Dorado Fernández, Enrique

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Dorado Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Medicina Legal, Psiquiatría y Patología
Medicina Legal y Forense
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Search Results

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    A case of brachymetacarpia in a skeleton from a Mudejar cemetery from Spain (13th–14th century AD)
    (International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2021) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Herrerín, Jesús; Ramírez, Ildefonso; Parro, Loreto; Carrillo, Manuel F.; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    Brachymetacarpia, a form of brachydactyly, is one of the so‐called rare diseases because of its low prevalence. Although it is a well‐known malformation today, which occasionally requires surgical correction, it is not, or hardly, reported in the palaeopathological literature. The case presented here includes an individual exhumed from the Mudejar cemetery in Uceda (Guadalajara, Spain) dated between the 13th and 14th centuries. It was in an acceptable state of preservation, except for the skull, missing except for the mandible. Its sex was determined as female and the age as a young adult. On examining the hands, the short length of both the 4th and 5th metacarpals and the shortening of the distal phalanx of one of the thumbs were noteworthy. No anomaly was observed in the bones of the feet, which were only partially recovered. Due to the characteristics of the shortening and bones affected, it was considered that the case probably corresponded to type E of brachydactyly in the Bell and Temtamy classifications and to subtype E2 in the Hertzog classification. No data were found in the bones or teeth, suggesting their inclusion in any of the multiple clinical syndromes with this abnormality.
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    Quality analysis of the completion of death certificates in Madrid
    (Forensic Science International, 2023) Pinto Pastor, María Del Pilar; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Albarrán Juan, María Elena; Santiago Sáez, Andrés Sebastián
    The Death Certificate (DC) is an important medical-legal. However, despite its importance, the professionals involved are not well trained and consequently there exist many errors in completion. This situation can cause misclassification in mortality statistics, but also it means that many natural deaths end up being studied by the medical examiner, entailing a waste of resources. An analysis of 1974 DCs in Madrid is carried out to assess the quality of the completion, discover the main errors in the certificates and analyse possible improvement strategies. The study highlights that the demographic and personal information about the deceased is mostly correct; in 16,2 % of the cases the official document was not used; 91 % of the DCs in the sample have a certain degree of error (major or minor); and 38,4 % of the documents chain of causes were incorrect. The main measure proposed is increased training for certifiers, which should begin with activities at undergraduate level and continue later with periodic training workshops. In addition, we consider it essential to digitalise DCs in Spain. This would greatly facilitate completion. It is also proposed that medical examiners use, in Spain, a document similar to the official DC so that the statistics of violent and natural deaths which have required the medical examiners’ intervention will improve.
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    A case of cholesteatoma in a medieval Hispano-Mudejar population (13th–14th centuries ad)
    (International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2021) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Aso, José; Sebastián, Cristina; Ramírez, Ildefonso; Carrillo, Manuel F.; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    The case presented includes a left temporal bone from an individual exhumed from the Hispano-Mudejar necropolis in Uceda (Guadalajara, Spain) dated between the 13th and 14th centuries bc. External examination and computed tomography images show lesions in the external acoustic canal, in the form of diffuse widening, suggestive of a cholesteatoma originating in this canal, with invasion of the middle ear through the tympanic membrane. The difficulties with examining the internal elements of the ear are discussed, which causes the underestimation of these diseases in paleopathology studies.
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    Judicial consequences in Spain for the completion of the medical death certificate
    (International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2022) Pinto Pastor, María Del Pilar; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Herreros Ruiz-Valdepeñas, Benjamín; Albarrán Juan, María Elena; Santiago Sáez, Andrés Sebastián
    The completion of the death certificate is indispensable in Spain for a death to be recorded in the civil registry. Occasionally, doctors may be reluctant to sign a death certificate due to possible legal consequences. This study seeks to analyse the possible judicial consequences doctors may face upon filling out this medico-legal document. Sentences published on the Judicial Power's website between 2009 and 2019 containing the term "death certificate" were analysed. From a total of 2100 sentences examined, only 15 were found to contain the term "death certificate" as part of the claim. In only 7 of these cases the claim was made against the physician, and in 5 the physician was found guilty. Three of them concluded falsity via criminal proceedings, one via administrative proceedings for refusing to sign the certificate and one through civil proceedings for filling out an erroneous antecedent cause of death. In view of the above, it can be inferred that the completion of the death certificate poses few judicial consequences for physicians. In addition, this study reveals the importance of the death certificate document as evidence in judicial proceedings.
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    Project number: PIMCD194/23-24
    Obtención de cortes anatómicos en los tres planos del espacio correlacionados con TC y RM para el aprendizaje auto-dirigido de la anatomía topográfica de la órbita y su contenido
    (2024) Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Catón Vázquez, Francisco Javier; Calle Fernández, Jesús de la; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; García Gómez, Susana; García De Pereda Notario, Carlos Miguel; García Serradilla, Moisés; Gutiérrez San José, Mª Begoña; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón; Murillo Barrio, Jaime; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Paradas Lara, Irene; Virto Ruiz, Leire
    En este proyecto se pretende mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la docencia de la anatomía seccional de la órbita y su contenido. Se ha generado un catálogo de imágenes consistentes en cortes anatómicos (coronales, sagitales y horizontales) correlacionados con imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) y resonancia magnética (RM). Las imágenes están rotuladas con los detalles anatómicos más relevantes para su aprendizaje y autoevaluación. Está dirigido a estudiantes de diferentes grados de ciencias de la salud. Se pretende superar la dificultad de a partir de imágenes en 2D (cortes anatómicos, de TC y de RM) integrar la imagen en 3D y que se inicien en la interpretación de imágenes radiológicas, indispensable en el ejercicio de su profesión.
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    The Sternum as a Sex Discriminator in a Contemporary Spanish Population
    (Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2021) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Cáceres Monllor, D.A.; Carrillo Rodríguez, M.F.; Botella López, M.; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    The sternum is a bone that is useful in the morphological discrimination of sex, especially when other bones with greater discriminating capacity are not available, such as the pelvis and certain long bones. Satisfactory results obtained in different investigations, as well as the need to have more specific population reference values, have led to a significant increase in studies and publications in this regard. In the present study, we analyse the utility of the sternum as a sex discriminator in a sample of 202 sternums (117 men, 85 women), from corps exhumed in the last 50 years, corresponding to the contemporary Spanish population. All the metric variables (lengths of manubrium of sternum and body of sternum, total length, and width at the level of the first and third sternebrae) have been statistically classified using discriminant analysis and decision trees. The best results, in agreement with multiple works, are provided by the total sternal length. A measure of the total length, “the 141.5 rule” (the length of the male sternum exceeds 141.5 mm, whereas the length of the female sternum is equal or less) allows us to discriminate 86.1% of the sternums of the sample, with a sex bias of 5.7. Consequently, this bone can be useful in forensic studies of bone remains of unknown identity.
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    La mortalidad violenta en el partido judicial de Cambados, (1989-1998)
    (2004) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Rodes Lloret, Fernando
    La tesis doctoral "La mortalidad violenta en el Partido Judicial de Cambados, 1989-1998." pretende un estudio epidemiológico sobre las muertes objeto de intervención judicial, y por tanto médico forense, en dicho partido, y a lo largo de una década. El método de estudio es el estadístico, en sus facetas descriptiva (distribución de frecuencias, representación gráfica, medidas de dispersión y centralización), inferencial. Se ha utilizado la prueba Chi-cuadrado al tratarse de variables mayoritariamente cualitativas, y se ha considerado unos límites de confianza para el 95%, sin bien cuando el resultado ha sido significativo se ha ampliado también el 99%. Se estudia un número amplio de variables relativas a la filiación, a los hechos de interés, a la actividad autópsia, e intrínsecas a la etiología y mecanismo de la muerte. Se realiza primero un estudio general conjunto de la mortalidad judicial, y seguidamente en dos apartados, las muertes violentas y las naturales.Posteriormente se analiza cada forma de muerte violenta (homicida, suicida y accidental) con un estudio diferenciado de los accidentes pro tráfico o sumersión y de ls suicidios por ahorcadura. La discusión se realiza sobre cada uno de los capítulos reseñados, y se contrastan los resultados con los de otras poblaciones españolas y extranjeras. Entre las priemras, fundamentalmente los partidos judiciales de Barcelona, Valencia, Murcia, Badajoz, Granada, Palma de Mallorca, Cartagena, Alcalá de Henares, Lliria , San Sebastián, Elda y Villena
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    A Case of Acute Plastic Deformation of the Forearm in a Medieval Hispano-Mudejar Skeleton (13-14th Centuries AD)
    (Pathobiology, 2022) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Aso Escario, José; Aso Vizán, Alberto; Ramírez González, Ildefonso; Carrillo Rodríguez, Manuel F; Cáceres Monllor, David; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    Abstract Introduction: Acute plastic deformation refers to a traumatic bending or bowing without a detectable cortical defect. Case Presentation and Discussion: We describe a rare case from an individual that was exhumed from the Hispano-Mudejar necropolis in Uceda (Guadalajara, Spain) dated between the 13th and 14th centuries AD. The case corresponds to an adult woman, with a bowing involvement of the left ulna and radius. After making the differential diagnosis with various pathologies likely to present with this alteration, we reached the diagnosis of acute plastic deformation of the forearm through external and radiological examination and comparison with the healthy contralateral forearm. Conclusions: Acute plastic deformation is a rare traumatic injury, not described until the last century and only rarely described in palaeopathological contexts. We contribute a new case, the first being sufficiently documented, contributing to the knowledge and diagnosis of this type of trauma in the ancient bone, while deepening the knowledge of the living conditions of the medieval Mudejar population of Uceda.
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    Project number: 79
    Programación infográfica para la representación de los huesos y articulaciones del miembro inferior
    (2021) Martínez Sanz, Elena; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso; Arráez Aybar, Luis Alfonso; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Herrera Lara, Manuel Eugenio; Cabrera Parra, Walter; Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Maldonado Bautista, Estela; Mérida Velasco, José Ramón; Catón Vázquez, Francisco Javier; Cuadra Blanco, Crótida De La; García Gómez, Susana; Becerro De Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo
    Desarrollo de una infografía con los huesos y articulaciones del miembro inferior para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la docencia de la anatomía topográfica de estas estructuras a través del campus virtual (Grados de CC. de la Salud).
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    The supracondylar process in the skeletal remains of a full-term fetus from Central Spain (V–VII century BC)
    (Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 2022) Dorado Fernández, Enrique; Ramírez González, Ildefonso; Parro González, Loreto; Ruiz-Tagle Fernández, Elisa; Paulos Bravo, Rodrigo; Barrio Asensio, María Del Carmen; Murillo González, Jorge Alfonso
    A rare case in the remains of a full-term fetus was recovered from the archaeological site 'Arriaca-Zaide' (Guadalajara, Spain) that dates to the century V-VII BC. The right humerus presents an osseous tubercle, fractured at its end that extends obliquely forward and medially, from the anteromedial aspect of the lower third of the humerus. It is a supracondylar process, a rare osseous anatomic variation. The presence of the supracondylar process in the fetal period allowed us to propose its congenital nature. Furthermore, its disposition and state of ossification allowed us to suggest that it was formed from the ossification center of the humeral diaphysis and not from a secondary ossification center. This case represents the first time that the supracondylar process during the fetal period has been described in the anthropological physical literature.