Díaz Agudo, María Belén

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First Name
María Belén
Last Name
Díaz Agudo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet IDGoogle Scholar ID

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
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    Madrid live: a context-aware recommender system of leisure plans
    (2017) Jorro Aragoneses, José Luis; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Recio García, Juan Antonio
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    Including Social Factors in an Argumentative Model for Group Decision Support Systems
    (Decision Support Systems, 2013) Quijano-Sánchez, Lara; Recio García, Juan Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén
    In this paper we propose a decision support system for groups of people where each user delegates to an agent that represents her preferences and argues with other agents to obtain the best alternative for the whole group. The novelties of our approach are the inclusion of users’ social factors, personality and trust, in the argumentation process and the negotiation system, plus a multi-agent architecture that represents the social connections within the group. Therefore, our model simulates the argumentations made by real users to agree on a concrete product in a very accurate way. As a case study, we have tested our theories in the movie recommendation domain with real social networks. We have concluded that distributed models and argumentation techniques including personality and social trust improve the satisfaction of users involved in a group decision making process.
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    Project number: 112
    Entorno virtual para el uso de videojuegos como estrategia de enseñanza activa y método de evaluación
    (2021) Recio García, Juan Antonio; Caro Martínez, Marta; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Jiménez Díaz, Guillermo
    En este documento se describe el proyecto de innovación docente consistente en desarrollar y evaluar un en entorno virtual para la enseñanza de contenidos de Inteligencia Artificial basado en el desarrollo de comportamientos inteligentes para videojuegos, concretamente el popular MsPacMan.
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    Personalized case-based explanation of matrix factorization recommendations
    (2019) Jorro Aragoneses, José Luis; Caro Martínez, Marta; Recio García, Juan Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Jiménez Díaz, Guillermo
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    A Case-Based Solution to the Cold-Start Problem in Group Recommenders
    (2013) Quijano-Sanchez, Lara; Bridge, Derek; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Recio García, Juan Antonio
    In this paper we offer a potential solution to the cold-start problem in group recommender systems. To do so, we use information about previous group recommendation events and copy ratings from a user who played a similar role in some previous group event. We show that copying in this way, i.e. conditioned on groups, is superior to copying nothing and also superior to copying ratings from the most similar user known to the system.
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    A Reusable Methodology for the Instantiation of Social Recommender Systems
    (International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2014) Quijano-Sánchez, Lara; Recio García, Juan Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén
    Social recommender systems exploit social knowledge available in social networks to pro vide accurate recommendations. However, their instantiation is not straightforward due to its complexity. To alleviate this development complexity, we propose a methodology based on templates that conceptualize the behavior of such applications and can be reused to create several social recommender applications in social networks. This devel opment methodology comprises not only templates but also a generic architecture named arise and a collection of software components that provide the required functionality. We prove that our social templates speed up and facilitate the development process, and demonstrate the viability of our generic architecture in two di↵erent case studies.
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    RecoLiBry-Core: a component-based framework for building recommender systems
    (Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019) José L. Jorro-Aragoneses; Jorro Aragoneses, José Luis; Recio García, Juan Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Jiménez Díaz, Guillermo
    Recommendation systems are a key part of almost every modern consumer website. These systems include techniques to filter, explore and rank a huge amount of information based on users’ preferences or similar items. Designing and implementing a recommender system from scratch require skills of programming and recommending technologies. In this paper we describe RecoLibry-core, a framework to develop recommender systems based on the reuse of components provided by third-party frameworks.
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    Project number: 346
    Generación automática de informes del programa Docentia para las memorias de seguimiento de los centros
    (2015) López Orozco, José Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Piñuel Moreno, Luis; Chaver Martínez, Daniel Ángel; Gómez Pérez, José Ignacio; Castro Rodríguez, Fernando; García Sánchez, Carlos; Tenllado Van Der Reijden, Christian Tomás
    Informe final del Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente 346 de la convocatoria 2014.
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    Project number: 270
    Realidad Aumentada en el Museo de Informática García Santesmases (MIGS++)
    (2016) Martínez Ortiz, Iván; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Jiménez Díaz, Guillermo; Mendías Cuadros, José Manuel; Vázquez Poletti, José Luis
    El principal objetivo del presente proyecto ha sido el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil de exploración aumentada para el Museo de Informática García Santesmases. Esta aplicación servirá para la inclusión de contenidos audiovisuales (imágenes, vídeo, texto) sobre las piezas existentes en el propio museo, aumentando la información que actualmente se puede observar en el museo.
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    Project number: 389
    Generalización del uso de videojuegos como estrategia de enseñanza activa y método de evaluación en asignaturas de Inteligencia Artificial
    (2022) Recio García, Juan Antonio; Díaz Agudo, María Belén; Jiménez Díaz, Guillermo; Caro Martínez, Marta