Ureta Gil, María Soledad

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María Soledad
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Ureta Gil
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Geológicas
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    The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Toarcian-Aalenian Boundary (Lower-Middle Jurassic)
    (Episodes, 2001) Cresta, S.; Goy Goy, Antonio; Ureta Gil, María Soledad; Arias Fernández, María Del Carmen; Barrón López, Eduardo; Bernard García, Julio; Canales Fernández, María Luisa; García Joral, Fernando; García Romero, Emilia; Gialanella, P.R.; Gómez Fernández, Juan José; González, J.A.; Herrero Matesanz, M. De La Concepción; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma; Osete López, María Luisa; Perilli, Nicola; Villalaín, J.J.
    The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Aalenian Stage, formally defined at the base of bed FZ107 in the Fuentelsaz section, Castilian Branch of the Iberian Range (Spain), has been ratified by the IUGS. Multidisciplinary biostratigraphical data, based on ammonites, brachiopods, ostracods, bivalves, foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils assemblages and palynomorphs, assure worldwide correlations; magnetostratigraphic data increase this correlation power. The position of the boundary coincides with the first occurrence of the ammonite assemblage characterized by Leioceras opalinum and Leioceras lineatum and corresponds with a normal polarity interval correlated with the up-to-date Jurassic magnetic polarity time scale (Gradstein and others, 1994; Ogg, 1995).
  • Item
    Conservation management of the Aalenian stage GSSP in Fuentelsaz (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
    (Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 2004) Goy Goy, Antonio; Ureta Gil, María Soledad; García Joral, Fernando; Gómez Fernández, Juan José; Herrero Matesanz, M. De La Concepción; Martínez Gutiérrez, Gemma
    Abstract. The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point ol the Toarcian-Aalenian Boundary (Lower-Middle Jurassic) in Fuentelsaz Section is the first GSSP defined in Spain. Among the requirements ol the ICS lor the choice of the best boundary level are accessibility to the type-section and free access for research, and guarantees Irom the respective authority concerning to the free access and the permanent protection of the site. In our point of view, the most suitable protection ligure to safeguard the fulfilment of the ICS's requirements according to the Spanish Conservation Policy and Legislation is the Nacural Monument. This paper deals with the conservation management and classification of the Fuentelsaz area as a Natural Monument, being the Comunidad de Castilla-La Mancha Authorities the ones that have to take the necessary steps to protect the site. [RIASSUNTO] La Sezione e Punto Globale di Stratotipo per II limite Toarciano-Aaleniano (Giurassico inleriore-medio) nella Sezione di Fuentelsaz e il primo GSSP definite* in Spagna. Tra i requisiti dell'ICS per la scelta del miglior livello del limite ci sono la raggiungibilita della sezionc-tipo ed il libero accesso per la ricerca, e garanzie da parte delle rispettive autorita riguardo il libero accesso e la protezione permanente del sito. Secondo il nostro punto di vista, il profilo di protezione piti appropriate* per tutelare I'adempimento delle richieste ICS, in accordo con la Politica c Lcgislazione Spagnola di Conservazione, e il Monumento Naturale. Questo lavoro t r a i n la gesiione della conservazione e la classificazione dell'area di Fuentelsaz come un Monumento Naturale, dal niomcnio chc le Autorita di Comunidad de Castilla- La Mancha sono quelle chc devono intraprendere i passi necessari alia protezione del sito.