Weigand Talavera, Rosa María

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Rosa María
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Weigand Talavera
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Fundamentals of Highly Non-Degenerate Cascaded Four-Wave Mixing
    (Applied Sciences, 2015) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Crespo, Helder
    By crossing two intense ultrashort laser pulses with different colors in a transparent medium, like a simple piece of glass, a fan of multicolored broadband light pulses can be simultaneously generated. These newly generated pulses are emitted in several well-defined directions and can cover a broad spectral range, from the infrared to the ultraviolet and beyond. This beautiful phenomenon, first observed and described 15 years ago, is due to highly-nondegenerate cascaded four-wave mixing (cascaded FWM, or CFWM). Here, we present a review of our work on the generation and measurement of multicolored light pulses based on third-order nonlinearities in transparent solids, from the discovery and first demonstration of highly-nondegenerate CFWM, to the coherent synthesis of single-cycle pulses by superposition of the multicolored light pulses produced by CFWM. We will also present the development and main results of a dedicated 2.5-D nonlinear propagation model, i.e., with propagation occurring along a two-dimensional plane while assuming cylindrically symmetric pump beam profiles, capable of adequately describing noncollinear FWM and CFWM processes. A new method for the generation of femtosecond pulses in the deep-ultraviolet (DUV) based on FWM and CFWM will also be described. These experimental and theoretical results show that highly-nondegenerate third-order nonlinear optical processes are formally well understood and provide broader bandwidths than other nonlinear optical processes for the generation of ultrashort light pulses with wavelengths extending from the near-infrared to the deep-ultraviolet, which have many applications in science and technology.
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    Estudio espectroscópico y efecto láser en SO(2)-análogos de Pteridinas y Piridopirimidinas
    (2002) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Guerra Pérez, José Manuel; Dávila Muro, Jorge
    El objeto de estudio de esta tesis ha sido, por un lado, la caracterización espectroscópica de algunos derivados de dos familias de compuestos: 2,2-dioxidos de aminopirido (2,3-c) -1,2,6-tiadiazinas y 2,2-dioxidos de pirazino(2,3-c)-1,2,6-tiadiazinas en dimetilsulfoxido y acetonitrilo, con objeto de ver su aplicación como láseres de colorante. Estos compuestos presentan comportamiento acido-base en estos disolventes y las diferentes especies han sido caracterizadas a través de espectros de absorción y fluorescencia, eficiencias cuánticas y tiempos de vida. Asimismo se han caracterizado los procesos acido-base que existen entre ellas a través de los pka y pka* o constantes cinéticas. Por otro lado se ha desarrollado un modelo que describe el efecto láser en sistemas acido-base, cuya resolucion numérica nos ha permitido dar una casuística de los regímenes espectro- temporales de funcionamiento láser presente en estos sistemas. Por ultimo se ha estudiado experimentalmente el efecto láser en las especies de los diversos compuestos, analizando rango espectral, eficiencia y comportamiento temporal de la emisión láser y se han reproducido las medidas experimentales con el modelo propuesto.
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    Project number: 240
    Aplicabilidad del software de Diferencias Finitas en el Dominio del Tiempo (FDTD) al aprendizaje en Fotónica
    (2017) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa; Gonzalo Fonrodona, Isabel; Villafranca Velasco, Aitor
    Se generaran topografías FDTD en sistemas fotónicos para ejemplificación en clase por parte del profesor, realización de trabajos en grupo, realización de prácticas de laboratorio, autoaprendizaje del alumno y Trabajos Fin de Grado y Máster.
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    Dispersion-scan measurements of few-cycle pulses compressed with the multiplate continuum process
    (2017 Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (Cleo/Europe-Eqec), 2017) Canhota, Miguel; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Crespo, Helder M.
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    Líneas de investigación del Grupo UCM de Física del Láser, Óptica Cuántica y Óptica No Lineal
    (Óptica Pura y Aplicada, 2011) Antón Revilla, Miguel Ángel; Arrieta Yáñez, Francisco; Cabrera Granado, Eduardo; Carreño Sánchez, Fernando; Ezquerro Rodríguez, José Miguel; Gómez Calderón, Óscar; Gonzalo Fonrodona, Isabel; Guerra Pérez, José Manuel; Melle Hernández, Sonia; Soler Rus, Miguel Odín; Sánchez Balmaseda, Margarita María; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María
    En este trabajo presentamos las líneas de investigación del Grupo de Física del Láser, Óptica Cuántica y Óptica No Lineal de la UCM. La investigación comprende trabajos experimentales y teóricos en el desarrollo de prototipos de láser, análisis de inestabilidades espacio-temporales en láseres de gran apertura, el estudio de propagación de radiación en régimen de luz lenta y de pulsos ultracortos en medios resonantes y no resonantes, la generación de radiación por procesos no lineales y el estudio de memorias ópticas por eco fotónico.
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    On the Q-switched operation of Titanium: sapphire lasers using a graphene-based saturable absorber mirror
    (Optics and laser technology, 2015) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Pinto, T.; Crespo, H. M.; Guerra, J. M.
    We numerically demonstrate Q-switched operation of Titanium:Sapphire lasers using mono and multilayer graphene, deposited on a totally reflecting end mirror as a saturable absorber. Output energies, pulse duration and repetition frequencies of the Q-switched pulse trains are given as a function of the pump intensity for different number of graphene layers and cavity lengths. For the geometries studied, pulses from 17 to 491 ns can be achieved, with energies ranging from 11 to 74 μJ and repetition rates from 0.06 to 2.5 MHz. These results can be useful for designing and building laser cavities for Q-switched and mode-locked operation in laser media with short lifetimes as Titanium:Sapphire.
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    Optical transmission properties of Pentelic and Paros marble
    (Applied optics, 2015) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; García, Pablo A.; Campos Acosta, Joaquín; Storch de Gracía, Jacobo
    AncientGreek and Roman sources report that the statue of Zeus in Olympia had a head, and in particular eyes, similar to the description of Zeus by Homer, so we think that the statue was visible to the human eye. Since the temple was 12mhigh, and had a small door and no windows, the illumination of the statue by conventionalmedia is questionable. The aimof this paper is to characterize the optical transmission of Paros and Pentelic marble to demonstrate that it was possible to have the Zeus temple illuminated through the roof marble tiles. Spectral absolute transmittance measurements were taken in samples with different thicknesses using a calibrated spectrophotometer, as well as total transmittance measurements using a luxmeter. The results show that both types of marble transmit light and that Pentelic marble has a higher transmittance in the visible range than Paros marble in some cases and hence could have been one reason, among others, to change the type of marble in the roof in antiquity.
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    Project number: 136
    Estrategias de iniciación a la experimentación en laboratorios de las enseñanzas en Óptica
    (2015) Martínez Matos, Óscar; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Canabal Boutureira, Héctor Alfonso; Navarrete Fernández, María Cruz; Gonzalo Fonrodona, Isabel; Herrera Fernández, José María; Irigoyen Irigoyen, Maite; Luis Aina, Alfredo; Piquero Sanz, Gemma María; Rodrigo Martín Romo, José Augusto; Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Sánchez Martín, José Antonio; Serna Galán, Julio; Tercero Gómez, José Luis; Torcal Milla, Francisco José; Vilas Prieto, José Luis; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María
    Se propone un cambio en la metodología docente de la asignatura Laboratorio de Física III del Grado en Física, para hacerla más dinámica y potenciar la participación e iniciativas de los estudiantes, adecuándola al espíritu de Bolonia
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    Inline self-diffraction dispersion-scan of over octave-spanning pulses in the single-cycle regime
    (Optics letters, 2017) Canhota, Miguel; Silva, Francisco; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Crespo, Helder M.
    We present an implementation of dispersion-scan based on self-diffraction (SD d-scan) and apply it to the measurement of over octave-spanning sub-4-fs pulses. The results are compared with second-harmonic generation (SHG) d-scan. The efficiency of the SD process is derived theoretically and compared with the spectral response retrieved by the d-scan algorithm. The new SD d-scan has a robust inline setup and enables measuring pulses with over-octave spectra, single-cycle durations, and wavelength ranges beyond those of SHG crystals, such as the ultraviolet and the deep-ultraviolet. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America.
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    Q-switched operation with carbon-based saturable absorbers in a Nd:YLF Laser
    (Applied sciences, 2015) Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Sánchez Balmaseda, Margarita María; Guerra Pérez, José Manuel
    We have numerically studied the influence of the absorption modulation depth of carbon-based saturable absorbers (graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs)) on the Q-switched regime of a diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser. A short-length cavity was used with an end mirror on which CNTs or mono- or bi-layer graphene were deposited, forming a saturable absorber mirror (SAM). Using a standard model, the generated energy per pulse was calculated, as well as the pulse duration and repetition rate. The results show that absorbers with higher modulation depths, i.e., graphene, deliver higher energy pulses at lower repetition rates. However, the pulse duration did not have a monotonic behavior and reaches a minimum for a given low value of the modulation depth typical of CNTs.