André García, Francisco Javier

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First Name
Francisco Javier
Last Name
André García
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Análisis Económico y economía cuantitativa
Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 32
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    Intertemporal and spatial location of disposal facilities
    (Spanish Economic Review, 2009) André García, Francisco Javier; Velasco, Francisco; González-Abril, Luis
    The optimal capacities and locations of a sequence of landfills are studied, and the interactions between these characteristics are considered. Deciding the capacity of a landfill has some spatial implications since it affects the feasible region for the remaining landfills, and some temporal implications because the capacity determines the lifetime of the landfill and hence the moment of time when the next landfills should be constructed. Some general mathematical properties of the solution are provided and interpreted from an economic point of view. The resulting problem turns out to be non-convex and, therefore, it cannot be solved by conventional optimization techniques. Some global optimization methods are used to solve the problem in a particular case in order to illustrate how the solution depends on the parameter values.
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    Optimal sequence of landfills in solid waste management
    (Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2001) André García, Francisco Javier; Cerdá Tena, Emilio
    Given that landfills are depletable and replaceable resources, the right approach, when dealing with landfill management, is that of designing an optimal sequence of landfills rather than designing every single landfill separately. In this paper we use Optimal Control models, with mixed elements of both continuous and discrete time problems, to determine an optimal sequence of landfills, as regarding their capacity and lifetime. The resulting optimization problems involve splitting a time horizon of planning into several subintervals, the length of which has to be decided. In each of the subintervals some costs, the amount of which depends on the value of the decision variables, have to be borne. The obtained results may be applied to other economic problems such as private and public investments, consumption decisions on durable goods, etc.
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    Project number: 148
    Diseño de un modelo SIGC en el marco del programa AUDIT para la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
    (2017) García Greciano, María Begoña; Martín López, Sonia; Fossas Olalla, Marta; Alonso Guinea, Fernando; Rivero Rodríguez, Carlos; García Goñi, Manuel; André García, Francisco Javier; Palafox Parejo, María Manuela; Pérez González, Jesús
    El presente proyecto pone de manifiesto el compromiso de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con la mejora continua de la calidad en el marco del programa AUDIT. Se pretenden establecer los criterios de calidad, hacer el seguimiento de los procesos definidos para lograrlos y establecer estrategias de mejora continua, así como responder al compromiso de satisfacción de las necesidades y respuesta a las expectativas de los diferentes grupos de interés, y facilitar el seguimiento de las titulaciones implantadas.
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    Auctioning versus grandfathering in cap-and-trade systems with market power and incomplete information
    (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2015) Álvarez González, Francisco; André García, Francisco Javier
    We compare auctioning and grandfathering as allocation mechanisms of emission permits when there is a secondary market with market power and firms have private information on their own abatement technologies. Based on real-life cases such as the EU ETS, we consider a multi-unit, multi-bid uniform auction. At the auction, each firm anticipates its role in the secondary market, either as a leader or a follower. This role affects each firms’ valuation of the permits (which are not common across firms) as well as their bidding strategies and it precludes the auction from generating a cost-effective allocation of permits, as it occurs in simpler auction models. Auctioning tends to be more cost-effective than grandfathering when the firms’ abatement cost functions are sufficiently different from one another, especially if the follower has lower abatement costs than the leader and the dispersion of the marginal costs is large enough.
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    Societal Awareness of Environmental Certifications in Costa Rica
    (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021) Valenciano Salazar, Jorge A.; André García, Francisco Javier; Soliño, Mario
    The effectiveness of voluntary environmental programs and certifications to render social and private benefits depends on how aware consumers are, so that they can consider such initiatives when making their decisions. Consumers’ awareness has been mostly addressed in developed countries, although the benefits of companies’ environmental actions also take place in developing countries. This study is conducted in a developing country, such as Costa Rica. Using a large sample (n = 1191), consumers’ awareness of environmental certifications is studied at a general level (being able to name some environmental certification or program) and at a specific level (ability to name certified firms). The results show that consumers who are younger, with higher household income, with a university or technical degree and those participating in environmental or community groups are more likely to be aware of environmental certifications on both levels. Moreover, aware consumers tend to be more willing to pay for a certified coffee or a coffee produced by a certified company.
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    Voluntary carbon neutral programs. Adoption and firms’ strategies
    (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022) Valenciano Salazar, Jorge A.; André García, Francisco Javier
    Voluntary Carbon Neutral (CN) programs promote the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions of participants. The main objective of this article is to review the literature about firms' behavior in connection to CN programs, paying particular attention to the adoption decision and the firms' strategies to meet the CN requirements. As an additional aim, we analyze the economic rationale behind the firms' decisions by connecting our literature review to a simple model based on the standard microeconomic theory of the firm. We model the firm's decision as a three-stage problem which includes, first, the adoption (or not) of a voluntary CN program, second, the selection of strategies to become CN (if the program is adopted) and third, the usual price and quantity decisions in the output market. The model helps understand some results found in the literature, such as why some activity sectors are more prone than others to adopt the CN certification. It also provides an explanation for the fact that these voluntary programs tend to be adopted by firms that are large, innovative, and more concerned about intergenerational equity and environmental preservation.
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    Defining efficient policies in a general equilibrium model: a multi-objective approach
    (Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2008) André García, Francisco Javier; Cardenete, M. Alejandro
    Macroeconomic policy makers are typically concerned with several indicators of economic performance. We thus propose to tackle the design of macroeconomic policy using Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. More specifically, we employ Multiobjective Programming (MP) to seek so-called efficient policies. The MP approach is combined with a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. We chose use of a CGE model since they have the dual advantage of being consistent with standard economic theory while allowing one to measure the effect(s) of a specific policy with real data. Applying the proposed methodology to Spain (via the 1995 Social Accounting Matrix) we first quantified the trade-offs between two specific policy objectives: growth and inflation, when designing fiscal policy. We then constructed a frontier of efficient policies involving real growth and inflation. In doing so, we found that policy in 1995 Spain displayed some degree of inefficiency with respect to these two policy objectives. We then offer two sets of policy recommendations that, ostensibly, could have helped Spain at the time. The first deals with efficiency independent of the importance given to both growth and inflation by policy makers (we label this set: general policy recommendations). A second set depends on which policy objective is seen as more important by policy makers: increasing growth or controlling inflation (we label this one: objective-specific recommendations).
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    Strategic Interaction Among Firms in Output and Emission Markets: A Unified Framework
    (Games in Management Science, 2019) André García, Francisco Javier; Castro Lejarriaga, Luis Miguel De; Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Simon Sigué, Sihem Taboubi
    Cap-and-trade (CAT) programs are nowadays a common tool used by authorities to regulate polluting emissions and tackle environmental problems such as Climate Change. In this chapter, we analyze the implications of firm’s strategic behavior in product and emission permit markets for the success of these policies. We survey the related literature focusing on the relevance of market structure and firms’ competition. We develop a simple but unifying setting to revisit some of the main academic results on the subject
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    Socioeconomic driving forces behind air polluting emissions in Mexico
    (Plos One, 2023) Mayra Vega-Campa; Mario Soliño; André García, Francisco Javier; Muhammad Khalid Bashir
    Air pollution is one of the most severe environmental problems that Mexico is currently facing. The objective of this paper is to quantify the most relevant socioeconomic driving forces behind air polluting emissions and, more specifically, 7 local pollutants in Mexico. We do so in a multilevel version of the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence and Technology (STIRPAT) model that accounts for the spatial heterogeneity at the municipal level across the country. The results show that the most relevant variables to determine the emissions of atmospheric pollutants are the population, the harvested area and the number of cars, while technological development helps to mitigate such emissions. The ecological elasticities are, in all cases, smaller than one. Our purpose is to provide quantitative information about these socioeconomic driving forces of air deterioration as a basis to establish some recommendations for environmental policy decision-making.
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    Un enfoque multicriterio de los problemas de política macroeconómica
    (1997) André García, Francisco Javier; Cerdá Tena, Emilio
    Se presenta una forma de abordar los problemas de Política Económica desde la perspectiva de la Decisión Multicriterio. Se utiliza como marco inicial de referencia el clásico modelo IS/LM y se emplean varias técnicas alternativas para la elección de combinaciones óptimas de políticas según los criterios establecidos por las Autoridades Económicas. También se presentan posibles extensiones del modelo y una propuesta de aplicación empírica a la economía real mediante un modelo econométrico que deriva en un problema dinámico de decisión.