Sanz Fernández, Jesús

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Sanz Fernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología Clínica
Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 35
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    Depressive Dysfunctional Attitudes and Post-Traumatic Stress in Victims of Terrorist Attacks
    (Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 2022) Fausor de Castro, Rocío; García Vera, María Paz; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Cobos, Beatriz; Navarro, Roberto; Marqueses, José Manuel S.; Gesteira, Clara; Liébana Puado, Sara; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Background: The DSM-5's new conception of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) includes, as a diagnostic criterion, the presence of persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs, thoughts, or expectations about oneself, others, the world, and one's guilt. These symptoms increase the symptomatic similarity with major depressive disorder (MDD) and with the negative cognitive triad of Beck's cognitive theory of depression and allow us to assume that the dysfunctional attitudes that this theory proposes as a vulnerability factor for MDD could also refer to PTSD. Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between depressive dysfunctional attitudes and the symptoms and diagnosis of PTSD. Methods: A sample of 378 adult victims of terrorism completed measures of depressive dysfunctional attitudes (DAS-A), DSM-IV post-traumatic stress symptoms (PCL-S), depressive symptoms (BDI-II), and DSM-IV diagnosis of emotional disorders (SCID-I CV). Results: A significant relationship was found between depressive dysfunctional attitudes and PTSD symptomatology, even after controlling for the effect of depression, sex, age, education level, anxiety, and previous depressive episodes. It was also found that victims with PTSD, with or without MDD, had more depressive dysfunctional attitudes than those without emotional disorders and more achievement-perfectionism attitudes than victims with emotional disorders other than PTSD or MDD. Conclusions: The results suggest that depressive dysfunctional attitudes could be a vulnerability factor for PTSD. The results also suggest the need to refine Beck's cognitive theory proposals about dysfunctional attitudes common and specific to each emotional disorder and identify potential therapeutic targets of cognitive therapies for these disorders.
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    Long-Term Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of Terrorism in Spain
    (Frontiers in Psychology, 2022) Fausor de Castro, Rocío; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; Navarro McCarthy, Ashley; Gesteira Santos, Clara; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Cobos Redondo, Beatriz; Altungy Labrador, Pedro; Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; Sanz García, Ana; García Vera, María Paz
    Background: Scientific literature on posttraumatic growth (PTG) after terrorist attacks has primarily focused on persons who had not been directly exposed to terrorist attacks or persons who had been directly exposed to them, but who were assessed few months or years after the attacks. Methods: We examined long-term PTG in 210 adults directly exposed to terrorist attacks in Spain a mean of 29.6 years after the attacks (range: 2–47 years). The participants had been injured by a terrorist attack (38.6%) or were first-degree relatives of people who had been killed or injured by a terrorist attack (41.4% and 20%, respectively). They completed diagnostic measures of emotional disorders and measures of PTSD and depression symptomatology, optimism, and PTG. Results: Multiple regression analyses revealed gender differences (women reported higher levels of PTG than did men) and a positive linear relationship between PTG and cumulative trauma after the terrorist attack. Some PTG dimensions were significantly associated with PTSD symptomatology, these associations being linear, not curvilinear. However, PTG was not associated with depression symptomatology, diagnosis of emotional disorders, age, elapsed time since the attack, or optimism. In comparison with survivors assessed 18 years after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Spanish victims of terrorism showed higher levels of appreciation of life, but lower levels of relating to others and spiritual change. Conclusion: The findings underscore the influence of gender on PTG and provide support to the hypothesis that some emotional distress may be a necessary condition of PTG. Future studies on PTG after terrorist attacks should take into consideration the characteristics of the terrorist attack itself and the contexts of violence and threat in which it occurred. The political, social, and cultural characteristics of the community affected by it and the profile and characteristics of other traumatic events suffered after the attack should also be taken into account in further research.
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    Mental Health, Quality of Life and Coping Strategies in Vulnerable Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Psicothema, 2022) Vallejo Slocker, Laura; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García Vera, María Paz; Fresneda, Javier; Vallejo, Miguel A.
    Background: The coronavirus pandemic has led to a situation without precedent in modern history. The aim of this study is to analyse the consequences after one year of the pandemic on a group of children and adolescents assessed at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 and to determine the most effective ways of psychologically coping with this pandemic. Method: Two different, but equivalent, groups with a total of 604 (study I, 2020) and 743 (study II, 2021) children and adolescents in residential care, foster families, kinship families or family strengthening programs in Spain were evaluated using the SDQ (mental health measure), KIDSCREEN-10 index (quality of life measure) and Kidcope (coping behaviour measure). An independent sample t-test and a decision tree analysis were used. Results: The mental health of children and adolescents decreased by 9.7%, and Self-Perceived quality of life did not change after one year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonactive coping strategies predicted worse mental health and worse quality of life. Problem solving served as a protective factor. Conclusion: One year after, the COVID-19 pandemic has an effect on the psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents, and the consequences can be reduced if proper coping strategies are used.
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    ¿Cómo ayudar a los niños, las niñas y los adolescentes tras un atentado terrorista? Guía psicológica para sus madres, padres o cuidadores.
    (2021) Fausor De Castro, Rocío; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Gesteira Santos, Clara; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
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    Las ideas equivocadas sobre la depresión infantil y adolescente y su tratamiento
    (Clínica y Salud, 2020) Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García Vera, María Paz
    Se analiza la veracidad de cinco ideas muy populares sobre la naturaleza y el tratamiento de la depresión infantojuvenil que dificultan que los niños y adolescentes reciban un tratamiento apropiado y que favorecen la farmacoterapia en perjuicio de la psicoterapia. Esas ideas se contrastan con los resultados de los metaanálisis y estudios más recientes localizados en PsycINFO y MEDLINE, que contrariamente a esas ideas indican que: 1) la psicoterapia cura la depresión infantojuvenil, 2) la psicoterapia, especialmente la terapia cognitivo-conductual para niños y adolescentes y la terapia interpersonal para adolescentes, es el tratamiento de primera elección tanto para la depresión leve como para la moderada o grave y por delante de la medicación antidepresiva, 3) la psicoterapia para la depresión infantojuvenil suele ser un tratamiento de corta duración, 4) la depresión infantojuvenil se considera un trastorno mental, no una enfermedad mental y 5) no se ha demostrado empíricamente que la causa principal de la depresión infantojuvenil sea biológica, sino que esta es solamente una hipótesis más.
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    Dysfunctional Attitudes in Victims of Terrorism: Validity Evidence for the DAS-A
    (Psicothema, 2022) Fausor de Castro, Rocío; Sanz García, Ana; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; García Vera, María Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Background: The Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, Form A (DAS-A), is the reference instrument for measuring dysfunctional attitudes which, according to Beck’s cognitive theory, constitute the key vulnerability factor for depression. The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the DAS-A have been examined in university students, but not in people with psychological disorders, despite being one of the most widelyused instruments in research and clinical practice of cognitive therapy for depression. The objective of the present study was to obtain validity evidence for the DAS-A in victims of terrorism with and without emotional disorders. Method: The DAS-A’s factor structure, internal consistency, and relationship with depression were analyzed in 196 victims of terrorism with emotional disorders and 280 victims without disorders. Results: In both samples, the DAS-A exhibited a structure with three correlated factors: Achievement-Perfectionism, Dependency-Need for Approval, and Autonomous Attitude. In general, the total scale and the subscales showed good or adequate indices of internal consistency (alphas and omegas = .60 - .89) and a relationship with depression (r =.22 - .44). Conclusions: The DAS-A provides reliable, valid measures of depressogenic dysfunctional attitudes in Spanish adults with emotional disorders and victims of terrorism.
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    Dysfunctional Attitudes and Long-Term Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of Terrorist Attacks
    (Ansiedad y Estrés, 2022) Liébana Puado, Sara; Sanz-García, A.; Fausor De Castro, Rocío; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Antecedentes: Los modelos teóricos del crecimiento postraumático (CPT) suponen que un cambio en las creencias o actitudes básicas sobre el mundo y uno mismo es la raíz del CPT. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios sobre la relación entre esas actitudes y el CPT y sus resultados son contradictorios. Las contradicciones podrían aclararse utilizando un instrumento que evalúe las actitudes más específicamente relacionadas con el acontecimiento traumático (actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas) y analizando si dicha relación es lineal o en forma de U invertida. Método: Una muestra de 210 adultos expuestos directamente a atentados terroristas en España completaron medidas de trastorno emocional y medidas de sintomatología de TEPT y depresión, optimismo, actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas y depresivas y CPT una media de 29.6 años después de los atentados (rango: 2-47 años). Resultados: Análisis de regresión múltiple revelaron que algunas dimensiones del CPT a largo plazo se asociaron significativamente de forma lineal o de U invertida con las actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas, de manera que un mayor nivel de crecimiento espiritual se asociaba con un mayor nivel total de actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas y un mayor nivel de nueva valoración de la vida se asociaba con un nivel moderado total de actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas y, especialmente, de actitudes de cronificación del malestar. Sin embargo, el CPT a largo plazo no se asoció con las actitudes disfuncionales depresivas. Conclusión: Los resultados subrayan la importancia de las actitudes básicas en el CPT y ofrecen apoyo a la hipótesis de que, con el paso del tiempo, las actitudes básicas positivas de muchas de las personas que han experimentado un acontecimiento traumático se reconstruyen, pero incorporando actitudes negativas o disfuncionales, lo que supone que un cierto nivel de actitudes disfuncionales traumáticas podría ser una condición necesaria para el CPT a largo plazo.
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    Posttraumatic growth, metacognitive beliefs, self-absorption and dysfunctional trauma-related attitudes in a sample of the Spanish general population
    (Ansiedad y Estrés, 2022) Sánchez Marqueses, José Manuel; Fausor De Castro, Rocío; Sanz García, Ana; García Vera, María De La Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    Background: The prevailing theoretical models of posttraumatic growth (PTG) are fundamentally cognitive. However, few studies have examined the relationship of PTG with metacognitive beliefs, self-focused attention and trauma-related attitudes toward the world and oneself. These cognitive constructs might influence in the development of PTG. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship of PTG with dysfunctional metacognitive beliefs, dysfunctional self-focused attention (self-absorption), and dysfunctional trauma-related attitudes. Method: A sample of 250 adults (58.8% women; average age = 41.9 years) who had suffered a traumatic event in the past (on average, 14.5 years prior to the study) completed tests measuring those three cognitive constructs, symptoms of posttraumatic stress and depression, optimism, and PTG. Results: Multiple regression analyses revealed significant linear and inverted U-shaped relationships between some dimensions of PTG and negative beliefs about the uncontrollability and danger of worry, cognitive self-consciousness, private self-absorption, and dysfunctional traumatic attitudes related to chronification of distress. However, the variables that showed the greatest and most consistent relationships with PTG were the number of traumatic events suffered and posttraumatic stress symptomatology and, to a lesser extent, optimism and depressive symptomatology. Conclusion: The results highlight the important role that cognitive factors play in PTG. More specifically, the results underline the important role of people’s basic attitudes toward themselves and the world, as well as the role of self-focused attention and metacognitive beliefs. The results also support the hypothesis that a certain degree of emotional distress may be a necessary precondition for PTG.
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    Duelo complicado: Una revisión sistemática de la prevalencia, diagnóstico, factores de riesgo y de protección en población adulta de España.
    (Anales de Psicología, 2021) Parro Jiménez, Elena; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Gesteira Santos, Clara; Sanz Fernández, Jesús; García Vera, María Paz
    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue revisar el estado de la investigación psicopatológica del duelo complicado en población adulta de España, más concretamente sobre la prevalencia yfactores de riesgo asociados. Una búsqueda sistemática en PsycINFO, PsycArticles, PTSDpubs y PSICODOC identificó 12 estudios en los que, en conjunto, se había evaluado a 1,627 adultos. Los resultados de esta revisión ponen de manifiesto que no existe consenso en el diagnóstico de duelo complicado, en el uso de instrumentos de detección ni en los factores de riesgo yprotección del duelo complicado. La prevalencia media ponderada basada en 6 de los estudios revisados fue de 21.53%. Tomando en consideración el tipo de instrumento de medida del duelo utilizado, se obtuvo una prevalencia de 7.67-10.68% en aquellos estudios que utilizaban instrumentos diagnósticos y de 28.77% en los instrumentos sintomáticos. Los resultados indican que el duelo complicado se relaciona con un menor nivel socioeconómico y situación laboral desfavorable, la pérdida de un hijo o cónyuge, menor edad del fallecido, vulnerabilidad psicológica previa, consumo de psicofármacos y comorbilidad con otros trastornos. El apoyo social, los cuidados paliativos, las estrategias de afrontamiento centradas en el problema, el empleo de actividades agradables y la trascendencia o espiritualidad se presentan como factores protectores.
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    Relationships of the Big Five facets and dysfunctional attitudes with depression
    (Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2022) Fausor de Castro, Rocío; Morán Rodríguez, Noelia; Gesteira Santos, Clara; Cobos, Beatriz; Sanz García, Ana; Liébana Puado, Sara; Altungy Labrador, Pedro; García Vera, María Paz; Sanz Fernández, Jesús
    There are two parallel lines of research on the relationship between personality and depression, one based on the Big Five personality model and one on Beck’s cognitive theory of depression. However, no study has jointly examined the dimensions and facets of the Big Five and the dysfunctional attitudes of Beck’s theory. This was the objective of the present study. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DASA), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-IA) were applied to 221 adults from the Spanish general population (53.7% females; mean age: 38.3 years). Various multiple linear regression analyses revealed that only the facet of depression was significantly related to depressive symptomatology. The different associations of the broad and specific personality traits and the need to control as many third variables as possible to prevent the finding of spurious relationships are discussed.