Rozas Domingo, David

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Rozas Domingo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
UCM identifierORCIDScopus Author IDWeb of Science ResearcherIDDialnet ID

Search Results

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  • Item
    Analysis of the Potentials of Blockchain for the Governance of Global Digital Commons
    (Frontiers in Blockchain, 2021) Rozas Domingo, David; Tenorio Fornés, Ámbar; Hassan Collado, Samer
    In recent years, the increasing need for global coordination has attracted interest in the governance of global-scale commons. In the current context we observe how online applications are ubiquitous, and how emerging technologies enable new capabilities while reshaping sectors. Thus, it is pertinent to ask: could blockchain technologies facilitate the extension and scaling up of cooperative practices and commons management in this global context? In order to address this question, we propose a focus on the most paradigmatic and widely successful examples of global cooperation: non-rival global commons. Examples of these are the digital resources maintained by large peer production communities, such as free/libre open source software and Wikipedia. Thus, this article identifies and analyses the potentialities of blockchain to support the sustainability and management of non-rival global commons. Our approach draws on Elinor Ostrom’s classic principles for commons governance, although revisiting and adapting these to the more challenging scope of global commons. Thus, in this work we identify the affordances which blockchain provides (e.g. tokenisation, formalisation of rules, transparency or codification of trust) to support the effective management of this type of global commons based on these adapted Ostrom principles. As part of our analysis, we provide numerous examples of existing blockchain projects using affordances in line with each principle, as well as potential integrations of such affordances in existing practices of CBPP communities. Our analysis shows that, when considering the challenges of managing global commons (e.g. heterogeneity or scale), the potential of blockchain is particularly valuable to explore solutions that: distribute power, facilitate coordination, scale up governance, visibilise traditionally invisible work, monitor and track compliance with rules, define collective agreements, and enable cooperation across communities. These affordances and the subsequent analysis contribute to the emergent debate on blockchain-based forms of governance, first by providing analytical categories for further research, but also by providing a guide for experimentation with the development of blockchain tools to facilitate global cooperation.
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    When Ostrom Meets Blockchain: Exploring the Potentials of Blockchain for Commons Governance
    (SAGE Open, 2021) Rozas Domingo, David; Tenorio Fornés, Ámbar; Díaz Molina, Silvia; Hassan Collado, Samer
    Blockchain technologies have generated enthusiasm, yet their potential to enable new forms of governance remains largely unexplored. Two confronting standpoints dominate the emergent debate around blockchain-based governance: discourses characterized by the presence of techno-determinist and market-driven values, which tend to ignore the complexity of social organization; and critical accounts of such discourses which, while contributing to identifying limitations, consider the role of traditional centralized institutions as inherently necessary to enable democratic forms of governance. In this article, we draw on Ostrom’s principles for self-governance of communities to explore the transformative potential of blockchain beyond such standpoints. We approach blockchain through the identification and conceptualization of six affordances that this technology may provide to communities: tokenization, self-enforcement and formalization of rules, autonomous automatization, decentralization of power over the infrastructure, increasing transparency, and codification of trust. For each affordance, we carry out a detailed analysis situating each in the context of Ostrom’s principles, considering both the potentials of algorithmic governance and the importance of incorporating communities’ social practices into blockchain-based tools to foster forms of self-governance. The relationships found between these affordances and Ostrom’s principles allow us to provide a perspective focused on blockchain-based commons governance.
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    Ostrom’s crypto-principles? Towards a commons-based approach for the use of Blockchain technologies for self-governance
    (2018) Rozas Domingo, David; Tenorio Fornés, Ámbar; Díaz Molina, Silvia; Hassan Collado, Samer