Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes

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Hidalgo Herrero
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Educación-Centro Formación Profesor
Didáctica de Ciencias Experimentales, Sociales y Matemáticas
Didáctica de la Matemática
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 25
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    PhDay Educación 2021. VII Jornadas de Investigación. Libro de Actas
    (2021) Álvarez Couto, María; Gómez Del Pulgar Cinque, Sandra; Moreno Jusdado, Débora; Redondo Corcobado, Paloma; Serrano Gregorio, Lydia; Alba Pastor, Carmen; Bautista García-Vera, Antonio; Canales Serrano, Antonio Francisco; Cremades Andreu, Roberto; Egido Gálvez, Inmaculada; García Ramos, José Manuel; Gaviria Soto, José Luis; Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Jover Olmeda, Gonzalo; Morales Fernández, Ángela; Fuentes Gómez-Calcerrada, Juan Luis
    Todas las contribuciones presentadas en este Libro de Actas forman parte de la evaluación de seguimiento de los doctorandos de segundo año a tiempo completo y tercer año a tiempo parcial del Programa de Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cada trabajo ha sido revisado formalmente por el Comité Organizador y valorado por los directores y tutores de tesis. Asimismo, cada doctorando ha recibido sugerencias de mejora de parte de otros estudiantes del Programa de Doctorado que han podido incluir antes de la finalización del presente documento.
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    Continutation Semantics for Parallel Haskell Dialects.
    (Programming Languages and Systems: first Asian Symposium, APLAS 2003, Beijing, China, November 2003, 2003) Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda; Ohori, Atsushi
    The aim of the present work is to compare, from a formal semantic basis, the different approaches to the parallelization of functional programming languages. For this purpose, we define a continuation semantics model which allows us to deal with side-effects and parallelism. To verify the suitability of our model we have applied it to three programming languages that introduce parallelism in very different ways, but whose common functional kernel is the lazy functional language Haskell.
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    Towards Improving Skeletons in Eden.
    (Parallel Computing: Current & Future Issues of High-End Computing, 2006) Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda; Rubio, Fernando; Joubert, G.R.; Nagel, W.E.; Peters, F.J.; Plata, O.; Tirado, P.; Zapata, E.
    The functional language Eden facilitates a skeleton-based methodology for parallel programming. A key point in the efficiency of parallel programs is the distribution of computation among processes. In Eden, this is closely related to its order of evaluation. We describe here an ongoing project whose purpose is to use a prototype implementation of Eden’s operational semantics to investigate how alternative evaluation models may either improve or make worse the behavior of the skeletons implemented in Eden
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    A Distributed Operational Semantics for a Parallel Functional Language
    (Trends in Functional Programming, 2000) Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda; Gilmore, Stephen
    We present an operational semantics for a functional parallel language with explicit process creation and implicit message-passing communication. The semantics is based on a distributed memory model and is effective for investigating the interplay between laziness and eagerness in the language, as well as for measuring speculative parallelism.
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    A Cognitive-based Tool to Teach how to Teach
    (2020) Encina Vara, Alberto De La; Garbayo Moreno, Martín Manuel; Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Rabanal Basalo, Pablo Manuel; Rubio Díez, Fernando
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    The education of prospective early childhood teachers within the paradigm of questioning the world
    (Working with the anthropological theory of the didactic in mathematics education : a comprehensive casebook, 2019) Rodríguez Quintana, Esther; García, Francisco Javier; Sierra Delgado, Tomás Ángel; Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes
    This contribution tackles the problem of the mathematical-didactic education of prospective early childhood education teachers, considered as an open problem. Relying on the anthropological theory of the didactic, we put forward a possible solution to this problem in terms of “study and research paths for teacher education” (SRP-TE). An SRP-TE is a new teacher education format based on the dialectic between formulating professional questions and building possible tentative answers, with teachers working in collaboration with researchers or educators. From the design and implementation of such an SRP-TE about natural numbers, we draw some conditions and constraints that affect their implementation in current university teacher education degrees. This kind of analysis is necessary to bring about effective changes in the education of prospective teachers.
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    Dealing Denotationally With Stream-based Communication
    (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2005) Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda
    We define a denotational semantics for a kernel-calculus of the parallel functional language Eden. We choose continuations to deal with side-effects (process creation and communication) in a lazy context. The calculus includes streams for communication, and their modelization by a denotational semantics is not direct because a stream may be infinite.
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    Project number: 311
    Desarrollar una propuesta de enseñanza aprendizaje de Matemáticas y su Didáctica para la formación de Docentes considerando la diversidad funcional asociada a la discapacidad intelectual, mediante la intervención en el Proyecto Liceo
    (2021) Sierra Delgado, Tomás Ángel; Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Rodríguez Cartagena, María Isabel; Sánchez Freire, Enrique; Ruiz Olarría, Aicia; Morcillo Ortega, Juan Gabriel; Sánchez Alonso, Alberto; Tanarro Colodrón, David; Rojas Suárez, Carlos; Pastore Burgos, Agustín; Valero de Lara, Gema Teresa
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    Using Maude and Its Strategies for Defining a Framework for Analyzing Eden Semantics
    (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2007) Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Verdejo López, José Alberto; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda
    Eden is a parallel extension of the functional language Haskell. On behalf of parallelism Eden overrides Haskell’s pure lazy approach, combining a non-strict functional application with eager process creation and eager communication. We desire to investigate alternative semantics for Eden in order to analyze the consequences of some of the decisions adopted during the language design. In this paper we show how to implement in Maude the operational semantics of Eden in such a way that semantic rules can be modified easily. Moreover, other semantic features can be implemented by means of parameterized modules that allow to instantiate in different ways several parameters of the semantics but without modifying the semantic rules.
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    A Semantic Framework to Debug Parallel Lazy Functional Languages
    (Mathematics, 2020) Encina Vara, Alberto De La; Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes; Llana Díaz, Luis Fernando; Rubio Díez, Fernando
    It is not easy to debug lazy functional programs. The reason is that laziness and higherorder complicates basic debugging strategies. Although there exist several debuggers for sequential lazy languages, dealing with parallel languages is much harder. In this case, it is important to implement debugging platforms for parallel extensions, but it is also important to provide theoretical foundations to simplify the task of understanding the debugging process. In this work, we deal with the debugging process in two parallel languages that extend the lazy language Haskell. In particular, we provide an operational semantics that allows us to reason about our parallel extension of the sequential debugger Hood. In addition, we show how we can use it to analyze the amount of speculative work done by the processes, so that it can be used to optimize their use of resources.