De La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa

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First Name
Iria Noa
Last Name
De La Fuente Roldán
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Trabajo Social
Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales
Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales
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Search Results

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  • Item
    Burnout, Informal Social Support and Psychological Distress among Social Workers
    (British Journal of Social Work, 2015) Sánchez Moreno, Esteban; De La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa; Gallardo Peralta, Lorena Patricia; Barrón López De Roda, Ana
    Previous research has shown that social workers are a profession at risk of suffering a high incidence of so-called burnout syndrome. Burnout is in turn related to psychological distress. Social support from informal sources is a factor with potential to reduce the psychological distress caused by burnout. However, the previous research has not considered informal social support in sufficient detail. This article, using a cross-sectional study, analyses the relationship between burnout, informal social support and psychological distress in a sample of social workers in Spain (n = 189). The results show a high incidence of psychological distress and burnout, above all in terms of Emotional Exhaustion (EE). The results of the hierarchical regression analysis confirm the importance of informal social support as a variable negatively related to distress, even in the presence of burnout. Surprisingly, organisational variables were not associated with distress. Longitudinal and qualitative research is necessary to examine the nature of this relationship in detail.
  • Item
    Burnout, Informal Social Support and Psychological Distress among SocialWorkers
    (British journal of social Work, 2014) Sánchez Moreno, Esteban; De La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa; Gallardo Peralta, Lorena Patricia; Barrón López de Roda, Ana
    Previous research has shown that social workers are a profession at risk of suffering a high incidence of so-called burnout syndrome. Burnout is in turn related to psychological distress. Social support from informal sources is a factor with potential to reduce the psychological distress caused by burnout. However, the previous research has not considered informal social support in sufficient detail. This article, using a cross-sectional study, analyses the relationship between burnout, informal social support and psychological distress in a sample of social workers in Spain (n ¼ 189). The results show a high incidence of psychological distress and burnout, above all in terms of Emotional Exhaustion (EE). The results of the hierarchical regression analysis confirm the importance of informal social support as a variable negatively related to distress, even in the presence of burnout. Surprisingly, organisational variables were not associated with distress. Longitudinal and qualitative research is necessary to examine the nature of this relationship in detail.
  • Item
    Employment status and health in Spain before and after the Great Recession
    (Social Currents, 2016) Sánchez Moreno, Esteban; Gallardo Peralta, Lorena Patricia; Barrón López De Roda, Ana; Arias Astray, Andrés; De La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa
    This article analyzes the relationship between employment status (ES), on one hand, and self-rated health and psychological distress, on the other, in the context of the Great Recession beginning in 2008. For this purpose, it is necessary to move beyond the employment/unemployment dichotomy characteristics of previous theories and research concerning the relationship between the labor market, recession, and health. The authors use data from the Spanish National Health Surveys in 2006 (n = 15,128), before the crisis, and in 2012 (n = 11,124), when its consequences had taken effect. The results of the regression analysis indicate a structural change in the relationship between ES and health. Health inequality patterns changed during the crisis, with increased deterioration in the health of unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, and self-employed workers. Health inequalities were reduced for temporary workers. The results support the idea that the structure of the association between ES and health varies according to the economic cycle. The association between recession, ES, and health would be directly related to the specific characteristics of the economic and employment contexts under study. In the Spanish case, labor market segmentation processes based on numerical flexibility—a key feature of the Mediterranean Variety of Capitalism—may explain the results obtained.
  • Item
    Gran Recesión, desigualdades sociales y salud en España
    (2019) Sánchez Moreno, Esteban; De La Fuente Roldán, Iria Noa; Gallardo Peralta, Lorena Patricia
    La crisis económica que comienza en 2008 y que, conocida como la Gran Recesión, tuvo un impacto global, ha reavivado el debate en torno a la importancia de las crisis económicas en la salud de las poblaciones. De hecho, la bibliografía sobre el impacto de la Gran Recesión en la salud ha permitido enriquecer las hipótesis y líneas deinvestigación al respecto. Uno de los ámbitos que merecen especial atención es la relación existente entre Gran Recesión, desigualdades sociales y salud. La hipótesis del presente trabajo señala, precisamente, que una adecuada caracterización de la relación entre crisis económica y salud requiere de la incorporación de un análisis del efecto de los periodos de recesión en las desigualdades socioeconómicas. Para explorar dicha hipótesis, la investigación aborda el impacto de la Gran Recesión en la salud y la calidad de vida de la población en España, utilizando una perspectiva metodológica que combina diversas técnicas. En primer lugar, el análisis de datos secundarios dencarácter transversal y longitudinal. En segundo lugar, un diseño original basado en técnicas biográficas, y, en concreto, en el análisis de historias de vida. Los resultados muestran que los cambios en los indicadores de salud y calidad de vida de la población española durante la Gran Recesión responden a la reconfiguración de las desigualdades socioeconómicas que, a su vez, son resultado de dicha crisis.