Ávalos García, Adolfo

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Ávalos García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Biológicas
Genética, Fisiología y Microbiología
Fisiología Vegetal
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
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    UCM-MACB 2.0: A Complutense University Virtual Herbarium Project
    (Proceedings of EDULEARN 2011 Conference, Proceedings of EDULEARN11 Conference (International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), 2011) Ávalos García, Adolfo; Barrera Martínez, Ildefonso; Gabriel y Galán Moris, José María; Gallardo García, Tomás; Gómez Garay, Aranzazu; Hernández, José María; Lahoz Beltrá, Rafael; López González-Nieto, Pilar; Marcos Samaniego, Nieves; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; García Moreno, Ana; Oliván Martínez, Gisela; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Pintos López, Beatriz
    UCM-MACB 2.0 is the name of a project leaded by a multidisciplinary team composed by university professors, students and collaborators as well as national and foreign visiting professors and researchers under the European Area of Higher Education. This is an e-learning project oriented to training and teaching being available to the general public, students and professionals from different areas on the basis of the plant biology, plant popular uses and their applications. At present, the initial steps of the project have received the financial support of Vicerrectorado de Calidad y Desarrollo, Complutense University of Madrid (PIMCD 3/2010). The target of the project is the developing and configuration of a computer system implementing a virtual herbarium based on plant species from the MACB herbarium (Faculty of Biology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain). The system also will includes a web page and an IT application (as a client-servant application) to transfer herbarium information to the potential interested community. MACB herbarium sheets will be associated with a set of databases containing the following information: taxonomic information, geographic distribution, specimen photographs, links to external online resources such as educational, scientific and other databases containing freely available molecular data (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics), for instance, GenBank or GenomeNet, PDB , InterPro, Enzyme, Prosite, Pir, TrEMBL, EMBL-Bank, Swiss-prot or NCBI taxonomic data as Taxonomy Browser, GBIF, Species 2000, or Tree of Life, etc. It is important to note that auxiliary information (geographical, ecophysiological, genomics, etc) is one of the main distinguishing features of UCM-MACB 2.0. Furthermore, plant images are enriched with information in multimedia format (MP3 voice) to make available UCM-MACB 2.0 to visually impaired users. In this sense, we plan to cooperate with the Office for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities at the Complutense University of Madrid. Thus, one of the main contributions of this project is that we extend the classical idea of herbarium enriching the usual botanical information with multimedia elements, opening the definition of ‘herbarium sheet’ to new educational and scientific possibilities.
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    Gastronomic botany and molecular gastronomy
    (Proceedings of ICERI 2011 Conference, ICERI2011 proceedings : IV International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, celebrated 14-16 november 2011 in Madrid, 2011) Pérez-Urría Carril, Elena; Gómez Garay, María Aranzazu; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Pintos López, Beatriz; Saco Sierra, María Dolores; Martín Gómez, María Soledad; Pérez Alonso, María José; Puelles Gallo, María; Pala Paul, Jesús; Cifuentes Cuencas, Blanca María; Llamas Ramos, José Eugenio
    Complutense University of Madrid through the "Vicerrectorado de Calidad" develops projects to innovate and improve teaching quality. Among these projects is "Gastronomic Botany and Molecular Gastronomy" which aims to develop new materials and tools for the Virtual Campus and consequently offer new possibilities for teaching and training. Also this project organize and structure a new teaching matter for post-graduate education that will be an example of approach, relationship and cooperation between university and industry in the context of post-graduate learning and life-long learning. The project focuses on the idea that for most people, plants, algae and fungi are a group of organisms for which there are very different perceptions associated with different interests that make up what may be called areas of specialization in Plant Biology. The "plant world" extends their knowledge to different fields, including horticulture, food science, food, medicine, nutrition, natural products, drug industry or economic and social areas. There are three aspects around which is organized a body of knowledge related to gastronomy and "plant world": 1) Gastronomic Botany: use of plants, algae and fungi in food, 2) Nutrition and Health: Bioactive principles of functional foods, nutrigenomics 3) Economic Botany: social, economic and health aspects related to the plant products market. Gastronomy is a cultural object changing over time depending mainly on several factors: 1) raw material for food, 2) knowledge about the properties of some of these substances, 3) methods and techniques for the use of these materials. On the other hand, in recent years has been expanding and using the term "molecular gastronomy" to refer changes in processing food. Also all these aspects are related to two important questions: food safety and advances in functional foods and nutrigenomics.
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    Project number: 43
    PROYECTA: Emprendimiento en Bioeconomía (Máster en Biología Vegetal Aplicada)
    (2015) Pérez-Urría Carril, Elena; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Gómez Garay, María Aranzazu; Lahoz Beltra, Rafael; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Martín Gómez, María Soledad; Pintos López, Beatriz; Puelles Gallo, María; Saco Sierra, María Dolores
    PROYECTA se plantea como Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente, dentro del programa de apoyo a grupos innovadores, para consolidar y mejorar acciones en el ámbito del Máster Universitario en Biología Vegetal Aplicada y para crear contenidos y desarrollar iniciativas que favorecen y potencian el emprendimiento y la inserción laboral de los estudiantes. PROYECTA se consolida y continua su curso desarrollando sus objetivos en el ámbito de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Campus Virtual UCM: Enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre evolución biológica y filogenia
    (III jornada Campus Virtual UCM : Innovación en el Campus Virtual metodologías y herramientas, 2007) Ávalos García, Adolfo; Costa Tenorio, Margarita; Moreno Sanz, Margarita; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Fernández-Valmayor Crespo, Alfredo; Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros, Ana María; Merino Granizo, Jorge
    Los materiales docentes que se crean para el CV pueden ser asignaturas de los actuales planes de estudio o bien de los futuros planes de Grado y Postgrado. Con la mirada puesta en estas nuevas titulaciones de Grado y Postgrado, y en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, el objetivo del Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente (PIMCD) titulado Evolución y Filogenia: Parte I es elaborar un material docente, didáctico e ilustrado, que además de servir a la docencia constituya un espacio de aprendizaje en el contexto del e-learning.
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    Project number: 101
    FIVELAB: Laboratorio virtual de Fisiología Vegetal a través de la plataforma MOODLE
    (2021) Ávalos García, Adolfo; Cifuentes Cuencas, Blanca; Gómez-Garay, Arancha; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Pintos López, Beatriz; Roda Ghisleri, Lucía; Sánchez Ballesta, M.Teresa; Solís González, M. Teresa; Astudillo Calderón, Sergio; Alonso Valenzuela, Raquel
    FiVeLab es un proyecto de innovación docente que incorpora el laboratorio virtual como herramienta básica para el aprendizaje online. Se propone la virtualización de las prácticas de Fisiología Vegetal en Moodle mediante vídeos, códigos QR y gamificación con Socrative. El objetivo fundamental de FiVeLab se enmarca en la modernización de las técnicas pedagógicas y adquisición de competencias digitales por parte del profesorado universitario de la unidad docente de Fisiología Vegetal y supone la consolidación de los recursos educativos virtuales en la metodología de enseñanza de un laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal dentro de los estudios de Grado de la Facultad de Biología de la UCM. La plataforma virtual utilizada es el entorno Moodle que ofrece herramientas que nos permitirán virtualizar las prácticas de laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal mediante la edición de vídeos, manuales y guion de prácticas con códigos QR que permiten redirigir al alumno a los distintos vídeos elaborados y cuestionarios de autoevaluación referidos a estas prácticas.
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    Approach to a Comparative Study of the Metabolism of Porphyrins and Chlorophylls
    (Journal of Natural Sciences, 2015) Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Ávalos García, Adolfo
    Metabolic pathways are series of successive biochemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes which together constitute a process of extraordinary complexity, the cellular metabolism. Like any other biological phenomenon, metabolism is the result of evolution. Different techniques are used to compare characteristics of living entities seeking to analyze the similarity between them. The features or characteristics that define species are of different types: molecular, metabolic, cellular, environmental, behavioral, etc. Depending on the similarity, biological species and any entity of the biological hierarchy, are sorted and classified. This paper focuses on studying a characteristic of organisms that is metabolism of porphyrins and chlorophylls using cladistic procedures, unlike others, allow crawl the changes in this feature. The result of a cladistic analysis is an evolutionary hypothesis, a hypothesis about the evolution of metabolism of porphyrins and chlorophylls. The work raises two objectives: firstly, hypotheses about the evolution of metabolism of porphyrins and chlorophylls; otherwise, hypotheses on the evolution of enzymes involved in cellular metabolism this part, opening the possibility that some of them serve as phylogenetic marker.
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    Construcción de un espacio abierto para el aprendizaje y la práctica en Biodiversidad Metabólica
    (V Jornada Campus Virtual UCM: Buenas prácticas e indicios de calidad, 2009) Ávalos García, Adolfo; Costa Tenorio, Margarita; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena
    Los trabajos en innovación educativa y mejora de calidad docente conllevan en muchos casos la elaboración de materiales que contribuyen a la construcción, mantenimiento y actualización del Campus Virtual UCM, herramienta fundamental en el nuevo perfil del sistema universitario español, en general, y de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en particular. Un paso más en innovación educativa nos lleva a ampliar nuestros trabajos sobre Evolución y Filogenia abriendo un portal que contempla la investigación en Biodiversidad Metabólica, que sirve a la docencia y aporta un espacio de aprendizaje en el contexto del e-learning. Esta iniciativa busca reunir docencia e investigación en un mismo espacio que, por otra parte, incorpore la participación de alumnos, becarios colaboradores, estudiantes en general, profesores de nuestras facultades de la UCM y de otras universidades.
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    Problem-based learning and the use of new learning-teaching methodology
    (Proceedings of INTED 2010 Conference, 2010) Ávalos García, Adolfo; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Pintos López , Beatriz; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena
    The introduction of new methodologies of teaching-learning in the Spanish University system is a revolution since it supposes to think in a new university, new methods, new role for the students and the faculty staff, material and personnel resources, really, a new University based on the quality of teaching, the learning and the continuous formation. The reform that supposes the European convergence has made in the recent years necessary to adapt the subjects to ECTS system for which the pilot groups and courses have been an extraordinarily valuable element, an indispensable work to reach the organization and the structure of the new Degree Studies and, on the other hand, to try the new methodologies of education and learning. Until now, , the knowledge transmission in the Spanish Universities has been based essentially on the mere exhibition of conceptual contents, having been the work of the student very limited to copy notes, to memorise data and concepts and to reproduce them in written examinations. The new concept of the university studies introduces new practices of quality in teaching that transfer the attention to the process of learning of the student who determine the activity of the teacher changing his role in the process. Therefore, the teacher becomes guide and support of a learning process that necessarily must motivate, foment the work and the self-training, all this related to the reasoning thought and to the professional reality. We understand that implementing the new educational methodology that grants an active paper to the student and a director role, as guide and adviser, to the teacher, implies the use of information and communication technologies that make Virtual Campus UCM an essential tool that it comprises inseparable of the methodology. In our educational work we granted some students works a new dimension in Virtual Campus UCM incorporating them to a web page and, on the other hand, we followed the line of active participation of the students and old students through the presentation of seminaries. Finally, we develope the learning-based problems using two types of cases: 1) cases presented by specialists to be analyzed by the students and used by the teacher as guide to reach objectives of knowledge, 2) cases presented/displayed to the students after its resolution applying principles and procedures.
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    Learning in the laboratory: experiences in an hybrid between the expository and the inquiry laboratories
    (Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, In Proceedings of INTED2013 Conference, 2013) Gómez Garay, Aranzazu; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena; Martín Calvarro, Luisa; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Pintos López, Beatriz
    There are distinct styles of laboratory instructions in chemistry education which can be applied to biology: expository, inquiry, discovery, and more recently, problem-based. This work is focused in a hybrid type between the expository and the inquiry laboratories. The process consists of two phases: - First, learners were trained in an expository laboratory. All the students at the first course participate in this training. Within this learning environment, the instructor defines the topic,relates it to previous work, and directs students’ action. - Later some students voluntarily participate in the inquiry laboratory. Inquiry-based activities are inductive. They have an undetermined outcome and require the learners to generate their own procedures. They are more student-centred, contain less direction, and give the student more responsibility for determining procedural options than the traditional format. The aims (as general statements of what the teacher intends to achieve), and the objectives (as specific statements of what the students should be able to accomplish as a result of being taught in the laboratory) of this “hybrid” laboratory were analyzed and discussed.
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    Bioeconomy based on Scientific Research and Entrepreneurship
    (Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2015) Gómez Garay, Aranzazu; Torrejón, Ana; Gómez-Flechoso, María de los Angeles; Georgieva, Flor; Pintos López, Beatriz; Ávalos García, Adolfo; Martin Calvarro, Luisa; Lahoz Beltrá, Rafael; Saco Sierra, M. Dolores; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena
    The bioeconomy can be defined as an activity that provides solutions to problems arising from the imbalance between increasing world population and the availability of resources and difficulties in supplying those needs. Bioeconomy is based on best and new uses of natural resources among which are important and essential plant species in areas such as agriculture, food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, textile industry, landscaping and architecture, design of interior and exterior gardens, bioenergy, and the conservation and restoration of soils and natural ecosystems. Once checked problems, how to propose solutions in the context of the Bioeconomy? The universities base their activity in teaching and learning and scientific research. Furthermore, human societies and the habitats they occupy are social structures in which problems occur. If scientific research provides results that may constitute solutions to problems, it is necessary to build bridges between the academic activity and problems of society, bridges to convert research results in an entrepreneurial activity that allows its application as a solution to a given problem. That bridge is entrepreneurship to develop spin-offs and start-up. Something else to consider? The entrepreneurship is a process, it is learned, tested and developed, but solves nothing if not based on an entrepreneur, so the bridge is the entrepreneur instead of entrepreneurship. Consequently we must devote the effort to form new mindsets and attitudes to modern societies. If we have the necessary tools, learn to use them to be resolute and ask governments environments and mechanisms necessary to carry out the task.