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    Las reseñas teológicas de Flannery O’Connor
    (Epos : revista de filología, 2020) Correoso Ródenas, José Manuel
    RESUMEN: La obra de Flannery O’Connor es una de las más conocidas de la literatura norteamericana del siglo XX. Sin embargo, buena parte de su producción ha pasado desapercibida para la mayor parte de la crítica. Sus reseñas se encuentran dentro de este grupo. El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer un análisis de aquellas reseñas que produjo O’Connor y que conciernen, explícitamente, a obras teológicas. A través de ese análisis, se obtendrá una comprensión más completa de la producción literaria de la autora, así como de sus inquietudes y formación.
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    El Card Sorting como metodología de diseño experiencial en el aprendizaje de la Programación didáctica con alumnos de Bellas Artes
    (Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos, 2024) López Méndez, Lorena; Albar Mansoa, Pedro Javier
    La presente investigación se enfoca en una metodología mixta, cualitativa y de diseño, que analiza la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Bellas Artes y del Máster Universitario en Educación Artística en Instituciones Sociales y Culturales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en relación con el uso del método de diseño Card Sorting en el contexto del aula presencial como herramienta para adquirir conocimientos sobre la elaboración de Programaciones y Unidades Didácticas en educación artística, durante el periodo comprendido entre 2021 y 2024. El objetivo principal es evaluar el nivel de conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre los conceptos relevantes, seguido de un análisis cualitativo de un formulario aplicado a los estudiantes para evaluar la efectividad de la herramienta y su impacto en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como comprender cómo los alumnos agrupan y categorizan la información. En conclusión, los resultados indican que el uso del Card Sorting en el entorno del aula presencial produce efectos positivos. Esta metodología no solo fomenta la implicación y motivación de los estudiantes, sino que también les permite adquirir nuevos conocimientos a través de la identificación de errores. Además, se observa que dinamiza el aula, generando un impacto positivo en el proceso educativo.
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    Nuevas concepciones espaciales en «The Turn of the Screw»
    (Epos : revista de filología, 2015) Correoso Ródenas, José Manuel
    RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente artículo es poner de manifiesto los juegos espaciales creados por el escritor neoyorkino Henry James en su novela breve «The Turn of the Screw». Más allá de ser considerada como una simple novela de fantasmas, se observa como la composición espacial de la obra participa de una serie de características muy marcadas. Asimismo, algunos elementos presentes en la misma contribuyen a acentuar el carácter innovador y vanguardista en lo que a los espacios se refiere, impregnando toda la historia.
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    Mapa 800: Populus tremula L.
    (Asientos para un atlas corológico de la flora occidental, 25, 2002) Andrés Castillo, Mª Luz; Beroiz Remírez, Beatriz; Montalvo Morales, Encarna; Fernández Casas, Francisco Javier; Fernández Sánchez, Abel Juan
    Esta vigésimoquinta nota contiene mapas nuevos y añade asientos en mapas previamente publicados.
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    Identificación molecular de ácaros domésticos basada en la secuencia del DNA ribosómico
    (Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Inmunology, 2010) Lombardero, Manuel; Beroiz Remírez, Beatriz; Couso-Ferrer, Francisco; Chamorro, María José; Arteaga, Carmen; Hernández-Crespo, Pedro
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    A concept for international societally relevant microbiology education and microbiology knowledge promulgation in society
    (Microbial Biotechnology, 2024) Timmis, Kenneth; Hallsworth, John E; McGenity, Terry J.; Armstrong, Rachel; Colom, María Francisca; Karahan, Zeynep Ceren; Chavarría, Max; Bernal, Patricia; Boyd, Eric S.; Gil Serna, Jessica
    The biosphere of planet Earth is a microbial world: a vast reactor of countless microbially driven chemical transformations and energy transfers that push and pull many planetary geochemical processes, including the cycling of the elements of life, mitigate or amplify climate change (e.g., Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2019, 17, 569) and impact the well-being and activities of all organisms, including humans. Microbes are both our ancestors and creators of the planetary chemistry that allowed us to evolve (e.g., Life's engines: How microbes made earth habitable, 2023). To understand how the biosphere functions, how humans can influence its development and live more sustainably with the other organisms sharing it, we need to understand the microbes. In a recent editorial (Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 21, 1513), we advocated for improved microbiology literacy in society. Our concept of microbiology literacy is not based on knowledge of the academic subject of microbiology, with its multitude of component topics, plus the growing number of additional topics from other disciplines that become vitally important elements of current microbiology. Rather it is focused on microbial activities that impact us–individuals/communities/nations/the human world–and the biosphere and that are key to reaching informed decisions on a multitude of issues that regularly confront us, ranging from personal issues to crises of global importance. In other words, it is knowledge and understanding essential for adulthood and the transition to it, knowledge and understanding that must be acquired early in life in school. The 2019 Editorial marked the launch of the International Microbiology Literacy Initiative, the IMiLI.
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    Analyzing the impact of the european unitary patent system on worldwide biotechnology
    (Trends in Biotechnology, 2014) Belda Aguilar, Ignacio; Penas, Gerardo; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Santos de la Sen, Antonio
    Following the deepest recession in generations, the European Union (EU) has proposed a plan to rebuild its economy that includes restructuring of its science and innovation system. In this context, the EU has rolled out a unitary patent system to improve technological development across European countries. This decision brings to light a new scientific and administrative scenario that will change the rules of innovation in Europe, with consequences for global biotechnology
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    Impacto del consumo de antibióticos de uso tópico oftalmológico
    (Revista Española de Quimioterapia, 2010) García, Sofía; Mori Vara, Pilar; López, Ana; Alou Cervera, Luis; Martínez Hernández, David; Ramos, Carmen; Gómez-Lus Centelles, María Luisa
    Introducción. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el impacto del consumo de los antibióticos de uso tópico utilizados en oftalmología y sentar las bases para su uso prudente. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo sobre el consumo de medicamentos entre 1 de enero de 2004 y el 31 de diciembre de 2008. Los medicamentos utilizados para la realización de este estudio, debían cumplir los siguientes criterios: vía de administración tópica y antimicrobianos oftalmológicos sólo o en asociación. Los datos que hacen referencia al número de envases fueron cedidos por Intercontinental Marketing Services (IMS) y los datos de consumo hospitalario se obtuvieron de Sistema Nacional de Salud. Se estudiaron aquellas variables que hacen referencia estrictamente al consumo. Resultados. El mercado de antiinfecciosos oftalmológicos hospitalario y extrahospitalario en 2008 supuso 4,9 y 24,4 millones de euros, respectivamente incrementándose un 5.5% respecto al año anterior. Se consumieron más de 6 millones de envases de los que el 65% se utilizó en preparados monoantibióticos frente al 35% en asociación. Los antibióticos oftálmicos en monoterapia más consumidos fueron los aminoglucósidos (tobramicina y gentamicina) seguido de las quinolonas mientras que en asociación el más consumido fue gramicidina + neomicina + polimixina B. Conclusiones. El mercado de antiinfecciosos oftalmológicos, solos y combinados, utilizados tanto en el medio extrahospitalario como hospitalario, representa casi 30 millones de euros y muestra un crecimiento en torno al 6%. Las rígidas medidas sobre el consumo de antibióticos en general no son tenidas en cuenta en el campo de los antibióticos tópicos oftálmicos.
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    Complicaciones infecciosas en cirugía digital
    (Revista Internacional en Ciencias Podológicas, 2007) Alou Cervera, Luis; Maestre Vera, Juan Ramón; Sevillano Fernández, David; Prieto Prieto, José
    Los autores exponen las complicaciones infecciosas que con más frecuencia se instauran tras la realización de técnicas quirúrgicas en el pie así como el tratamiento antimicrobiano de elección.
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    Dosage of Physical Activity to Avoid Impairment of Activities Due to Pain: Analysis of Population-based Conditional Processes
    (Pain Management Nursing, 2023) Pedro Jiménez. Domingo de; Diego Cordero, Rocío de; Vega Escaño, Juan; Molina Recio, Guillermo; Hernández Martín, Marta María; Manuel Romero Saldaña
    Background: Physical activity's established health benefits include pain control, yet there is no consensus on the required dosage according to the literature. Aim: To test the influence of exercise on perceived health in patients whose daily activities are limited due to pain. Besides, analyze the possible moderating effect of age and find a formula for exercise dosage based on the perceived level of health. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on the 2017 Spanish National Health Survey with 4,123 participants reporting activity limitations in their daily activities due to pain. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short version) was used to calculate energy expenditure. Data included age, sex, leisure-time physical activity, sitting time, pain-related impairments, pain medication, and perceived health. Mediation regression analysis was conducted using the SPSS PROCESS 4.0 macro. Results: Results indicate a decline in perceived health with age. The relationship between exercise (energy expenditure) and perceived health was highly significant (d=-0.224, p<0.001). Age moderated the association between pain and energy expenditure up to 75.61 years (0.1568, p=0.05) and between energy expenditure and perceived health up to 75.74 years (-0.289, p=0.05), but this effect diminished afterwards. A formula was developed to estimate energy expenditure based on the desired level of health. Conclusions: The perception of health in people who are limited in their daily activities due to pain (moderate to very much) is mediated by the amount of physical activity they perform. Besides, this perception is moderated by age, up to 76 years.
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    A viscometric study of the biodegradation of photographic gelatin by fungi isolated from cinematographic films
    (International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2006) Abrusci, Concepción; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Del Amo, Alfonso; Corrales, Teresa; Catalina, Fernando
    The biodegradation of photographic gelatin grade (Bloom 225) material was studied by viscometry in aqueous solution (at 37 °C, 6.67% w/w) using filamentous fungi isolated and identified from cinematographic film stored in different Spanish archives. From viscosity data, different variables such as molecular weight and chain scission were calculated. To ensure initial spore suspension concentration was standardized for all the biodegradation experiments, a correlation between transmittance at 530 nm of fungal spore suspensions and the corresponding cytometric determination of populations was established for all the fungal strains studied in this work. The bioassay experiments were carried out at 25 and 4 °C using an initial concentration of fungi of 4.5×105 conidia/mL except in the case of the genus Alternaria, where the concentration was 10 times lower. The fungal strains were three species of Aspergillus, i.e., A .ustus, A. nidulans var. nidulans, A. versicolor, seven Penicillium chrysogenum strains, and Cladosporium cladosporioides, Alternaria alternata, Mucor racemosus, Phoma glomerata, and Trichoderma longibrachiatum. All were gelatinase positive. Through the viscosity decay profiles with bioassay-time and the corresponding calculated chain scission, the relative quantitative gelatinase efficiency of these fungi has been evaluated.
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    Bacterial translocation affects intracellular neuroinflammatory pathways in a depression-like model in rats
    (Neuropharmacology, 2015) Martín Hernández, David; Caso Fernández, Javier Rubén; González Bris, Álvaro; Maus, Sandra R.; Muñoz Madrigal, José Luis; García Bueno, Borja; Mac-Dowell Mata, Karina Soledad; Alou Cervera, Luis; Gómez-Lus Centelles, María Luisa; Leza Cerro, Juan Carlos
    Recent studies have suggested that depression is accompanied by an increased intestinal permeability which would be related to the inflammatory pathophysiology of the disease. This study aimed to evaluate whether experimental depression presents with bacterial translocation that in turn can lead to the TLR-4 in the brain affecting the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and antioxidant pathways. Male Wistar rats were exposed to chronic mild stress (CMS) and the intestinal integrity, presence of bacteria in tissues and plasma lipopolysaccharide levels were analyzed. We also studied the expression in the prefrontal cortex of activated forms of MAPK and some of their activation controllers and the effects of CMS on the antioxidant Nrf2 pathway. Our results indicate that after exposure to a CMS protocol there is increased intestinal permeability and bacterial translocation. CMS also increases the expression of the activated form of the MAPK p38 while decreasing the expression of the antioxidant transcription factor Nrf2. The actions of antibiotic administration to prevent bacterial translocation on elements of the MAPK and Nrf2 pathways indicate that the translocated bacteria are playing a role in these effects. In effect, our results propose a role of the translocated bacteria in the pathophysiology of depression through the p38 MAPK pathway which could aggravate the neuroinflammation and the oxidative/nitrosative damage present in this pathology. Moreover, our results reveal that the antioxidant factor Nrf2 and its activators may be involved in the consequences of the CMS on the brain
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    A chemiluminescence study on degradation of gelatine biodegradation by bacteria and fungi isolated from cinematographic films
    (Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2006) Abrusci, Concepción; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Santos de la Sen, Antonio; Del Amo, Alfonso; Corrales, Teresa; Catalina, Fernando
    Chemiluminescence (CL) has become a sensitive tool for the study of polymer degradation, induced by exposure to various factors, such us heat, UV-light and oxygen. In this paper, the results obtained with this technique in the study of gelatine samples hydrolytically degraded under sterilisation conditions are presented. Also, photographic gelatine exposed to bacterial and fungal degradations, in water solution and under controlled conditions, have been study by the chemiluminescence emission of their corresponding films and the biodegradation extent was determined by viscosity. The bacteria and fungi employed in this work have been isolated from cinematographic films in a previous work. The high intensities of chemiluminescence emission obtained for gelatines biodegraded by bacteria and fungi, in aqueous solution at 37 and 25 °C, respectively, are different to those obtained in the thermal degradation. The hydrolytic degradation mechanism is through a cleavage of the peptide bond of the protein without significant oxidation of the material. In contrast, biodegradation by bacteria and fungi at low temperatures decreases the molecular weight of the gelatine (viscosity) by the enzymatic activity but, also, produces an important oxidation in the material due to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in the microbial metabolism.
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    El drama de la impotencia creadora
    (Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica, 1996) Losada Goya, José Manuel
    RESUMEN: En estas páginas se exponen algunos de los principales elementos que entran en acción cuando el poeta siente la necesidad de crear así como algunas dificultades que encuentra debido a factores de orden psicológico. El principal de ellos es la conciencia de un Ideal que encierra una paradoja: la constatación de que ha sido alcanzado pero que no puede expresarse sobre el papel. Autores como Baudelaire, Mallarmé y Rilke lo ponen de manifiesto. Al final esbozamos unas pautas de estudio en torno al símbolo que permitirían desarrollar de modo sistemático y por extenso cuanto aquí queda escrito.
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    Deconstruccionismo y método
    (Rilce : Revista de Filología Hispánica, 1994) Losada Goya, José Manuel
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    Paul Claudel o la rehabilitación de la mujer
    (L'Ull crític, 1996) Losada Goya, José Manuel
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    Preoperative skin and nail preparation of the foot: Comparison of the efficacy of 4 different methods in reducing bacterial load
    (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2009) Becerro De Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Alou Cervera, Luis; Sevillano Fernández, David; Prieto Prieto, José
    Background: Orthopedic surgical procedures involving the foot and ankle are associated with high rates of infection. The optimal method of preparing the skin and nails for foot and ankle surgery remains unknown. Objective: This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of 4 different methods of skin and nail preparation of the foot using various antiseptic solutions. Methods: In this prospective, randomized study, 4 methods of skin and nail preparation were compared in terms of their efficacy in eliminating bacteria from the hallux nailfold and first web space of the normal foot in 28 healthy adult volunteers. Efficacy was determined by evaluating the difference in the total bacterial load before and after skin preparation. The foot-preparation solutions evaluated were 4% chlorhexidine gluconate, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and 7.5% to 10% povidone-iodine. Results: The addition of alcohol to povidone-iodine was found to increase the efficacy of the preparation method. The nailfold remained contaminated after any of the preoperative skin- and nail-preparation methods studied. Limitations: This study did not measure clinically relevant infections, and the results may not correlate with decreased rates of infection after surgery. Conclusion: Incorporation of alcohol and povidone-iodine into the preoperative skin- and nail-preparation process may help reduce the bacterial load. Every effort should be made to lower the risk of contamination from the nail.
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    Total nail ablation for onychodystrophy with optimized gauze–phenol application
    (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2010) Becerro De Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Alou Cervera, Luis; Sevillano Fernández, David; Prieto Prieto, José
    Background Nail disorders are frequent among the geriatric population and unfortunately, repeat avulsionprocedures often result in complications.Objective To utilize a phenol-based total matricectomy technique for permanent nail ablation and evaluate itseffectiveness.Methods We performed total nail ablation on 34 toenails of the hallux (30 patients) with a gauze–phenolapplication technique and evaluated the degree of pain reported by the patient 12 months postoperatively comparedwith the preoperative stage. Furthermore, we evaluated the patients’ satisfaction with the final cosmetic appearanceas well as their satisfaction with the overall procedure.Results All patients reported ‘too much’ or ‘severe’ pain prior to surgery and 94.11% reported ‘no pain’ 12 monthspost-surgery. A vast majority of the patients (82.35%) felt pleased with the cosmetic results and all patients reportedthat they were ‘very satisfied’ or ‘strongly satisfied’ with the procedure when interviewed at their 12 month follow-upexamination.Limitations There were a limited number of participants in this study across an extensive timeframe.Conclusion Phenol-based total nail ablation with specific gauze application is safe, inexpensive and has a highrate of patient satisfaction.
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    A comparative study of Lachancea thermotolerans fermentative performance under standardized wine production conditions
    (Food Chemistry: X, 2024) Vicente, Javier; Vladic, Luka; Navascués López-Cordón, Eva; Brezina, Silvia; Santos de la Sen, Antonio; Calderón, Fernando; Tesfaye, Wendu; Marquina Díaz, Domingo; Rauhut, Doris; Santiago, Benito
    The study explores diverse strains of Lachancea thermotolerans in single-inoculum wine fermentation conditions using synthetic grape must. It aims to analyze the role of the species without external influences like other microorganisms or natural grape must variability. Commercial strains and selected vineyard isolates, untested together previously, are assessed. The research evaluates volatile and non-volatile chemical compounds in final wine, revealing significant strain-based variations. L. thermotolerans notably produces lactic acid and consumes malic acid, exhibiting moderate ethanol levels. The volatile profile displays strain-specific impacts, affecting higher alcohol and ester concentrations compared to S. cerevisiae. These effects vary based on the specific compounds. Using a uniform synthetic must enables direct strain comparisons, eliminating grape-related, environmental, or timing variables in the experiment, facilitating clearer insights into the behavior of L. thermotolerans in wine fermentation. The study compares for the first time all available commercial strains of L. thermotolerans.