Maté Muñoz, José Luis

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First Name
José Luis
Last Name
Maté Muñoz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología
Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia
UCM identifierScopus Author IDDialnet ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
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    Toxic Habits and Well-Being Measures in Spanish Healthcare University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Zapata, Irene; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; Higueras, Alfonso; Hernández Lougedo, Juan; Martín-Fidalgo, Natalia; García Fernández, Pablo; Redondo-Vega, María Victoria; Ruiz-Tovar, Jaime
    Background: Unhealthy lifestyles are strongly entrenched in healthcare universities and have sometimes been linked to stress or lack of sleep. This study investigated the prevalence of toxic habits (smoking, patterns of harmful alcohol use, and illicit drug use), stress levels, perceived health status, and sleep duration and assessed the connections between toxic habits and said well-being measures, as well as healthcare students’ perception of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on these health-related behaviors. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, healthcare students from Alfonso X University (Spain) completed a health survey composed of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), self-perceived health status, and the number of hours of sleep. Results: A total of 997 healthcare students completed the survey, of which 982 were analyzed. Being a smoker (32.2%) was associated with worse health status and insufficient sleep. Risk drinkers (33.2%) were associated with being female, and the consumption of cannabinoids (6.7%), with being male. These three toxic habits were related to each other. High levels of stress (28.2%) were correlated with worse ratings in the perception of health status (29.2%) and with insufficient sleep (45.8%), and all of them were associated with the female sex. Respectively, 49.3% and 44.2% of students recognized a worsening in their perception of stress and their sleep habits during the pandemic. Conclusion: Healthcare universities must carry out health promotion programs for stress management, sleep habits, and unhealthy lifestyles.
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    Project number: 125
    Desarrollo de estrategias metacognitivas para mejorar el desempeño (DMD) de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud en tareas clínicas de alta carga mental
    (2024) Mayor Silva, Luis Iván; Martín Martín, Óliver; MARTÍN NÚÑEZ, MARINA; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; Meneses Monroy, Alfonso; SAMIR MOHAMEDI ABDELKADER; GUILLERMO MORENO MUÑOZ; Moreno Muñoz, Guillermo; Moreno Pimentel, Antonio Gabriel; Sánchez Gómez, Rubén
    Se realiza una intervención para desarrollar las siguientes estrategias metacognitivas: conciencia, control y autopoiesis durante la ejecución de la tarea y posteriormente el análisis y toma de decisiones para mejorar futuros desempeños
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    Physiological Responses at 15 Minutes of Recovery after a Session of Functional Fitness Training in Well-Trained Athletes
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Maté Muñoz, José Luis; Budurin, Mihai; González Lozano, Salvador; Heredia-Elvar, Juan Ramón; Cañuelo-Márquez, Ana María; Barba-Ruiz, Manuel; Muriarte, Diego; Garnacho Castaño, Manuel Vicente; Hernández Lougedo, Juan; García Fernández, Pablo
    The aim of this study was to analyse muscle fatigue and metabolic stress at 15 min of recovery after performing two independent sessions of functional fitness training (FFT): a session of strength functional fitness training (FFTstrength) and a session of endurance functional fitness training (FFTendurance). Methods: eighteen well-trained men conducted two protocols, separated by one week of rest: FFTstrength (3 sets of 21, 15 and 9 repetitions of Thruster with bar + Pull ups) and FFTendurance (3 sets × (30 kcal rowing + 15 kcal assault air bike)). Neuromuscular fatigue and metabolic stress were measured right before, right after and at 10 and 15 min after completing the FFT workout, as well as the mean heart rate (HRmean) and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) at the end of the FFT. Results: FFTendurance recovered the velocity loss values after 15 min of recovery. On the other hand, FFTstrength only recovered velocity in the 1 m·s−1 Tests in squat (SQ), since the velocity levels were 7% lower in the 1 m·s−1 Tests in military press exercise (MP) after 15 min. Conclusions: These data indicate that there are specific recovery patterns not only as a function of the exercise and the body regions involved, but also regarding the recovery of neuromuscular and metabolic factors, since both FFT workouts obtained high blood lactate concentrations.
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    Effects of Capacitive-Resistive Electric Transfer on Sports Performance in Paralympic Swimmers: A Stopped Randomized Clinical Trial
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) De Sousa- De Sousa, Luis; Espinosa, Hugo G.; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; Lozano Estevan, María del Carmen; Cerrolaza-Tudanca, Sara; Rozalén-Bustín, Manuel; Fernández-Carnero, Samuel; García Fernández, Pablo
    Throughout history a variety of therapeutic tools have been studied as possible enhancers of sports activities. This study proposes the use of Capacitive-Resistive Electric Transfer (CRET) as a performance booster to paralympic athletes, specifically those belonging to the Spanish Paralympic swimming committee. The study was a randomized, single-blind, and observer-blind, crossover clinical trial. Six athletes were randomly assigned to three groups: one treated with CRET (A); a placebo group (B) and a control group (C). The CRET group attended a twenty-minute session before being subjected to pool trials at distances of 50 and 100 m at maximum performance. Measurements were in two dimensions: time in seconds and the Borg scale for perceived exertion. Comparisons between groups were made with respect to distance and the main variables. In the case of perceived exertion, no significant changes were observed in any of the distances; however, in the case of the time variable, a significant difference was observed between Group A vs. Personal Record at 100 m distance (76.3 ± 6.8 vs. 68.4 ± 3.3). The proposed protocol and level of hyperthermia applied suggest refusal of CRET use for the 100-m distance a few minutes before sports practice. Our analysis suggests the need to modify the presented protocol. identifier under NCT number: NCT04336007
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    Effects of Introducing Rest Intervals in Functional Fitness Training
    (Applied Sciences, 2021) Hernández Lougedo, Juan; Cimadevilla Pola, Eduardo; Fernández Rodriguez, Tomás; Guodemar Pérez, Jesús; Otero Campos, Álvaro; Lozano Estevan, María del Carmen; Cañuelo-Márquez, Ana María; de Jesús Franco, Fernando; Garnacho Castaño, Manuel Vicente; García Fernández, Pablo; Maté Muñoz, José Luis
    Background: Functional Fitness Training (FFT) is a new exercise modality prioritizing functional multi-joint movements executed at high intensity as a circuit. Objective: To examine the impacts of introducing rest intervals in a FFT workout compared to “rounds for time” (RFT) FFT. Materials and Methods: Participants were 25 resistance-trained adults who completed two FFT workouts 1 week apart. The study design was crossover such that in a given session half the participants completed the standard and the other half the adapted FFT (FFTadapted). The workouts consisted of the same exercises (circuit of four rounds of exercises), but one (FFTadapted) included preset rest intervals (three sets of 1 min after each completed round). Before and after the workouts, countermovement jump ability and blood lactate were measured. Heart rate (HR) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured post-exercise. Results: For both the standard and adapted protocols, mean HR was 90% age-predicted maximum. Final RPE was also similar for both workouts (~15–15.5) and indicated a “hard” work intensity. Both FFTs took the same time to complete (~13 min). Furthermore, no significant differences were observed in jump ability between FFTs. In contrast, lactate (15.11 ± 3.64 vs. 13.48 ± 3.64 mmol·L−1, p < 0.05), measured 3 min post-exercise, was significantly lower in FFTadapted. Conclusions: In FFTadapted, there was a significant reduction in RPE and blood lactate concentrations after exercise, while there were no significant differences in either HR or jumping ability, compared to a FFT workout in RFT methodology.
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    Muscle Recovery after a Single Bout of Functional Fitness Training
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021) García Fernández, Pablo; Cimadevilla Pola, Eduardo; Guodemar Pérez, Jesús; Cañuelo-Márquez, Ana María; Heredia-Elvar, Juan Ramón; Fernández Rodriguez, Tomás; Lozano Estevan, María del Carmen; Hervás-Pérez, Juan Pablo; Sánchez Calabuig, Maria Aránzazu; Garnacho Castaño, Manuel Vicente; Hernández Lougedo, Juan; Maté Muñoz, José Luis
    Background: Functional fitness training (FFT) is a new exercise modality that targets functional multi-joint actions via both muscle-strengthening exercises and aerobic training intervals. The aim of the study was to examine muscle recovery over a 20 min period after an FFT workout in trained adults. Materials and methods: Participants were 28 healthy trained subjects. In a single session, a countermovement jump (CMJ) was performed to determine several mechanical variables (jump height, maximum velocity, power) before (preFFT) and 4, 10, and 20 min after the FFT workout (postFFT). In parallel, capillary blood lactate concentrations were measured pre- and 3 min postFFT. Heart rate was also measured before and after the workout, and perceived exertion was measured postFFT. Results: Significant differences between the time points preFFT and 4 min and 10 min postFFT, respectively, were produced in jump height (p = 0.022, p = 0.034), maximum velocity (p = 0.016, p = 0.005), average power relative (p = 0.018, p = 0.049), and average power total (p = 0.025, p = 0.049). No differences were observed in any of the variables recorded preFFT and 20 min postFFT. Conclusions: While mechanical variables indicating muscle fatigue were reduced 4 and 10 min postFFT, pre-exercise jump ability only really started to recover 20 min after FFT although not reaching pre-exercise levels. This means that ideally intervals of around 20 min of rest should be implemented between training bouts.
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    Analysis of Pacing Strategies in AMRAP, EMOM, and FOR TIME Training Models during “Cross” Modalities
    (Sports, 2021) de Oliveira, Levy Anthony; Heredia-Elvar, Juan Ramón; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; García Manso, Juan Manuel; Aragão Santos, José Carlos; Da Silva Grigoletto, Marzo Edir
    Empirically, it is widely discussed in “Cross” modalities that the pacing strategy developed by an athlete or trainee has a significant impact on the endurance performance in a WOD in the AMRAP, EMOM, or FOR TIME model. We can observe at least six pacing strategies adopted during the cyclical modalities in the endurance performance in the scientific literature. However, besides these modalities, exercises of acyclical modalities of weightlifting and gymnastics are performed in the “Cross” modalities. These exercises may not allow the same pacing strategies adopted during cyclic modalities’ movements due to their motor characteristics and different intensity and level of effort imposed to perform the motor gesture. In addition to the intensity and level of effort that are generally unknown to the coach and athlete of the “Cross” modalities, another factor that can influence the adoption of a pacing strategy during a WOD in the AMRAP, EMOM, or FOR TIME model is the task endpoint knowledge, which varies according to the training model used. Thus, our objective was to evaluate situations in which these factors can influence the pacing strategies adopted in a self-regulated task with cyclic and acyclic modalities movements during an endurance workout in the AMRAP, EMOM, and FOR TIME model. Given the scarcity of studies in the scientific literature and the increasing discussion of this topic within the “Cross” modalities, this manuscript can help scientists and coaches better orient their research problems or training programs and analyze and interpret new findings more accurately.
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    Physical Activity Levels, Eating Habits, and Well-Being Measures in Students of Healthcare Degrees in the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Healthcare, 2023) Maté Muñoz, José Luis; Hernández Lougedo, Juan; Ruiz Tovar, Jaime; Olivares Llorente, Rafael; García Fernández, Pablo; Zapata, Irene
    Background: When the first cases of COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus infection) were discovered, exceptional norms to fight the spread of the virus were established by applying movement restrictions (lockdown) in many countries. These unprecedented norms led to sedentary behaviours and less healthy diets which could persist for much longer after lockdown. The aim of this study was to analyse the physical activity, eating habits, self-perceived well-being, and toxic habits, as well as the perceived changes of these habits with respect to the pre-pandemic period, in a population of university students in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A single-centre, cross-sectional study was conducted in a population of university students of healthcare degrees. A total of 961 students (639 (66.5%) women and 322 (33.5%) men) signed the informed consent and completed the questionnaire. The study was conducted through an anonymous survey, which was voluntarily self-completed by the students on an online platform. The questionnaire was based on the Spanish Health Survey and it was divided into six main parts: demographic and anthropometric characteristics, physical activity, eating habits, well-being measures (sleeping habits, health state, and stress), toxic habits, and perception of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the variables described. Results and conclusions: The results showed that, during the second year of the pandemic, statistically significant dependence was identified for those students that showed higher levels of physical activity with greater perceived physical activity (p < 0.05), healthier eating habits (p < 0.05), and a better self-perceived health state (p < 0.05), with respect to the 12 months before the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, there was a negative correlation between the sedentary students and greater perceived physical activity (p < 0.05). With regard to toxic habits and physical activity, a significant correlation was only detected between sedentary behaviour and cocaine consumption (p < 0.05). Analysing eating habits, it was observed that the students who smoked, consumed alcohol, and binge drank had low adherence to the Mediterranean diet (p < 0.05). In addition, those students with high stress levels slept less than 7 h (p < 0.05).
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    Match Injuries in the Spanish Rugby Union Division de Honor
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022) Murias-Lozano, Roberto; San Sebastián-Obregón, Francisco Javier; Lucio-Mejías, Henar; Saló-Cuenca, José Carlos; Plaza Manzano, Gustavo; López De Uralde Villanueva, Ibai Julio; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; García Fernández, Pablo
    Objective: To describe the injury rate, severity, cause, anatomical location (tissue damaged), recurrence, place and time during matches throughout a season in the Spanish Rugby Union Division de Honor. Methods: Observational, prospective and descriptive study conducted in the competition of the Spanish División de Honor de Rugby with 258 players. The data were reported by the medical services of the previously formed clubs. Results: Total exposure was 4100 h, during which 220 injuries occurred. The average number of sick days was 36.8. The total injury rate was 53.6 injuries/1000 h of exposure. Three quarters suffered 93 injuries and the forwards sustained a total of 127 injuries, with a total of 48.6 and 58.1 injuries/1000 h of exposure, respectively. Moderate injuries were the most frequent. Specifically, ligament injury was the most frequent, and dislocation was the injury that caused the most sick days. The most injuries occurred in the third quarter of the match, and the most serious injuries occurred in the second quarter. Conclusions: The injury rate of Spanish rugby competitors is 53.6 injuries/1000 match hours, with an average of 36.8 sick days. Contact injuries are the most frequent, taking place especially when tackling or being tackled.
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    The Relationship between Vegetarian Diet and Sports Performance: A Systematic Review
    (Nutrients, 2023) Hernández-Lougedo, Juan; Maté Muñoz, José Luis; García Fernández, Pablo; Úbeda-D'Ocasar, Edurne; Hervás-Pérez, Juan Pablo; Pedauyé-Rueda, Blanca
    Introduction: In recent years, the vegetarian diet has increased in popularity among athletes. The aim of this review is to ascertain the differences in variables related to performance, nutritional intake, and health in athletes according to whether they are omnivores or vegetarians. Methodology: A literature search was carried out in different databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Dialnet, and Cochrane. The keywords used were “vegetarian diet”, “vegan diet”, “exercise”, “sport”, and “performance”. After applying different inclusion criteria, six studies were included in the review. Results: No significant differences were obtained in variables related to physical performance (adherence exercise, Vo2Máx, muscle power, and sprint test) or health (body composition, psychological well-being, and social relationships), but dietary intake was significantly higher in carbohydrates and lower in proteins in vegetarian athletes (p < 0.05). Conclusions: It cannot be affirmed that vegetarian subjects have a higher sports performance, for which more research should be carried out.