Arrogante Maroto, Óscar

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Arrogante Maroto
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología
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    SIMULAZERO: taller de simulación para actualizar conocimientos y habilidades en la prevención de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica y bacteriemia relacionada con catéter (Proyectos Zero)
    (Enfermería Intensiva, 2022) Raurell Torredà, M.; Zaragoza García, Ignacio; Aliberch Raurell, A.M.; Sánchez Chillón, Francisco Javier; Torralba Melero, M.; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Rojo Rojo, A.; Gómez Ibáñez, R.; Lamoglia Puig, M.; Farrés Tarafa, M.
    La evidencia demuestra que la formación de las enfermeras de cuidados críticos en la prevención de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NVM) y la bacteriemia relacionada con catéter (BRC) disminuye la estancia y la mortalidad en la UCI. El Consejo Asesor de los Proyectos de Seguridad «Tolerancia Zero», del Ministerio de Sanidad, propone promover dicha formación, y la metodología docente de la simulación emerge como óptima para entrenar las habilidades y los conocimientos necesarios. El aprendizaje basado en la simulación es una metodología docente centrada en el estudiante que promueve un feedback inmediato y participativo entre profesores y participantes, conocido como debriefing. El objetivo es desarrollar habilidades técnicas (necesarias para llevar a cabo un procedimiento concreto) o habilidades no técnicas (comunicación, liderazgo, trabajo en equipo, consciencia situacional, toma de decisiones, uso de los recursos, práctica segura y disminución de eventos adversos). El curso SIMULAZERO se basa en una prueba de Evaluación Clínica Objetiva Estructurada (ECOE) integrada por dos escenarios de baja fidelidad para la formación en la técnica de aspiración de secreciones y la inserción de un catéter, respectivamente, y un escenario de alta fidelidad para el desarrollo de habilidades no técnicas. Se describe cómo preparar cada escenario (caso clínico, guion para los actores y material necesario) para que se pueda implementar la formación en la propia unidad de cuidados intensivos, así como el instrumento NEUMOBACT, la parrilla de evaluación en la que basarse para desarrollar el debriefing.
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    Barriers and Facilitators to the Learning and Acquisition of Research Competencies among Nursing Students through Active Methodologies: A Qualitative Study Using Reflective Writing
    (Healthcare, 2023) Velarde García, Juan Francisco; Álvarez Embarba, Beatriz; Moro Tejedor, Maria Nieves; Rodríguez Leal, Leyre; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Alvarado Zambrano, María Gema; Pérez Corrales, Jorge; Palacios Ceña, Domingo
    Background: The development of educational research, critical thinking skills, and evidence-based practice requires proposals for educational innovation. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of undergraduate nursing students on the barriers and facilitators after the implementation of a novel activity within the course of research methodology, composed of three active learning strategies: (a) project-based learning; (b) small-group learning; and (c) self-directed learning. Methods: A qualitative exploratory study using reflective writing was conducted at the Nursing Department of the Red Cross School (Spain). Seventy-four nursing students participated in the study, enrolled in the research methodology course. Purposive sampling was used. Online reflective notes were collected from a script of open-ended questions. An inductive thematic analysis was performed. Results: The new proposals facilitated learning of the subject matter and its contents. They were useful and enabled the students to put the contents into practice. In addition, they improved the students’ organization, planning, and involvement. The barriers identified were a lack of time, ambiguity, inadequate tutoring or novelty of the work, and inequity in the distribution of tasks and workloads. Conclusions: Our findings shed light on the barriers and facilitators identified by nursing students when implementing an educational innovation proposal, using three active learning methodologies as learning tools for the subject of nursing research.
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    Improving Humanization Skills through Simulation-Based Computers Using Simulated Nursing Video Consultations
    (Healthcare, 2021) Jiménez Rodríguez, Diana; Pérez Heredia, Mercedes; Molero Jurado, María del Mar; Pérez Fuentes, María del Carmen; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar
    During the COVID-19 confinement, we converted our clinical simulation sessions into simulated video consultations. This study aims to evaluate the effects of virtual simulation-based training on developing and cultivating humanization competencies in undergraduate nursing students. A quasi-experimental study was conducted with 60 undergraduate nursing students. A validated questionnaire was used to evaluate the acquisition of humanization competencies (self-efficacy, sociability, affection, emotional understanding, and optimism). The development of humanization competencies in this group composed of undergraduate nursing students was evaluated using virtual simulation-based training, comparing the levels obtained in these competencies at baseline (pre-test) and after the virtual simulation experience (post-test). After the virtual simulation sessions, students improved their levels in humanization total score and the emotional understanding and self-efficacy competencies, obtaining large effects sizes in all of them (rB = 0.508, rB = 0.713, and rB = 0.505 respectively). This virtual simulation modality enables training in the humanization of care with the collaboration of standardized patients in the form of simulated nursing video consultations and the performance of high-fidelity simulation sessions that comply with the requirements of best practices. Therefore, this methodology could be considered as another choice for virtual simulation. Additionally, this virtual modality could be a way to humanize virtual simulation.
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    Simulated Video Consultations as a Learning Tool in Undergraduate Nursing: Students’ Perceptions
    (Healthcare, 2020) Jiménez Rodríguez, Diana; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar
    Simulated video consultations, a teaching tool based on high-fidelity simulations, were implemented in response to the necessary adaptation of high-fidelity clinical simulation sessions to the online or virtual modality during the university closure due to the COVID-19 confinement. The purpose of our study was to explore the undergraduate nursing students’ satisfaction and perceptions about simulated video consultations using the high-fidelity simulation methodology. A mixed-method was utilized with 93 undergraduate nursing students using a validated satisfaction questionnaire (quantitative data), which included an observations section (qualitative data). Of the total sample, 97.8% of the students expressed a high overall satisfaction with simulated video consultations, highlighting their practical utility and positive learning outcomes. From the students’ comments, two main themes and their related categories emerged: advantages (satisfaction and enjoyment, learning, and calmness during simulated scenarios), and disadvantages (technical issues and technical skills development). Simulated video consultations may be considered as one more high-fidelity simulation teaching option. Nursing students should be trained in this modality of healthcare to face the challenge brought on by its increased use in healthcare services, beyond the specific adaptation of clinical simulation sessions due to the closure of universities during this pandemic.
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    Design and content validation of a checklist about infection‐prevention performance of intensive care nurses in simulation‐based scenarios
    (Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2024) Raurell Torredà, Marta; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Aliberch Raurell, Anna María; Sánchez Chillón, Francisco Javier; Torralba Melero, Martín; Rojo Rojo, Andrés; Gomez Ibañez, Rebeca; Lamoglia Puig, Montserrat; Farrés Tarafa, Mariona; Zaragoza García, Ignacio
    Objective: To design, develop and validate a new tool, called NEUMOBACT, to evalu-ate critical care nurses' knowledge and skills in ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and catheter- related bacteraemia (CRB) prevention through simulation scenarios in-volving central venous catheter (CVC), endotracheal suctioning (ETS) and mechani-cally ventilated patient care (PC) stations.Background: Simulation- based training is an excellent way for nurses to learn preven-tion measures in VAP and CRB.Design: Descriptive metric study to develop NEUMOBACT and analyse its content and face validity that followed the COSMIN Study Design checklist for patient- reported outcome measurement instruments.Methods: The first version was developed with the content of training modules in use at the time (NEUMOBACT-1). Delphi rounds were used to assess item relevance with experts in VAP and CRB prevention measures, resulting in NEUMOBACT-2. Experts in simulation methods then assessed feasibility, resulting in NEUMOBACT-3. Finally, a pilot test was conducted among 30 intensive care unit (ICU) nurses to assess the applicability of the evaluation tool in clinical practice.Results: Seven national experts in VAP and CRB prevention and seven national simula-tion experts participated in the analysis to assess the relevance and feasibility of each item, respectively. After two Delphi rounds with infection experts, four Delphi rounds with simulation experts, and pilot testing with 30 ICU nurses, the NEUMOBACT- FINAL tool consisted of 17, 26 and 21 items, respectively, for CVC, ETS and PC.Conclusion: NEUMOBACT-FINAL is useful and valid for assessing ICU nurses' knowl-edge and skills in VAP and CRB prevention, acquired through simulation. Relevance for Clinical Practice: Our validated and clinically tested tool could facilitate the transfer of ICU nurses' knowledge and skills learning in VAP and CRB prevention to critically ill patients, decreasing infection rates and, therefore, improving patient safety.Patient or Public Contribution: Experts participated in the Delphi rounds and nurses in the pilot test.
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    Breaking the Stigma in Mental Health Nursing through High-Fidelity Simulation Training
    (Nursing Reports, 2023) Simonelli Muñoz, Agustín Javier; Jiménez Rodríguez, Diana; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Plaza del Pino, Fernando Jesús; Gallego Gómez, Juana Inés
    The social stigma toward individuals with mental health problems is habitual among nursing students, which can lead to poor quality of health care services for patients with mental illnesses. The purpose of the present study was to learn about nursing students’ perceptions of providing care to patients with severe mental disorders before and after participating in a simulated student clinical case. A descriptive qualitative study was conducted through 39 interviews. The difficulties expected by the students and their perceptions about patients were explored before the simulation training. Their perceptions about the use of clinical simulation for learning about the adequate management of these patients were analyzed afterwards. Results: Before the simulation training, the students assessed the case as being complicated, expressed their lack of specific training, and felt fear and insecurity, thus reproducing the stigma towards mental health patients. After this training, they positively valued the usefulness of the clinical simulation for gaining confidence and overcoming the stigma. Discussion: The use of high-fidelity simulation offers nursing students the opportunity to approach patients with mental health conditions, overcoming their fears and normalizing mental disorders. Simulation training allows nursing students to analyze the reasoning of clinical judgment and to detect the influence of previous prejudices about mental illness in their clinical decision. This study was not registered.
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    Programa de entrenamiento basado en TeamSTEPPS® mediante simulación clínica en profesionales de cuidados intensivos: un estudio con metodología mixta
    (Enfermería Intensiva, 2023) Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Raurell Torredà, M.; Zaragoza García, Ignacio; Sánchez Chillón, Francisco Javier; Aliberch Raurell, A.M.; Amaya Arias, A.; Rojo Rojo, A.
    Introducción: El programa Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS®) ha demostrado mejorar el trabajo interprofesional entre los profesionales sanitarios mejorando el trabajo en equipo. Se formó a profesionales de cuidados intensivos en esta metodología mediante el Curso “Instructor/a en simulación: Mejorando el Trabajo en Equipo a Través de TeamSTEPPS®”. Objetivos: Analizar el desempeño del trabajo en equipo y las buenas prácticas en simulación de los profesionales de cuidados intensivos asistentes al curso y explorar sus percepciones sobre la experiencia formativa llevada cabo durante el mismo. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal y fenomenológico mediante una metodología mixta. Se aplicaron a los 18 asistentes al curso los cuestionarios “TeamSTEPPS™ 2.0 Team Performance Observation Tool” para evaluar el desempeño del trabajo en equipo y “Educational Practices Questionnaire” para las buenas prácticas en simulación tras los escenarios simulados. Posteriormente se realizó una entrevista grupal a través de un grupo focal a 8 asistentes mediante la plataforma de videoconferencias Zoom™. Se realizó un análisis temático y de contenido de los discursos desde el paradigma interpretativo. Los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos se analizaron mediante los programas IBM SPSS Statistics™ 27.0 y MAXQDA Analytics Pro™ respectivamente. Resultados: Tanto el nivel de desempeño del trabajo en equipo (media = 96,25; DT = 8,257) como las buenas prácticas en simulación (media = 75; DT = 1,632) tras los escenarios simulados fueron adecuados. Se identificaron los siguientes temas principales: satisfacción con la metodología TeamSTEPPS®, utilidad de la metodología, barreras de implementación de la misma y habilidades no técnicas mejoradas a través del TeamSTEPPS®. Conclusiones: La metodología TeamSTEPPS® puede ser una buena estrategia de educación interprofesional para la mejora de la comunicación el trabajo en equipo en profesionales de cuidados intensivos, tanto a nivel asistencial (mediante estrategias de simulación in situ), como a nivel docente (mediante su inclusión en el curriculum de los estudiantes).
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    Romani Women and Health: The Need for a Cultural-Safety Based Approach
    (Healthcare, 2022) Plaza del Pino, Fernando Jesús; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Gallego Gómez, Juana Inés; Simonelli Muñoz, Agustín Javier; Castro Luna, Gracia; Jiménez Rodríguez, Diana
    The Romani are the main European ethnic minority. The Romani people’s situation of social vulnerability and their difficulties accessing the health system make their health indicators worse than those of the non-Romani population. The present study will delve into health beliefs, and experiences with health services and professionals, through the perspectives of Romani women. In this qualitative study, 16 women of different ages were interviewed in a city located in the South of Spain. Four themes emerged from the analysis of the data: the construction of the identity of Romani women, difficulties in life, health and disease beliefs and barriers to accessing the health system. We conclude that every project for the improvement of the health of the Romani community must take into account the active participation of Romani women and must consider the principles of Cultural Safety, by delving into the intercultural training of health professionals and addressing the social determinants of health which affect the Romani collective.
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    Project number: 255
    Desarrollo de competencias clínicas mediante Simulación Virtual en alumnos de último curso del Grado de Enfermería en tiempos de COVID-19
    (2021) Zaragoza García, Ignacio; Ortuño Soriano, Ismael; Sánchez Chillón, Francisco Javier; Carrasco Rodriguez-Rey, Luis Fernando; Posada Moreno, Paloma; Raurell Torredá, Marta; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Cernuda González, Vicente; Cruz Ramírez, Lorena; Gómez Higuera, Jacinto
    Durante la pandemia Covid-19, la comunidad universitaria se ha visto obligada a reconducir toda la docencia. Con la intención de poder evaluar nuevas herramientas de aprendizaje, que mejoren conocimientos y desarrollen competencias relacionados con los cuidados de enfermería, se realizó un amplio rastreo de herramientas que pudieran ser adecuadas para la formación práctica de nuestros estudiantes. En esta búsqueda, se encontraron diferentes opciones, destacando especialmente la plataforma vSim® For Nursing. La relevancia de esta herramienta se basa en su formato online y la posibilidad de adaptación de toda su metodología a distancia, lo que disminuye el riesgo de contagios por Covid-19. Por ello, nos propusimos como objetivo general: Evaluar la adquisición de competencias clínicas mediante una plataforma de simulación virtual en el último curso del Grado de Enfermería. Los resultados de la utilización de la herramienta fueron óptima. Mejoraron los conocimientos, se incrementaron habilidades clínicas y la satisfacción fue elevada por parte de los participantes.
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    Project number: 432
    La alimentación como herramienta para promover la vida sana y el bienestar. Intervención educativa en estudiantes de enfermería sobre el etiquetado mediante Nutri-Score.
    (2023) Zaragoza García, Ignacio; Ortuño Soriano, Ismael; Carrasco Rodriguez-Rey, Luis Fernando; Arrogante Maroto, Óscar; Villar García, Susana; Mellides González, Marta; Jurado Molina, Rebeca Araceli; Martínez Izquierdo, Paula; Rodríguez Sáncho, María José
    La obesidad supone un reto para los profesionales sanitarios. Se han desarrollo diferentes estrategias, entre las que se encuentra Nutri-Score. En este estudio, se ha desarrollado un cuestionario de conocimientos y opiniones relacionados con el etiquetado nutricional, se ha realizado un formación relacionada con el etiquetado y Nutri-Scores y se ha evaluado antes y después los conocimientos y actitudes hacia el etiquetado nutricional y Nutri-Score.