Zamorano Calvo, Jaime

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Zamorano Calvo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Astronomía y Astrofísica
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 45
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    Deconstructing the K-band number counts
    (Highlights of Spanich Astrophysics, 2010) Barro, Guillermo; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Balcells, M.; Villar, V.; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Cristobal Hornillos, D.; Gil de Paz, Armando; Guzmán, R.; Pelló, R.; Prieto, M.; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    We present a study that links the NCs to the rest-frame luminosity functions (LFs) at the passbands probed by the observed K-band at different epochs. Making use of a large K-band selected sample in the Groth Field, HDFN and CDFS (∼0.27deg^(2)), we have derived highly reliable photometric redshift estimates that allow us to estimate LFs in the redshift range [0.25-1.25]. We find that the larger flattening in the slope of the K-band NCs is mostly a consequence of a prominent decrease in the characteristic density (φ∗) around z∼1, and an almost flat evolution of M∗.
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    Exploring the star forming regions in vigorous star forming galaxies at Z=0.84
    (Fourth science meeting with the GTC, 2013) Villar, V.; Guzmán, R.; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    We analyze the properties of star forming regions in a sample of star forming galaxies at z = 0.84. Star forming regions are extracted from B band ACS-HST images. Previously we have substracted a model of the galaxy, fitting a bulged+disk model to the whole galaxy. Special care has been taken masking the star forming regions in the model fitting procedure, yielding more reliable results. We present here the properties of these star forming regions.
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    Creating S0s with Major Mergers: A 3D View
    (Galaxies, 2015) Querejeta, Miguel; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Tapia, Trinidad; Borlaff, Alejandro; Van de Ven, Glenn; Lyubenova, Mariya; Martig, Marie; Falcón Barroso, Jesús; Méndez Abreu, Jairo; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Gallego Maestro, Jesús
    A number of simulators have argued that major mergers can sometimes preserve discs, but the possibility that they could explain the emergence of lenticular galaxies (S0s) has been generally neglected. In fact, observations of S0s reveal a strong structural coupling between their bulges and discs, which seems difficult to reconcile with the idea that they come from major mergers. However, in our recent papers we have used N-body simulations of binary mergers to show that, under favourable conditions, discs are first destroyed but soon regrow out of the leftover debris, matching observational photometric scaling relations. Additionally, we have shown how the merger scenario agrees with the recent discovery that S0s and most spirals are not compatible in an angular momentum-concentration plane. This important result from CALIFA constitutes a serious objection to the idea that spirals transform into S0s mainly by fading (e.g., via ram-pressure stripping, as that would not explain the observed simultaneous change in λ_Re and concentration), but our simulations of major mergers do explain that mismatch. From such a 3D comparison we conclude that mergers must be a relevant process in the build-up of the current population of S0s.
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    MEGARA developments at LICA-UCM
    (Revista Mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica, 2013) Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Gil de Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Pascual Ramírez, Sergio; Castillo Morales, África; Marino, Raffaella Anna; Villar, V.; García Vargas, M. L.; Tulloch, S. M.; Maldonado, M.; Sánchez Blanco, E.; Carrasco, E.; Sánchez, F. M.; Vílchez, J. M.; Muñoz, V.; Aguirre, D.
    LICA-UCM is the brand new laboratory for scientific advanced instrumentation (Laboratorio de Investigacion Cientifica Avanzada) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid where MEGARA integration will take place.
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    UV-to-fir analysis of spitzer/irac sources in the extended groth strip. II. Photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates
    (Astrophysical journal supplement series, 2011) Barro, Guillermo; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Ashby, M. L. N.; Kajisawa, M.; Miyazaki, S.; Villar, V.; Yamada, T.; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    Based on the ultraviolet to far-infrared photometry already compiled and presented in a companion paper (Paper I), we present a detailed spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis of nearly 80,000 IRAC 3.6 + 4.5 μ m selected galaxies in the Extended Groth Strip. We estimate photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates (SFRs) separately for each galaxy in this large sample. The catalog includes 76,936 sources with [3.6] ≤ 23.75 (85% completeness level of the IRAC survey) over 0.48 deg^2. The typical photometric redshift accuracy is ∆z/(1 + z) = 0.034, with a catastrophic outlier fraction of just 2%. We quantify the systematics introduced by the use of different stellar population synthesis libraries and initial mass functions in the calculation of stellar masses. We find systematic offsets ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 dex, with a typical scatter of 0.3 dex. We also provide UV- and IR-based SFRs for all sample galaxies, based on several sets of dust emission templates and SFR indicators. We evaluate the systematic differences and goodness of the different SFR estimations using the deep FIDEL 70 μ m data available in the Extended Groth Strip. Typical random uncertainties of the IR-bases SFRs are a factor of two, with non-negligible systematic effects at z ≳1.5 observed when only MIPS 24 μ m data are available. All data products (SEDs, postage stamps from imaging data, and different estimations of the photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and SFRs of each galaxy) described in this and the companion paper are publicly available, and they can be accessed through our the Web interface utility Rainbow-navigator.
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    The minor role of gas-rich major mergers in the rise of intermediate-mass early types at z ≤ 1
    (Astrophysical journal, 2010) López Sanjuan, Carlos; Balcells, Marc; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Barro, Guillermo; García Dabó, César Enrique; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime
    We study the evolution of galaxy structure since z ~ 1 to the present. From a Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey South (GOODS-S) multi-band catalog, we define (blue) luminosity- and mass-weighted samples, limited by MB ≤ –20 and M sstarf ≥ 1010 M ☉, comprising 1122 and 987 galaxies, respectively. We extract early-type (ET; E/S0/Sa) and late-type (LT; Sb-Irr) subsamples by their position in the concentration-asymmetry plane, in which galaxies exhibit a clear bimodality. We find that the ET fraction, f ET, rises with cosmic time, with a corresponding decrease in the LT fraction, f LT, in both luminosity- and mass-selected samples. However, the evolution of the comoving number density is very different: the decrease in the total number density of MB ≤ –20 galaxies since z = 1 is due to the decrease in the LT population, which accounts for ~75% of the total star formation rate in the range under study, while the increase in the total number density of M sstarf ≥ 1010 M ☉ galaxies in the same redshift range is due to the evolution of ETs. This suggests that we need a structural transformation between LT galaxies that form stars actively and ET galaxies in which the stellar mass is located. Comparing the observed evolution with the gas-rich major merger rate in GOODS-S, we infer that only ~20% of the new ET galaxies with M sstarf ≥ 1010 M ☉ appeared since z ~ 1 can be explained by this kind of mergers, suggesting that minor mergers and secular processes may be the driving mechanisms of the structural evolution of intermediate-mass (M sstarf ~ 4 × 1010 M ☉) galaxies since z ~ 1.
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    Evolution induced by dry minor mergers onto fast-rotator S0 galaxies
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014) Tapia, Trinidad; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Querejeta, Miguel; Balcells, Marc; González García, A. César; Prieto, Mercedes; Aguerri, J. Alfonso L.; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Rodríguez Pérez, Cristina; Borlaff, Alejandro
    Context. Numerical studies have shown that the properties of the S0 galaxies with kinematics intermediate between fast and slow rotators are difficult to explain by a scenario of major mergers. Aims. We investigate whether the smoother perturbation induced by minor mergers can reproduce these systems. Methods. We analysed collisionless N-body simulations of intermediate and minor dry mergers onto S0s to determine the structural and kinematic evolution induced by the encounters. The original primary galaxies represent gas-poor fast-rotator S0b and S0c galaxies with high intrinsic ellipticities. The original bulges are intrinsically spherical and have low rotation. Different mass ratios, parent bulges, density ratios, and orbits were studied. Results. Minor mergers induce a lower decrease of the global rotational support (as provided by λ_e) than encounters of lower mass ratios, which results in S0s with properties intermediate between fast and slow rotators. The resulting remnants are intrinsically more triaxial, less flattened, and span the whole range of apparent ellipticities up to ϵ_e ~ 0.8. They do not show lower apparent ellipticities in random projections than initially; on the contrary, the formation of oval distortions and the disc thickening increase the percentage of projections at 0.4 < ϵ_e < 0.7. In the experiments with S0b progenitor galaxies, minor mergers tend to spin up the bulge and to slightly decrease its intrinsic ellipticity, whereas in the cases of primary S0c galaxies they keep the rotational support of the bulge nearly constant and significantly decrease its intrinsic ellipticity. The remnant bulges remain nearly spherical (B/A ~ C/A> 0.9), but exhibit a wide range of triaxialities (0.20 < T < 1.00). In the plane of global anisotropy of velocities (δ) vs. intrinsic ellipticity (ϵ_e,intr), some of our models extend the linear trend found in previous major merger simulations towards higher ϵ_e,intr values, while others clearly depart from it (depending on the progenitor S0). This is consistent with the wide dispersion exhibited by real S0s in this diagram compared with ellipticals, which follow the linear trend drawn by major merger simulations. Conclusions. The smoother changes induced by minor mergers can explain the existence of S0s with intermediate kinematic properties between fast and slow rotators that are difficult to explain with major mergers. The different trends exhibited by ellipticals and S0 galaxies in the δ – ϵ_e diagram may be pointing to the different role played by major mergers in the build-up of each morphological type.
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    MEGARA, the R=6000-20000 IFU and MOS of GTC
    (Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy, 2018) Gil de Paz, Armando; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Bouquin, A.; Carbajo, J.; Cardiel López, Nicolás; Castillo Morales, África; Esteban San Román, Segundo; López Orozco, José Antonio; Pascual, S.; Picazo, P.; Sánchez Penim, Ainhoa; Velázquez, M.; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Catalán Torrecilla, Cristina; Dullo, Bililign; Pérez González, P.G.; Roca Fábrega, Santi
    MEGARA is the new generation IFU and MOS optical spectrograph built for the 10.4m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). The project was developed by a consortium led by UCM (Spain) that also includes INAOE (Mexico), IAA-CSIC (Spain) and UPM (Spain). The instrument arrived to GTC on March 28th 2017 and was successfully integrated and commissioned at the telescope from May to August 2017. During the on-sky commissioning we demonstrated that MEGARA is a powerful and robust instrument that provides on-sky intermediate-to-high spectral resolutions R_(FWHM) ~ 6,000, 12,000 and 20,000 at an unprecedented efficiency for these resolving powers in both its IFU and MOS modes. The IFU covers 12.5 x 11.3 arcsec2 while the MOS mode allows observing up to 92 objects in a region of 3.5 x 3.5 arcmin^(2) . In this paper we describe the instrument main subsystems, including the Folded-Cassegrain unit, the fiber link, the spectrograph, the cryostat, the detector and the control subsystems, and its performance numbers obtained during commissioning where the fulfillment of the instrument requirements is demonstrated.
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    Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers. V - Antitruncated stellar discs resulting from major mergers
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014) Borlaff, Alejandro; Eliche Moral, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Pérez, Cristina; Querejeta, Miguel; Tapia, Trinidad; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Gallego Maestro, Jesús; Beckman, John
    Context. Lenticular galaxies (S0s) are more likely to host antitruncated (Type III) stellar discs than galaxies of later Hubble types. Major mergers are popularly considered too violent to make these breaks. Aims. We have investigated whether major mergers can result into S0-like remnants with realistic antitruncated stellar discs or not. Methods. We have analysed 67 relaxed S0 and E/S0 remnants resulting from dissipative N-body simulations of major mergers from the GalMer database. We have simulated realistic R-band surface brightness profiles of the remnants to identify those with antitruncated stellar discs. Their inner and outer discs and the breaks have been quantitatively characterized to compare with real data. Results. Nearly 70% of our S0-like remnants are antitruncated, meaning that major mergers that result in S0s have a high probability of producing Type III stellar discs. Our remnants lie on top of the extrapolations of the observational trends (towards brighter magnitudes and higher break radii) in several photometric diagrams, because of the higher luminosities and sizes of the simulations compared to observational samples. In scale-free photometric diagrams, simulations and observations overlap and the remnants reproduce the observational trends, so the physical mechanism after antitruncations is highly scalable. We have found novel photometric scaling relations between the characteristic parameters of the antitruncations in real S0s, which are also reproduced by our simulations. We show that the trends in all the photometric planes can be derived from three basic scaling relations that real and simulated Type III S0s fulfill: h_i ∝ R_brkIII, h_o ∝ R_brkIII, and μ_brkIII ∝ R_brkIII, where h_i and h_o are the scalelengths of the inner and outer discs, and μ_brkIII and R_brkIII are the surface brightness and radius of the breaks. Bars and antitruncations in real S0s are structurally unrelated phenomena according to the studied photometric planes. Conclusions. Major mergers provide a feasible mechanism to form realistic antitruncated S0 galaxies.
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    Radial distribution of dust properties in nearby galaxies
    (Highlights of Spanish astrophysics V, 2010) Muñoz Mateos, J.C.; Gil de Paz, Armando; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime; Pérez González, Pablo Guillermo; Gallego Maestro, Jesús
    We present a detailed analysis of the radial distribution of dust properties (extinction, PAH abundance and dust-to-gas ratio) in 57 galaxies in the SINGS sample, performed on a multi-wavelength set of UV, IR and radio surface brightness profiles, combined with published molecular gas profiles and metallicity gradients.