MEGARA developments at LICA-UCM

LICA-UCM is the brand new laboratory for scientific advanced instrumentation (Laboratorio de Investigacion Cientifica Avanzada) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid where MEGARA integration will take place.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
© 2013: Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM. Science with the GTC Meeting (4th. 2011. Santa Cruz La Palma, Spain). LICA is part of Departamento de Astrofísica y CC. de la Atmósfera de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is beeing supplied with the necessary equipment with funds from Consolider-Ingenio GTC 2010 CSD2006-070, MICINN AyA2009- 10368 and AyA2009-06330-E, Grupo de Astrofísica Extragaláctica e Instrumentación Astronómica (GUAIX-UCM), Comunidad de Madrid 04- AEC0913-000022/2009, CDTI IdC-20101106 (Fractal-UCM).
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