Pintos López, Beatriz

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Pintos López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología
Fisiología Vegetal
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Search Results

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    Learning in the laboratory: experiences in an hybrid between the expository and the inquiry laboratories
    (Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, In Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, 2013) Gómez Garay, Aranzazu; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Pintos López, Beatriz
    There are distinct styles of laboratory instructions in chemistry education which can be applied to biology: expository, inquiry, discovery, and more recently, problem-based. This work is focused in a hybrid type between the expository and the inquiry laboratories. The process consists of two phases: - First, learners were trained in an expository laboratory. All the students at the first course participate in this training. Within this learning environment, the instructor defines the topic,relates it to previous work, and directs students’ action. - Later some students voluntarily participate in the inquiry laboratory. Inquiry-based activities are inductive. They have an undetermined outcome and require the learners to generate their own procedures. They are more student-centred, contain less direction, and give the student more responsibility for determining procedural options than the traditional format. The aims (as general statements of what the teacher intends to achieve), and the objectives (as specific statements of what the students should be able to accomplish as a result of being taught in the laboratory) of this “hybrid” laboratory were analyzed and discussed.
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    Managing the unexpected in class: an opportunity to teasching and learning
    (Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, 2013) Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Gómez Garay, Aranzazu; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Pintos López, Beatriz
    Usually teacher prepares the class scheduling, explaining theoretical concepts, problem solving, etc.. When this schedule does not include student intervention a few contingencies can be expected in the development of the class, only doubts and questions. However, when the program includes active participation of students there is the possibility of a more or less expected student participation based on the guidelines of the teacher. When following the method of problem-based learning, teacher presents case studies and problems to study, reasoning and solve in the context of the class. These problems are made available to students in time for their preparation. In this paper, our group of teachers test a new learning methodology based on the unexpected. Students receive cases and problems to study, reasoning and finally solve in class. This resolution involves understanding theoretical concepts so that each case has scored those concepts that should be known. If learning is meaningful, students can reason and / or solve a different case or problem form those initially assigned. In this way the student thinks in class a case or new problem not seen before which requires the understanding and application of the same theoretical concepts. We call this “managing the unexpected” and, based on our experience, it is an excellent opportunity to teach and learn.