Ábalos Álvarez, Marta

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Ábalos Álvarez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Física de la Tierra
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    Driving mechanisms for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation impact on stratospheric ozone
    (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022) Benito Barca, Samuel; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta
    While the impact of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the stratospheric circulation has been long recognized, its effects on stratospheric ozone have been less investigated. In particular, the impact on ozone of different ENSO flavors, eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño and central Pacific (CP) El Niño, and the driving mechanisms for the ozone variations have not been investigated to date. This study aims to explore these open questions by examining the anomalies in advective transport, mixing and chemistry associated with different El Niño flavors (EP and CP)andLaNiñaintheNorthern Hemisphere in boreal winter. For this purpose, we use four 60-year ensemble members of the Whole Atmospheric Community Climate Model version 4. The results show a significant ENSO signal on the total column ozone (TCO) during EP El Niño and La Niña events. During EP El Niño events, TCO is significantly reduced in the tropics and enhanced at middle and high latitudes in boreal winter. The opposite response has been found during La Niña. Interestingly, CP El Niño has no significant impact on extratropical TCO, while its signal in the tropics is weaker than for EP El Niño events. The analysis of mechanisms reveals that advection through changes in tropical upwelling is the main driver for ozone variations in the lower tropical stratosphere, with a contribution of chemical processes above 30hPa. At middle and high latitudes, stratospheric ozone variations related to ENSO result from combined changes in advection by residual circulation downwelling and changes in horizontal mixing linked to Rossby wave breaking and polar vortex anomalies. The impact of CP El Niño onthe shallow branch of the residual circulation is small, and no significant impact is found on the deep branch.
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    The Brewer-Dobson circulation in CMIP6
    (Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2021) Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; Benito Barca, Samuel; Yoshida, Kohei
    The Brewer–Dobson circulation (BDC) is a key feature of the stratosphere that models need to accurately represent in order to simulate surface climate variability and change adequately. For the first time, the Climate Model Intercomparison Project includes in its phase 6 (CMIP6) a set of diagnostics that allow for careful evaluation of the BDC. Here, the BDC is evaluated against observations and reanalyses using historical simulations. CMIP6 results confirm the well-known inconsistency in the sign of BDC trends between observations and models in the middle and upper stratosphere. Nevertheless, the large uncertainty in the observational trend estimates opens the door to compatibility. In particular, when accounting for the limited sampling of the observations, model and observational trend error bars overlap in 40 % of the simulations with available output. The increasing CO2 simulations feature an acceleration of the BDC but reveal a large spread in the middle-to-upper stratospheric trends, possibly related to the parameterized gravity wave forcing. The very close connection between the shallow branch of the residual circulation and surface temperature is highlighted, which is absent in the deep branch. The trends in mean age of air are shown to be more robust throughout the stratosphere than those in the residual circulation.
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    New Insights on the Impact of Ozone-Depleting Substances on the Brewer-Dobson Circulation
    (Journal of geophysical research-atmospheres, 2019) Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Polvani, Lorenzo; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; Kinnison, Douglas; Ploeger, Felix; Randel, William; Solomon, Susan
    It has recently been recognized that, in addition to greenhouse gases, anthropogenic emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) can induce long-term trends in the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC). Several studies have shown that a substantial fraction of the residual circulation acceleration over the last decades of the twentieth century can be attributed to increasing ODS. Here the mechanisms of this influence are examined, comparing model runs to reanalysis data and evaluating separately the residual circulation and mixing contributions to the mean age of air trends. The effects of ozone depletion in the Antarctic lower stratosphere are found to dominate the ODS impact on the BDC, while the direct radiative impact of these substances is negligible over the period of study. We find qualitative agreement in austral summer BDC trends between model and reanalysis data and show that ODS are the main driver of both residual circulation and isentropic mixing trends over the last decades of the twentieth century. Moreover, aging by isentropic mixing is shown to play a key role on ODS-driven age of air trends.
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    Response of Arctic ozone to sudden stratospheric warmings
    (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018) De La Cámara Illescas, Álvaro; Ábalos Álvarez, Marta; Hitchcock, Peter; Calvo Fernández, Natalia; García, Rolando R.
    Sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) are the main source of intra-seasonal and interannual variability in the extratropical stratosphere. The profound alterations to the stratospheric circulation that accompany such events produce rapid changes in the atmospheric composition. The goal of this study is to deepen our understanding of the dynamics that control changes of Arctic ozone during the life cycle of SSWs, providing a quantitative analysis of advective transport and mixing. We use output from four ensemble members (60 years each) of the Whole Atmospheric Community Climate Model version 4 performed for the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative and also use reanalysis and satellite data for validation purposes. The composite evolution of ozone displays positive mixing ratio anomalies of up to 0.5-0.6 ppmv above 550 K (similar to 50 hPa) around the central warming date and negative anomalies below (-0.2 to -0.3 ppmv), consistently in observations, reanalysis, and the model. Our analysis shows a clear temporal offset between ozone eddy transport and diffusive ozone fluxes. The initial changes in ozone are mainly driven by isentropic eddy fluxes linked to enhanced wave drag responsible for the SSW. The recovery of climatological values in the aftermath of SSWs is slower in the lower than in the upper stratosphere and is driven by the competing effects of cross-isentropic motions (which work towards the recovery) and isentropic irreversible mixing (which delays the recovery). These features are enhanced in strength and duration during sufficiently deep SSWs, particularly those followed by polar-night jet oscillation (PJO) events. It is found that SSW-induced ozone concentration anomalies below 600 K (similar to 40 hPa), as well as total column estimates, persist around 1 month longer in PJO than in non-PJO warmings.