Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco

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José Francisco
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Rodríguez Vázquez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Anatomía y Embriología
Anatomía y Embriología Humana
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
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    Origin of the torus mandibularis: an embryological hypothesis
    (Clinical Anatomy, 2013) Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Sakiyama, Koji; Verdugo López, Samuel; Amano, Osamu; Murakami, Gen; Abe, Shinichi
    Torus mandibularis, a well-known protuberance in the dental field, has been defined as a hyperostosis in the lingual aspect of the body of the mandible above the mylohyoid line. However, the origin of the torus mandibularis has not yet been clarified. The aim of this study was to provide a better understanding on the origin of the torus in view of the specific development of Meckel's cartilage at the site corresponding to the adult torus. A total of 40 mid-term human fetuses at 7-16 weeks of gestation were examined. The 10-13 weeks stage corresponded to the critical period in which Meckel's cartilage with endochondral ossification underwent a bending at the beginning of the intramandibular course. At the level of mental foramen, which was located between the deciduous canine and the first deciduous molar germs, the medial lamina of the mandible protruded medially to reach Meckel's cartilage. Thus, the medial lamina covered the posterior and superior aspect of the bending Meckel's cartilage just above the attachment of the developing mylohyoid muscle (i.e., in the oral cavity). We considered a bony prominence, which composed the protruding medial lamina and the bending Meckel's cartilage as the fetal origin of the torus mandibularis. A new theory is proposed for the origin of the torus mandibularis based on the existence of an anlage formed during the development of the mandible, variable in morphology and size, but always constant.
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    Giant Aortic Arch Aneurysm and Cardio-vocal Syndrome: Still An Open-surgery Indication
    (Cardiology Research, 2011) Garrido, José María; Esteban, María; Lara, Juan; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; López Checa, Salvador
    The Cardio-vocal Syndrome (Ortner's syndrome) is described as hoarseness due to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, caused by a specific cardiovascular pathology. In this case, we present a patient with a giant aortic arch aneurysm with an initial clinical presentation of Cardio-vocal Syndrome. The conventional open-surgery, instead of endovascular approach, was useful to control the morbidity from the compressive effect of adjacent structures, also preventing the aortic rupture. We strongly recommend analyzing carefully the individual case and the clinical targets to resolve, because the new technologies are not always the most effective therapeutic response.
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    Immediate semi-static loading using compression healing abutments: A stability study in dogs
    (Research in Veterinary Science, 2011) Cano Sánchez, Jorge; Campo Trapero, Julián; Colmenero, Cesar; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco
    El objetivo de este estudio fue el de investigar el efecto que podía tener la aplicación de cargas laterales controladas de forma temprana, en la osteointegración de implantes dentales. Se analizaron los resultados obtenidos mediante análisis de frecuencia de resonancia (RFA), utilizando unos nuevos prototipos de pilares de compresión (patentados por los autores como modelo de utilidad*) y se demostró que dichas cargas controladas eran beneficiosas para mantener e incluso mejorar, la estabilidad de los implantes colocados durante los estadios iniciales de la cicatrización, acelerando el proceso de osteointegración final. *Modelo de Utilidad: “Pilares compresores perimplantarios”. Inventores: Cano J, Campo J, Bascones A. Número solicitud 200701862. Fecha publicación 1066151.
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    Fetal topographical anatomy of the female urethra and descending vagina: a histological study of the early human fetal urethra
    (Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2011) Masumoto, Hiroshi; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; Murakami, Gen; Matsubara, Akio
    Background: Which parts of the male urethra correspond to the female urethra? To resolve this question, we need to understand fetal topographical changes in the urethra, its external sphincter and vagina. The vagina joins the mid-course of the primitive urethra and, later "descends" to the vaginal vestibulum. Methods: We examined histological sections of 14 female and 4 male mid-term fetuses. Results: The inferior end of the vagina was consistently embedded in the posterior wall of the urethra at 9-12 weeks. The supero-inferior level of the vaginal merging was lower in larger fetuses. Thus, the sequential variation in levels appeared to reflect the process of vaginal descent. However, in spite of penetration of the vaginal end into the posterior urethral wall, we found no sign of destruction of the urethral wall after vaginal descent in the low-merging types. Before vaginal descent, the female external sphincter extended posterolaterally around the urethra. Conclusion: The vaginal descent is classically regarded as a relative topographical change, but it is likely to be a result of elongation of the proximal urethra in the superior side of the vaginal merging. Conversely, the distal urethra is likely to be incorporated into the vaginal vestibulum by 15 weeks. During these processes, most of the female external sphincter seems to be expelled from the original anterior position into the vestibular wall as the urethrovaginal sphincter. The adult female urethra seems to correspond to the male prostatic urethra superior to the prostatic colliculus.
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    Initial stage of fetal development of the pharyngotympanic tube cartilage with special reference to muscle attachments to the tube
    (Anatomy & Cell Biology, 2012) Katori, Yukio; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; Murakami, Gen; Kawase, Tetsuaki; Kobayashi, Toshimitsu
    Fetal development of the cartilage of the pharyngotympanic tube (PTT) is characterized by its late start. We examined semiserial histological sections of 20 human fetuses at 14-18 weeks of gestation. As controls, we also observed sections of 5 large fetuses at around 30 weeks. At and around 14 weeks, the tubal cartilage first appeared in the posterior side of the pharyngeal opening of the PTT. The levator veli palatini muscle used a mucosal fold containing the initial cartilage for its downward path to the palate. Moreover, the cartilage is a limited hard attachment for the muscle. Therefore, the PTT and its cartilage seemed to play a critical role in early development of levator veli muscle. In contrast, the cartilage developed so that it extended laterally, along a fascia-like structure that connected with the tensor tympani muscle. This muscle appeared to exert mechanical stress on the initial cartilage. The internal carotid artery was exposed to a loose tissue facing the tubal cartilage. In large fetuses, this loose tissue was occupied by an inferior extension of the temporal bone to cover the artery. This later-developing anterior wall of the carotid canal provided the final bony origin of the levator veli palatini muscle. The tubal cartilage seemed to determine the anterior and inferior margins of the canal. Consequently, the tubal cartilage development seemed to be accelerated by a surrounding muscle, and conversely, the cartilage was likely to determine the other muscular and bony structures.
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    Venous drainage from the developing human base of mandible including Meckel's cartilage: the so-called Serres' vein revisited
    (Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 2011) Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; Murakami, Gen
    Purpose: The present study describes the venous drainage, especially, that via the so-called Serres' vein, from border areas between two different types of ossifications: the endochondral ossification of Meckel's cartilage in close topographical relation with the membranous ossification of the mandible. Methods: Frontal and transverse sections of 25 human fetuses between 8 and 16 weeks of post-conception development. All sections were stained with hematoxylin, and eosin and azan. Results: At 9 weeks, a distinct vein (Serres' vein) is seen originating from the endochondral ossification of Meckel's cartilage. At 11 weeks, the vein collects blood sinusoids from both the endochondral and membranous ossification areas. At 12 weeks the vein accompanies a definite bony canal, the Serres' canal. The vein does not extend anteriorly beyond a level of the deciduous canine germ that was located anterior to the mental foramen. Notably, up to 12 weeks, the vein becomes clearly isolated from the inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein. Conclusion: Serres' vein seems to be a unique drainage route of ossification, not of the tooth germ, and is similar to veins at the usual diaphysis of a long bone. Although the Serres' canal had been termed "canal of the deciduous dentition", there appears to be no topographical relation with deciduous germs.
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    Human primitive meninges in and around the mesencephalic flexure and particularly their topographical relation to cranial nerves
    (Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 2010) Cho, Kwang Ho; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Han, Eui Hyeog; Verdugo López, Samuel; Murakami, Gen; Cho, Baik Hwan
    Development of the meninges in and around the plica ventralis encephali has not been well documented. A distinct mesenchymal structure, the so-called plica ventralis encephali, is sandwiched by the fetal mesencephalic flexure. We histologically examined paraffin-embedded sections from 18 human embryos and fetuses at 6–12 weeks of gestation. In the loose tissues of the plica, the first meninx appeared as a narrow membrane along the oculomotor nerve at 7–8 weeks. Subsequently, the plica ventralis evolved into 3 parts: bilateral lateral mesenchymal condensations and a primitive membranous meninx extending between. Notably, the topographical anatomy of the oculomotor, trochlear and trigeminal nerves did not change: the oculomotor nerve ran along the rostral aspect of the membranous meninx, the trigeminal nerve ran along the caudal side of the lateral mesenchymal condensation, and the trochlear nerve remained embedded in the lateral condensation. Up to 9–10 weeks, the lateral mesenchymal condensations became tongue-like folds; i.e., the primitive form of the tentorium cerebelli, while the membranous meninx became the diaphragma sellae. The falx cerebri seemed to develop from the tongue-like folds. Overall, the final tentorium cerebelli corresponded to the regressed plica ventralis, while the parasellar area originated from the base of the plica and other tissues along the ventral aspects of the basisphenoid and basioccipital.
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    Closure of the middle ear with special reference to the development of the tegmen tympani of the temporal bone
    (Journal of Anatomy, 2011) Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Murakami, Gen; Verdugo López, Samuel; Abe, Sin Ichi; Fujimiya, Mineko
    Closure of the middle ear is believed to be closely related to the evolutionary development of the mammalian jaw. However, few comprehensive descriptions are available on fetal development. We examined paraffin-embedded specimens of 20 mid-term human fetuses at 8-25 weeks of ovulation age (crown-rump length or CRL, 38-220 mm). After 9 weeks, the tympanic bone and the squamous part of the temporal bone, each of which was cranial or caudal to Meckel's cartilage, grew to close the lateral part of the tympanosquamosal fissure. At the same time, the cartilaginous tegmen tympani appeared independently of the petrous part of the temporal bone and resulted in the petrosquamosal fissure. Subsequently, the medial part of the tympanosquamosal fissure was closed by the descent of a cartilaginous inferior process of the tegmen tympani. When Meckel's cartilage changed into the sphenomandibular ligament and the anterior ligament of the malleus, the inferior process of the tegmen tympani interposed between the tympanic bone and the squamous part of the temporal bone, forming the petrotympanic fissure for the chorda tympani nerve and the discomalleolar ligament. Therefore, we hypothesize that, in accordance with the regression of Meckel's cartilage, the rapidly growing temporomandibular joint provided mechanical stress that accelerated the growth and descent of the inferior process of the tegmen tympani via the discomalleolar ligament. The usual diagram showing bony fissures around the tegmen tympani may overestimate the role of the tympanic bone in the fetal middle-ear closure.
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    Morphogenesis of the manubrium of sternum in human embryos: a new concept
    (Anatomical Record, 2013) Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; Garrido, José Manuel; Murakami, Gen; Kim, Ji Hyun
    To revisit many theories on fetal development of the manubrium of the sternum, we examined 25 mid-term fetuses at 6-9 weeks of gestation. The initial developmental stage of the manubrium was characterized by a distinct interclavicular mesenchyme that was continuous with the developing clavicles. Because parts of the clavicle in which endochondral ossification occurs originate from the neural crest, the interclavicular mesenchyme seems to be of the same origin. The sternal bands, possibly of the lateral plate origin, were restricted at the anterior ends of the ribs in the paired thoracic walls. The interclavicular mesenchyme extended caudally and laterally to reach the anterior ends of the first ribs, and thus the interclavicular mesenchyme expanded into the intercostoclavicular mesenchyme. Then, the primitive manubrium was delimited by the sternoclavicular joint and its related ligaments, all of which developed from the interclavicular and intercostoclavicular mesenchymes. Although the first ribs were attached to the intercostoclavicular mesenchyme, the former was vimentin-negative in contrast to the latter, positive mesenchyme. Soon afterwards, the small upper end of the sternal bands was integrated into the intercostoclavicular mesenchyme to form the primitive manubrium. The infrahyoid muscles and their supplying nerves maintained a close topographical relation to the interclavicular or intercostoclavicular mesenchyme, whereas the pectoralis major muscle kept attachments to the sternal bands. Consequently, the manubrium of sternum appeared to develop in a complex way at a junction area between derivatives of the neural crest, lateral plate, and somite.
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    Human orbital muscle: a new point of view from the fetal development of extraocular connective tissues
    (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2011) Osanai, Hajime; Abe, Shin ichi; Rodríguez Vázquez, José Francisco; Verdugo López, Samuel; Murakami, Gen; Ohguro, Hiroshi
    Purpose: In the human body, the orbital muscle is a limited smooth-muscle tissue extending between hard tissues. To provide better understanding of its function, the authors re-examined its development in fetuses. Methods: Using 20 human fetuses (12-25 weeks of gestation), semiserial horizontal or sagittal paraffin sections were prepared at intervals of 20 to 100 μm. In addition to routine histology, the authors performed silver staining as well as immunohistochemistry for alpha smooth-muscle actin (SMA), vimentin, S100 protein, and tyrosine hydroxylase. Results: Up to 12 weeks, the orbital muscle appeared as a plate-like mesenchymal condensation between the ciliary and sphenopalatine ganglia. Up to 15 weeks, the thick smooth-muscle layer provided an inferoposterior wall for the orbit. A notable feature was a difference in fatty tissue development between the ocular (anterior) and posterior sides of the orbital muscle. At 20 and 25 weeks, SMA immunoreactivity and the amount of smooth-muscle basal lamina were decreased, in contrast to an increase in the number of collagenous fiber bundles. Nerves for the orbital muscle are unlikely to contain sympathetic fibers until 15 weeks. Conclusions: The authors hypothesize that, in the early stage, the orbital muscle separates the orbital content from the surrounding loose spaces to maintain conditions adequate for the development of orbital fat and other connective tissues. Later, the orbital muscle is replaced by collagenous fibers and seems to provide guidance for calcification of the inferoposterior bony orbital wall. Vimentin-positive osteoprogenitor cells appear to migrate from the perichondrium of the sphenoid and ethmoid.