López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira

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María Elvira
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López-Oliva Muñoz
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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    Can Carob-Fruit-Extract-Enriched Meat Improve the Lipoprotein Profile, VLDL-Oxidation, and LDL Receptor Levels Induced by an Atherogenic Diet in STZ-NAD-Diabetic Rats?
    (Nutrients, 2019) Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Ruiz-Roso, Baltasar; Martín de la Torre, Isabel; Bastida Codina, Sara; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José
    Carob fruit extract (CFE) has shown remarkable in vitro antioxidant properties and reduces postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in healthy animals. Development of functional meat products that contain bioactive components are presented as a great nutritional strategy. Until now, the effect of the consumption of restructured meat enriched with CFE in a murine model of diabetes has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect on glycemia, lipemia, lipoprotein profile, Ldlr, arylesterase (AE), and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and liver oxidation in streptozotocin-nicotinamide (STZ-NAD) growing Wistar diabetic rats fed restructured meat in the frame of a high cholesterol/high saturated-fat diet. In the present study, three groups (D, ED and DE) were fed cholesterol-enriched (1.4% cholesterol and 0.2% cholic acid) and high saturated fat diets (50% of total energy from fats and 20.4% from saturated fatty acids). Rats were subjected to a STZ-NAD administration at the 3rd week. Group D did not receive CFE, while ED and DE rat groups received CFE before and after the diabetic induction, respectively. After eight weeks, D rats showed hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia, an increased amount cholesterol-enriched VLDL (β-VLDL), IDL and LDL particles and triglyceride-enriched HDL. ED and DE partially blocked the hypercholesterolemic induction with respect to D group (p < 0.001) and improved glycemia, cholesterol levels, lipoprotein profile, Ldlr, plasma AE activity and liver oxidation (p < 0.001). Fecal fat, moisture and excretion were higher while dietary digestibility was lower in ED and DE vs. D counterparts (p < 0.0014). In conclusion, CFE enriched meat shows, for the first time, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in STZ-NAD animals fed high cholesterol/high saturated-fat diets. Likewise, it manages to reverse possible diabetes lipoprotein alterations if CFE enriched meat is consumed before pathology development or improves said modifications if Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is already established.
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    Carob fruit extract-enriched meat improves pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction, hepatic insulin signaling and lipogenesis in late-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus model
    (The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2020) Macho González, Adrián; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Merino Martín, José Joaquín; García Fernández, Rosa Ana; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Bastida Codina, Sara; Redondo Castillejo, Rocío; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Benedí González, Juana María
    The inclusion of functional bioactive compounds of dietary fiber in meat products has been demonstrated to exert a significant impact on human health. Carob fruit extract (CFE) is a dietary fiber rich in proanthocyanidins with known antioxidant, hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects. Consumption of CFE-enriched meat (CFE-RM) may provide interesting benefits in late-stage type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). To explore the antidiabetic mechanisms of CFE-RM, we used a model of late-stage T2DM in Wistar rats fed a high-saturated-fat/high-cholesterol diet (Chol-diet) and injected streptozotocin plus nicotinamide (D group). The effects of CFE-RM were tested by incorporating it into the diet as preventive strategy (ED group) or curative treatment (DE group). CFE-RM had a positive effect on glycemia, enhancing hepatic insulin sensitivity and improving pancreatic β-cell regeneration in both ED and DE groups. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry suggested that CFE-RM increased levels of insulin receptor β and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, as well as the downstream target phospho-Akt (at Ser473). CFE-RM also up-regulated glucose transporter 2, which improves the insulin-mediated glucose uptake by the liver, and promoted phosphorylation of glycogen synthesis kinase-3βprotein (at ser9), consequently increasing the hepatic glycogen content. In addition, CFE-RM decreased fatty liver by suppressing de novo lipogenesis activation due to down-regulation of liver X receptor-α/β, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c and carbohydrate-response element-binding protein transcription factors. Our findings suggest that the consumption of CFE-RM included in the diet as a functional food should be considered as a suitable nutritional strategy to prevent or manage late-stage T2DM.
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    Functional meat products as oxidative stress modulators: a review
    (Advances in Nutrition, 2021) Macho González, Adrián; Bastida Codina, Sara; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; González, Pilar; Benedí González, Juana María; González Muñoz, María José; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José
    High meat consumption has been associated with increased oxidative stress mainly due to the generation of oxidized compounds in the body, such as malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxy-nonenal, oxysterols, or protein carbonyls, which can induce oxidative damage. Meat products are excellent matrices for introducing different bioactive compounds, to obtain functional meat products aimed at minimizing the pro-oxidant effects associated with high meat consumption. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the concept and preparation of healthy and functional meat, which could benefit antioxidant status. Likewise, the key strategies regarding meat production and storage as well as ingredients used (e.g., minerals, polyphenols, fatty acids, walnuts) for developing these functional meats are detailed. Although most effort has been made to reduce the oxidation status of meat, newly emerging approaches also aim to improve the oxidation status of consumers of meat products. Thus, we will delve into the relation between functional meats and their health effects on consumers. In this review, animal trials and intervention studies are discussed, ascertaining the extent of functional meat products' properties (e.g., neutralizing reactive oxygen species formation and increasing the antioxidant response). The effects of functional meat products in the frame of diet–gene interactions are analyzed to 1) discover target subjects that would benefit from their consumption, and 2) understand the molecular mechanisms that ensure precision in the prevention and treatment of diseases, where high oxidative stress takes place. Long-term intervention-controlled studies, testing different types and amounts of functional meat, are also necessary to ascertain their positive impact on degenerative diseases.