Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto

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Ferreiroa Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Odontología Conservadora y Prótesis
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    Clinical study comparing the accuracy of interocclusal records, digitally obtained by three diferent devices
    (Clinical Oral Investigations, 2021) Fraile Benítez, Cristina; Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Romeo Rubio, Marta; Alonso, Raquel; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús
    Objective: The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to compare the interocclusal contact records obtained by three different digital methods (intra- and extraoral digital scanners and T-Scan III system) with the conventional method (articulating paper). Materials and methods: Twenty-five healthy volunteers were selected. As a control group, maximum intercuspation occlusal contacts were registered and photographed from the patients with an 8 µm articulating paper. Then, intraoral conventional elastomer impressions were taken and after obtaining the corresponding plaster models of every patient they were scanned with an extraoral scanner (Zfx Evolution, Zimmer Biomet Dental) (group 1). Moreover, digital impressions were made with an intraoral scanner (Trios Color POD, Phibo, 3Shape) and contacts were also registered (group 2). Finally, T-Scan III records were made and stored for further analysis (group 3). Two previously calibrated examiners independently evaluated the interocclusal contacts from every group. Data was analyzed by using Kappa index test and Pearson's chi-square test. Diagnostic tests and ROC curve were also performed. Results: Kappa interoperator index was 70.6% (better agreement). In Kappa intraoperator index, the best value was obtained in the intraoral scanner group (moderate agreement) and the worst with T-Scan III group (low agreement). ROC curve showed highest values in the intraoral scanner group (0.817) and lowest values in the T-Scan III group (0.613). Conclusion: Results suggest greater reliability to record occlusal contacts with the intraoral scanner. Clinical relevance: Intraoral scanners seem to be reliable in registering intermaxillary occlusal contacts when compared with the current gold standard.
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    Project number: 322
    Integración de un equipamiento de escaneado intraoral en la actividad docente de la asignatura de Prótesis I
    (2022) Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Valverde Espejo, Arelhys Rosa; Salido Rodríguez-Manzaneque, María Paz; Gómez Cogolludo, Pablo; Martínez Rus, Francisco; Berrendero Dávila, Santiago; García Naranjo, Ana María
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    Cemented and screw-retained implant-supported single-tooth restorations in the molar mandibular region: A retrospective comparison study after an observation period of 1 to 4 years
    (Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2014) Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Peñarrocha-Diago, Miguel; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Sola-Ruiz, María Fernanda; Agustín Panadero, Rubén
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival and compare the appearance of different mechanical and biological complications, in screw-retained and cemented-retained single-tooth implant-supported restorations licalized in the molar mandibular region, over a period of 1 to 4 years. Material and methods: A retrospective study was carried out with a total of eighty implant-supported restorations, which were placed in eighty patients for prosthetic rehabilitation of a mandibular molar. Forty patients were rehabilitated with a cemented-retained restoration and the other forty with a screw-retained restoration. The presence of the following complications was recorded for both types of prostheses: Fractures of the ceramic veneering , loosening screws, mucositis and peri-implantitis. Debonding of the restoration was analyzed in the cemented-retained restoration group. The clinical survival of crowns was analyzed with a Kaplan-Meier test and the clinical complications were compared, using a Student t test and Log-rank test. Results: 27 patients registered some complication. The average rate of complications was 37,5% for cemented-retained restorations and 30% for screw-retained restorations. the complications more common in the cemented-retained restoration were the presence of mucositis (14,87%), while in the screw-retained restorations was the loosening screw (20%). Student t test and Log-Rank test found significant differences (p=0,001) between the screw loosening and presence of mucositis. Conclusions: The cemented-retained restorations seem to prevent screww loosening, but the presence of cement seem to increase the complications around the soft tissues, however in the screw-retained restorations the presence of mucositis and peri-implantitis are lower than cemented-retained restorations. The incidence of fracture of ceramic veneering was similar in both groups.
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    Restauraciones cerámicas implantosoportadas cementadas sobre pilares de circona o titanio : análisis del comportamiento mecánico
    (2014) Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Martínez Rus, Francisco
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    Project number: 399
    Uso del escáner facial en odontología para el conocimiento de parámetros estéticos en docencia de Prótesis I
    (2021) Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Martínez Rus, Francisco; Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Salido Rodríguez-Manzaneque, María Paz; Gómez Cogolludo, Pablo; Valverde Espejo, Arelhys Rosa; Berrendero Dávila, Santiago
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    Project number: 271
    Evaluación de la efectividad del uso de un escáner intraoral y un programa informático de análisis de preparaciones dentarias para prótesis fija en la adquisición de competencias psico-motrices en la asignatura de PRÓTESIS dental II
    (2017) Pradíes Ramiro, Guillermo Jesús; Salido Rodríguez-Manzaneque, María Paz; Ferreiroa Navarro, Alberto; Valverde Espejo, Arelhys Rosa; Martínez Rus, Francisco; Gómez Cogolludo, Pablo; Berrendero Dávila, Santiago; Cardenas Parra, Eduardo