Gil López, Águeda

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Gil López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Economía Aplicada, Estructura e Historia
Historia e Instituciones Económicas
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    Project number: PIMCD312/23-24
    Taller de memoria para la reconstrucción biográfica: una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio en el estudio de la historia económica contemporánea de España (Parte II)
    (2024) Ortiz-Villajos López, José María; San Román López, Elena Cristina; Gil López, Águeda; Mateo López-Mora, Teresa; López Paredes, Gonzalo Efraín; Hernández Barahona, Jorge; González Bernardos, Álvaro; García Aguilar, Silvia; Ortiz-Villajos López, José María
    El proyecto ha realizado una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio mediante un taller de memoria con mayores de un Centro de Día, utilizando sus biografías como instrumento de análisis de la historia económica contemporánea de España.
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    A gender approach to the impact of COVID-19 on tourism employment
    (Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2022) Gloria Claudio Quiroga; Luis A. Gil-Alana; Gil López, Águeda; Frank Babinger
    This paper analyses how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced employment in the Spanish tourism sector from a gender perspective and aims to infer its impact on sustainability. We use employment data from 2002 (Q1) to 2020 (Q4) on women and men in the Spanish hospitality sector and employ fractional integration methods to determine the temporary scope of the shock. Our results suggest that the impact of the pandemic will have a permanent effect, unless strong policy measures are adopted to resume pre-crisis trends. We also found that persistence is higher for women’s than for men’s employment. Therefore, women seem to be more vulnerable to the shocks of COVID-19, making sustainable development of tourism in Spain more difficult. Based on our results, we offer policy recommendations to counter the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and tourism sustainability.
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    Project number: 184
    Taller de memoria y nuevas tecnologías para la reconstrucción biográfica: una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio en el estudio de la historia económica contemporánea de España
    (2023) Ortiz-Villajos López, José María; San Román López, Elena Cristina; Gil López, Águeda; Mateo López-Mora, Teresa; López Paredes, Gonzalo Efraín; Hernández Barahona, Jorge; García Aguilar, Silvia
    El proyecto ha llevado a cabo una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio mediante un taller de memoria y tecnología con mayores de un Centro de Día y utilizando sus biografías como instrumento de análisis de la historia económica contemporánea de España.
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    The Visible Hand of corporate entrepreneurship in state-owned enterprises: a longitudinal study of the Spanish National Postal Operator
    (International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2022) Unai Arzubiaga; Alfredo De Massis; Gil López, Águeda; San Román López, Elena Cristina
    This study explores how the corporate entrepreneurship (CE) of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) evolves under varying conditions of state ownership and control, laws and norms, and competence in the market. For this purpose, we present a longitudinal case study focused on the Spanish postal operator Correos using qualitative archival data and interviews. Our results indicate that the willingness and capacity of an SOE to act entrepreneurially depends critically on its degree of autonomy from the state and on the extent to which its legal and market environments increase its dynamism, complexity, and hostility. We also show that the development of CE in an SOE may lead to improved service quality, operational efficiency, and business specialization; facilitate its market positioning; and foster its sustainability through the exploration and exploitation of strategic alliances that can increase its business scope.
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    El transporte urgente en España: Una perspectiva histórica
    (Haciendo historia económica: nuevas investigaciones, nuevos investigadores, 2015) Gil López, Águeda; Universidad de Granada
    El objetivo de estas páginas es presentar los primeros resultados de una investigación en curso dedicada al estudio del sector del transporte urgente en España. Su evolución histórica y su configuración empresarial son materias aún desconocidas para la historia económica y empresarial contemporánea. A partir de un estudio de carácter cualitativo, las primeras conclusiones apuntan a que nos encontramos ante un sector de gran importancia económica, en el que las principales empresas españolas se han apoyado, tal y como indica la teoría, en unas redes empresariales que han permitido su supervivencia en un entorno económico e institucional imperfecto.
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    La mirada del Ejército sobre la industria: Artilleros e Ingenieros ante la segunda oleada industrializadora
    (Revista de Historia Militar, 2013) Monserrat Álvarez; Pedro Pablo Ortúñez; Gil López, Águeda; San Román López, Elena Cristina
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    German Capital and the development of the Spanish hotel industry (1950s-1990s): A tale of two strategic alliances
    (Business History, 2020) San Román López, Elena Cristina; Gil López, Águeda; Puig Raposo, Nuria
    This article examines the long-term development of two strategic alliances between major Spanish (RUI and Iberostar) and German (TUI and Neckermann) tourist firms. Our research builds on the literature on foreign direct investment and institutionalism applied to cross-border cooperation, yet using business history research methods. The study aims to understand how the local Spanish context shaped the interaction between foreign and domestic firms and how this interaction influenced the development of the Spanish companies. Our cases suggest that the Spanish institutional framework affected the nature and strength of alliances. Foreign partners were crucial in providing financial and commercial support, brand consolidation, market knowledge and reputation. However, local actors also played an important role as proactive partners eager to develop their domestic business and upgrade their existing capabilities. Ultimately this strategy would contribute to the internationalisation of Spanish firms after 1990.
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    Contextualizing corporate entrepreneurship theory: the historical case of the Spanish engineering consulting firm TYPSA (1966-2000)
    (Management and Organizational History, 2021) Álvaro Moya, Adoración; Gil López, Águeda; San Román López, Elena Cristina
    Drawing on the corporate entrepreneurship (CE) theory, this article examines the rise of the Spanish engineering consulting firm Técnica y Proyectos SA (TYPSA), from its foundation, in 1966, as a project office within a larger national-based construction fgroup, until its consolidation as a family multinational in the 2000s. Our research shows how contextual and intra-organizational changes affect the CE drivers identified by entrepreneurship theory, and highlights resilience as a new element reinforcing entrepreneurial orientation over time. The study also enriches the Chandlerianbiased historical debate by focusing on project-based professional services and assessing the role of decentralization and managerial leadership in corporate entrepreneurship