the basic components in the diet of people in the urban and rural areas of Mexico. Quality protein maize is suggested for tortilla preparation because it presents an increase in lysine and tryptophan levels. Beans contain important amounts of dietary fiber. The objective of this study was to prepare tortilla with bean and assesses the chemical composition, starch digestibility and antioxidant capacity using a quality protein maize variety. Tortilla with bean had higher protein, ash, dietary fiber and resistant starch content, and lower digestible starch than control tortilla. The hydrolysis rate (60 to 50%) and the predicted glycemic index (88 to 80) of tortilla decreased with the addition of bean in the blend. Extractable polyphenols and proanthocyanidins were higher in the tortilla with bean than control tortilla. This pattern produced higher antioxidant capacity of tortilla with bean (17.6 μmol Trolox eq/g) than control tortilla (7.8 μmol Trolox eq/g). The addition of bean to tortilla modified the starch digestibility and antioxidant characteristics of tortilla, obtaining a product with nutraceutical characteristics.
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    Quality of life and risk of malnutrition in a home-dwelling population over 75 years old
    (Nutrition, 2016) Hernandez-Galiot, Ana; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Alessandro Laviano, MD
    Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life of a noninstitutionalized population aged older than 75 y by determining nutritional and health status, and to investigate the relationship between nutritional risk and quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional study of elderly people was conducted in Garrucha (Almer ıa) in southern Spain. A total of 102 participants (61 women and 41 men) aged older than 75 y. The Mini Nutritional Assessment test was used to detect nutritional risk. Quality of life was assessed using the EuroQol-5D test. Body mass index, education level, physical activity, history of illness, use of medication, and smoking and alcoholic habits were also determined. Results: Most of the population presented an acceptable nutritional status, were functionally independent and presented a best health state evaluated by the EuroQol-5D index. However, almost 20.6% were at risk of malnutrition, especially women and participants over the age of 90 y. A significant negative association (P < 0.05) between the risk of malnutrition and index of quality of life was found. Conclusions: Risk of malnutrition was common among community-dwelling older people. Partic- ipants who were malnourished or at high risk of malnutrition also had a lower rate of quality of life and greater loss of personal autonomy.
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    Changes in Intestinal Microbiota and Predicted Metabolic Pathways During Colonic Fermentation of Mango (Mangifera indica L.)—Based Bar Indigestible Fraction
    (Nutrients, 2020) Gutiérrez Sarmiento, Wilbert; Sáyago Ayerdi, Sonia Guadalupe; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Gutiérrez Miceli, Federico Antonio; Abud-Archila, Miguel; Rejón Orantes, José del Carmen; Rincón Rosales, Reiner; Peña Ocaña, Betsy Anaid; Ruíz Valdiviezo, Víctor Manuel
    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) peel and pulp are a source of dietary fiber (DF) and phenolic compounds (PCs) that constituent part of the indigestible fraction (IF). This fraction reaches the colon and acts as a carbon and energy source for intestinal microbiota. The effect of mango IF on intestinal microbiota during colonic fermentation is unknown. In this study, the isolated IF of a novel ‘Ataulfo’ mango-based bar (snack) UV-C irradiated and non irradiated (UVMangoBand MangoB) were fermented. Colonic fermentation occurred in vitro under chemical-enzymatic, semi-anaerobic, batch culture and controlled pH colonic conditions. Changes in the structure of fecal microbiota were analyzed by 16s rRNA gene Illumina MiSeq sequencing. The community´s functional capabilities were determined in silico. The MangoB and UVMangoB increased the presence of Faecalibacterium, Roseburia, Eubacterium, Fusicatenibacter, Holdemanella, Catenibacterium, Phascolarctobacterium, Buttiauxella, Bifidobacterium, Collinsella, Prevotella and Bacteroides genera. The alpha indexes showed a decrease in microbial diversity after 6 h of colonic fermentation. The coordinates analysis indicated any differences between irradiated and non-irradiated bar. The metabolic prediction demonstrated that MangoB and UVMangoB increase the microbiota carbohydrate metabolism pathway. This study suggests that IF of mango-based bar induced beneficial changes on microbial ecology and metabolic pathway that could be promissory to prevention or treatment of metabolic dysbiosis. However, in vivo interventions are necessary to confirm the interactions between microbiota modulating and intestinal beneficial effects.
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    Chemical structure and molecular weight influence the in vitro fermentability of polysaccharide extracts from the edible seaweeds Himathalia elongata and Gigartina pistillata
    (Food Hydrocolloids, 2018) Mateos-Aparicio Cediel, Inmaculada; Martera, Giulia; Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Villanueva Suárez, María José; Redondo Cuenca, Araceli
    Polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Himanthalia elongata and the red one Gigartina pistillata have been extracted by sequential fractionation based on the solubility in water (F-H2O), hydrochloride acid (F-HCl) and potassium hydroxide (F-KOH), remaining a residue (RES). Their structures have been studied through Fourier- transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and molecular weight by molecular exclusion (HPSEC). Sugar compo- sition and sulphate content were also determined. F-H2O and F-HCl from Himanthalia elongata were rich in fucoidans with an estimated Mw of 926 and 430 × 103 g/mol. Laminarans appeared in the mentioned fractions and possibly xylofucoglycuronans and xylomannans are in F-H2O. F-HCl was poorly fermented with low pro- duction of total short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and two poor or non-fermentable low-molecular weight poly- uronans (68 and 4 × 103 g/mol) appeared in F-KOH. Carrageenans extracted from Gigartina pistillata presented low or non-fermentability. Xylofucoglycuronans and xylomannans, possibly presented in RES and F-H2O from Himathalia, and laminarans in the last mentioned fraction, seem to be more fermentable. Carragenophytes red seaweeds do not seem to be fermentable whereas brown algae could have major potential fermentability, probably due to the presence of laminarans, xylofucoglycuronans and/or xylomannans.
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    Intake of Nutrient and Non-Nutrient Dietary Antioxidants. Contribution of Macromolecular Antioxidant Polyphenols in an Elderly Mediterranean Population
    (Nutrients, 2019) Goñi Cambrodón, Isabel; Hernández Galiot, Ana
    The intake of antioxidants in the diet is a useful parameter to estimate the potential of diet to prevent chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress and ageing. The objective was to estimate the intake of nutrient and non nutrient antioxidants associated with the dietary fiber matrix in a healthy and functionally independent population aged over 80, estimating the intake of antioxidant nutrients and including soluble low molecular weight and macromolecular polyphenols in the non-nutrient antioxidant group. Specific nutrients related to oxidative stress (copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, vitamins A, C and E) were ingested in optimal quantities according to reference values. Total intake of non-nutrient antioxidants was 2196 mg/person/day, and macromolecular polyphenols were found to be the main dietary antioxidants, contributing 71% to the total intake of phenolic compounds. The intake, metabolism and physiological effects of all nutrient and non-nutrient dietary antioxidants must therefore be taken into account when evaluating their health benefits.