Santín González, Daniel

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Santín González
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política
Economía Aplicada
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 35
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    A note on measuring group performance over time with pseudo-panels
    (2017) Aparicio, Juan; Santín González, Daniel
    Aparicio et al. (2017) recently extended the Camanho and Dyson (2006) Malmquist-type index (CDMI) for determining group performance in cross-sectional studies to panel or pseudo-panel databases. In that paper, it was shown that the pseudo-panel Malmquist index (PPMI) can be easily interpreted as the ratio of aggregated productivity changes in two groups of decision making units over time if and only if a new -difficult to interpret- term, the so called ‘divergence component’ (DC), is equal to one. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, based upon considering a baseline group technology we define a new base-group base-period PPMI where the DC always vanished. Second, when more than two groups are analyzed we show that under this framework the new base-group base-period PPMI, the new base-group CDMI and the components of both indexes satisfy the circular relation. As a consequence, the complicated ‘adjusted index’ defined in Camanho and Dyson (2006) for measuring the technology gap to satisfy the circular relation also vanishes. Both results will make it easier for practitioners applying the two indexes in different economic sectors regardless of how many groups are being compared.
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    Influencia de los factores socieconómicos en el rendimiento escolar internacional : hacia la igualdad de oportunidades educativas
    (2001) Santín González, Daniel
    El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de mostrar, a través de un análisis de varianza sobre una muestra de alumnos de 41 países, como en el proceso de producción educativa determinadas características familiares, en particular el nivel de estudios de los padres del alumno, predeterminan, en media, el resultado académico de los alumnos desde las etapas más tempranas de la enseñanza condicionando así la probabilidad de fracaso escolar, el acceso a los niveles superiores de enseñanza y en última estancia las rentas futuras. A partir de este resultado se propone la profundización en el estudio sobre la función de producción educativa, con el objetivo de que el estado intervenga eficientemente en compensar estas desigualdades de partida de cara a mejorar el acceso a la educación en igualdad de oportunidades.
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    Análisis de datos en la investigación social de la familia
    (2008) López López, Maria Teresa; Santín González, Daniel; Badenes Plá, Nuria; Navarro Ruiz, Carolina; Onrubia Fernández, Jorge; Pérez López, César; Valiño Castro, Aurelia
    En la actualidad, existe un creciente interés por describir, analizar y comprender todos los aspectos relativos a la realidad social y económica de la familia. Las relaciones entre sus miembros, composición, tamaño y decisiones económicas, son un importante motor para la cohesión económica y social. Su papel es clave para el bienestar social ya que desarrolla funciones imprescindibles en ámbitos tan diversos como: el apoyo en situaciones de dependencia, la prevención de comportamientos no saludables (droga, alcohol, etc.), el desarrollo de la solidaridad entre sus miembros, o su importante papel en la lucha contra el fracaso escolar por citar sólo algunos ejemplos. La puesta en marcha de políticas de familia requiere un conocimiento analítico previo de la información con el objetivo de aplicar las mejores medidas de ayuda entre distintas alternativas, aprender de errores y éxitos pasados y comprender la evolución temporal de su realidad en la sociedad actual. Es en este contexto en el que se presenta este libro de análisis de datos, que de manera sencilla y aplicada (contiene un CD-Rom con ejercicios), expone las principales herramientas matemáticas y estadísticas para extraer información clave sobre la cual basar la asignación del presupuesto dedicado a la familia.
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    Collaborative tools: computer science students’ skills versus software industry needs
    (Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2015) Medina Dominguez, Fuensanta; Sanchez Segura, Maria Isabel; Moreno, Ana; Santín González, Daniel
    Software companies encourage and further the use of collaborative tools and skills at the work place in pursuit of the benefits of their use: they improve communication, productivity and efficiency, and competitiveness. Besides, undergraduate and graduate software engineering computing curricula recommend subjects related to effective cooperative working and group learning. In order to align industry needs and curricula recommendations, universities should provide graduates with the collaborative knowledge and skills that will be required when they finish their degrees and join the labor market. In this scenario, we asked three questions: Are collaborative tools beneficial to software projects? Is it easier for graduates with knowledge and skills of collaborative tools to find a job? Do enterprises use collaborative tools as a marketing strategy for the recruitment process or are they really empowering their employees to use collaborative tools? We devised a survey which was administered to 86 recent computer science graduates. We applied statistical techniques to analyze the responses. We conclude that graduates skilled in the use of collaborative tools do find it easier to get jobs, and companies are not only looking for people with collaborative skills but also regularly use collaborative tools in their work processes.
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    Comparing school ownership performance using a pseudo-panel database: A Malmquist-type index approach
    (European Journal of Operational Research, 2017) Aparicio, Juan; Crespo Cebada, Eva; Pedraja Chaparro, Francisco; Santín González, Daniel
    In this paper, we propose a different way of using the Malmquist index that allows us to further analyze the relative performance divergences between two groups of decision-making units (DMUs) over time when only a pseudo-panel database is available. To do this, we extend the Camanho and Dyson (2006) one-period Malmquist-type index (CDMI) for a pseudo-panel database with a new pseudo-panel Malmquist index (PPMI). To illustrate the methodology, we apply it to examine how the performance gap between public and private government-dependent secondary schools in the Basque Country (Spain) performed across three PISA waves (2006, 2009 and 2012). The results suggest that performance is persistently and significantly higher for private government-dependent schools than for public schools.
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    Measuring the efficiency of public schools in Uruguay: main drivers and policy implications
    (Latin American Economic Review, 2015) Santín González, Daniel; Sicilia, Gabriela
    The aim of this research is to explore the existence of inefficient behaviors in public high schools in Uruguay and identify its potential drivers. To do so, we perform a two-stage model using PISA 2009 and 2012 databases. In the first stage, we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate efficiency scores, which are then regressed on school and student contextual variables. This second stage is carried out using four alternative models: a conventional censored regression and three different regression models based on the use of bootstrapping recently proposed in the literature. Our results show that educational efficiency in Uruguayan high schools significantly dropped in nine percentage points between 2009 and 2012. In terms of educational policy recommendations, in order to reduce the inefficiencies in the evaluated public schools in Uruguay, the focus should be put on reducing grade-retention levels and promoting teaching–learning techniques that enhance student’s mathematics study skills and assessing students continuously through test and homework throughout the academic year. In this vein, our findings also show positive effects on public schools’ efficiency of providing the responsibility in the distribution of the school budget to school principals.
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    Causal Inference on Education Policies: A Survey of Empirical Studies Using PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS
    (Journal of Economic Surveys, 2017) Cordero Ferrera, José Manuel; Cristóbal, Víctor; Santín González, Daniel
    The identification of the causal effects of educational policies is the top priority in recent education economics literature. As a result, a shift can be observed in the strategies of empirical studies. They have moved from the use of standard multivariate statistical methods, which identify correlations or associations between variables only, to more complex econometric strategies, which can help to identify causal relationships. However, exogenous variations in databases have to be identified in order to apply causal inference techniques. This is a far from straightforward task. For this reason, this paper provides an extensive and comprehensive overview of the literature using quasiexperimental techniques applied to three well-known international large-scale comparative assessments, such as PISA, PIRLS or TIMSS, over the period 2004-2016. In particular, we review empirical studies employing instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, difference in differences and propensity score matching to the above databases. Additionally, we provide a detailed summary of estimation strategies, issues treated and profitability in terms of the quality of publications to encourage further potential evaluations. The paper concludes with some operational recommendations for prospective researchers in the field.
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    Assessment of new methods for incorporating contextual variables into efficiency measures: a Monte Carlo simulation
    (Operational Research, An International Journal, 2018) Cordero Ferrera, José Manuel; Polo Fernández, Cristina; Santín González, Daniel
    The treatment of the contextual variables (Z) has been one of the most controversial topics in the literature on efciency measurement. Over the last three decades of research, diferent methods have been developed to incorporate the efect of such variables in the estimation of efciency measures. However, it is unclear which alternative provides more accurate estimations. The aim of this work is to assess the performance of two recently developed estimators, namely the nonparametric conditional DEA method (Daraio and Simar in J Prod Anal 24(1):93–121, 2005; J Prod Anal 28:13–32, 2007a) and the StoNEZD (Stochastic Non-Smooth Envelopment of Z-variables Data) approach (Johnson and Kuosmanen in J Prod Anal 36(2):219–230, 2011). To do this, we conduct a Monte Carlo experiment using three diferent data generation processes to test how each model performs under diferent circumstances. Our results show that the StoNEZD approach outperforms conditional DEA in all the evaluated scenarios.
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    Comparing neural networks and efficiency techniques in non-linear production functions
    (2002) Santín González, Daniel; Valiño Castro, Aurelia
    Non-linear production functions are common in economic theory and in real life, especially in cases with increasing and diminishing returns to scale but there are also contexts where an increase in one input implies a decrease in one output. The aim of this paper is to test how non-linearity affect estimations of technical efficiency obtained by ordinary and corrected least squares (OLS, COLS), data envelopment analysis with constant and variables returns to scale (DEAcrs, DEAvrs), stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and by multilayer perceptron neural networks with backpropagation (MLP). To do this we will construct a very simple non-linear one input-one output production function and we will obtain different synthetic data with 50, 100, 200 and 300 decision-making units (DMUs). Afterwards we will add up different quantities of noise to the data and finally we will compare real efficiency with estimated values for all techniques named before among the different scenarios. Our results suggest that MLP is a flexible tool to fit production functions and a possible alternative to traditional techniques under non-linear contexts.
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    Project number: 77
    Métodos audiovisuales para la motivación y el aprendizaje de economía y administración pública
    (2015) Valiño Castro, Aurelia; Caballero Sánchez, Rafael María; Gómez de Antonio, Miguel; Hortas Rico, Miriam; Onrubia Fernández, Jorge; Santín González, Daniel; Sánchez Fuentes, Antonio Jesús
    El proyecto pretende, como objetivo general, hacer más comprensible y atractivas las materias de economía y administración pública a través de la realización de videos en los que se desarrollen algunos temas de las mismas desde el punto de vista teórico y práctico, y utilizando como medio vehicular películas basadas en hechos reales. Esto permitirá utilizar también noticias de prensa sobre estos hechos y acercar la teoría a la práctica.