Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio

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Juan Ignacio
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Santisteban Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
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    Los factores determinantes en la secuencia edáfica de la evolución morfodinámica del tramo medio del río Guadalquivir (Jaén)
    (Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 1998) Carral González, M. P.; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Guerra, A.; Jiménez Ballesta, R.
    El sistema de terrazas del río Guadalquivir, en su primera aproximación al borde de la Meseta, ocupa un segmento de planta rectangular alargada según una de sus principales directrices estructurales. Se identifican tres grupos principales de niveles encajados a ambos lados del actual cauce. La agrupación más moderna se ubica en el centro del valle. Las terrazas septentrionales están constituidas por cuatro escalones fundamentales. La asociación meridional esta formada por los replanos mas altos y peor conservados cuyo nivel superior esta situado a 130 m sobre el cauce. En ningún caso existen referencias cronológicas fiables. La secuencia edáfica desarrollada sobre estas terrazas se ha determinado mediante el estudio de 10 perfiles de suelos, que muestran una evolución progresiva en su desarrollo por la distinta naturaleza de los procesos edáficos. Los fenómenos de descarbonatación-carbonatación secundaria, argilización y rubefacción son función de su posición topográfica y están relacionados con la evolución morfodinámica del valle. Su comparación con las secuencias de otros ríos del entorno mediterraneo ibérico indica una fuerte dependencia del área fuente y del tiempo.
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    Alpine tectonic framework of south-western Duero basin
    (Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics / edited by Peter F. Friend and Cristino J. Dabrio, 1996) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Friend, Peter F.; Dabrio, Cristino J.
    The tectonic activity in the south-western area of the Spanish Northern Meseta (Ciudad Rodrigo and Duero basins) during most of the Tertiary was determined by u transpressive regime that reactivated Hercynian to Late-Hercynian faults. The record of the Alpine Orogeny is complex because the sedimentary record indicates a compresive regime in the sour e areas coeval with the extensionall to transpresive regime indicated by normal or strike-slip faults. This duality is due 10 the geotectonics position of this area between two compressive areas, the Cantabrian Range and the Central System, and the extensional Atlantic margin.
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    Reconstrucción de las condiciones paleoambientales del depósito Pñ (Macizo de Peñalara, Sierra de Guadarrama. Madrid), durante los últimos 2.000 años, a partir del contenido en microfósiles no polínicos (NPPs)
    (Geogaceta, 2009) Ruiz Zapata, María Blanca; Gómez González, Clemencia; Gil García, María Elena; López Saez, José Antonio; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Domínguez Castro, Fernando; Vera López, Soledad
    The content in non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs), constitutes an important tool at the time of reconstructing the paleoenviromental changes of a deposit and explaining them in terms of climate and/or anthropic activity. This work show NPPs data from the peat deposit Pñ appear, of periglacial origin, located in the bulk of Peñalara, (Mountain range of Guadarrama, Madrid). 14C data, locate the formation of this deposit in 1.600±40 BP. During this period, the palinological data show a regional landscape formed by forests of Pinus sylvestris, Pinus pinaster and Quercus, as well as presences of Betula, whereas on local scale anthropozoogenic bivouacs are developed to pastures (Poaceae and Plantago lanceolata). The presence of the higrophic pastures (Cyperaceae) is constant throughout all the profile, like the NPPs, of similar ecological affinity and whose variations have been very useful at the time of establishing the humidity fluctuations. Other NPPs has served to demonstrate: the major or minor pastoral pressure, and the variations in the trophic conditions of the peat bog. The changes observed in the vegetation and the uses of the ground, are also stated through the information provided by the values of the pH and the conductivity of the sediment.
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    Assessment of the transferred water infiltration in the management of a Mediterranean man-maintained wetland: las Tablas de Daimiel national park (Spain)
    (Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, 2005) Castaño Castaño, Silvino; Martínez Alfaro, Pedro Emilio; Martínez Santos, Pedro; Mediavilla López, Ros; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; López Pamo, Enrique
    Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park wetlands (Central Spain) have had their main origin in the West La Macha aquifer discharges. Inflows into these wetlands ceased due to the intensive aquifer exploitation. A progresive deterioration of the wetland brought about several attempts of remedial actions by means of building several small dams and pumping groundwater to the Las Tablas basin. The main attempt to preserve these wetlands has been made by means of the inter-basins tranfers. However, a part of these water transfers is lost within the wetland basin due to the infiltration into the underlying aquifer. Infilitration becomes an essential parameter in any study related to the attempts at keemping some water in the basin and, therefore, in the integrated managmeent of the water resources systems related to the wetland. The actual extent of these losses is difficult to quantify due to the poor quality of existing data as well as to the lack of determination of various important parameters. A methodology based on dailiy water balance in the wetland basin allows to assess that losses and can be used for the National Park water management.
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    Combining allostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic perspectives to compile subregional records of fluvial responsiveness: The case of the sustainably entrenching Palancia River watershed (Mediterranean coast, NE Spain)
    (Geomorphology (Amsterdam), 2011) Houben, Peter; Hoinkis, Ralf; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Salat, Christina; Mediavilla López, Rosa María
    We use a combined allostratigraphic and morpholithostratigraphic approach to establish a relative stratigraphy of macroscale sediment-landform units in the Mediterranean Palancia River watershed (986-km2, NE Spain). Four alloformations signifying important changes in (sub)regional scale geomorphic valley-floor evolution were identified based on data from 1120 field sites and age determinations, and from analyzing high resolution geodata. The formation of the widespread and thick Pleistocene alloformation can be attributed to climatically-induced excessive sediment supply and flood activities during Pleistocene cold intervals — rather than representing time-lagging response to Plio/Pleistocene neotectonic uplift. Triggered by the turn to Holocene climatic conditions, three successively inset alloformations illustrate how stream grading and floodplain narrowing continuously have progressed over the Holocene. The overall degradational valley-floor evolution in the Holocene is interpreted as a response to the antecedent, overly valley-floor aggradation. Allostratigraphic and morphostratigraphic data suggest that the abandonment of the two earlier Holocene alloformations geomorphologically represents a pulsed turn toward intensified entrenchment rather than pulsed sedimentation. The most important benefit of amalgamating allostratigraphic and (morpho)lithostratigraphic concepts is that allostratigraphic ordering provides a formally conclusive approach to scale up (morpho)lithostratigraphic information from the reach scale to much larger scales of geographical extent. Consequently, applying allostratigraphic principles opens a perspective to moving forward toward analyzing the relationships between climate, neotectonics, sea level change, human impact, and fluvial response in coupled hinterland-coastal systems that require to evaluate sedimentary information at larger spatial scales.
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    Introducción a la estratigrafía del Terciario del SO de la Cuenca del Duero
    (Alteraciones y paleoalteraciones en la morfología del oeste peninsular : (Zócalo Hercínico y Cuencas Terciarias) : curso monográfico Salamanca, 25-27 junio 1991, 1991) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Martín Serrano, Ángel; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Molina, Eloy; Blanco, José Antonio; Molina, Eloy; Martín Serrano, Ángel
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    Holocene floods in a complex fluvial wetland in central Spain: Environmental variability, climate and time
    (Global and Planetary Change, 2019) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla, Rosa; Galán de Frutos, L.; López Cilla, Ignacio
    The study of flooding can be complex as it involves dynamic systems (rivers) characterized by high variability in time and space. To minimize the effects of these handicaps, we merge several records from different locations across the hydrographic basin of the Upper Guadiana River (central Spain) and use multiple proxies. The comparison of three nearby cores by means of the facies, stratigraphic correlation and geochemical indexes allows us to differentiate local environmental changes related to the natural behaviour of the system (autocyclic) from those driven by external forcings (allocyclic). The facies and facies sequence analyses allow long-term paleohydrological trends to be reconstructed and parameters that are used to identify flooding events to be determined. Si (proxy for siliciclastic supply) and Ca/S (proxy for water budget/level) show trends that can be related to facies sequences and long-term variations. Si/Al is used as a sorting proxy (transport efficiency). To analyse the relative changes in sediment discharge and transport efficiency, these proxies are compared with water budget level, represented by (Si/Al)/(Ca/S) (sorting vs. water level) and Si/(Ca/S) (siliciclastic discharge vs. water discharge). We were able to define local, major and minor regional flood events/periods and events by relating sequence boundaries to the occurrence of environmental conditions related to high energy events (relative/absolute sorting, water level, sediment discharge) across multiple cores. Comparison to other studies around the western Mediterranean basin allows us to identify common periods of flooding at 9000–8400 cal. BP, 7700–7100 cal. BP, 6400–6200 cal. BP, 4900–3700 cal. BP, 3500–3300 cal. BP, ca. 2600 cal. BP, ca. 2000 cal. BP, ca. 1500 cal. BP and 1000–300 cal. BP. For the long-term evolution, it seems that changes in insolation during the Holocene could have played a role in controlling the hydrology. However, determining the drivers of higher-frequency variation is more challenging due to uncertainties in the chronologies and local differences. Nevertheless, some degree of correlation among these flooding periods and higher frequency changes in irradiance, temperature and NAO is observed.
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    Fluvial networks of the Iberian Peninsula: a chronological framework
    (Quaternary science review, 2007) Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Schulte, Lothar
    Knowledge of the evolution of Spanish fluvial networks has improved during recent years as more river systems have been studied and more geochronological data has become available. However, the chronological framework is a major issue as the range of applications is limited by methodological constraints and spatial coverage is sparse. Integration of ‘absolute’ dating methods with biostratigraphy and palaeomagnetism permits the recent evolution of these river systems to be reviewed. The timing of incision from the Late Neogene to the present varies between the major Iberian fluvial systems, depending on the substrata and tectonic settings. Early Pleistocene and older fluvial sequences in the core areas of the Iberian Peninsula provide a more extensive record of fluvial evolution and are better preserved than the terrace flights in the coastal lowlands. Middle Pleistocene sequences are well developed in most of the major river systems in Iberia, particularly those of the Tajo, Guadalquivir and Aguas River, and frequently represent the principal climatic cycles of that period, although tectonic and sea-level effects can also be seen. For Late Pleistocene to Holocene times, the scheme becomes more complex. Our review suggests that each river system has responded differently to local and regional climate control, glacial and periglacial processes in headwaters in high mountain areas, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and local and regional tectonic patterns.
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    Cambios en el almacenamiento de C en el Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel (PNTD) en los últimos 1000 años
    (Boletín Geológico y Minero, 2006) Domínguez Castro, Fernando; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Mediavilla López, Rosa María; Dean, Walter E.; López Pamo, Enrique; Gil García, María Elena; Ruiz Zapata, María Blanca
    El Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel ha sufrido muchas modificaciones a lo largo de su historia, tanto naturales como antrópicas y éstas han afectado de manera diversa al almacenamiento de carbono en el mismo. Para estudiar estas variaciones se ha realizado un análisis del registro sedimentario y de datos históricos de la zona. El registro sedimentario se estudió a partir del sondeo Cigüela 4 al que se le ha realizado un muestreo sistemático de alta resolución (0.7 cm de grosor medio) para analizar su geoquímica y su contenido polínico. Al analizar todos los datos hemos visto que los cambios naturales (asociados al clima) poseen mayores rangos de variación que los antrópicos, no muestran relación con la concentración de CO2 atmosférico y presentan una ciclicidad natural con una amortiguación rápida (décadas) de las variaciones. Sin embargo los impactos antrópicos dependen de la proximidad del impacto y la intensidad del mismo; así el cambio de usos producido a mediados del siglo XIX debido a la desamortización fue un impacto indirecto, de intensidad media y el medio fue capaz de recuperar los valores de almacenamiento normales en menos de 50 años. Sin embargo los episodios de desecación y sobreexplotación del acuífero que alimentaba el Parque Nacional (segunda mitad del siglo XX) fueron impactos directos de alta intensidad, durante los cuales la rápida pérdida de superficie inundada y la salinización del medio, causó una drástica pérdida en la capacidad del ecosistema para almacenar C, de la cual no parece que el ecosistema sea capaz de recuperarse de manera natural. [ABSTRACT] Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park has suffered too many modifications throughout its history, natural as well as anthropic, which have affected the carbon storage in different ways. The study of those variations has been carried out by the analysis of sedimentary record and historical data. The sedimentary record has been studied from the core Cigüela 4. It was sampled with a systematic high resolution method (0.7 cm thickness average) to analyze geochemistry and pollen. The analysis of all data shows that the natural changes (engaged with the climate) have more variation ranges than the anthropic ones, are directly related with the climate and not with the concentration of the atmospheric CO2, showing a natural cyclicity with a fast mitigation (decades) of the variations. In the other hand the anthropogenic impacts depend on the proximity and intensity of the impact. The usage changes produced during the second half of the 19th century were an indirect impact with medium intensity. The environment had the capacity to recover the values of a normal storage in less than 50 years. Nevertheless the dissication and overexploitation of the groundwater (second half of 20th century) were direct and high intensity impacts. These impacts caused a fast lost of the water table and the salinization of the environment. Due to that the ecosystem lost capacity to storage C. The recovering of the normal values by a natural way is difficult now.
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    Holocene offshore tsunami archive – Tsunami deposits on the Algarve shelf (Portugal)
    (Sedimentary Geology, 2023) Feist, Lisa; Costa, Pedro J.M.; Bellanova, Piero; Bosnic, Ivana; Santisteban Navarro, Juan Ignacio; Andrade, César; Brückner, Helmut; Duarte, João F.; Kuhlmann, Jannis; Schwarzbauer, Jan; Vött, Andreas; Reicherter, Klaus
    The well-known 1755 CE Lisbon tsunami caused widespread destruction along the Iberian and northern Moroccan coastlines. Being affected by the powerful 1755 CE Lisbon tsunami, the southwestern Algarve shelf provides environments for detecting offshore tsunami imprints. Our multidisciplinary investigations (hydroacoustics, sedimentology, geochemistry, radiocarbon dating) of the Holocene sediments have revealed tsunami deposits linked to this tsunami and a ca. 3600 cal yr BP event. The latter event is until now unidentified in Portugal. Both event deposits contrast with the background shelf sedimentation by their coarser grain size, element composition, internal structure, and erosive base, making them discernible in the sub-bottom data and cores. Especially the ca. 3600 cal yr BP deposit is exceptionally well-preserved at one of the coring sites. The clear differentiation into several sections enables further insights into offshore tsunami transport and depositional processes. This study demonstrates that the record and preservation of tsunami deposits were possible on the Algarve shelf in specific locations sheltered from possible alterations. Our findings extend the tsunami catalogs of Portugal with a previously unknown tsunami dated to ca. 3600 cal yr BP.