Benedí González, Juana María

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First Name
Juana María
Last Name
Benedí González
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Effect of Extract and Ellagic Acid from Geranium schiedeanum on the Antioxidant Defense System in An Induced-Necrosis Model
    (Antioxidants, 2018) Vargas-Mendoza, Nancy; Vázquez Velasco, Miguel; González Torres, Laura; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Morales-González, Jose; Jaramillo-Morales, Osmar; Valadez-Vega, Carmen; Bautista, Mirandeli
    Geranium schiedeanum has been used in traditional therapies as an antiseptic, antipyretic, and as analgesic. The present study was designed to evaluate the pretreatment with G. schiedeanum total extract (GS) and its active metabolites on stimulating the endogenous antioxidant defense system (EADS): catalase (Cat), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione reduction index (RI GSH/GSSG) in rat liver treated with a sublethal dose (6.6 mmol/Kg) of thioacetamide (TAA) in order to probe the capacity of GS and the active compounds to reduce liver injury. This was assessed by measuring aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and total bilirubin (BILT) in rats pretreated or not with TAA, and pretreated or not with GS and its metabolites. The results showed that GS was able to induce the production of EADS enzymes, increasing redox index GSH/GSSG at 24 and 48 h after intoxication, and both the extract and the ellagic acid exhibited a significant reduction of hepatic damage markers. Our data confirmed the hepatoprotective effect of GS and its metabolites, like ellagic acid, support the possible use of this extract in the treatment of liver injury.
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    Project number: 333
    Implementación de la experiencia de un congreso virtual para estudiantes de Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Fitoterapia como herramienta de aprendizaje, emprendimiento, estímulo del trabajo colaborativo y autoevaluación
    (2015) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Carretero Accame, María Emilia; Benedí González, Juana María; Gómez-Serranillos Cuadrado, María Pilar; Heras Polo, Beatriz De Las; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; García Diz, Luis
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    Project number: 266
    Dinamización del aprendizaje de Farmacología y Farmacoterapia mediante evaluación continua en entorno virtual
    (2019) Martín-Aragón Álvarez, Sagrario; Bermejo Bescos, María De La Paloma; Slowing Barillas, Karla Verónica; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Benedí González, Juana María; Pérez Uz, María Blanca; Romero Garrido, José Antonio; Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Sánchez-Prieto Mateos, Alicia
    La Evaluación constituye un elemento clave de la tarea docente para incentivar el trabajo de los estudiantes, constatar sus progresos e introducir mejoras en la planificación y acción educativa. Un número considerable de estudiantes universitarios admite que sus conductas de estudio están bastante determinadas por su percepción del sistema de evaluación. Y así es; los docentes estamos observando que los estudiantes calculan cada vez más el uso del tiempo y de sus energías, influidos por las demandas percibidas del sistema de evaluación. Por tanto, el sistema de evaluación condicionará no sólo la consecución real de las competencias sino la forma de estudiar y el tiempo dedicado al aprendizaje. En este contexto, los estudiantes que participan en la evaluación continua tienen mayores garantías de superar una asignatura que el resto porque: a) asimilan de forma gradual los contenidos más importantes de la materia; b) desarrollan de forma gradual las competencias de la asignatura; c) conocen la forma de evaluar del profesor; y d) reciben información sobre su propio ritmo de aprendizaje, pudiendo así reorientarlo. Y, en último lugar, la evaluación continua prepara a los estudiantes para la prueba final de evaluación, ya que, por coherencia, el examen final debería poseer la misma o similar estructura que las actividades propuestas a lo largo del curso. Los entornos virtuales se presentan como una herramienta realmente útil para abordar el reto de la evaluación continua. La plataforma Moodle cuenta con diversos módulos y actividades que pueden ser evaluadas por el profesor, y que sirven para otorgar una calificación al estudiante. Entre estos se encuentra el módulo de «cuestionarios» que permite al profesor diseñar sus propios cuestionarios y aplicarlos a sus estudiantes de forma on-line. El presente proyecto propone la elaboración y aplicación de cuestionarios en Moodle, utilizando los diferentes tipos de preguntas disponibles, como herramienta para la evaluación continua en la asignatura de «Farmacología y Farmacoterapia» de 4º curso de Grado en Farmacia.
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    Project number: 116
    Elaboración de un espacio virtual de auto aprendizaje, mediante trabajo colaborativo, para el desarrollo y aplicación de competencias de Atención Farmacéutica.
    (2016) Benedí González, Juana María; Iglesias Peinado, Irene; Raposo Simón, Pedro Carlos; García Diz, Luis; Romero Garrido, José Antonio; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba
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    The Nutritional Components of Beer and Its Relationship with Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s Disease
    (Nutrients, 2019) Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Benedí González, Juana María; Bastida Codina, Sara; González-Muñoz, María José
    The prevalence of degenerative diseases has risen in western countries. Growing evidence suggests that demenia and other cognition affectations are associated with ambient factors including specific nutrients, food ingredients or specific dietary patterns. Mediterranean diet adherence has been associated with various health benefits and decreased risk of many diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders. Beer, as part of this protective diet, contains compounds such as silicon and hops that could play a major role in preventing brain disorders. In this review, different topics regarding Mediterranean diet, beer and the consumption of their main compounds and their relation to neurological health have been addressed. Taking into account published results from our group and other studies, the hypothesis linking aluminum intoxication with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s disease and the potential role of regular beer has also been considered. Beer, in spite of its alcohol content, may have some health benefits; nonetheless, its consumption is not adequate for all subjects. Thus, this review analyzed some promising results of non-alcoholic beer on several mechanisms engaged in neurodegeneration such as inflammation, oxidation, and cholinesterase activity, and their contribution to the behavioral modifications induced by aluminum intoxication. The review ends by giving conclusions and suggesting future topics of research related to moderate beer consumption and/or the consumption of its major compounds as a potential instrument for protecting against neurodegenerative disease progression and the need to develop nutrigenetic and nutrigenomic studies in aged people and animal models.
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    Effects of Fiber Purified Extract of Carob Fruit on Fat Digestion and Postprandial Lipemia in Healthy Rats
    (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018) Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Naes, F.; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Amores-Arrojo, A.; González Muñoz, M. J.; Bastida Codina, Sara; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José
    Increased postprandial lipemia is a cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. Carob fruit extract (CFE) contains condensed tannins, and their intake has been inversely related to CVD. The objective was to evaluate the in vitro pancreatic lipase activity in the presence of CFE and the in vivo effect of CFE on postprandial lipemia of healthy Wistar rats in acute and subchronic digestibility studies and to relate it with changes in fat digestion and absorption. CFE significantly reduced pancreatic lipase activity. A peak delay and a dose-dependent decrease in plasma triglyceride and cholesterol areas under the curve were observed, effects that increased after the subchronic treatment. The levels of nondigested, nonabsorbed triglycerides of the remaining intestinal lumen fat were significantly higher in the maximum dose of CFE administrated versus the control (P < 0.05). This study demonstrates for the first time the hypolipemic properties of CFE from the first administration, modifying postprandial lipemia by reducing the extents of fat digestion and absorption.
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    Project number: 145
    UCMspace-comunica)))), un espacio web como herramienta de aprendizaje de carácter multidisciplinar para la mejora de la comunicación científica
    (2017) Ortega Hernández-Agero, María Teresa; Torres Muñoz, Margarita; Benedí González, Juana María; Raposo González, Rafaela; Heras Polo, Beatriz De Las; Palomino Ruiz-Poveda, Olga María; Martín Gómez, María Soledad; Pintado Valverde, Ana; Sánchez de Rojas Fernández-Cabrera, Ramón; Castilla Rodriguez, Carlos María; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba
    Diseño, ejecución y evaluación de un espacio web (UCMspace-comunica)))), que pueda ser utilizado como herramienta de aprendizaje eficaz, de carácter multidisciplinar, para la correcta comunicación de los contenidos específicos adquiridos por los alumnos en las diferentes materias que integran los grados universitarios, incluyendo el Trabajo Fin de Grado. Esta herramienta puede ser útil para optimizar la labor tutorial del profesor y el desarrollo profesional de los futuros farmacéuticos.
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    Elevated Systemic L-Kynurenine/L-Tryptophan Ratio and Increased IL-1 Beta and Chemokine (CX3CL1, MCP-1) Proinflammatory Mediators in Patients with Long-Term Titanium Dental Implants
    (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019) Merino Martín, José Joaquín; Cabaña-Muñoz, María Eugenia; Toledano Gasca, Adolfo; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; Benedí González, Juana María; Camacho-Alonso, Fabio; Parmigiani-Izquierdo, José María
    Titanium is the mean biocompatible metal found in dental titanium alloys (Ti-6Al-4V). The safety of certain dental biomaterial amalgams has been questioned in patients. The levels of several systemic cytokines (interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-4: pg/mL) and chemokines (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), soluble fractalkine (CX3CL1: pg/mL) were determined using ELISA and compared between these study groups. The study included 30 controls without dental materials (cont), 57 patients with long-term titanium dental implants plus amalgams (A + I group) as well as 55 patients with long-term dental amalgam alone (A group). All patients (except controls) have had dental titanium implants (Ti-6Al-4V) and/or amalgams for at least 10 years (average: 15 years). We evaluated whether systemic levels of cytokines/chemokines, kyn/L-trp ratio and aromatic amino acid levels (HPLC: mM/L, Phe, L-Trp, His, Treo) could be altered in patients with long-term dental titanium and/or amalgams. These systemic markers were evaluated in 142 patients. The A + I group had higher L-Kynurenine/L-Tryptophan ratios than patients with long-term dental amalgam fillings alone (A). In addition, levels of IL-1 Beta cytokine, CX3CL1 and MCP-1 chemokines were higher in the A + I group than in the A group (A). The increased L-kyn/L-trp ratio and MCP-1 and fractalkine receptor (CX3CR1) elevations could suggest enhanced chemotactic responses by these chemokines in the A + I group.
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    Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Croton hypoleucus Extract in an Induced-Necrosis Model in Rats
    (Molecules, 2019) Urrutia Hernández, Thania Alejandra; Santos López, Jorge Arturo; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José; Velázquez González, Claudia; De la O-Arciniega, Minarda; Jaramillo Morales, Osmar Antonio; Bautista, Mirandeli
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Croton hypoleucus (EC). The present work reports the first pharmacological, toxicological, and antioxidant studies of EC extract on liver injury. Liver necrosis was induced by thioacetamide (TAA). Five groups were established: Croton Extract (EC), thioacetamide (TAA), Croton extract with thioacetamide (EC + TAA), vitamin E with thioacetamide (VE + TAA) and the positive control and vehicle (CT). For EC and EC + TAA, Wistar rats (n = 8) were intragastrically pre-administered for 4 days with EC (300 mg/ and on the last day, EC + TAA received a single dose of TAA (400 mg/kg). At 24 h after damage induction, animals were sacrificed. In vitro activity and gene expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (Cat), and Nrf2 nuclear factor were measured. The results show that EC has medium antioxidant properties, with an IC50 of 0.63 mg/mL and a ferric-reducing power of 279.8 µM/mg. Additionally, EC reduced hepatic damage markers at 24 h after TAA intoxication; also, it increased SOD and Cat gene expression against TAA by controlling antioxidant defense levels. Our findings demonstrated the hepatoprotective effect of EC by reducing hepatic damage markers and controlling antioxidant defense levels. Further studies are necessary to identify the mechanism of this protection.
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    Can Carob-Fruit-Extract-Enriched Meat Improve the Lipoprotein Profile, VLDL-Oxidation, and LDL Receptor Levels Induced by an Atherogenic Diet in STZ-NAD-Diabetic Rats?
    (Nutrients, 2019) Macho González, Adrián; Garcimartín Álvarez, Alba; López-Oliva Muñoz, María Elvira; Ruiz-Roso, Baltasar; Martín de la Torre, Isabel; Bastida Codina, Sara; Benedí González, Juana María; Sánchez Muniz, Francisco José
    Carob fruit extract (CFE) has shown remarkable in vitro antioxidant properties and reduces postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in healthy animals. Development of functional meat products that contain bioactive components are presented as a great nutritional strategy. Until now, the effect of the consumption of restructured meat enriched with CFE in a murine model of diabetes has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect on glycemia, lipemia, lipoprotein profile, Ldlr, arylesterase (AE), and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and liver oxidation in streptozotocin-nicotinamide (STZ-NAD) growing Wistar diabetic rats fed restructured meat in the frame of a high cholesterol/high saturated-fat diet. In the present study, three groups (D, ED and DE) were fed cholesterol-enriched (1.4% cholesterol and 0.2% cholic acid) and high saturated fat diets (50% of total energy from fats and 20.4% from saturated fatty acids). Rats were subjected to a STZ-NAD administration at the 3rd week. Group D did not receive CFE, while ED and DE rat groups received CFE before and after the diabetic induction, respectively. After eight weeks, D rats showed hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia, an increased amount cholesterol-enriched VLDL (β-VLDL), IDL and LDL particles and triglyceride-enriched HDL. ED and DE partially blocked the hypercholesterolemic induction with respect to D group (p < 0.001) and improved glycemia, cholesterol levels, lipoprotein profile, Ldlr, plasma AE activity and liver oxidation (p < 0.001). Fecal fat, moisture and excretion were higher while dietary digestibility was lower in ED and DE vs. D counterparts (p < 0.0014). In conclusion, CFE enriched meat shows, for the first time, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in STZ-NAD animals fed high cholesterol/high saturated-fat diets. Likewise, it manages to reverse possible diabetes lipoprotein alterations if CFE enriched meat is consumed before pathology development or improves said modifications if Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is already established.