Jannes, Gil

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Financiera, Actuarial y Estadística
Estadística e Investigación Operativa
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Project number: 245
    Big data en educación II: metodologías adaptativas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde el diagnóstico del estudiante
    (2019) Hernández Estrada, Adolfo; García Pérez, Enrique; Fernández-Cid Enríquez, Matilde; Vela Pérez, María; Peñaloza Figueroa, Juan Luis; Martínez Rodríguez, María Elena; Arteaga Martínez, Blanca; Macías Sánchez, Jesús; Martín Apaolaza, Nirian; Fernández-Crehuet Santos, José María; Pérez Martín, María; Mateos-Aparicio Morales, Gregoria; Fernández Molina, María Elia; Dorado Sánchez, Juan; Ruozzi López, Alberto; Martíns Pinto, Ana Rita; Martínez de La Fuente, Jorge Iván; Andrés García, Ángel De; Carrasco Pradas, Mª Desamparados; Álvarez Sáez, Manuel; Ferrer Caja, José María; Aparicio Sánchez, María Del Socorro; Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil
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    Spatial and Temporal Wildfire Decomposition as a Tool for Assessment and Planning of an Efficient Forest Policy in Galicia (Spain)
    (Forests, 2020) Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil
    Wildfires in Galicia have various temporal and spatial trends. This temporal and spatial behavior must therefore be studied and taken into account in order to design more efficient forest policies. Since both factors are inhomogeneous, it was proposed to study them using a Gini index decomposition. The number of fires and the affected forest area were studied in terms of the months and the forest districts, which serve as basic temporal and spatial elements. The objective of this methodology is to know the months in which the fires are most concentrated throughout the administrative geographical districts of the various provinces of Galicia, and the elasticity of each month with respect to the global concentration. It is also used to know the temporal inequality in each forest district of Galicia and its contribution to the global index. To apply this methodology, monthly data are taken from 2006 to 2015 for each of the Galician forest districts. It is found that there is a high spatial concentration of fires in the autumn and winter months, and a much lower one in the remaining months. On the other hand, most districts register a great temporal inequality in the occurrence of fires. Tentative suggestions of how the forest policy in Galicia could be improved by taking into account both these spatial and temporal patterns are discussed.
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    La narrativa como herramienta docente dentro de la gamificación de la estadística en el Grado en Turismo
    (Digital Education Review, 2019) Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil
    La gamificación consiste en ludificar los contenidos de una determinada materia o asignatura a través de dinámicas, mecánicas y componentes. Con este proceso se puede lograr una mayor motivación e implicación del alumno, así como fomentar el desarrollo de competencias y del aprendizaje autónomo. El presente trabajo describe el proceso de implementación de esta herramienta para la asignatura “Estadística Aplicada al Sector Turístico” del Grado en Turismo con el objetivo de lograr presentar un proceso formativo dinámico y atractivo para el alumno. No obstante, se elabora desde un punto transversal que permita su implementación en asignaturas similares de enseñanzas superiores de grado. En más detalle, se desarrolla una narrativa entorno a la promoción profesional del alumno dentro de una empresa hotelera ficticia donde irá alcanzando mayor rango profesional a medida que avanza el juego y va superando una serie de pruebas/eventos. Esta narrativa fomenta el interés intrínseco en la actividad por parte del alumno, al mismo tiempo que refuerza la utilidad del propio juego de cara a futuras experiencias profesionales.
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    Project number: 301
    Estrategia de gamificación aplicada a métodos estadísticos en el proceso de aprendizaje en enseñanzas turísticas
    (2020) Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil; Albert García, Carlos; Vela Pérez, María; Gutiérrez Salinero, María Ángeles; López Fernández, Angel Luis; Arroyo Barrigüete, José Luis; Montiel Ben Allal, Nora; Agustín Herrera, Alma; Suarez-Varela Marti, Olga; Krak, Darya; González Gutiérrez, Nebiur; Ferrando Aguirre, Daniel; López Domingo, Belén; Lluna Taverner, Francisco José; Cisneros Martínez, José David
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    Attraction opportunities for enotourism among international travellers to spanish wine PDO regions
    (GeoJournal, 2024) Jannes, Gil; Barreal Pernas, Jesús
    We analyze why the impact of wine tourism in Spain lags behind France and Italy. We argue that a key factor is a lack of attraction of foreign enotourists, especially among tourists who visit a wine PDO region anyway. The international tourist profiles visiting such Spanish wine PDOs are identified and segmented with the ultimate objective of fine-tuning the gastro-touristic offer in these regions. In particular, an innovative two-step Latent Class Model (LCM) with covariates is developed. The first step concerns the sociodemographic profiles of potential international enotourists, which is therefore complementary to existing segmentations of actual enotourists. The second step uses touristic activities in order to profile the possible ways of reaching different types of tourists. The daily expenditure and the tourists' valuation are included as covariates, allowing to predict the probability of class membership, and thus to define priority target profiles for market positioning.
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    Project number: 160
    Comprensión conceptual de estadística y métodos de decisión utilizando herramientas de gamificación para la adquisición de competencias en los grados de ciencias económicas y empresariales
    (2022) Segura Maroto, Marina; Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Maroto Álvarez, Concepción; Sánchez Sánchez, Ana María; Duran Duran, Yolanda; Ginestar Peiró, Concepción de María; Ribes Rossiñol De Zagranada, Juan; Mercadé Melé, Pere; Jannes, Gil; Iglesias Amorín, Alfonso; Lluna Taverner, Francisco José; Madiedo Castro, Óscar Reynaldo; Malagón Terrón, Francisco Javier; López Fernández, Ángel Luis; Velasco Martínez, Luis; Rosa Feliz, Josmary de la; Sánchez Sastre, Inés; Alfaro Iglesias, Eduardo Jose; Abdeselam Znakar, Noor; Di Lorenzo Urbaez, Claudio; Jaua Mesas, Jimena Fernanda; Nunnes di Pierri, Francisco José; Domenech Rosique, Adrián; Valero Rueda, Adrián; Zhou, Jiajia; Diego Illescas, Almudena de; González Murillo, Christian; Mayoral Benítez, Iván; Ortiz Rodríguez, María
    El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar la motivación y la actitud de los alumnos de los grados de ciencias sociales hacia las materias cuantitativas, así como su participación activa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, individual y en grupo, con la finalidad última de incrementar su nivel de competencias y rendimiento.
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    Comparison of International Tourist Profiles in the Spanish Wine and Olive Oil PDOs
    (Tourism marketing in Western Europe, 2021) Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil; Boukas, Nikolaos; Stylidis, Dimitrios
    This chapter, by Jesús Barreal Pernas and Gil Jannes, deals with gastro-tourism in Spain and studies the international tourist profile in the Spanish wine and olive oil Protected Destinations of Origin (PDOs). Specifically, the study focuses on regions that have such PDOs and examines the differences and similarities among the profiles of international tourists that visit them. The study concludes with a classification of four clusters according to demographic, travel and motivational characteristics of tourists in the particular area.
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    Factors influencing the rate of sorted solid waste collection: An empirical analysis toward local management in Catalonia (NE Spain)
    (Cities, 2022) Saldivia-Gonzatti, L. Ignacio; Jannes, Gil; Barreal Pernas, Jesús
    A study of the factors influencing waste sorting behaviours is crucial to assess the current urban waste management schemes and to determine additional, appropriate policies to put in place. While there exist many theoretical considerations on which factors determine the Sorted Municipal Solid Waste Collection (SMSWC) rates, these are sometimes ambiguous, and firm empirical confirmation is often lacking. The present study estimates econometric models based on a comprehensive set of longitudinal data for all 945 Catalonian municipalities from 2000 to 2019. We demonstrate and quantify geographic, demographic, socioeconomic, and policy design determinants of the SMSWC rates at a municipal level. New insights are obtained on the effects of geographic conditions, unemployment, and foreign population on waste management behaviours, sometimes in direct contradiction with earlier theoretical expectations. The empirical evidence suggests that active waste collection policies can serve to increase the rate of sorted waste collection rapidly enough to achieve the recycling goals set by the European Union legislation and the Spanish Waste Law. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of considering demographic trends and differences in waste sorting behaviour between social groups when tackling waste management issues. The main qualitative results are expected to be valid beyond the concrete case of Catalonia.
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    Influence of Service Valuation and Package Cost on Market Segmentation: The Case of Online Demand for Spanish and Andorra Ski Resorts
    (Sustainability, 2021) Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Ferrer Rosell, Berta; Cristobal Fransi, Eduard; Jannes, Gil
    Ski resorts are important tourist resources in mountain areas. They have a high impact on the environment but also on the development of the territory. Corporate social responsibility management plays an important role in influencing consumer purchasing behavior. This research seeks to understand the behavior of ski tourists and to classify them. Approximately 50,000 online purchases of tourist packages to ski resorts in Spain and Andorra are analyzed in order to describe the different segments of demand in these resorts through a latent class model. The tourists’ age and previous experience, the type of accommodation, and the season—among other variables—are considered to clarify the different classes. Six different segments were found. Some relevant results for the online ski-package market are highlighted, such as the influence of skier’s expenditure on service valuation. Managerial implications, limitations of this study and recommendations for future research are also discussed.
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    Project number: 221
    La gamificación como herramienta en el aprendizaje de contenidos estadísticos en el entorno Wooclap.
    (2023) Segura Maroto, Marina; Barreal Pernas, Jesús; Jannes, Gil; Vela Pérez, María; De Castro Pardo, Mónica; Del Campo Campos, Cristina; Durán Durán, Yolanda; Pozo García, Eva María Del; Ribes Rossiñol De Zagranada, Juan; GONZALEZ IGLESIAS, FERNANDO; SAIZ SUSÍN, JIMENA; SÁNCHEZ SASTRE, INÉS; Sánchez Charro, Sheila; Torres Yánez, Miriam; Valverde Carrasco, Jefferson Eliud; Varela Ciordia, Begoña; Losilla Arce, María; Martínez Landa, Julia; GUTIERREZ GOMEZ, HUGO; GOMEZ LOPEZ, MARIA; Elguero Morett, Santiago Enrique; DELGADO ALGABA, SANDRA; Cherino Martin, Paula; Blázquez Fernández, Álvaro; Ameneiro Alonso, Ramón