Sanz Fernández, Jesús

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Sanz Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
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    Prevalence of increased alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in adult victims of terrorist attacks: a systematic and meta-analytic review
    (The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2023) Sanz Fernández, Jesús; Hernández-Martínez, Timanfaya; Castillo-Burgos, Patricia; Sanz-García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz
    Background: Previous studies have reviewed the evidence on the increase in alcohol consumption after a terrorist attack. However, an increase does not necessarily imply the presence of an alcohol use disorder. Objectives: To conduct a systematic and meta-analytic review of the literature on the prevalence of increased alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorders in adult exposed to terrorism. Methods: A search of PsycINFO, MEDLINE and PTSDpubs identified 29 studies published up to March 2023 in which 38 adult samples totaling 282,753 persons exposed to terrorism were assessed. Using inverse variance heterogeneity models, pooled prevalence rates of increased alcohol use and alcohol use disorders were calculated. Results: 6% (95% CI [2.9, 9.5]) of the adults exposed to a terrorist attack increased their alcohol consumption. The prevalence of increased alcohol use varies depending on the degree of exposure (p= .006, R2= .18) and the procedure for measuring increases (p= .043, R2= .37). The prevalence of alcohol use disorders in adults exposed to a terrorist attack is 5.5% (95% CI [3.7, 7.5]), a rate that is not higher than that obtained in the general population and varies depending on the type of alcohol disorder (p= .015, R2= .30). Conclusions: A relevant number of adults exposed to terrorist attacks will subsequently increase their alcohol consumption, but this increase is not associated with an increase in the prevalence of alcohol use disorders. Effects of terrorism on people's health are potentially widespread, but concerns of excessive alcohol use after terrorist attacks may be unwarranted.
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    Validity evidence for the Self-Absorption Scale (SAS) in Spanish population
    (Psicothema, 2024) Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; Fausor De Castro, Rocío; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; Sanz García, Ana
    Background: The Self-Absorption Scale (SAS) is one of the few instruments that measure dysfunctional self-focused attention or self-absorption, a transdiagnostic factor of vulnerability to various emotional disorders. The internal structure of the Spanish version of the SAS and its relationship with other variables have not been examined, nor has whether its subscales provide relevant information. These were the two goals of the present study. Method: The factor structure of the SAS, its internal consistency, and its relationship with depression and post-traumatic stress were analyzed in a Spanish community sample of 519 adults. Results: The SAS presented a symmetrical bifactor structure with a general factor of self-absorption that explained most of the variance in the items and two specific factors of private and public self-absorption. The total scale and the two subscales of the SAS exhibited excellent, good or adequate reliability coefficients (alphas/omegas = .70 – .88) and correlated with depression and post-traumatic stress (r = .34 – .46). Conclusions: The SAS provides reliable, valid measures of dysfunctional self-focused attention in Spanish adults, but its Private and Public Self-absorption subscales are not much more useful than the information provided by its total scale.
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    ¿Existe el duelo complicado traumático? Diferencias sintomatológicas entre el duelo complicado tras una muerte traumática y una no traumática
    (Psicooncología, 2023) Jiménez-Prensa, Adela; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García de Marina, Andrea; Soriano, Arantxa; Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; García Vera, María De La Paz
    Objetivo: Examinar la existencia del duelo complicado traumático como un constructo diferente al de duelo complicado analizando si la sintomatología de duelo complicado y de estrés postraumático es diferente en las personas que sufren duelo complicado tras una muerte traumática y no traumática. Método: Un grupo de 89 dolientes con duelo complicado tras una muerte por atentado terrorista y un grupo de 54 dolientes con duelo complicado tras una muerte por edad o enfermedad completaron el Inventario de Duelo Complicado (IDC) y versiones de la Escala de Verificación del Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (PCL-S o PCL-5). Resultados: ANCOVA realizados sobre las puntuaciones en los ítems del IDC y en los 16 ítems comunes a las dos versiones de la PCL revelaron que los dos grupos de dolientes no diferían en ninguno de los síntomas de duelo complicado ni de estrés postraumático, salvo en dos síntomas de duelo complicado en los cuales las diferencias iban en direcciones opuestas. Conclusiones: Aunque una muerte traumática como, por ejemplo, por atentado terrorista, incrementa la gravedad de las reacciones de duelo y la probabilidad de sufrir duelo complicado, este duelo complicado es similar al que pueden sufrir las personas tras una muerte no traumática, al menos respecto a sus síntomas y a los síntomas simultáneos de estrés postraumático. Por tanto, no se puede hablar de un duelo complicado traumático como diferente al duelo complicado.
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    Datos normativos, fiabilidad y validez de las escalas de trastornos de la personalidad del NEO PI-R
    (Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 2024) Sanz García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Hay un creciente interés por entender los trastornos de la personalidad (TTPP) desde el modelo de los cinco factores. Miller et al. (2005) y Costa y McCrae (2005) propusieron dos conjuntos de escalas basadas en las facetas del “Inventario de personalidad NEO-revisado” (NEO PI-R) para evaluar los TTPP del DSM-5. Existen baremos españoles para las escalas de Miller et al. (2005) a partir de muestras de selección de personal, pero no son apropiados en contextos con deseabilidad social baja. Se presentan datos normativos, de fiabilidad y validez convergente/discriminante para ambos conjuntos de escalas con voluntarios de la población general española (N = 682). Los índices de consistencia interna y validez convergente/discriminante fueron excelentes o buenos para todas las escalas, especialmente para las de Miller et al. (2005). Las diferencias entre la muestra de voluntarios y de selección de personal (d = 0,61) y entre varones y mujeres (d = 0,34-0,38) justifican el desarrollo de baremos para los dos conjuntos de escalas de TTPP para situaciones de deseabilidad social baja y separados por sexo. Se discute su utilidad en diferentes contextos.
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    Menores viviendo una guerra. Guía para crear un paraguas de protección psicológica
    (2022) Fausor De Castro, Rocío; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Cobos Redondo, Beatriz; Gesteira Santos, Clara; Navarro McCarthy, Ashley; Altungy Labrador, Pedro Rafael; Liébana Puado, Sara; Sanz-García, Ana; Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; García de Marina, Andrea; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García Vera, María De La Paz
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    Rendimiento diagnóstico y estructura factorial del Inventario para la Depresión de Beck–Segunda Edición (BDI-II) en pacientes españoles con trastornos psicológicos
    (Anales de Psicología, 2013) Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García Vera, María De La Paz
    Este estudio tenía dos objetivos. Primero, analizar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la versión española del Inventario para la Depresión de Beck–Segunda Edición (BDI-II) en una muestra de pacientes con trastornos psicológicos y, segundo, examinar si las soluciones unifactoriales y bifactoriales del BDI-II encontradas previamente en muestras similares son replicables y, de ser así, analizar la contribución relativa del factor general y de los dos factores específicos a la varianza del BDI-II. El BDI-II, junto con el módulo de los trastornos del estado de ánimo de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para los Trastornos del Eje I del DSM-IV (SCID-I VC) y un listado de cotejo de síntomas depresivos completado por el clínico, fueron aplicados a una muestra española de 322 pacientes adultos ambulatorios con diversos trastornos psicológicos. Tomando como criterio el diagnóstico clínico basado en la SCID-I VC y el listado de cotejo de síntomas depresivos, el BDI-II demostró un rendimiento diagnóstico aceptable para discriminar entre pacientes con trastorno depresivo mayor y pacientes sin depresión. Los análisis factoriales indicaron que el BDI-II mide una dimensión general de depresión compuesta por dos factores relacionados (somático y cognitivo), pero estos factores apenas explicaban varianza adicional más allá de la puntuación global.
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    Psychometric properties of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) in Spanish population
    (Psicothema, 2023) Altungy Labrador, Pedro Rafael; Liébana Puado, Sara; Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; Sanz-García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Background: The Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) is the reference instrument for measuring anxiety sensitivity. The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the ASI-3 have been examined in university students but not in adults from the general population. Whether the ASI-3 subscales provide relevant information has not yet been examined either. Method: The ASI-3’s factor structure, internal consistency, temporal stability, and relationship with neuroticism were examined in a Spanish community sample of 919 adults. Results: In two subsamples of participants, the ASI-3 presented a structure of three correlated factors (physical, cognitive, and social concerns) that loaded on a higher-order factor, but the three factors did not explain much item variance. The total scale and subscales of the ASI-3 showed excellent or good indices of internal consistency (alphas and omegas = .81 – .91), and adequate indices of test-retest reliability at two months (r = .57 – .73) and the relationship with neuroticism and its facets (r = .19 – .52). Conclusions: The ASI-3 provides reliable, valid measures of anxiety sensitivity in Spanish adults, but its subscales are not very useful beyond the information provided by the total scale.
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    Is it time to replace the Big Five personality model? Factorial structure of the NEO PI-R in a community sample of Spanish adults
    (The Journal of General Psychology, 2023) Sanz-García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Recent studies have revived the issue of whether the five-factor personality model or Big Five is the most valid to summarize the most relevant personality traits or whether, on the contrary, the basic structure of personality traits would better fit a six-factor model such as the HEXACO model: Honesty–Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to Experience (O). In a Spanish community sample of 682 adults, the factorial structure of the 30 facets of the NEO-Revised Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) and its 16 facets common to the HEXACO model was analyzed. In two subsamples of participants, the internal structure of the NEO PI-R, of 30 and 16 facets, fit the five-factor Big Five model better than the six-factor HEXACO model. In addition, the internal 30-facet structure of the NEO-PI-R replicated that obtained in the original US validation and those previously obtained in Spain, although the latter used different participant samples (people evaluated in personnel selection processes, university students). These results suggest that, at least in Spain, the five-factor personality model or Big Five is still the most valid taxonomy of personality traits.
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    Normative data, reliability, and validity of the NEO PI-R personality disorder scales
    (Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 2024) Sanz García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    There is increasing interest in understanding personality disorders (PDs) from the five-factor model. Miller et al. (2005) and Costa and McCrae (2005) proposed two sets of scales based on the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) facets to assess DSM-5 PDs. There are Spanish norms for the scales of Miller et al. (2005) based on personnel selection samples, but they are not appropriate for contexts with low social desirability. Normative, reliability, and convergent/discriminant validity data are presented for both sets of scales with volunteers from the general Spanish population (N = 682). The internal consistency and convergent/discriminant validity indices were excellent or good for all scales, especially for those of Miller et al. (2005). The differences between the sample of volunteers and that of personnel selection (d = 0.61) and between males and females (d = 0.34-0.38) justify the development of norms for the two sets of PD scales for situations of low social desirability and separate for males and females. Their usefulness in different contexts is discussed.
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    Psychological self-help guide following a terrorist attack
    (2017) García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Gesteira Santos, Clara