Gorgas García, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
Gorgas García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica
Astronomía y Astrofísica
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Search Results

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    Formation and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster II. Kinematic scaling relations (Corrigendum) (vol 548, pg A76, 2012)
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013) Toloba, E.; Boselli, A.; Peletier, R. F.; Falcón Barroso, J.; van de Ven, G.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier
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    The origin of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster
    (EAS Publications Series, 2011) Toloba, E.; Boselli, A.; Peletier, R. F.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier
    We present new medium resolution kinematic data for a sample of 21 dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) mainly in the Virgo cluster. These data are used to study the origin of the dE population inhabiting rich clusters. Within them we detect two different subpopulations: half of the sample (52%) are rotationally supported and the other half are pressure supported. We also find that the rotationally supported dEs are located in the outer parts of the cluster, present disky morphological shapes and are younger than those pressure supported that are concentrated in the core of the cluster without any underlying structures. Our analysis reveals that the rotationally supported objects have rotation curves similarly shaped to those of star forming galaxies of similar luminosities and follow the Tully-Fisher relation. This is expected if dE galaxies are the descendant of low luminosity star forming systems which recently entered the cluster and lost their gas due to a ram pressure stripping event, quenching their star formation activity and transforming them into quiescent systems, but conserving their angular momentum.
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    Stellar kinematics and structural properties of virgo cluster dwarf early-type galaxies from the smakced project. II. The survey and a systematic analysis of kinematic anomalies and asymmetries
    (Astrophysical journal supplement series, 2014) Toloba, E.; Guhathakurta, P.; Peletier, R. F.; Boselli, A.; Lisker, T.; Falcón Barroso, J.; Simón, J. D.; van de Ven, G.; Paudel, S.; Emsellem, E.; Janz, J.; den Brok, M.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier; Hensler, G.; Laurikainen, E.; Niemi, S. M.; Rys, A.; Salo, H.
    We present spatially resolved kinematics and global stellar populations and mass-to-light ratios for a sample of 39 dwarf early-type (dE) galaxies in the Virgo cluster studied as part of the SMAKCED stellar absorption-line spectroscopy and imaging survey. This sample is representative of the early-type population in the Virgo cluster in the absolute magnitude range -19.0 < M-r < -16.0 and of all morphological subclasses found in this galaxy population. For each dE, we measure the rotation curve and velocity dispersion profile and fit an analytic function to the rotation curve. We study the significance of the departure of the rotation curve from the best-fit analytic function (poorly fit) and of the difference between the approaching and receding sides of the rotation curve (asymmetry). Our sample includes two dEs with kinematically decoupled cores that have been previously reported. We find that 62 +/- 8% (23 out of the 39) of the dEs have a significant anomaly in their rotation curve. Analysis of the images reveals photometric anomalies for most galaxies. However, there is no clear correlation between the significance of the photometric and kinematic anomalies. We measure age-sensitive (H-beta and H-gamma A) and metallicity sensitive (Fe4668 and Mgb) Lick spectral indices in the LIS-5 angstrom system. This population of galaxies exhibits a wide range of ages and metallicities; we also find that 4 dEs show clear evidence of emission partially filling in the Balmer absorption lines. Finally, we estimate the total masses and dark matter fractions of the dEs and plot them in the mass-size, themass-velocity dispersion, and the fundamental plane scaling relations. The dEs seem to be the bridge between massive early-type galaxies and dSphs, and have a median total mass within the R-e of logM(e) = 9.1 +/- 0.2 and a median dark matter fraction within the R-e of f(DM) = 46 +/- 18%. Any formation model for the dE galaxy class must account for this diversity of kinematic and photometric anomalies and stellar populations.
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    Formation and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster II. Kinematic scaling relations
    (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2012) Toloba, E.; Boselli, A.; Peletier, R. F.; Falcón Barroso, J.; van de Ven, G.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier
    We place our sample of 18 Virgo dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) on the (V - K)_e-velocity dispersion, Faber-Jackson, and fundamental plane (FP) scaling relations for massive early-type galaxies (Es). We use a generalized velocity dispersion, which includes rotation, to be able to compare the location of both rotationally and pressure supported dEs with those of early and late-type galaxies. We find that dEs seem to bend the Faber-Jackson relation of Es to lower velocity dispersions, being the link between Es and dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). Regarding the FP relation, we find that dEs are significantly offset with respect to massive hot stellar systems, and re-casting the FP into the so-called.-space suggests that this offset is related to dEs having a total mass-to-light ratio higher than Es but still significantly lower than dSph galaxies. Given a stellar mass-to-light ratio based on the measured line indices of dEs, the FP offset allows us to infer that the dark matter fraction within the half light radii of dEs is on average ≳42% (uncertainties of 17% in the K band and 20% in the V band), fully consistent with an independent estimate in an earlier paper in this series. We also find that dEs in the size-luminosity relation in the near-infrared, like in the optical, are offset from early-type galaxies, but seem to be consistent with late-type galaxies. We thus conclude that the scaling relations show that dEs are different from Es, and that they further strengthen our previous findings that dEs are closer to and likely formed from late-type galaxies.
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    Stellar kinematics and structural properties of virgo cluster dwarf early-type galaxies from the smakced project. III. Angular momentum and constraints on formation scenarios
    (Astrophysical journal, 2015) Toloba, E.; Guhathakurta, P.; Boselli, A.; Peletier, R. F.; Emsellem, E.; Lisker, T.; van de Ven, G.; Simon, J. D.; Falcón Barroso, J.; Adams, J. J.; Benson, A. J.; Boissier, S.; den Brok, M.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier; Hensler, G.; Janz, J.; Laurikainen, E.; Paudel, S.; Rys, A.; Salo, H.
    We analyze the stellar kinematics of 39 dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) in the Virgo Cluster. Based on the specific stellar angular momentum lambda(Re) and the ellipticity, we find 11 slow rotators and 28 fast rotators. The fast rotators in the outer parts of the Virgo Cluster rotate significantly faster than fast rotators in the inner parts of the cluster. Moreover, 10 out of the 11 slow rotators are located in the inner 3 degrees (D < 1 Mpc) of the cluster. The fast rotators contain subtle disk-like structures that are visible in high-pass filtered optical images, while the slow rotators do not exhibit these structures. In addition, two of the dEs have kinematically decoupled cores and four more have emission partially filling in the Balmer absorption lines. These properties suggest that Virgo Cluster dEs may have originated from late-type star-forming galaxies that were transformed by the environment after their infall into the cluster. The correlation between lambda(Re) and the clustercentric distance can be explained by a scenario where low luminosity star-forming galaxies fall into the cluster, their gas is rapidly removed by ram-pressure stripping, although some of it can be retained in their core, their star formation is quenched but their stellar kinematics are preserved. After a long time in the cluster and several passes through its center, the galaxies are heated up and transformed into slow rotating dEs.
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    Formation and evolution of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster I. Internal kinematics
    (Astronomy & astrophysics, 2011) Toloba, E.; Boselli, A.; Cenarro, A. J.; Peletier, R. F.; Gorgas García, Francisco Javier; Gil De Paz, Armando; Muñoz Mateos, Juan Carlos
    We present new medium resolution kinematic data for a sample of 21 dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) mainly in the Virgo cluster, obtained with the WHT and INT telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Spain). These data are used to study the origin of the dwarf elliptical galaxy population inhabiting clusters. We confirm that dEs are not dark matter dominated galaxies, at least not up to the half-light radius. We also find that the observed galaxies in the outer parts of the cluster are mostly rotationally supported systems with disky morphological shapes. Rotationally supported dEs have rotation curves similar to those of star-forming galaxies of similar luminosity and follow the Tully-Fisher relation. This is expected if dE galaxies are the descendants of low-luminosity star-forming systems that have recently entered the cluster environment and lost their gas due to a ram-pressure stripping event, quenching their star formation activity and transforming into quiescent systems, but conserving their angular momentum.