Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo

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Hernández Vallejo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Especialidades Clínicas Odontológicas
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
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    Efficacy of antimalarials in oral lichen planus: a systematic review
    (Oral diseases, 2024) Tillero, Rosana; González Serrano, José; Alberto Caponio, Vito Carlo; Serrano Valle, Julia; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María
    Objective: To evaluate whether hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or chloroquine (CQ) are effective for the treatment of oral lichen planus (OLP). Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in four databases. Clinical studies investigating the effect of HCQ/CQ in patients with OLP were included. Results: Eleven studies were included. Four were RCTs and seven quasi-experimental studies. The studies included 390 patients diagnosed with OLP, of which 326 and 7 received HCQ and CQ, respectively. 46 patients received topical dexamethasone, 5 placebo and 6 griseofulvin as controls. Five studies assessed pain, and all of them obtained pain reduction with the use of HCQ. Six studies reported objective clinical improvement of OLP with the use of HCQ. Five studies that used a subjective scale obtained that 24%-100% of the patients achieved a complete/almost complete improvement of OLP lesions and its symptomatology. The most frequent side effects were vision problems, gastric discomfort, rash, nauseas, headaches, skin pigmentation, and elevated kidney function. 17 patients had to withdraw from the studies. Conclusions: Current evidence is scarce to confirm HCQ as a therapeutic option for OLP. More RCTs are needed to compare its efficacy with topical corticosteroids and to evaluate whether HCQ reduces relapses of OLP.
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    Application of propolis extract, nanovitamin C and nanovitamin E to prevent alveolar osteitis after impacted lower third molar surgery. A randomized, double-blind, split-mouth, pilot study
    (Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 2021) González Serrano, José; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Cecilia Murga, Roberto; Torres García Denche, Jesús; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; López-Quiles Martínez, Juan
    Background: Propolis has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a gel containing 2% of propolis extract, 0.2% of ascorbic acid and 0.2% of tocopherol acetate is effective in preventing surgical complications related to impacted lower third molar extractions. Material and methods: A randomized, double-blind, split-mouth study was performed. Fifteen patients were recruited who needed bilateral impacted lower third molar extractions with a similar surgical difficulty. A test or placebo gel was administered randomly inside post-extraction sockets. Each patient was instructed to apply the gel 3 times/day in the surgical wound for a week. After a month, the contralateral third molar was extracted, and the opposite gel applied. The following parameters were diagnosed/evaluated and then recorded: alveolar osteitis following Blum's criteria, swelling and trismus at day one, two, three and seven post-intervention, wound healing at day 7 post-intervention, and postoperative pain using a visual analog scale, as well as, the number of analgesic pill intake. Results: A total of twenty-six surgical procedures were performed in 13 patients (mean age 20.67±2 years). Alveolar osteitis was reported in 3 patients from the placebo group (23.1%) and none in the test group (0%) (p=0.25). No statistically significant differences were reported in swelling, trismus, wound healing or analgesic pill consumption between two groups. But statistically lower postoperative pain during the 7 days after surgical extractions was found according to visual analog scale in test group compared to the placebo group (p=0.007). No side effects were reported. Conclusions: The application of this gel may be effective in preventing alveolitis and thus reducing postoperative pain after impacted third molar extractions. More randomized clinical trials with larger sample are needed to confirm these results.
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    Usefulness of implementing the OHIP-14 questionnaire to assess the impact of xerostomia and hyposalivation on qualityof life in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome
    (Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2022) Serrano Valle, Julia; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Fernández Castro, Mónica; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; López, Javier; Blázquez, María Angeles; González, Jorge Juan; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo
    Background: The aim of this study is to analyze if the results of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 questionnaire (OHIP-14) in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) are correlated with salivary flow and level of xerostomia. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted in 61 patients (60 women, one man, mean age 57.64 [13.52]) diagnosed of pSS according to the American-European Criteria (2002). After recording demographic, medical and dental data (decayed-missing-filled teeth index [DMFT]), unstimulated (UWS) and stimulated (SWS) salivary flows were collected. Subsequently, UWS flow was categorized into two groups (0.7 ml/min). Patients also filled out a visual analog scale (VAS) for xerostomia and OHIP-14 for self-reported quality of life (QoL). Results: Data showed positive and significant correlation between OHIP-14 and xerostomia, based on VAS results (r = 0.52; p = 0.001). Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between UWS and OHIP-14 scores (r = -0.34; p = 0.006) and VAS for xerostomia (r = -0.22; p = 0.09). No significant correlation was found between SWS and OHIP-14 or VAS neither between DMFT and OHIP-14. When assessing the level of QoL by the UWS and SWS flow categories a significant association was found for UWS (p = 0.001) but not for SWS (p = 0.11). The OHIP-14 values were higher in the groups with lower salivary flow. The multiple linear regression to predict OHIP-14 only selected VAS for xerostomia as a statistically significant predictor. Conclusions: Increased level of xerostomia and reduced UWS flow decrease oral health-related QoL in patients with pSS.
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    Factors influencing xerostomia and oral health‐related quality of life in polymedicated patients
    (Gerodontology, 2023) Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Sánchez Garrido, Isabel; González Serrano, José; Muñoz, Marta; Martínez-Acitores, María Luisa; Garrido, Estela; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María
    Objectives To evaluate whether the severity of xerostomia in older polymedicated patients impacts oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Background Medication-associated xerostomia is common in older people. Xerostomia may impair OHRQoL. Materials and methods This cross-sectional study included older hypertensive patients from two health centres. We assessed the severity of xerostomia and OHRQoL using the Xerostomia Inventory (XI) tool, and the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) instrument, respectively. We measured unstimulated (UWS) and stimulated (SWS) salivary flows. Univariate and multiple linear regression analyses evaluated the associations of XI and OHIP-14 and different explanatory variables. Results Of the 218 patients enrolled, 51.8% had xerostomia, and 38.1% and 27.5% suffered from UWS and SWS hyposalivation, respectively. Patients with xerostomia, UWS, and SWS hyposalivation scored significantly higher on the XI. However, only those with xerostomia or UWS hyposalivation had significantly higher OHIP-14 scores. A moderate correlation was observed between XI and OHIP-14 scores. The multiple regression model showed that factors with the greatest impact on XI were the patient's complaint of xerostomia, UWS flow rate, age and sex. However, only the XI score was significantly associated with the OHIP-14 score. Conclusion Xerostomia has a negative impact on OHRQoL in older polymedicated patients, but this impact is less than in other types of xerostomia. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether changes in the detected explanatory variables influence XI and OHIP scores in these patients.
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    Project number: 167
    Análisis de casos clínicos en medicina oral mediante técnicas de escape room
    (2023) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Bagán Debón, Leticia; Sarrión Pérez, Gracia; González Serrano, José; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Serrano Valle, Julia; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Iglesias Velázquez, Óscar; De Pedro Herráez, Miguel; Fernández Agra, María; Ibáñez Prieto, Elena; Vallina Fernández-Kelly, Carmen
    Las herramientas de gamificación motivan el aprendizaje. El escape room es un juego de moda. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar diferentes escape room, basados en casos clínicos reales, para aplicar los conocimientos recibidos en la asignatura Medicina Bucal del grado en odontología.
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    Project number: 281
    Enseñanza no presencial de la asignatura patología bucal a través de la presentación de artículos científicos en inglés
    (2018) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Casañas Gil, Elizabeth; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Serrano Valle, Julia; De Pedro Herráez, Miguel
    Elaboración de un dossier de artículos en Inglés en relación a cada unidad temática de la asignatura Patología Médica Bucal. Los artículos se presentarán al alumnado tras la clase magistral de cada área temática para fomentar la docencia “no presencial”.
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    Project number: 195
    Realización de folletos informativos acerca de la patología de la mucosa oral para informar a pacientes y profesionales sanitarios
    (2019) López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Arriba De La Fuente, Lorenzo De; Somacarrera Pérez, María Luisa; López Sánchez, Antonio Francisco; González Serrano, José; Casañas Gil, Elizabeth; Ramírez Martínez-Acitores, Lucía; Serrano Valle, Julia; De Pedro Herráez, Miguel
    Elaboración de folletos informativos acerca de la patología de la mucosa oral más relevante para informar a pacientes y colectivos médico-sanitarios. El trabajo será realizado por los alumnos de la asignatura Patología Médica Bucal de tercer curso de Odontología. Los trípticos se realizarán para fomentar la docencia “no presencial” y el tipo de trabajo será de aprendizaje por proyectos. Este trabajo comprometerá al alumno emocional y afectivamente con su aprendizaje ya que ayudará a diagnosticar y tratar de forma temprana dichas patologías. Los alumnos de la asignatura Medicina Bucal realizarán folletos acerca de la Patología de la Mucosa Oral para informar a pacientes y colectivos sanitarios. Se fomentará la docencia no presencial, el tipo de trabajo será de aprendizaje por proyectos
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    Project number: PIMCD211/23-24
    ¿Qué Grado en Odontología queremos para 2035?
    (2024) Martínez Rus, Francisco; Alonso Monge, Rebeca María Del Mar; Arias Paniagua, Ana María; Barahora Vara, Tommy; Cacho Casado, Alberto; Figuero Ruiz, Elena; García González, Lucía; González Álvarez, Marina; Guijarro Blanco, Alicia; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; Hernández Garcés, Claudia; Herrera González, David; Iniesta Albentosa, Margarita Isabel; López Delgado, María Rosario; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María; Maroto Edo, Myriam; Martín Álvaro, María Concepción; Martínez Martínez, María Dolores; Martínez Sanz, Elena; Pérez-Higueras Sánchez-Escalonilla, Juan; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Roche Mena, Raúl; Salido Rodríguez-Manzaneque, María Paz
    El objetivo del proyecto fue analizar el escenario y las posibilidades de cambio a medio-largo plazo para la mejora del Grado en Odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Distinct Expression and Clinical Significance of Zinc Finger AN-1-Type Containing 4 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2018) Suárez-Canto, Julián; Suárez-Sánchez, Faustino; Domínguez-Iglesias, Francisco; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; García Pedrero, Juana; de Vicente, Juan
    Zinc finger AN1-type containing 4 (ZFAND4) has emerged as a promising prognostic marker and predictor of metastasis for patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, further validation is fundamental before clinical implementation. Hence, this study evaluated the expression pattern of ZFAND4 protein expression by immunohistochemistry using an independent cohort of 125 patients with OSCC, and correlations with the clinicopathologic parameters and disease outcome. Remarkably, ZFAND4 expression, while negligible in normal epithelium, exhibited two distinct expression patterns in tumors that did not overlap. A gross granular staining was characteristic of the undifferentiated cells at the invasive front of tumors, whereas the most differentiated cells located at the center of the tumor nests showed diffuse non-granular staining. ZFAND4 staining was higher in undifferentiated than in differentiated areas of tumors. High ZFAND4 expression in differentiated cells was significantly associated to well-differentiated (p = 0.04) and non-recurrent tumors (p = 0.04), whereas ZFAND4 expression in undifferentiated cells correlated with tumor location (p = 0.005). No correlations between the ZFAND4 expression and patient survival were found. These data question the clinical relevance of ZFAND4 expression as a prognostic biomarker in OSCC, and also reveal distinct ZFAND4 expression patterns depending on the differentiation areas of tumors that should be evaluated separately.
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    Efficacy and safety of a bioadhesive gel containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C and nanovitamin E on desquamative gingivitis: a double‑blind, randomized, clinical trial
    (Clinical Oral Investigations, 2022) González Serrano, José; Serrano Valle, Julia; Sanz Alonso, Mariano; Torres García-Denche, Jesús; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa María
    Objectives: To evaluate the efcacy of a gel-containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C, and nanovitamin E as adjuvants to professional plaque removal on desquamative gingivitis (DG). Materials and methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted on patients sufering DG due to mucocutaneous diseases. Patients received professional supragingival prophylaxis with oral hygiene instructions and were randomly assigned to use test or control gels as toothpaste and to apply it on DG lesions 3 times/day for 4 weeks. DG clinical score (DGCS), clinical periodontal variables, and visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and oral health impact profle (OHIP-14) were collected at baseline, 2 and 4 weeks. Results: Twenty-two patients were randomly assigned to test (n=11) or control group (n=11). Eighteen had diagnosis of oral lichen planus and four of mucous membrane pemphigoid. DGCS statistically decreased in both groups after treatment with no signifcant diferences between groups. Clinical periodontal outcomes decreased in both groups, but no signifcant diferences were observed. Periodontal variables statistically improved only in test group after treatment. VAS and OHIP-14 scores decreased in test and control groups without signifcant diferences. However, only one test group showed a statistically signifcant decrease in VAS and OHIP-14 scores after treatment. No adverse efects were reported. Conclusions: Test gel may alleviate DG and improve quality of life without side efects. Clinical relevance: A gel-containing propolis extract, nanovitamin C, and nanovitamin E as adjuvants to mechanical debridement may improve both clinical and patient related outcomes in DG patients without side efects. Clinical trial registration. The study protocol was registered at with the following number: NCT05124366 on October 16, 2021.