Lage Gómez, Carlos

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Lage Gómez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Didáctica de Lenguas, Artes y Educación Física
Didáctica de la Expresión Musical
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Item
    Group Identity in a Secondary School Classroom Constructed through Musical Creation
    (Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2021) Lage Gómez, Carlos; Cremades Andreu, Roberto
    Music plays an important role in the construction of identity in adolescence. However, few studies have explored the relationship between the formation of group identities in adolescence and musical creation as an experiential group activity in secondary school. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to shed light on the formation of group identities in the classroom and determine the factors involved in this process. An educational project focusing on participatory musical creation was carried out in three Spanish secondary schools, involving 267 students. Data were collected by means of participant and non-participant observation, a classroom diary, a questionnaire and video recordings, analysed within the framework of activity theory. The results revealed the influence of a number of interconnected determinants on the formation of group identity in the classroom: (1) student involvement in all stages of the project; (2) the construction of meaningful musical experiences through the students’ role as musicians; (3) the classroom climate; (4) the emergence of positive emotions; (5) high motivation to learn; and (6) student identification with their own music. These results indicate the useful role of music creation in the formation of group identity.
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    Group improvisation as dialogue: opening creative spaces in secondary music education
    (Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2019) Lage Gómez, Carlos; Cremades Andreu, Roberto
    Dialogue is inherently a form of improvisation, focussed on its relational nature and on the syntactic properties of its relationships. In the field of music education, group improvisation is considered as an emerging, reflexive and creative practice. However, research into secondary education has been limited. In this article, we present the results of a Collaborative Action Research study in Spanish Secondary education. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of group improvisation as a dialogic practice in secondary education, and the factors that determine the music creative space for learning. Data collection included observation, interviews, classroom diary, classroom assessments, questionnaires, video and audio recordings. We drew on the perspective of artography, in which artist, researcher and teacher co-exist, to codify, analyse and triangulate data. Findings show how the music creative space in group improvisation is determined by the following connected aspects: (a) active student involvement and wellbeing; (b) the students’ identification with the music; (c) the emergence of group flow and positive emotions manifested from both a multi-dimensional and a dual perspective; (d) a high level of motivation emerging in different forms; and (e) significant musical experiences from students’ role as musicians.
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    Pintando sonidos a través de la improvisación colectiva en Educación Secundaria
    (Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical, RECIEM, 2018) Lage Gómez, Carlos; Cremades Andreu, Roberto
    El presente artículo explora los procesos de aprendizaje en la improvisación colectiva a través de un estudio de Investigación Acción centrado en la musicalización de una serie de cuadros de una pintora profesional (de reconocido prestigio). El estudio se desarrolló en un Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria de una localidad madrileña a lo largo de 14 sesiones con un grupo de 3º de ESO (28 estudiantes), durante el tercer trimestre del curso 2010-2011, como un ciclo de un estudio de investigación. Las preguntas de investigación se agruparon en torno al análisis de los procesos de aprendizaje, aspectos emergentes, además de estimar la pertinencia de este procedimiento como una estrategia efectiva para utilizar en el aula de música en secundaria. Para la recogida de los datos se emplearon la observación participante y no participante, grabaciones audiovisuales, entrevistas y encuestas. En la discusión se plantea la naturaleza holística del aprendizaje determinada por la identidad del grupo, motivación, las emociones positivas, el ambiente y bienestar, enmarcada en el desarrollo de un proyecto didáctico transversal.
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    Creatividad Participativa en la Composición de Bandas Sonoras en Educación Secundaria
    (Revista electrónica de LEEME, 2022) Lage Gómez, Carlos; José Luis Centeno-Osorio; Cremades Andreu, Roberto
    La creación de bandas sonoras supone una aproximación transversal y participativa a la acción creativa en el ámbito de la Educación Secundaria. Con el objetivo de profundizar en la comprensión de los aspectos que caracterizan la composición de bandas sonoras en Secundaria, se ha implementado un proyecto en el que han participado dos grupos de tercero de la ESO (14-15 años) de un centro de la Comunidad de Madrid (España). Desde una perspectiva artográfica, y mediante la perspectiva docente, investigadora y artística, se recogió la información a través de la observación participante y no participante, grabaciones de vídeos, entrevistas, diarios de clase y cuestionarios. Los resultados muestran un modelo de creatividad participativa centrado en una aproximación holística a través de: (1) la implicación activa del alumnado en el diseño, proceso y resultados del proyecto didáctico, (2) la elevada motivación (individual-social), (3) las emociones positivas, (4) el ambiente a través del cual se han construido experiencias musicales significativas y (5) la identidad colectiva generada a través de la creación musical
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    Theorising ‘Participatory Creativity’ in Music Education: Unpacking the Whole Process at a Spanish secondary school
    (Music Education Research, 2019) Lage Gómez, Carlos; Cremades Andreu, Roberto
    The seminal conceptualisation of the varying forms of authorship associated with different creativities developed as social practices has deep implications for research into music education in secondary schools. One such type is ‘participatory creativity’, which is explored through a cross-cutting secondary school study. Aimed at the creation of a soundtrack based on cooperative compositional methods, we aspired to gain an in-depth understanding of the participatory processes involved in creative learning. Data was gathered through observation, interviews, a classroom diary, classroom assessments, questionnaires and video and audio recordings. In the findings, students’ participation was identified in three forms: (1) decision-making; (2) shared goal, which encouraged a group sense of identity, high motivation (individual and social), positive emotions (multidimensional and dual) and the construction of meaningful musical experiences from their musician’s role; and (3) enculturation in the creative process. Participatory creativity could be construed as a paradigmatic approach in secondary education.
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    Different forms of students’ motivation and musical creativity in secondary school
    (British Journal of Music Education, 2023) Cremades Andreu, Roberto; Lage Gómez, Carlos
    Student motivation has been conceived as a crucial factor in the learning processes. However, research in motivation and creative learning in the secondary education music classroom has been limited. Student motivation is explored in this article through a collaborative action research study, in the form of several projects centred on the creation of music through group improvisation and cooperative composition, conducted over the course of five 1-year cycles, from 2008 to 2013. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the aspects determining student motivation during creative learning processes. Three secondary schools in the region of Madrid (Spain), eleven third-year secondary school classes (n = 267), teachers, researchers and artists participated in the study. Data were gathered through participant and non-participant observations, interviews, a classroom diary, and a questionnaire. In the findings, six intrinsically linked connected forms of motivation are grouped in three levels and are related to different factors emerged during the teaching and learning processes and connected to creativity.
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    Educación para la paz y violencia escolar a través de un proyecto musical en secundaria
    (Publicaciones. Facultad de Educación y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla, 2018) Cremades Andreu, Roberto; Lage Gómez, Carlos
    Una de las principales dificultades a las que se enfrentan las instituciones educativas en la actualidad está centrada en fomentar la convivencia pacífica en sus aulas. Este trabajo aborda dicha problemática desde el desarrollo de un proyecto de creación de una Banda Sonora sobre el acoso utilizando la composición cooperativa y la improvisación colectiva, con el propósito de examinar qué aspectos intervienen en este proceso en relación con la educación para la paz y la violencia escolar. Para ello, se contó con la participación de un grupo de estudiantes de 1º de ESO (n= 14, 9 chicas y 5 chicos) y otro de 3º (n=26, 17 chicas y 9 chicos) de un centro de la Comunidad de Madrid. Las conclusiones ponen de manifiesto cómo las experiencias musicales del alumnado en un espacio de aprendizaje creativo potencian la motivación tanto individual como colectiva, las emociones positivas, el ambiente de clase, el bienestar y la identidad del grupo, lo que ha favorecido la convivencia entre los participantes en este estudio.