Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia

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First Name
Cristina Natalia
Last Name
Bonnin Arias
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Óptica y Optometría
Optometría y Visión
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    Project number: PIMCD444/23-24
    Vídeos didácticos de patologías sistémicas con impacto en la salud visual utilizando software de animación
    (2024) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Llorens Casado, María Belén; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Pitarch Velasco, Aída; Dorronzoro Ramírez , Emilio; Ortín Trujillano, Francisco Javier; Toure Sarr, Mame Diatou; Baoud Ould Haddi, Innas; Flores Cervantes, Merire Dayan; Martínez Álvarez, Belén; Bueno Fernández, Sara
    Vídeos didácticos de animación que permita conocer de manera gráfica y visual las más prevalentes patologías sistémicas generales, infecciosas y neurodegenerativas, que cursan con afectación ocular. Los vídeos de animación se generan mediante un software que permite crear vídeos realistas y profesionales a personas no expertas en diseño gráfico. Se trata de elementos audiovisuales que transfieren el contenido de un tema, de forma esquemática, mediante dibujos en pizarra blanca que, aparentemente, se realiza durante la explicación del tema. En cada vídeo se tratará una patología sistémica (general, infecciosa y neurodegenerativa) y las afecciones oculares relacionadas con ellas.
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    Project number: 300
    Guía gráfica de afecciones oculares secundarias a patologías sistémicas
    (2023) Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Lobato Rincón, Luis Lucio; Llorens Casado, María Belén; Pitarch Velasco, Aída; Bueno Fernández,Sara; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Dorronzoro Ramirez, Emilio; Domínguez Valdés, Teresa; Ortín Trujillano, Francisco Javier
    Esta guía didáctica constituye una completa base de datos de patologías sistémicas generales, infecciosas y neurodegenerativas, que sirve tanto de material de aprendizaje y autoevaluación para estudiantes, así como de material de consulta y comparación para profesionales del área de Ciencias de la Visión y Oftalmología.
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    Efectos en la función visual de diferentes diseños de lentes intraoculares implantadas de forma monocular, en diferentes condiciones de iluminación. Estudio piloto
    (Temas actuales de Optometría, SIYO 2022, 2022) Baoud Ould Haddi, Inas; Flores Cervantes, Merire Dayan; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Dorronzoro Ramirez, Emilio; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Luque Cobija, Mª José; Bueno Gimeno, Inmaculada; Hernández Andrés, Rosa Mª; García Domene, Mª Carmen; Esteve Taboada, Jose Juan; Díez Ajenjo, Mª Amparo; Monsálvez Romín, Daniel; Ortí Navarro, Susana; Porcar Izquierdo, Esteban; Fez Sáiz, Dolores, de
    Objetivo: Comparar los efectos de diferentes diseños de lentes intraoculares sobre la función visual de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de cataratas monocular en diferentes condiciones de iluminación. Métodos: Estudio piloto observacional, prospectivo y transversal de 14 ojos de 14 pacientes con edades comprendidas entre los 59 y los 82 años (70,5 ± 8,6), que se sometieron a una cirugía de cristalino con diferentes tipos de lentes intraoculares: Tecnis® Eyhance™ (Johnson&Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc., Santa Ana, CA), la PhysiOL® IsoPure 123™ (BVI Medical/PhysIOL, Lieja, Bélgica) y AcrySof ® IQ Vivity™ (Alcon Laboratories, Inc, Fort Worth TX.). El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética del Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid. Los sujetos participantes mostraron su acuerdo a colaborar firmando un consentimiento informado. Las pruebas se realizaron transcurrido el día, la semana y mes de la intervención, siendo estos últimos los resultados que se incluyeron en este estudio. Se midió la refracción manifiesta del paciente y la agudeza visual corregida monocularmente en distancia lejana, intermedia y cercana. Estas pruebas se realizaron en condiciones de iluminación fotópica y mesópica. Para el análisis de los datos obtenidos en este estudio se utilizó el software estadístico SPPS versión 28. Resultados: Sólo se obtuvieron valores estadísticamente significativos al comparar la agudeza visual de cerca en condiciones de iluminación fotópica entre las lentes Eyhance y Vivity con un p-valor de 0,013. Mientras que en visión lejana e intermedia, no se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en diferentes condiciones con distintas iluminaciones. Conclusiones: Las tres LIO proporcionaron buenos resultados visuales a distancias lejanas, intermedias y cercanas, tanto en condiciones fotópicas como mesópicas. En general, la lente Isopure 123 proporciona mejor visión en distancia lejana e intermedia, en cambio en cerca la lente que da mejor resultado es la lente Eyhance.
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    RapiDA V1: Repeatability
    (2023) Martínez Álvarez, Belén; Toure Sarr, Mame Diatou; Sarco Silva Erika; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    Dark Adaptation (DA) refers to the slow recovery of visual sensitivity in the dark, mediated primarily by rods, after being exposed to intense or prolonged illumination. It has been shown that DA is slower in aging and in age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration (AMD). It may be a key biomarker of retinal health. (Murray et al., 2022) Traditionally the method of measuring DA with produces a triphasic curve which can last between 30 to 40 minutes. The RapiDA device, has been designed to produce a biphasic curve: the alpha point, cone threshold (CT), tau, the cone time constant and S2 the slope of the rod-only section. These data can be collected within 10 minutes.
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    Analysis of the effects of visual quality under different light conditions in different introcular lenses: study pilot
    (2022) Baoud OuldHaddi, Inas; Dorronzoro Ramirez, Emilio; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    Cataract is the opacity of the crystalline and is the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment worldwide. Cataract surgery is currently the only treatment to restore vision. In addition, said surgery is being performed earlier and earlier due to the visual demands thatrequire good vision at all distances. Especially, in intermediate distances due to the appearance of new technologies and the continuous work on screens. For this reason, there is a continuous evolution of IOL designs. The aim of this study is to compare the effects on visual function and quality of life in cataract patients undergoing cataract surgery between different Extended depth of focus (EDOF) lenses, when subjected to different illumination conditions (mesopic and photopic)
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    Effect of the type of lens implanted on quality of life under different lighting conditions.
    (2022) Baoud Ould Haddi, Inas; Flores Cervantes, Merire Dayan; Sánchez Ramos, Celia; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa
    La catarata es la principal causa de ceguera reversible y baja visión en todo el mundo. Actualmente, la cirugía es el único tratamiento para poder restaurar la visión. Por ello en los últimos años, se han desarrollado diferentes tipos de lentes intraoculares (LIO) para mejorar la visión y disminuir la dependencia de las gafas. El objetivo es comparar los efectos de diferentes tipos de lentes intraoculares implantadas de cirugía de cataratas o lensectomía refractiva sobre la función visual y calidad de vida en diferentes condiciones de iluminación (fotópica y mesópica).
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    Analysis of the effects of visual quality under different light conditions with monocular implantation of different introcular lenses: a pilot study.
    (2022) Baoud Ould Haddi, Inas; Flores Cervantes, Merire Dayan; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    Cataract is the opacity of the crystalline and is the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment worldwide. Cataract surgery is currently the only treatment to restore vision. In addition, said surgery is being performed earlier and earlier due to the visual demands that require good vision at all distances. [3] Especially, in intermediate distances due to the appearance of new technologies and the continuous work on screens. For this reason, there is a continuous evolution of IOL designs. The aim study is to compare the effects on visual function and quality of life under different light conditions (photopic and mesopic) in patients undergoing cataract or refractive lensectomy with monocular implantation with different models of lenses.
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    Evaluation Of The Effects Of Tecnis Eyhance And Acrysof Iq Vivity Intraocular Lenses On Visual Quality Under Different Lighting Conditions.
    (2023) Baoud OuldHaddi, Inas; Dorronzoro Ramírez, Emilio; Flores Cervantes, Dayan; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    Introduction: Presbyopia correction surgeries undergo a thorough evaluation, combining objective measurements like visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, glare disability, and halometry, along with subjective assessments through satisfaction questionnaires. This comprehensive approach ensures accurate assessment of outcomes. To meet individual patient needs, various designs and types of intraocular lenses are available. Among the latest advancements are Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) lenses, providing both distance and intermediate vision capabilities, offering improved visual functionality for presbyopia patients. Purpouse: To analyze the effect of the design of Tecnis® EyhanceTM and AcrySof® IQ VivityTM, extended range intraocular lenses on patients visual quality under photopic and mesopic lighting conditions. Setting: The study was performed at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas la Moraleja in Madrid. All surgeries were performed by the same experienced surgeon (E.D.R). The study followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. CONCLUSION: The AcrySof® IQ VivityTM and Tecnis® EyhanceTM designs provide optimal AV, at distances (far and near), in both photopic and mesopic illumination conditions. The AcrySof® IQ VivityTM IOL provides better intermediate VA, in mesopic conditions, than the Tecnis® EyhanceTM IOL. However, this difference does not translate into a perceived subjective improvement in patients quality of life. The design of the AcrySof® IQ VivityTM and Tecnis® EyhanceTM extended range
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    Analysis Of The Effects Of Two Extended-Depth- Of -Focus Intraocular Lenses On Visual Quality Under Different Illumination Conditions.
    (2023) Baoud Ould Haddi, Inas; Dorronzoro Ramirez, Emilio; Flores Cervantes, Dayan; Blázquez Sánchez, Vanesa; Bonnin Arias, Cristina Natalia; Sánchez Ramos, Celia
    INTRODUCTION: Currently, patients have an increased demand and high expectations for good visual quality and spectacle independence after surgery. In addition, said surgery is being performed earlier and earlier due to the visual demands that require good vision at all distances. Especially, in intermediate distances due to the appearance of new technologies and the continuous work on screens. For this reason, there is a continuous evolution of IOL designs. PURPOSE: To analyze the effect of PhysiOL ®IsoPure123™ and AcrySof ®IQ Vivity™ extended range intraocular lens design on patients visual quality under photopic and mesopic illumination conditions. Setting: The study was performed at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas la Moraleja in Madrid. All surgeries were performed by the same experienced surgeon (E.D.R). The study followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. CONCLUSION: Both AcrySof ®IQ Vivity™ and PhysiOL ®IsoPure 123™ intraocular lens designs provide optimal VA for far and near distances in both photopic and mesopic illumination conditions. The AcrySof ® IQ Vivity™ IOL provides better intermediate VA under mesopic conditions than the PhysiOL ® IsoPure 123™ IOL, with this difference being clinically significant. There was no statistically significant difference between the two intraocular lenses in relation to the perception of halos.