Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús

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First Name
Martín Jesús
Last Name
Rodríguez Peces
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Geodinámica Interna
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    Linking earthquake-triggered paleolandslides to their seismic source and to the possible seismic event that originated them in a portion of the Argentine Precordillera (31°–33°S)
    (Natural Hazards, 2021) Junquera Torrado, Sebastián; Moreiras, Stella M.; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Sepúlveda, Sergio A.
    A total of 36 rock slides were selected for analysing a probable seismic source in the active Andean Precordillera (31°–33°S), the most seismic region of Argentina. Seven of these slope instabilities were selected for in-depth analysis in the field as a function of the most frequent class, lithological susceptibility and field accessibility. Reconstructing the topography previous to collapse and using geotechnical parameters extracted from field data in conjunction with geomechanical testing, the rock slides were modelled using pseudostatic limit equilibrium analyses for the obtention of the critical probabilistic acceleration (ac) required to generate the instability under unsaturated conditions and considering both the horizontal and vertical seismic components. To perform a probabilistic estimation of ac, the parameters in relation to the generalized Hoek–Brown failure criterion were selected to operate statistically using 2D SLIDE 8.0 software. Applying inversely Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) and concerning the distance to the studied paleolandslide, a possible earthquake inducing a seismic coefficient (kh) ≥ ac was determined. Therefore, a near active fault(s) capable of generating an earthquake magnitude inducing a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) ≥ ac at the paleolandslide location was designated as the possible seismogenic source of the slope instability. Intersecting these results, potential paleoseismic events which could have caused several slope instabilities were determined. Thus, a new methodology was developed, which allowed to determine the main seismogenic sources capable of inducing the modelled instabilities in each studied subarea in the Precordillera.
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    Unbiased logic-tree data for earthquake-induced landslide hazard maps for low-to-moderate magnitude events
    (Data in Brief, 2020) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Román Herrera, J.C.; Peláez, José A.; Delgado, José; Tsige Beyene, Meaza; Martino, Salvatore; Garrido, Jesús
    Land-use planning in regard of earthquake-triggered landslides is usually implemented by means of the production of hazard maps. The well-known Newmark rigid block methodology is the most frequent used approach for this purpose. In this method, slope stability is evaluated by the estimation of the Newmark displacement, which is used to set different categories of hazard. This methodology presents limitations due to the difficulty of incorporating the variability of the used variables. For that reason, the logic-tree approach has been used in order to incorporate the epistemic uncertainties and compute probabilistic seismic-landslide hazard maps. However, the used weights in the logic-tree are usually set for each branch based on an expert judgement or subjective criteria. This article provide data obtained from the use of logic-tree methodology; this dataset is useful for deriving the unbiased weights to use in such methodology and in moderate-to-low magnitude scenarios. The data presented here are related to the article entitled “Obtaining suitable logic-tree weights for probabilistic earthquake-induced landslide hazard analyses” (Rodríguez-Peces et al., 2020)
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    The Diezma landslide (A-92 motorway, Southern Spain): history and potential for future reactivation
    (Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2011) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Azañón, J.M.; García Mayordomo, Julián; Yesares, Jesús; Troncoso, E.; Tsige Beyene, Meaza
    A complete failure analysis of a complex landslide located in Southern Spain (the Diezma landslide) has been undertaken using geotechnical, geophysical and geological data. The triggering factors were a high groundwater level and the reduction in the shear strength parameters of the high-plasticity clay. The 2010 reactivation of the landslide was related to the poor performance of the first line of deep drainage wells, although the second and third line of wells and the anchored pile barrier were effective in preventing the landslide reaching the A-92 motorway. Analysis indicates that further reactivation of the Diezma landslide could take place following a period of heavy rain if the drainage wells are not properly maintained, or if an earthquake of Mw 4.0–5.0 occurs within 25 km of the site.
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    Geomorphologic Evidences of Great Flank Collapses in the Northwest of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)
    (Landslide Science and Practice: Social and Economic Impact and Policies, 2013) Yepes Temiño, Jorge; Sánchez, Nieves; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Galindo, Inés; Potro, Rodrigo del; Margottini, Claudio; Canuti, Paolo; Sassa, Kyoji
    This work provides geological observations that support the existence of several large rock slides in the northwest sector of the Gran Canaria Island, which are now covered by recent lavas. Some erosional forms has been identified: a paleo-relief developed in Pliocene volcanic materials which could be related to a large rock slide, a number of streams with strong incision and sharp diversions which are related to the flanks of the fractured rockmass, a clear topographical unconformity between the oldest erosion surfaces, as well as a prior secondary scarp near de coastal border. Moreover, we have identified some aggradational morphologies: a debris avalanche deposit covering the offshore area of the island, several scoria cones which are developed following the main scarp of the rock slide and a field of volcanoes which covers the foot of the slide in the onshore part of the island. These observations confirm the existence of some large rock slides that affect successively the NWflank of Gran Canaria during the Miocene to Pliocene. These flank instabilities suggest a NE-SW extensional regime, which could be related to a NW-SE fault zone that divides the island into two sectors. This hypothesis is in agreement with the spreading process which has been proposed for other volcanic islands.
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    Evaluation of road network slopes susceptibility to seismically-induced landslides in the Granada Basin (S Spain)
    (Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023) Román Herrera, J.C.; Delgado García, Jorge; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Peláez, J. A.; Garrido, J.
    In this work, a method for the fast evaluation of seismically-induced landslides is applied at regional scale in the Granada Basin (southern Spain). The methodology is based on the concept of rigid block but takes into account the variability in input data (geotechnical properties, failure depth and saturation state of the materials) through the use of a logical tree scheme. Input data were combined and evaluated using five different Newmark displacement empirical relations, which are automatically weighted to obtain a final co-seismic landslide susceptibility map. A Geographic Information System system was used to obtain the resulting maps considering the different branches and weights of the logic tree through an specifically developed automatic code written in Phyton. The landslides induced by the 2021 Mw 4.4 events of the Santa Fe seismic series have been used to validate the methodology. This is later used as input along with the road network to analyze the distribution of areas of different susceptibility level. The results obtained show that 1.73% of the total area is characterized by moderate to high susceptibility, being the southern and eastern sections of the Granada basin were more vulnerable slopes are found. When considering only zones around the road network (50 m buffer), it is found that 2.11% of slopes around highways and 1.33% of road slopes have moderate to high susceptibility, especially the A-92 highway and the A-338 road. These roads traverse areas with steep slopes and a combination of hard and soft materials, which increases the susceptibility of disrupted landslides. On the other hand, in more densely populated areas such as the metropolitan area of Granada, the susceptibility is lower due to their location on terrain with low to negligible slopes. The results are of interest for authorities managing slope stabilities because they allow establishing effective and locally-based seismic forecast works in order to minimize the damage of future events.
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    Amplificación del efecto destructivo de los desprendimientos rocosos por deslizamiento sobre suelos volcánicos (Tenerife y Madeira)
    (2011) Yepes, Jorge; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Marchesini, S.; Leyva, S.; Díaz Hernández, J.L.
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    Análisis automático de la susceptibilidad de las inestabilidades de laderas provocadas por terremotos en un sector de la Cordillera de los Andes, Ecuador
    (Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 2015) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Gordón-Pérez, Diego
    En este trabajo se ha realizado una evaluación regional de la susceptibilidad de las inestabilidades de ladera (deslizamientos y desprendimientos) inducidas por terremotos en un sector de los Andes ecuatorianos (área del Chimborazo). Para ello se obtuvo la aceleración crítica y el desplazamiento de Newmark, parámetros relacionados con la susceptibilidad, considerando condiciones secas y saturadas en las laderas. En los cálculos se asumieron valores promedio de parámetros geotécnicos obtenidos de bibliografía empleando mapas geológicos a escala 1:100.000, así como la pendiente del modelo digital de elevaciones. La sismicidad se consideró mediante un escenario probabilista para un periodo de retorno de 475 años, teniendo en cuenta los efectos de amplificación litológica y topográfica. Los mapas obtenidos permiten identificar preliminarmente áreas de potencial peligro, así como localizar áreas de interés para posteriores estudios de detalle. Las áreas más susceptibles se concentran en mayor cantidad en las laderas fuertemente encajadas por la red de drenaje, relacionadas con los volcanes y las litologías de tipo sedimentario. Sin embargo, estos resultados deben tomarse como una aproximación de primer orden, dadas las incertidumbres e hipótesis empleadas en los cálculos y la ausencia de un inventario de inestabilidades previas que permitan validarlos.
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    Evaluación regional de inestabilidades de ladera inducidas por terremotos para diferentes escenarios sísmicos en Sierra Nevada (Granada, SE España)
    (2009) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; García Mayordomo, Julián; Azañón, J.M.
    En este trabajo se ha realizado una evaluación regional de inestabilidades de ladera inducidas por terremotos en Sierra Nevada (SE de España) considerando la ocurrencia de escenarios sísmicos (probabilista, pseudo-probabilista y determinista) y teniendo en cuenta los efectos de amplificación sísmica de suelo y topográfico. La Cuenca de Granada y Sierra Nevada representan una de las zonas con mayor actividad sísmica en el sur de España. En este área se han producido inestabilidades de ladera (desprendimientos y deslizamientos) relacionados con importantes terremotos (e.g. 1884 Arenas del Rey). Se ha empleado el método del “bloque rígido deslizante” de Newmark en un sistema de información geográfica. Los mapas de desplazamiento de Newmark (DN) indican que la mayoría de los desprendimientos se localizan en áreas con DN menores de 2 cm. Los deslizamientos ocurrirían con DN de 2 ó más centímetros. Esta situación se daría con la ocurrencia de un terremoto grande (Mw>6.0).
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    Relationships Between Slope Instabilities, Active Tectonics and Drainage Systems: The Dúdar Landslide Case (Granada, Southern Spain)
    (Landslide Science and Practice: Complex Environment, 2013) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; Pérez Peña, José Vicente; Azañón, J.M.; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Alicia; Margottini, C.
    A geomorphologic description of the Du´dar landslide (Granada, S Spain) has been carried out using a high-resolution digital elevation model derived from LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. We have analysed the significant changes that the landslide caused in the drainage system of the Aguas Blancas and Darro rivers, which in turn are the consequence of the tectonic activity of the north-eastern border of the Granada Basin. These modifications comprise river diversions and active incision within the body of the landslide, making it susceptible to future reactivations. A stability back-analysis of the landslide has been performed to identify the mechanism of failure and the most-likely triggering factors. This analysis shows that a low-to-moderate magnitude earthquake (Mw 5.0–6.5) related to the active faults in the Granada Basin seems to be the main triggering factor of the Dúdar landslide.
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    Evaluación regional de inestabilidades de ladera por efecto sísmico: Mapas de desplazamiento de Newmark para la Cuenca de Lorca (SE España)
    (Geotemas, 2008) Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús; García Mayordomo, Julián; Azañón, J.M.
    El sureste de España está caracterizado por una sismicidad de baja a moderada magnitud. Sin embargo, los terremotos de baja magnitud (Mw=4.0-4.5) pueden producir daños significativos en las edificaciones, así como inestabilidades de ladera (caída de rocas, principalmente). En este trabajo se presenta un mapa de desplazamientos de Newmark para la Cuenca de Lorca considerando diferentes escenarios sísmicos. Para su construcción se ha elaborado un mapa litológico basado en los mapas geológicos del IGME, asignando a cada unidad valores de peso específico, cohesión y ángulo de fricción obtenidos de bibliografía y de ensayos geotécnicos. Estos mapas se combinan con el mapa de pendientes generado a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) para obtener un mapa de factores de seguridad estáticos. Combinando éste con el de pendientes se obtiene el mapa de aceleraciones críticas (ac) que representa la susceptibilidad sísmica al deslizamiento. Se han considerado varios escenarios sísmicos para los que se ha aplicado factores de amplificación del terreno y topográfico para obtener los mapas de aceleración sísmica máxima (PGA). Los desplazamientos de Newmark (DN) se obtienen empleando una ecuación empírica en función del ratio K (ac/PGA). Los mapas obtenidos permiten identificar las áreas de potencial riesgo en la Cuenca de Lorca. En general, las inestabilidades esperables serán de tipo desprendimiento, particularmente caídas de rocas.