Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana

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Alieva Krasheninnikova
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty / Institute
Ciencias Físicas
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    Project number: PIMCD83/23-24
    Prácticas en óptica avanzada: desarrollo y método de evaluación
    (2024) Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Martínez Matos, Óscar; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María; Rodrigo Martín Romo, José Augusto; Rosich Velarde, Diego; Pérez Benito, Óscar; Franco Rodríguez, Enar; Diez Garrote Francisco
    El proyecto se enfoca en la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza práctica en la asignatura Coherencia Óptica y Láser del cuarto curso del Grado en Física y en la asignatura obligatoria Instrumentación Biomédica del Máster en Física Biomédica. Para ello se han desarrollado prácticas avanzadas en el área de Óptica, modernizado los contenidos de prácticas ya existentes y actualizado los métodos de evaluación de los resultados de aprendizaje del estudiante.
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    Project number: 49
    Ampliación y actualización de las prácticas del laboratorio de Instrumentación Biomédica buscando un aprendizaje y evaluación centrados en el estudiante
    (2020) Chevalier Del Río, Margarita; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Martínez Matos, Óscar; Rodrigo Martín Romo, José Augusto; Canabal Boutureira, Héctor Alfonso; Comas Renfigo, María Dolores; Soto Rueda, Juan Manuel; Angulo Curto, Mercedes; Castillo García, María
    El objetivo del proyecto es el diseño de las prácticas de laboratorio para la asignatura Instrumentación Biomédica del Master de Física Biomédica. Se pretende mejorar el aprendizaje potenciando la participación activa y autonomía de los estudiantes. La falta de financiación económica se ha traducido en obtener como resultado del proyecto la redacción de guiones de prácticas que posibiliten el trabajo individual del alumno fuera del laboratorio dado el alto número de alumnos por puesto para llevar a cabo las prácticas. Estos guiones se han complementado con scripts en MatLab para analizar y procesar los datos obtenidos en el laboratorio así como datos obtenidos en diversas bases. Esta propuesta dió información sobre el progreso de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje cuando se utilizó el sistema de rúbricas tambien resultado de este proyecto.
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    Project number: 136
    Estrategias de iniciación a la experimentación en laboratorios de las enseñanzas en Óptica
    (2015) Martínez Matos, Óscar; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Canabal Boutureira, Héctor Alfonso; Navarrete Fernández, María de la Cruz; Gonzalo Fonrodona, Isabel; Herrera Fernández, José María; Irigoyen Irigoyen, Maite; Luis Aina, Alfredo; Piquero Sanz, Gemma María; Rodrigo Martín Romo, José Augusto; Sánchez Brea, Luis Miguel; Sánchez Martín, José Antonio; Serna Galán, Julio; Tercero Gómez, José Luis; Torcal Milla, Francisco José; Vilas Prieto, José Luis; Weigand Talavera, Rosa María
    Se propone un cambio en la metodología docente de la asignatura Laboratorio de Física III del Grado en Física, para hacerla más dinámica y potenciar la participación e iniciativas de los estudiantes, adecuándola al espíritu de Bolonia
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    Characterization of holographically generated beams via phase retrieval based on Wigner distribution projections
    (Optics Express, 2011) Martínez Matos, Óscar; Rodrigo Martín-Romo, José Augusto; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Cámara, Alejandro; Cheben, Pavel; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa
    In this work, we propose a robust and versatile approach for the characterization of the complex field amplitude of holographically generated coherent-scalar paraxial beams. For this purpose we apply an iterative algorithm that allows recovering the phase of the generated beam from the measurement of its Wigner distribution projections. Its performance is analyzed for beams of different symmetry: Laguerre-Gaussian, Hermite-Gaussian and spiral ones, which are obtained experimentally by a computer generated hologram (CGH) implemented on a programmable spatial light modulator (SLM). Using the same method we also study the quality of their holographic recording on a highly efficient photopolymerizable glass. The proposed approach is useful for the creation of adaptive CGH that takes into account the peculiarities of the SLM, as well as for the quality control of the holographic data storage.
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    Coherence singularities: birth, evolution, possible applications
    (Workshop on information optics, 2017) Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Abramochkin, Eugeny; Rodrigo Martín-Romo, José Augusto
    Coherent singular beams, in particular optical vortices, are attractive for different applications: free-space optical communication, imaging, particle manipulation, etc. However, their deformation during propagation through random media and speckle noise forced to look to their partially coherent analogues. The singularities of partially coherent beams associated with zero points of the cross-correlation function have been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated for some particular cases of Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) and Hermite-Gaussian (HG) Schell-model beams (SMBs). Here we establish a theoretical background for explanation of these singularities evolution during propagation of the SMBs associated with structurally stable Hermite-Laguerre-Gaussian modes, which include as a particular case the LG and HG ones. The derived a closed-form expression for the evolution of the mutual intensity of such beams allows easily calculating the intensity distribution and cross-correlation function at every plane of paraxial optical system. The birth and evolution of the cross- correlation singularities is analyzed. Their structure in far field serves as a fingerprint of the associated mode while the intensity distribution may not resemble the mode shape. The robustness of these singularities can be exploited for information encoding and random medium monitoring.
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    Classification of lossless first-order optical systems and the linear canonical transformation
    (Journal of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 2007) Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Bastiaans, Martin J.
    Based on the eigenvalues of the ray transformation matrix, a classification of ABCD systems is proposed and some nuclei (i.e., elementary members) in each class are described. In the one-dimensional case, possible nuclei are the magnifier, the lens, and the fractional Fourier transformer. In the two-dimensional case we have-in addition to the obvious concatenations of one-dimensional nuclei-the four combinations of a magnifier or a lens with a rotator or a shearing operator, where the rotator and the shearer are obviously inherently two-dimensional. Any ABCD system belongs to one of the classes described in this paper and is similar (in the sense of matrix similarity of the ray transformation matrices) to the corresponding nucleus. Knowledge of a nucleus may be helpful in finding eigenfunctions of the corresponding class of first-order optical systems: one only has to find eigenfunctions of the nucleus and to determine how these functions propagate through a firstorder optical system.
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    Applications of gyrator transform for image processing
    (Optics Communications, 2007) Rodrigo Martín-Romo, José Augusto; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Calvo Padilla, María Luisa
    Gyrator transform is a new tool for manipulation of two-dimensional signals such as images or laser beam profiles. Here we demonstrate various applications of the gyrator transform for image processing. Several aspects such as noise reduction, filtering and encryption in the gyrator domains are discussed. These operations can be performed by numerical calculations or by an appropriate optical set up.
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    Cantor fractal zone plates: numerical simulation and experimental characterization
    (RIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 8th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications, Pts 1-3: ICO Regional Meeting, 2004) Rodrigo Martín-Romo, José Augusto; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Davis, Jeffrey A.; Ramirez, Laura
    We study experimentally and by numerical simulation the Fresnel diffraction on the recently introduced fractal zone plates (ZPs) associated with Cantor sets'. The focusing properties of these ZPs and the evolution of the intensity patterns at the plane transversal to the propagation direction are discussed. As it follows from numerical simulation the series of conventional and doughnut-like secondary focuses are observed around the principal focus. The position, depth and the size of these focuses depends on the type of Cantor set and the level of the fractal, which are directly related to the number of the corresponding Fresnel zones. The results obtained by numerical simulations are verified in the experiments. The fractal Cantor ZPs of different levels are implemented with a liquid crystal display and with the diapositives. The experimental results obtained by both types of the dispositives are in good agreement with the theory and numerical simulations.
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    Closed-form expression for mutual intensity evolution of Hermite -Laguerre -Gaussian Schell-model beams
    (Optics letters, 2017) Abramochkin, Eugeny; Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana
    We derive a comprehensive closed-form expression for the evolution of themutual intensity (MI) ofHermite -Laguerre Gaussian Schell-model beams (HLG-SMBs) during propagation through rotationally symmetric optical systems. We demonstrate that the MI of the beam associated with a given HLG mode at any transverse plane can be presented as a linear superposition of the MIs of the SMBs associated with the equal and lower index modes of the same type, but of complex argument. The obtained expression allows easy analysis of the evolution of the intensity distribution and the CCF of such beams and, in particular, an understanding of the coherence singularity formation and modification during the beam propagation. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
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    Alternative representation of the linear canonical integral transform
    (Optics letters, 2005) Alieva Krasheninnikova, Tatiana; Bastiaans, Martin J.
    Starting with the Iwasawa-type decomposition of a first-order optical system (or ABCD system) as a cascade of a lens, a magnifier, and an orthosymplectic system (a system that is both symplectic and orthogonal), a further decomposition of the orthosymplectic system in the form of a separable fractional Fourier transformer embedded between two spatial-coordinate rotators is proposed. The resulting decomposition of the entire first-order optical system then shows a physically attractive representation of the linear canonical integral transformation, which, in contrast to Collins integral, is valid for any ray transformation matrix.