Ruiz Bermejo, César

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Ruiz Bermejo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Análisis Matemático Matemática Aplicada
Análisis Matemático
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    The convex hull of a Banach-Saks set
    (Journal of Functional Analysis, 2014) López Abad, J.; Ruiz Bermejo, César; Tradacete Pérez, Pedro
    A subset A of a Banach space is called Banach–Saks when every sequence in A has a Cesàro convergent subsequence. Our interest here focuses on the following problem: is the convex hull of a Banach–Saks set again Banach–Saks? By means of a combinatorial argument, we show that in general the answer is negative. However, sufficient conditions are given in order to obtain a positive result.
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    Spaceability and operator ideals
    (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015) Hernández, Francisco L.; Ruiz Bermejo, César; Sánchez de los Reyes, Víctor Manuel
    Let I1 and I2 be arbitrary operator ideals in the sense of Pietsch and E and F be Banach spaces such that the set I1(E,F){set minus}I2(E,F) is non-empty. We give a quite general sufficient condition on the Banach spaces in order to obtain the spaceability of I1(E,F){set minus}I2(E,F). Some consequences are provided when considering the ideals of compact operators, strictly singular operators, finitely strictly singular operators and Schatten operator classes.
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    Nonlinear subsets of function spaces and spaceability
    (Linear algebra and its applications, 2014) Ruiz Bermejo, César; Sánchez de los Reyes, Víctor Manuel
    In this paper, we study the existence of infinite dimensional closed linear subspaces of a rearrangement invariant space on [0,1] every nonzero element of which does not belong to any included rearrangement invariant space of the same class such that the inclusion operator is disjointly strictly singular. We consider Lorentz, Marcinkiewicz and Orlicz spaces. The answer is affirmative for Marcinkiewicz spaces and negative for Lorentz and Orlicz spaces. Also, the same problem is studied for Nakano spaces assuming different hypothesis
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    l(q)-structure of variable exponent spaces
    (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012) Hernández, Francisco L.; Ruiz Bermejo, César
    It is shown that a separable variable exponent (or Nakano) function space L-p(.)(Ω) has a lattice-isomorphic copy of l(q) if and only if q is an element of Rp(.), the essential range set of the exponent function p(.). Consequently Rp(.) is a lattice-isomorphic invariant set. The values of q such that l(q) embeds isomorphically in L-p(.)(Ω) is determined. It is also proved the existence of a bounded orthogonal l(q)-projection in the space L-p(.)(Ω), for every q is an element of Rp(.)
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    Subprojective Nakano spaces
    (Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2018) Ruiz Bermejo, César; Sánchez de los Reyes, Víctor Manuel
    A Banach space X is subprojective if every infinite-dimensional subspace of X has a subspace which is complemented in X. We prove that separable Nakano sequence spaces l((pn)) are subprojective. Subprojectivity is also characterized in separable Nakano function spaces L-p(.) (0,1) and L-p(.) (0, infinity). (C).
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    Averaging and orthogonal operators on variable exponent spaces L-p(.) (Omega)
    (Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2014) Hernández Rodríguez, Francisco Luis; Ruiz Bermejo, César
    Given a measurable space (Omega, mu) and a sequence of disjoint measurable subsets A = (A(n))(n), the associated averaging projection P-A and the orthogonal projection T-A are considered. We study the boundedness of these operators on variable exponent spaces L-P(.) (Omega). These operators are unbounded in general. Sufficient conditions on the sequence A in order to achieve that P-A or T-A be bounded are given. Conditions which provide the boundedness of P-A imply that T-A is also bounded. The converse is not true. Some applications are given. In particular, we obtain a sufficient condition for the boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on spaces L-P(.) (Omega).