Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco

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Gallego Lupiáñez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Matemáticas
Álgebra, Geometría y Topología
Geometría y Topología
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 58
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    Alpha-paracompact subsets and well-situated subsets.
    (Questions and answers in general topology, 1987) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    We study -paracompact subsets, defined by C. E. Aull. Here we obtain some covering properties of -paracompact subsets which are similar to properties of paracompact spaces. In particular, we characterize -paracompact subsets in regular spaces. Moreover we study the behaviour of -paracompact subsets under perfect mappings. Then we consider R. Telg´arsky’s well-situated subsets. The properties of -paracompact subsets yield properties of well-situated subsets. Well-situated subsets are related to Tamano’s problem (i.e.: to give an intrinsic description of those T2 spaces X such that X × Y is paracompact for each paracompact T2 space Y) which remains open. Finally, we solve a problem of Telg´arsky establishing that: In the realm of T2 spaces,the class is perfect.
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    On neutrosophic sets and topology
    (New Trends in Neutrosophic Theory and Applications, 2016) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    Recently, F.Smarandache generalized the Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets and other kinds of sets to neutrosophic sets. Also, this author defined the notion of neutrosophic topology on the non-standard interval. One can expect some relation between the intuitionistic fuzzy topology on an IFS and the neutrosophic topology. We show in this work that this is false.
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    Covering properties in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces.
    (Kybernetes, 2007) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    Purpose – D.Çoker constructed the fundamental theory of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new concept of compactness and a definition of paracompactness for intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, and obtain several preservation properties.
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    On Michálek's fuzzy topological spaces
    (Kybernetika, 2001) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    The aim of this paper is to study some properties of Michalek's fuzzy topology which are quite different of the classic properties of the Chang's topology.
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    Fuzzy perfect maps and fuzzy paracompactness.
    (Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1998) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    In this paper we prove that S-paracompactness, S*-paracompactness, fuzzy paracompactness, and .-fuzzy paracompactness are invariants and inverse invariants of various types of fuzzy perfect maps.
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    Utilización de material divulgativo para la enseñanza de la Topología
    (Contribuciones matemáticas en homenaje a Juan Tarrés, 2012) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    Se describe la experiencia didáctica de utilización de material divulgativo (artículos, libros, comics) para la enseñanza universitaria de la Topología en el primer ciclo de la titulación de Ciencias Matemáticas.
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    On various neutrosophic topologies
    (Kybernetes, 2009) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    Purpose - Recently, F. Smarandache generalized the Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and other kinds of sets to neutrosophic sets (NTSs) and also defined various notions of neutrosophic topologies on the non-standard interval. One can expect some relation between the intuitionistic fuzzy topology (IFT) on an IFS and neutrosophic topologies on the non-standard interval. The purpose of this paper is to show that this is false. Design/methodology/approach - The possible relations between the intuitionistic fuzzzy topology and neutrosophic topologies are studied. Findings - Relations on IFT and neutrosophic topologies. Research limitations/implications -Clearly, the paper is confined to IFSs and NSs. Practical implications - The main applications are in the mathematical field. Originality/value - The paper shows original results on fuzzy sets and topology.
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    Finite-to-one fuzzy maps and fuzzy perfect maps.
    (Kybernetika, 1998) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    In this paper we define, for fuzzy topology, notions corresponding to finite-to-one and k-to-one maps. We study the relationship between these new fuzzy maps and various kinds of fuzzy perfect maps. Also, we show the invariance and the inverse inveriance under the various kinds of fuzzy perfect maps (and the finite-to-one fuzzy maps), of different properties of fuzzy topological spaces.
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    On clp-paracompact spaces
    (Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 2020) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    The clp-paracompact spaces were defined and studied by A. Sondore. These spaces are those such that each clopen cover of them has a locally finite clopen refinement. Then, these spaces are related to ultraparacompact and to clp-compact spaces. In this paper, we obtain a theorem showing that every clp-paracompact Hausdorff space is the image of a clp-paracompact zero-dimensional Hausdorff space for a clopen continuous map with clp-compact fibers.
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    Some recent results on Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces
    (Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control, Computational Intelligence in Decision and Control, 2008) Gallego Lupiáñez, Francisco
    We show here some of our results on intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. In 1983, K.T. Atanassov proposed a generalization of the notion of fuzzy set: the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set. D. Coker constructed the fundamental theory on intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, and D. Coker and other mathematicians studied compactness, connectedness, continuity, separation, convergence and paracompactness in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. Finally, G.-J Wang and Y.Y. He showed that every intuitionistic fuzzy set may be regarded as an L-fuzzy set for some appropriate lattice L. Nevertheless, the results obtained by above authors are not redundant with other for ordinary fuzzy sense. Recently, Smarandache defined and studied neutrosophic sets (NSs) which generalize IFSs. This author defined also the notion of neutrosophic topology. We proved that neutrosophic topology does not generalize the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy topology.